2020-02-05 City Council REGULAR MEETING - MinutesItrIEH -:t 15f City Council Ghambers 29844 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 Bill Zimmerman, Mayor Greg August, District 1 Matthew Liesemeyer, District 2 Lesa Sobek, District 3 Dean Deines, District 4 Menifee City Council Regular Meeting Minutes Wednesday, February 5, 2020 5:30 PM Closed Session 6:00 PM Regular Meeting Armando G. Villa, City Manager Jeffrey T. Melching, Gity Attorney Sarah A. Manwaring, City Clerk M!NUTES Mayor Zimmerman called the meeting to order at5:32 p.m. Present were Councilmembers August, Deines, Sobek, Mayor Pro Tem Liesemeyer, and Mayor Zimmerman. There were no public comments. The City Council recessed to Closed Session at 5:32 p.m. for the purposes listed below. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION Paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9 Tony Falco and Rosa Falco v. City of Menifee Riverside County Superior Court Case No. MCC1700399 CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION Paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9 City of Menifee v. All Persons lnterested Riverside County Superior Court Case No. RIC 1722064 REGULAR MEETING (6:00 P.M) 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Zimmerman called the regular meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. City Attorney Jeffrey Melching stated there was no reportable action from Closed Session. 1 2 2.ROLL CALL Attendee Name Bill Zimmerman Greg August Lesa Sobek Matt Liesemeyer Dean Deines Title Mayor District 1 District 3 District 2 District 4 Status Present Present Present Present Present WORDS OF INSPIRATION Pastor Harold Fleeger, Calvary Chapel Romoland PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE John Tribelhorn, President of Arts Council Menifee, led the flag salute. 3 4 o3. CLOSED SESSION (5:30 P.M.) Menifee Mayor and City Council Regular Meeting Minutes Wednesday, February 5, 2020 Page 2 of 8 5. PRESENTATIONS 5.1 . 2019 Santa's Workshop Report Debbie Manion, President of the Menifee Rotary Club, thanked all of the volunteers, the Fire Department and Sponsors for their help with Santa's Workshop. Ms. Manion presented a slide show of the 2019 Santa's Workshop Event. Ms. Manion also presented the Council with a plaque for their sponsorship. The City Council thanked Ms. Manion and the volunteers for their volunteer efforts. Councilmember Sobek, the City Council and Ms. Manion, on behalf of the Rotary Club, presented Riverside County Sheriff Captain Matthew Sims and Menifee Police Chief Pat Walsh with donated stuffed animals that are used to help comfort children in hard times. Captain Sims and Chief Walsh thanked the Council and the Rotary Club. 5.2. Citizen of the Month - Dave Foust The City Counci! presented Dave Foust with a Certificate and recognized his work with Emergency Preparedness, the CERT program and volunteer efforts in the City. The City Council thanked him for his service. Mr. Foust thanked the City Council and stated his love for the community. 6. AGENDA APPROVAL OR MODIFICATIONS The agenda was approved unanimously (5-0) with no modifications 7. PUBLTC COMMENTS (NON-AGENDA ITEMS) Ricky Estrada, Menifee resident, spoke about non-taxpayer revenue. Mr. Estrada suggested an advertisement sign over the freeway entrance to the City. Don Vesey, President of the Quail Valley Community Group, provided an update on the Quai! Valley Community Group meeting and thanked staff for their attendance. Nicole Zundel, Menifee resident, stated her concerns with the fee of $505 for a block party permit, provided a comparison of surrounding cities' fees and asked for the City Council's assistance to lower the fee. Lynette Montgomery, Menifee resident, stated her concerns with the zoning of her property within the Economic Development Corridor (EDC) zoning in the southern gateway. Gillian Larson, Reality Rally, announced the Reality Rally would take place May 14, 15 and 16,2020 and invited the City of Menifee to participate in the competition. Ms. Larson provided a presentation on last year's event. The City Council thanked Ms. Larson for her work to help support Michelle's Place. Menifee Mayor and City Council Regular Meeting Minutes Wednesday, February 5, 2020 Page 3 of 8 8. COUNCILMEMBER UPDATES AND COMMENTS Councilmember August reported on the event he attended.o Point in Time Homeless Count Councilmember Sobek reported on the events and meetings she attended.. Student of the Month for January. Veterans Breakfast by the American Legion Auxiliary at Palmillia Community. Key Ceremony, Homes for our Troops House for Carlos Gomez. Point in Time Homeless Count. Firefighter for a Day for Bi!!y Ojeda. Riverside Conservation Authority (RCA) Meeting. Martin Luther King Ecumenical Service at the View Church. Shella Foundation Anniversary Councilmember Sobek congratulated the Paloma Valley High School NJROTC Battlecats for taking second place in the state and Stated Romoland Elementary School had been honored as a California Distinguished School. Mayor Pro Tem Liesemeyer reported on the meetings he attended.. Western Riverside Council of Governments (WRCOG) Meetingo Mayor's Roundtable Meeting The Counci! provided consensus that they would like to ask WRCOG to provide a presentation on the Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) Program. Mayor Pro Tem Liesemeyer also provided an update on the Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) Program projects, water conservation and the street light retrofit project. Mayor Zimmerman reported on the events and meetings he attended.. Mayor's Roundtable Meeting. Menifee Chamber of Commerce Mediacom Ribbon Cutting. Stakeholder Group Meeting at Menifee Union School District. History Program from Historical Association. Crime Watch Appreciation Dinner. Martin Luther King Ecumenical Service at the View Churcho Shella Foundation Anniversary. Spoke to Cub Scout Troop 374. Veteran's Breakfast by the American Legion Auxiliary at Palmillia Community. Key Ceremony, Homes for our Troops House for Carlos Gomez. K-9 Support Teams Graduation Ceremony. Menifee Munch at Pit Stop Pub. Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC) Two-Day Workshop. Firefighter for a Day for Billy Ojeda. Rancho Springs Medica! Center Extension Announcement. lnterfaith Council Meeting. Chamber of Commerce Wake Up Event at Atria Menifee Mayor and City Council Regular Meeting Minutes Wednesday, February 5, 2020 Page 4 of 8 9. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 9.1. Approval of Minutes of January 15,2020 The minutes were approved (4-0-1) with Councilmember Deines abstaining due to his absence at the January 15, 2O2O meeting. 10. CONSENT CALENDAR Councilmember Sobek requested to pull ltem No. 10.8 Mayor Pro Tem Liesemeyer requested to pull ltem Nos. 10.9, 10.10 and 10.11 The balance of the Consent Calendar was a ved unanimousl 5-0 1 O. 1 . Waiver of Reading in Ful! of Any and all Ordinances Listed on this Agenda and Provide that they be read by Title Only 10.2. Warrant Register ACTION Ratified and approved the Voucher Lists dated 11312020 and 111712020 and the Payrotl Register/Other EFT's dated 12131119, 11712020, 11912020, and 111012020 and the Void Check Listing PE 113112020 which have a total budgetary impact of $6,942,713.20. 10.3. Treasurer's Report, December 2019 ACTION Approved the Treasurer's Report for December 2019. 10.4. Fiscal Year 19120 HPE Nimble Storage Array Purchase ACTION 1. Approved the purchase of a Nimble HF20 Hybrid Flash Storage Array from Helixstorm based on the attached quote for a not-to-exceed amount of $60,542.21 including tax and delivery, and using the lnformation Technology (lT) Department Account number 110-411 5-52500; and 2. Allowed the purchase be made under the cooperative purchasing (piggyback) agreement as permitted under the Menifee Municipal Code Section 3.12.070 (6) through the National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance (NCPA) 01-97 contract, thereby exempting the purchase under the competitive bidding process; and 3. Authorized the City Manager to execute the required documents. RESULT: MOVER: SEGONDER: AYES: Adopted [Unanimous] Matt Liesemeyer ust, Sobek, Liese , Deines Greg August Zimmerman, Menifee Mayor and City Council Regular Meeting Minutes Wednesday, February 5, 2020 Page 5 of 8 10.5 Amendments to Community Development Service Agreements ACTION 1-,qpproved Amendment No.1 in the not-to-exceed amount $30,000 with Kobata Associates lnc. for FY1 9l2O On-Cal! Landscape Design and lnspection Services, and;2. Approved Amendment No.1 in the not-to-exceed amount $105,000 with Rincon lnc. for FY19120 On-Call Contract Planning and Environmental Review Services. 10.6. Community Facilities District No. 2015-2, Annexation No. 20 ACTION Adopted Ordinance No. 2020-292, amending Ordinance No. 2015-173 and levying special taxes to be collected during Fiscal Year 2019-20 to pay the annual costs of the maintenance and servicing of street lights, parks, parkways, streets, roads, and open space, the operation and maintenance of storm drainage systems, a reserve fund for capital replacement, and administrative expenses with respect to City of Menifee Community Facilities District No. 2015-2 (Maintenance Services) (Annexation No. 20). 10.7. Newport Road and McCall Boulevard Sidewalk lmprovements Project, CIP 18-05 ACTION 1. Accepted the lmprovements for the Newport Road and McCall Boulevard Sidewalk lmprovements, CIP 18-05; and 2. Authorized the City Clerk's Office to file the Notice of Completion for the Newport Road and McCall Boulevard Sidewalk lmprovements, CIP 1B-05 with the Riverside County Recorder's Office. 10.8. This item was moved to ltems Pulled from Consent. 10.9. This item was moved to Items Pulled from Consent. 10.10. This item was moved to ltems Pulled from Consent. 10.11. This item was moved to ltems Pulled from Consent. 10.12. 10o/o Warrantee Bond Release, Tract 30554 ACTION Approved the release of the 10% Warrantee Surety Rider for Public lmprovements associated with Tract No. 30554, a35.46 gross acres, 86 single-family residential subdivision located at the northwest corner of Craig Avenue and Evans Road. 10.13. Fairfield lnn Storm Drain lmprovements ACTION 1. Accepted Storm Drain lmprovements for Fairfield lnn Project, Iocated on Parcel Map 36299-1 , south of Newport Road and east of Town Center Drive; and 2. Accepted the 10% Warrantee Bond. Menifee Mayor and City Council Regular Meeting Minutes Wednesday, February 5, 2020 Page 6 of 8 10.14. Release of 1Oo/o Warrantee Bond, Tract 31391-3 ACTION Approved the release of the 10o/o Warrantee Surety Rider for Public lmprovements associated with Tract No. 31391-3, a 31.46 gross acres, 100 single-family residential subdivision located north of Newport Road along Stage Coach Road in the Audie Murphy Ranch Development. 10.15. Bond Reduction for Tract Map 31822-1, Sutter Mitland 01, LLC ACTION 1. Accepted Public Improvements consisting of road/drainage improvements, sewer system, and water system for Tract Map 31822-1, a subdivision of 23.10 gross acres of land into 64 lots for residential use located east of Audie Murphy Road and along Normandy Road; and 2. Approved the 90% Bond Reduction. ITEMS PULLED FROM CONSENT 10.8. All American Asphalt Agreement, CIP 20-10 Councilmember Sobek commented on how important this project was. City Engineer Jonathan Smith stated the project was on track to begin February 27 , 2020. ACTION1. Awarded bid and execute Owner-Contractor Agreement with All American Asphalt for the Andalusia/Belcanto Street Resurfacing Project, CIP 20-10 in the amount of $1 ,009,8 44; and 2. Authorized the City Engineer to execute change orders(s) to cover unanticipated expenditures in the amount not-to-exceed 10o/o of the contract amount or 100 984. 10.9. Kimley-Horn and Associates, lnc. Agreement, CIP 20-11 Mayor Pro Tem Liesemeyer inquired about the design cost for the sidewalk project. Mr. Smith introduced Principal Engineer Carlos Geronimo to provide a presentation. Mr. Geronimo reported on the vicinity map, the proposals that had been received and the existing conditions and issues, proposed improvements, and funding. The City Council thanked Mr. Geronimo for the presentation. ACTION Awarded a Professional Services Agreement to Kimley-Horn and Associates, lnc. for Design Services of Scott Road/Menifee Road Sidewalk (ClP 20-11) in an amount not- to-exceed $60,700. RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: Adopted [Unanimous] Lesa Sobek Matt Liesemeyer Zimmerman, Au ust, Sobek, Liesemeyer, Deines RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: Adopted [Unanimous] Matt Liesemeyer Lesa Sobek Zimmerman, Au ust, Sobek, Liesemeyer, Deines Menifee Mayor and City Counci! Regular Meeting Minutes Wednesday, February 5, 2020 Page 7 of 8 11. 12. 10.10. Amendment No. 1 to Agreement with Rick Engineering Mayor Pro Tem Liesemeyer asked why the amendment was coming fonuard so soon after the contract was awarded. Mr. Smith stated that staff did not have the adequate information from Riverside County prior to the Request for Proposal (RFP) and stated that this is the only time they will come fonrvard for more money, there will not be any other changes moving fonryard. Mr. Smith confirmed they were still on schedule. ACTION Approved and executed Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement with Rick Engineering Company for the Menifee Master Drainage Plan in the amount not-to-exceed 91 0. 10.11 . 10o/o Warrantee Bond Release, CUP 2016-078 Mayor Pro Tem Liesemeyer inquired about the bond date and the timeline for the release. Mr. Smith stated staff had accepted improvements a year ago and held on to the Warranty Bond for a year and they were now ready to be released. ACTION Approved the release of the 1Oo/o Warrantee Surety Rider for Public lmprovements associated with CUP 2016-078, which is a development of 1.94 gross acres of land into one parcel for commercial use located at the southeast corner of Zeiders Road and Cirilo Road. RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: Adopted [Unanimous] Matt Liesemeyer Dean Deines Zimmerman, August, Sobek, Liesem r, Deines PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS None. DISCUSSION ITEMS None. CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS None. RESULT: MOVER: SECONDER: AYES: Adopted [Unanimous] Matt Liesemeyer Dean Deines Zimmerman, August, Sobek, Liesem , Deines 13. Menifee Mayor and City Counci! Regular Meeting Minutes Wednesday, February 5, 2020 Page 8 of 8 14. 15. CITY MANAGER REPORTS None. FUTURE AGENDA REQUESTS FROM COUNCIL MEMBERS Mayor Pro Tem Liesemeyer requested a future item regarding updating the City Committee Resolutions for consistency. Councilmember Deines seconded the request. Councilmember Sobek recognized the Paloma Valley High School students in the audience. 16. ADJOURN Mayor Zimmerman adjourned the meeting at 7.27 p.m. in honor and memory of Ronald Hartley. a .. ':