2019-01-08 PS Regular MinutesMenifee Public Safety Committee
MINUTES G.'ry op
Tuesday, January 08, 2019
Regular Session 3:00 PM
City Council Chambers MENIFEI~
29714 Haun Road
Menifee, CA 92586 Nk,
Matt Liesemeyer, Chair
Greg August, Committee Member
Reports from the Fire Department and Code Enforcement not provided in the Agenda Packet
were provided at the meeting.
Chairman Matt Liesemeyer called the meeting to order at 3:08 p.m.
Present were: Chairman Matt Liesemeyer, Committee Member Greg August, City
Manager Armando Villa, Assistant City Manager Jeff Wyman, Public Works Director
Jonathan Smith, Committee Secretary Roxana Elliott, Economic Development Manager
Gina Gonzalez, Building Official Colin McNie, Traffic Engineer Rob Blough, Community
Services Director Jonathan Nicks, Community Services Supervisor Jason Hendrix,
Community Services Management Analyst Imelda Huerta, Fire Battalion Chief Josh
Bischof, Police Lieutenant Scott Forbes, Police Sergeant John Burke, Animal Control
Officer J. Bratten, Dave Brown
Committee Member Matt Liesemeyer asked David Brown to introduce himself to the committee.
David Brown introduces himself as . He will be assisting with the start of the City of Menifee's
new Police Department team. Mr. Brown has analyzed the report done by Tom Hicks, he
believes it is a phenomenal team and the report covered a lot, however there were some details
over looked and he will be reviewing them.
Committee Member Liesemeyer reports Greg August will be the Committee Chair for the Public
Safety Committee meetings in the year 2019. However, Committee Member Liesmeyer will be
leading the meeting for January 8, 2019 due to Mr. August being under the weather.
Public Safety Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, January 08, 2019
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5.1. December 11, 2018 Regular Meeting Minutes
The Committee Members approved the minutes unanimously (2-0) with no changes.
Committee Member August asked if it Lesa Sobek was included in the policy as back up
for the Public Safety Committee Members.
City Manager Armando Villa responded he would contact the City Clerk Sarah
Manwaring and confirm it was in the policy.
6.1 Annual Committee Reorganization
• Appoint Committee Chair for 2019
6.2 Fire Department Monthly Report
Fire District Chief Geoff Pemberton provided the monthly Fire stats detailing the number
of calls per month. Mr. Pemberton reported on the average enroute to on scene time for
each Fire Engine for the month of December.
6.3 Police Department Monthly Report
Police Sergeant John Burke provided the monthly stats and cases of interest. Sergeant
Burke reported on various station activities and events for the month of December.
Committee Member Liesemeyer asked for an update on the hit and run that occurred.
Sergeant Burke responded there were suspects in the system and the suspects are
possibly out of this country.
Committee Member August asked about Deputy Rice and the Swag program.
Sergeant Burke responded they had backfilled the position temporarily and there had
been no drop off.
Mr. August asked what is the difference between theft and larceny, where is it coming
from, and is it seasonal.
Sergeant Burke responded with a description of theft and larceny, he also discussed the
different factors that cause influx in crimes.
Public Safety Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, January 08, 2019
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Mr. August asked if you go into a store and steal $900 or less is it a misdemeanor
Sergeant Burke confirmed that is correct.
Mr. August asked about the double suicide at Saint Mary's.
Lieutenant Scott Forbes responded they are not allowed to disclose information in
regards to the case, however at this time they are not looking for a suspect.
Mr. August asked if all deaths are considered homicides
Lieutenant Forbes responded all deaths are homicides until proven otherwise.
City Manager Armando Villa asked about the number of DUIs provided on the report for
Sergeant Burke responded and read off the number of DUIs referenced in the Police
Department Report.
6.4 Code Enforcement Monthly Report
Building Official Colin McNie provided the monthly report for December. Mr. McNie
provided an update on staffing for Code Enforcement positions.
Mr. Liesemeyer asked for an update on a Code Enforcement employee.
Mr. McNie responded the employee was on a medical leave and they had no other
6.5 Animal Control Monthly Report
• Animal Control Services- Animal Friends Of The Valley
Animal Control Officer J. Bratten, reported on the monthly statistics for the
month of December.
Liesemeyer asked why the citations had more than doubled over a month
Ms. Bratten responded Animal Control had been behind on citations and
have caught up over the month.
Mr. August asked about AB 485
Ms. Bratten responded she did not have any additional information on the
matter and will research and report back next meeting.
• Animal Sheltering Services- County of Riverside
Animal Sheltering Services was not present during the meeting.
Public Safety Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, January 08, 2019
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Mr. August asked Economic Development Director Gina Gonzalez for an
updated on the Animal Clinic.
Ms. Gonzalez responded the event will take place on March 09, 2019.
There would be a flyer going out, it will be a free shot clinic, supplies will
be limited. The event will have a vet on staff and Animal Friends of the
Valley will be licensing.
Mr. Liesemeyer asked about roosters reported in a resident's backyard.
Mr. McNie responded they had forwarded the report to animal control
Ms. Bratten responded she did not have any information about a
complaint about roosters. She mentioned she would be sending an email
and reporting back next meeting.
Mr. Liesemeyer asked for an update on pit bulls running through Audi
Murphy residence
Ms. Bratten did not have any information on the report
Ms. Gonzalez mentioned she sent an email to animal control regarding
the matter.
6.6 Public Works/ Engineering Monthly Report
Traffic Engineer Rob Blough provided the monthly report for December and provided
information on future projects.
Mr. Liesemeyer commented on citizens getting angry with loosing access to roads due
to construction.
Mr. Blough responded they will be working with the public's needs.
Mr. August asked about the presentation on traffic safety that was done in July.
Mr. Blough responded that was still in process.
6.7 Community Services Park Ranger Monthly Report
Community Services Supervisor Jason Hendrix introduced the new Community Services
Management Analyst Imelda Huerta.
Mr. Hendrix provided the Park Ranger monthly report for December. Mr. Hendrix
reported on the reduced number of homeless in the community and the SWAG team.
Mr. Hendrix reported on staff recruitment for the Park Ranger vacancy.
Mr. Liesemeyer asked about the CDBG applications
Mr. Hendrix reported they were due the previous week.
Public Safety Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, January 08, 2019
Page 5 of 5
Mr. August commented formal Mayor Winters was working on moving the recycling
centers and asked if that was still in progress.
Sergeant Burke confirmed the recycling centers did cause problems.
Assistant City Manager Jeff Wyman responded there were state requirements for how
many recycling centers each city has and where they are placed.
Mr. Villa responded they would research the topic further and report back.
Mr. August commented on getting information and materials out to the public regards to
the Public Safety Committee meeting.
Committee Secretary Roxy Elliott responded the Agenda Reports and Minutes are
available to the public on the City of Menifee website.
Mr. Liesemeyer discussed reaching out to the Menifee school districts in efforts to bring
school district members to the meetings.
Committee Member Liesemeyer adjourned the meeting at 3:58PM
R y Elf tt, ommittee Secretary