Vance Corporation - Newport Widening CIP15-04..... CALIFORNIA PRELIMINARY NOTICE {For use on Private and Public Works) See Civil Code Sections 8200, et seq., 9300, et. seq OWNER Or Or Reputed Owner (on private work CITY OF MENIFEE 29714 HAUN ROAD MENIFEE, CA 92586 PUBLIC ENTITY (on public work) DIRECT CONTRACTOR or Reputed Direct Contractor, if any. (on private or public work) VANCE CORPORATION 2271 NORTH LOCUST AVENUE RIAL TO, CA 92377 CONSTRUCTION LENDER of Reputed Construction Lender, if any. (on private work) NONE NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER EVEN THOUGH YOU HAVE PAID YOUR CONTRACTOR IN FULL, If the person or firm that has given you this notice Is not paid In full for labor, service, equipment, or material provided or to be provided to your construction project, a lien may be placed on your property. Foreclosure of the lien may lead to loss or all or part of your property. You may wish to protect yourself against this by (1) requ iring your contractor to provide a s igned release by the person or firm that has given you this notice before maki ng payment to your contractor, or (2) any other method that Is appropriate under the circumstances. This notice Is required by law to be served by the undersi gned as a statement of your legal rights. This notice Is not Intended to reflect upon the financ ial condition or the contractor or the person employed by you on the construction proj ect. If you record a notice or cessation or completion of your construction project, you must within 10 days after recording send a copy of the notice or completion to your contractor and the person or firm that has given you this notice. The notice must be sent by registered or certified mail. Failure to send the notice will extend the deadline to record a cla im of lien. You are not required to send the notice if you are a r esidential homeowner of a dwelling containing four or fewer units. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ... Resource Buil ding Materials Inc . 1 0961 Dal e St. Stanton, CA 90 68 0 Pho ne: (71 4) 367-1 0 6 8 F ax : (71 4 ) 7 35 -7 034 Relationship of claimant to the parties MATERIALS SUPPLIER , has furnished or will furnish labor, services , equipment or materials of the following general description: CONSTRUCT I ON MATERIALS , MASONRY SUPPLIES , LANDSCA PING MATER I ALS AND/OR FREIGH T for the building, structure or other work of improvement located at: NEWPORT ROAD WIDENING ; CIP NO . 15-04 -JOB# 570 HAUN ROAD TO BRADLEY ROAD MENIFEE, California The name of the person or firm who contracted for the purchase of such labor, services , equipment or material is : KATO LANDSCAPING 18182 BUSHARD ST FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA, 92708 An estimate of the total price of the labor, services, equipment or materials furnished or to be furnished is : Estimated Cost: $3 ,000 Trust Funds to which Supplemental Fringe benefits are payable : Identify all laborers not paid compensation when due, and any person or entity to whom a portion of a laborer's compensation is paid. (Materials suppliers not required to furnish) Name Address Name Address Name Address Dated 4/11 /2017 Credit Manager Signature Tiiie