PC11-092Resolution PC 11-092
Whereas, On February 8, 2011, a formal application was filed with the City of
Menifee for 2011-015 PM Lockman (Parcel Map No. 36353) (the "Project") to divide an
existing 2.43 acre lot into two parcels with a minimum of 1 gross acre. (APN 341-040-
043); and,
Whereas, a duly noted notice of public hearing was posted at the County Clerk
on August 13, 2011, in addition, a notice was mailed to the surrounding property owners
within 600 feet; and,
Whereas, on September 13, 2011 the Planning Commission held a duly noticed
public hearing on the Project, considered public testimony and materials in the staff
report and accompanying documents, which hearing was publicly noticed by a
publication in the newspaper of general circulation, an agenda posting, notice to property
owners within 800 feet of the project site boundaries; and
Whereas, the land division conforms to all requirements of the Menifee General
Plan (the Riverside County General Plan, as adopted by the Menifee Planning
Commission) and to all applicable requirements of state law and the ordinances of
Menifee (the Riverside County ordinances, as adopted by the Menifee Planning
Commission), in that each parcel conforms to the General Plan Land use category of
Medium Density Residential (2-5 DU AC), and the Zoning Designation of Multi Family
Dwellings (R-2) of Ordinance No. 348; and
Whereas, the land division conforms to the Schedule "H" requirements of
Ordinance No. 460; and,
Whereas, the land division is designed for the protection of the public
health, safety and general welfare and conform to the logical development of the land
and to be compatible with the present and future logical development of the surrounding
property, in that the project conforms to the zoning standards for the area; and
Whereas, the site of the proposed land division is physically suitable for the type
of development.
Whereas, the project did take into account topographical and drainage
conditions, in that the City Engineering Department has reviewed the request and has
provided conditions of approval.
Whereas, The Property is in conformance with the General Plan and access and
services are provided to the site. The proposed subdivision will create two lots and the
property has not been previously subdivided within the last two years. Therefore this
project is exempt from CEQA per Section 15315 Minor Land Division.
Resolution No. PC11-092
2011-015 PM Lockman (36353)
NOW, THEREFORE, the Planning Commission of the City of Menifee resolves
and orders as follows:
The Findings set out above are true and correct.
2. 2011-015 PM Lockman (36353) is approved, subject to the Conditions of
Approval as approved by the Planning Commission on September 13, 2011
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 13Id day of September, 2011.
Chris Thomas, airman
ennifer Allen, Planning Commission Secretary
Approved as to Form:
Karen Feld, City Attorney
Wallace W. Edgerton
John V. Denver
Mayor Pro Tem
Darcy Kuenzi
Thomas Fuhrman
Sue Kristjansson
29714 Haun Road
Menifee, CA 92586
Phone 951.672.6777
Fax 951.679.3843
I, Jennifer Allen, Planning Commission Secretary of the City of Menifee, do
hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. PC11-092 was duly adopted by
the Planning Commission of the City of Menifee at a meeting thereof held on the
13th day of September, 2011 by the following vote:
Ayes: Liesemeyer, Matelko, Miller, Zimmerman, Thomas
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
?2nnifer Allen, Planning Commission Secretary
Conditions of Approval for
Tentative Parcel Map No. 36353
Schedule H subdivision of 2.43 gross acres into two 2
residential parcels.
Section I: Conditions applicable to All Departments
Section II: Planning Conditions of Approval
Section III: Engineering/Grading/Transportation
Conditions of Approval
Section IV: Riverside County Flood Control District
Conditions of Approval
Section V: Riverside County Fire Department Conditions
of Approval
Section VI: Riverside County Environmental Health
Conditions of Approval
Conditions of Approval PM 36353 8-26-11 1 of 19
Section I:
Conditions Applicable to all
Conditions of Approval PM 36353 8-26-11 2 of 19
General Conditions
I. Definitions. The words identified in the following list that appear in all
capitals in the attached conditions of Tentative Parcel Map No. 36353 shall
be henceforth defined as follows:
TENTATIVE MAP = Tentative Parcel Map No. 36353, dated March 30, 2011.
FINAL MAP = Final Map or Parcel Map for the TENTATIVE MAP whether
recorded in whole or in phases.
2. Description. The land division hereby permitted is for a Schedule H
subdivision of 2.43 gross acres into two (2) residential parcels with a
minimum lot size of 1 acre. The project is located on the south side of North
Canyon Drive, east of Goetz Road. APN: 341-040-043.
3. 90 Days. The developer/owner has 90 days from the date of approval of
these conditions to protest, in accordance with the procedures set forth in
Government Code Section 66020, the imposition of any and all fees, .
dedications, reservations and/or other exactions imposed on this project as a
result of the approval or conditional approval of this project.
4. Indemnification. The developer/applicant shall indemnify, protect, defend,
and hold harmless, the City and County and any agency or instrumentality
thereof, and/or any of its officers, employees and agents (collectively the
"City and County") from any and all claims, actions, demands, and liabilities
arising or alleged to arise as the result of the applicant's performance or
failure to perform under this tentative map or the City's and County's approval
thereof, or from any proceedings against or brought against the City or
County, or any agency or instrumentality thereof, or any of their officers,
employees and agents, to attack, set aside, void, annul, or seek monetary
damages resulting from an action by the City or County, or any agency or
instrumentality thereof, advisory agency, appeal board or legislative body
including actions approved by the voters of the City, concerning Tentative
Parcel Map 2011-015 (36353).
5. Newly Incorporated City. The City of Menifee is a new City incorporated on
October 1, 2008; the City is studying and adopting its own ordinances,
regulations, procedures, processing and development impact fee structure. In
the future the City of Menifee will identify and put in place various processing
fees to cover the reasonable cost of the services provided. The City also will
identify and fund mitigation measure under CEQA through development
impact fees. Such fees may include but are not limited to processing fees for
the costs of providing planning services when development entitlement
applications are submitted, which fees are designed to cover the full cost of
such services, and development impact fees to mitigate the impact of the
development proposed on public improvements. To the extent that Menifee
may develop future financing districts to cover the costs of maintenance of
improvements constructed by development, Developer agrees to petition for
formation of, annexation to or inclusion in any such financing district and to
pay the cost of such formation, annexation or inclusion.
Conditions of Approval PM 36353 8-26-11 3 of 19
The developer acknowledges it is on notice of the current development fees
and understands that such fees will apply at the levels in effect at the time the
fee condition must be met as specified herein.
6. Comply with Ordinance 460. This land division shall comply with the State
of California Subdivision Map Act and to all requirements of Ordinance No.
460, Schedule H, unless modified by the conditions listed herein.
7. Expiration Date. The conditionally approved TENTATIVE MAP shall expire
three (3) years after the Menifee City Council's original approval date, unless
extended as provided pursuant to the Subdivision Map Act, Ordinance No.
460 or subsequent ordinance adopted by the City. Action on a minor change
and/or revised map request shall not extend the time limits of the originally
approved TENTATIVE MAP. If the TENTATIVE MAP expires before the
recordation of the final phase, no further FINAL MAP recordation shall be
Conditions of Approval PM 36353 8-26-11 4 of 19
Section II:
Planninq Conditions of Approval
Conditions of Approval PM 36353 8-26-11 5 of 19
General Conditions
8. Building Plans. The developer shall cause building plans to be submitted to
the City of Menifee for review by the Department of Building and Safety - Plan
Check Division. Said plans shall be in conformance with the approved
9. Inadvertent Paleontological Find. Should paleontological resources be
inadvertently uncovered during ground disturbing and/or construction activities
all work must be halted in the vicinity and a qualified Paleontologist and the
City of Menifee shall be contacted immediately. The qualified Paleontologist
shall observe the find and assess the significance of the resource. If the
paleontological resource is determined to be a potentially significant resource,
the preparation and implementation of a Phase III Data Recovery Program
shall be performed, including the disposition of recovered artifacts.
10. Human Remains. If human remains are encountered, State Health and
Safety Code Section 7050.5 states that no further disturbance shall occur
until the Riverside County Coroner has made the necessary findings as to
origin. Further, pursuant to Public Resource Code Section 5097.98(b)
remains shall be left in place and free from disturbance until a final decision
as to the treatment and disposition has been made. If the Riverside County
Coroner determines the remains to be Native American, the Native American
Heritage Commission shall be contacted within 24 hours. Subsequently, the
Native American Heritage Commission shall identify the "most likely
descendant" within 48 hours. The most likely descendant shall then make
recommendations and engage in consultation concerning the treatment of the
remains as provided in Public Resources Code Section 5097.98.
11.Inadvertent Find. If during ground disturbance activities, unique cultural
resources are discovered that were not assessed by the archaeological
report(s) and/or environmental assessment conducted prior to project
approval, the following procedures shall be followed. Unique cultural
resources are defined, for this condition, as being multiple artifacts in close
association with each other, but may include fewer artifacts if the area of the
find is determined to be of significance due to its sacred or cultural
importance in consultation with the Pechanga Band of Luiseno Mission
1) All ground disturbance activities within 100 feet of the discovered
cultural resources shall be halted until a meeting is convened between
the developer, the archaeologist, the Native American tribal
representative and the Planning Director to discuss the significance of
the find.
2) At the meeting, the significance of the discoveries shall be discussed
and after consultation with the Native American tribal representative
and the archaeologist, a decision shall be made, with the concurrence
Conditions of Approval PM 36353 8-26-11 6 of 19
of the Planning Director, as to the appropriate mitigation
(documentation, recovery, avoidance, etc.) for the cultural resources.
3) Grading of further ground disturbance shall not resume within the area
of the discovery until an agreement has been reached by all parties as
to the appropriate mitigation.
12. Zoning Standards. Lots created by this TENTATIVE MAP shall be in
conformance with the development standards of the Multiple Family Dwellings
(R-2) zone.
13. Noise. The project site is within one -quarter mile of an occupied residence,
no construction activities shall be undertaken between the hours of 6:00 p.m.
and 6:00 a.m. during the months of June through September and between the
hours of 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. during the months of October through May.
All construction vehicles, equipment fixed or mobile shall be equipped with
properly operating and maintained mufflers. During construction, best efforts
will be made to locate stockpiling and/or vehicle staging areas as far as
practical from existing residential dwellings.
14. Subsequent Review. Any subsequent review/approvals required by the
conditions of approval, including but not limited to grading or building plan
review or review of any mitigation monitoring requirement, shall be reviewed
on an hourly basis, or other appropriate fee, as listed in Ordinance No. 671.
Each submittal shall be accompanied with a letter clearly indicating which
condition or conditions the submittal is intended to comply with.
15. Ordinance 659 Fees. Prior to the recordation of the final map, issuance of
either a certificate of occupancy or prior to building permit final inspection, the
applicant shall comply with the provisions of Ordinance No. 659, which
requires the payment of the appropriate fee set forth in the Ordinance.
Ordinance No. 659 has been established to set forth policies, regulations and
fees related to the funding and construction of facilities necessary to address
the direct and cumulative environmental effects generated by new
development projects described and defined in this Ordinance, and it
establishes the authorized uses of the fees collected.
The fee shall be paid for each residential unit to be constructed within this
land division. In the event Ordinance No. 659 is rescinded, this condition will
no longer. be applicable. However, should Ordinance No. 659 be rescinded
and superseded by a subsequent mitigation fee ordinance, payment of the
appropriate fee set forth in that ordinance shall be required.
Conditions of Approval PM 36353 8-26-11 7 of 19
Prior to Final Map
16. Final Map. After the approval of the TENTATIVE MAP and prior to the
expiration of said map, the developer/owner shall cause the real property
included within the TENTATIVE MAP, or any part thereof, to be surveyed and
a FINAL MAP thereof prepared in accordance with the current Transportation
Department - Survey Division requirements, the conditionally approved
TENTATIVE MAP, and in accordance with Article IX of Ordinance No. 460.
17. Surveyor. The FINAL MAP shall be prepared by a licensed land surveyor or
registered civil engineer.
18. ECS. The developer/owner shall prepare an Environmental Constraints
Sheet (ECS) in accordance with Section 2.2. E. & F. of Ordinance No. 460,
which shall be submitted as part of the plan check review of the FINAL MAP.
19. Dark Sky Ordinance. The following Environmental Constraints Note shall be
placed on the ECS:
This property is subject to lighting restrictions as required by the Menifee
Municipal Code Chapter 6.01, the "Dark Sky Ordinance", which are intended
to reduce the effects of night lighting on the Mount Palomar Observatory. All
proposed outdoor lighting systems shall be in conformance with the Dark Sky
20. Survey Checklist. The Engineering Department shall review any FINAL
MAP and ensure compliance with the following:
A. All lots on the FINAL MAP shall be in substantial conformance with
the approved TENTATIVE MAP relative to size and configuration.
B. All lots on the FINAL MAP shall have a minimum lot size of one (1)
gross acre.
C. All lot sizes and dimensions on the FINAL MAP shall be in
conformance with the development standards of the Multiple Family
Dwellings Zone (R-2), and with the General Plan.
D. All lots on the FINAL MAP shall comply with the length to width ratios,
as established by Section 3.8.C. of Ordinance No. 460.
E. The total number of parcels on the final map shall be 2.
21. Fees. Prior to .recordation, the Planning Department shall determine if the
deposit based fees for the TENTATIVE MAP are in a negative balance. If so,
any unpaid fees shall be paid by. the developer/owner and/or the
developer/owner's successor -in -interest.
Conditions of Approval PM 36353 8-26-11 8 of 19
22. Quimby Fees. The land divider shall submit to the Planning Department -
Development Review Division a duly and completely executed agreement
with the Menifee Park and Landscape District or other entity acceptable to the
Planning Director which demonstrates to the satisfaction of the City that the
land divider has provided for the payment of parks and recreation fees and/or
dedication of land for the TENTATIVE MAP in accordance with Section 10.35
of Ordinance No. 460.
23. Quimby. The land divider/permit holder shall present certification to the
Planning Department that payment of parks and recreation fees and/or
dedication of land for park use in accordance with Section 10.35 'of Ordinance
No. 460 has taken place. Said certification shall be obtained from the Menifee
Park and Landscaping District or other entity acceptable to the Planning
Prior to Issuance of Grading Permit
24. Building Pad Grading. All grading for any proposed new dwellings and/or
accessory buildings shall occur within the approved building pad sites shown
25. Stephan's Kangaroo Rat Fees. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit,
the land divider/permit holder shall comply with the provisions of Ordinance
No. 663, which generally requires the payment of the appropriate fee set forth
in that ordinance. The amount of the fee required to be paid may vary
depending upon a variety of factors, including the type of development
application submitted and the applicability of any fee reduction or exemption
provisions contained in Ordinance No. 663. Said fee shall be calculated on the
approved development project which is anticipated to be 2.43 acres (gross) in
accordance with the TENTATIVE MAP. If the development is subsequently
revised, this acreage amount may be modified in order to reflect the' revised
development project acreage amount. In the event Ordinance No. 663 is
rescinded, this condition will no longer be applicable. However, should
Ordinance No. 663 be rescinded and superseded by a subsequent mitigation
fee ordinance, payment of the appropriate fee set forth in that ordinance shall
be required.
26. Fees. Prior to issuance of grading permits, the Planning Department shall
determine if the deposit based fees are in a negative balance. If so, any
outstanding fees shall be paid by the applicant/developer.
27. Grading Plan. The land divider/permit holder shall cause a plan check
application for a grading plan to be submitted to the Department of Building
and Safety - Grading Division for review and approval. Said grading plan shall
be in conformance with the approved tentative map, in compliance with
Ordinance No. 457, and the conditions of approval for the tentative map
Prior to Issuance of Building Permit
28. All utility extensions within a lot shall be placed underground.
Conditions of Approval PM 36353 8-26-11 9 of 19
29. Impacts to the Menifee Union School District and Perris Union High School
District shall be mitigated in accordance with California State law.
30. Prior to final approval, the Planning Department shall determine the status of
the deposit based fees. If the fees are in a negative status, the permit holder
shall pay any outstanding balances.
Conditions of Approval PM 36353 8-26-11 110 of 19
Section III:
Gradinq Conditions of -Approval
Conditions of Approval PM 36353 8-26-11 11 of 19
General Conditions:
31. 100 Year Drainage Facilities - All drainage facilities and natural drainage
crossings shall be designed to accommodate 100 year storm flows. Vehicular
access across drainage courses shall be 8 inch thick Portland Cement
Concrete that extend to a vertical height of 1 foot above the 100 year storm
water surface elevation.
32. Drainage Grade - Minimum drainage design grade shall be 1%. The engineer
must submit a variance request for design grades less than 1 % with a
justification for a lesser grade. Portland cement concrete shall have a
minimum 0.5% grade as approved by the City Engineer. Direction of drainage
patterns on the site with direction arrows and respective percent gradient.
33. General Introduction - Improvements such as grading, filling, over
excavation and recompaction, and base or paving which require a grading
permit are subject to the included City Grading conditions of approval.
34. Encroachment Permits — All work to be performed in City, State, or local
agency right-of-way shall obtain all required encroachment permits and
clearances prior to commencement of work.
35. Concrete Work — All concrete including curbs, gutters, sidewalks, driveways,
cross gutters, catch basins, manholes, vaults, etc. shall be constructed with
concrete having a 24 day minimum strength of 3,250 psi.
36. Assessment Districts - Should this project lie within any assessment/benefit
district, the applicant shall, prior to issuance of a building permit, make
application for and pay for their reapportionment of the assessments or pay
the unit fees in the benefit district unless said fees are deferred to building
37. Sewer Line — Any structures on septic systems shall connect to a sewer
system at the time an alignment is constructed on Canyon Drive. The
mandatory time period to connect shall be in accordance with the order or
ordinance in effect at that time set forth by a local or state agency.
Connections from the right of way to the structure will be the responsibility of
the property owner.
Prior to Parcel Map Recordation
38. Paving Inspections - The applicant/applicant shall be responsible for
obtaining the paving inspections required by Ordinance 457. All applicable
inspection deposits shall be placed with the City.
Conditions of Approval PM 36353 8-26-11 12 of 19
39. Driveways — Two driveways or one common driveway are permitted on this
map for ingress and egress purposes. The residential driveways shall be
constructed per Std. No. 206 modified.
40. Access - Access to parcels 1 and 2 are permitted on Canyon Drive in
conformance with County Standard No. 206 modified not to include AC dike.
The driveway approach shall convey the existing drainage pattern. The
minimum radius of 15' shall apply to the driveway edges. The two parcels are
permitted to share a common driveway.
Parcel 2 shall have a all weather access driveway and concrete drainage
crossing with 25 foot bottom and 10% side slopes in the travel direction
within the 30' wide access to the satisfaction of the Fire Marshal. The
crossing shall be a modified Std. No. 209 with a 3 3/ inch flow line from the
level line for low flow conveyance.
Prior to Issuance of Grading Permit
41. No Grading Permits. PM36353 is a Schedule H subdivision. No grading
permits shall be issued pursuant to this subdivision. A separate rough or
precise grading plan shall be submitted and approved by the Engineering
Department to obtain a grading permit.
42. Site Drainage - Positive drainage of the site shall be provided, and water shall
not be allowed to pond behind or flow over and cut and fill slopes. Where
water is collected in a common area and discharged, protection of the native
soils shall be provided by planting erosion resistant vegetation, as the native
soils are susceptible to erosion by running water. Maximum inclination of all
cut and fill slopes shall be 2 horizontal to 1 vertical. Final determination of the
foundation characteristics of soils within on -site development areas shall be
performed by a geotechnical engineer. Prior to issuance of grading permits, a
seismic refraction survey shall be conducted to evaluate the rippability
characteristics of the bedrock on -site indicating the approximate rippability of
the bedrock materials at various depths for grading purposes.
43. Grading Bonds - Grading in excess of 199 cubic yards will require
performance security to be posted with the City Engineering Department.
44. Perpetual Drainage Patterns - The property's grading shall be designed in a
manner that perpetuates the existing natural drainage patterns with respect to
tributary drainage area and outlet points.
45. Water Mains and Hydrants - All water mains and fire hydrants providing
required fire flows shall be constructed in accordance with the appropriate
sections of Riverside County Ordinance No. 460 and/or No. 787, subject to the
approval by Eastern Municipal Water District and the Riverside County Fire
Conditions of Approval PM 36353 8-26-11 13 of 19
46. Slope Erosion Control Plan - Erosion control - landscape plans, required for
manufactured slopes greater than 3 feet in vertical height, are to be signed by
a registered landscape architect and bonded per the requirements of
Ordinance 457.
47.2:1 Maximum Slope - Graded slopes shall be limited to a maximum
steepness ratio of 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) unless otherwise approved.
Prior to Issuance of Buildinq Permit
48. No Building Permits. PM36353 is for a Schedule H subdivision. No building
permits shall be issued pursuant to this subdivision.
49. Flood Hazard Report. Site will include the necessary drainage improvements
to protect the site from flood hazard along with any features necessary to
mitigate the site's impact for both increased runoff and water quality. Unless
otherwise approved by the City, no grading or building permits shall be issued
prior to the approval of a site plan or any other land use case for this site.
50. No Grading or Building Permits. Unless otherwise approved, no grading or
building permits for Parcel Map 36353 shall be issued prior City approval of a
grading plan for all land use cases related to Parcel 1 or Parcel 2.
51. Landscape and Lighting Maintenance District (LLMD) - The project
proponent shall complete annexation to Landscaping and Lighting
Maintenance District No. 89-1-Consolidated for maintenance of traffic signals
within public road
Conditions of Approval PM 36353 8-26-11 14 of 19
Section V:
Riverside Countv Fire Department
Conditions of Approval
Conditions of Approval PM 36353 8-26-11 15 of 19
General Conditions
52. West Fire Protection Planning Office Responsibility. It is the responsibility
of the recipient of these Fire Department conditions to forward them to all
interested parties. The permit number 11-MENI-PM-015 (PM36353) is
required on all correspondence.
Additional information is available at our website: www:rvcfire.org or go to the
link marked "Ordinance 787".
Questions should be directed to the Riverside County Fire Department, Fire
Protection Planning Division at 2300 Market St. Suite 150, Riverside, CA
92501. Phone: (951) 955-4777, Fax: (951) 955-4886
53. Pavement Markers. Blue retro-reflective pavement markers shall be
mounted on private streets, public streets and driveways to indicate location of
fire hydrants. Prior to installation, placement of markers must be approved by
the Riverside County Fire Department
Prior to Map Recordation
54. ECS Driveway Access. ECS map. must be stamped by the Riverside County
Surveyor with the following note: Driveways exceeding 150', but less than 800'
in length shall provide a turnout near the midpoint of the driveway., Where the
driveway exceeds 800', turnouts shall be provided no more than 400' apart.
Approved turnaround shall be provided at all building sites over on driveways
over 300' in length. And shall be within 50' of the building.
55. ECS Driveway Requirement. ECS map must be stamped by the Riverside
County Surveyor with the following note: Access will not have an up or
downgrade of NO more than 15%. Access will not be less than 16 feet width
and will have a vertical clearance of 15'. Access will be designed to withstand
the weight of 85,000 pounds over two axles. Access will have turning radius
of 35' capable of accommodating fire apparatus.
66. Map Turnaround. Fire Department Turnaround can NOT be placed over
leach lines.
57. ECS Automatic/Manual Gates. ECS map must be stamped by the Riverside
County Surveyor with the following note: Gate(s) shall be automatic or manual
minimum 20' in width. Gate access shall be made equipped with a rapid entry
system. Plans shall be submitted to the Fire Department for approval prior to
installation. Automatic/manual gate pins shall be rated with a shear pin force
not to exceed 30 foot pounds. Automatic gates shall be equipped with
emergency backup power. Gates activated by the rapid entry system shall
remain open until closed by the rapid entry system.
58. Residential Fire Sprinklers Required After January 1, 2011 As of
January 1, 201.1 residential fire sprinklers are required in all one and two
dwellings per the California Residential Code, California Building Code and
Conditions of Approval PM 36353 8-26-11 16 of 19
California Fire Code. Both homes on this parcel map are existing. Contact
the Riverside County Fire Department for the Residential Fire Sprinkler
Standard. West County — Riverside Office 951 955 4777
Conditions of Approval PM 36353 8-26-11 17 of 19
Section VI:
Riverside County Environmental
Health Conditions of Approval
Conditions of Approval PM 36353 8-26-11 18 of 19
General Conditions
59. EMWD Service. All lots under Parcel Map no. 36353 are connected to
Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) water service and are not proposing
sewer service at this time. It is the responsibility of the developer to ensure
that all requirements to obtain sewer service for each lot are met with EMWD,
as well as, all other applicable agencies. Any existing septic system(s) must
be properly removed or abandoned under permit with the Department of
Environmental Health (DEH).
Prior to Final Map
60. Water System. A water system shall have plans and specifications approved
by the water company and the Department of Environmental Health.
61. Securities. Financial arrangements (securities posted) must be made for the
water improvement plans and be approved by City Attorney.
62. Sewer System. A sewer system shall have mylar plans and specifications as
approved by the District, the Engineering Department and the Department of
Environmental Health.
63. Annexation. Annexation proceedings must be finalized with the applicable
purveyor for sanitation service.
The undersigned warrants that he/she is an authorized representative of the
project referenced above, that I am specifically authorized to consent to all of the
foregoing conditions, and that I so consent as of the date set out below.
igned Date
V9*P /'::,: �' 0 0 �Or'�P��
Name (please print)
Title (please print).
Conditions of Approval PM 36353 8-26-11 19 of 19