2018-06-12 Public Safety Commitee MinutesMinutes
1. Call to order and roll call
Menifee Public Safety Committee
June 12, 2018
3:00 PM Regular Meeting
City Council Chambers
29714 Haun Road
Menifee, CA 92586
Chairman Matt Liesemeyer called the meeting to order at 3:07 p.m.
Present were: Chairman Matt Liesemeyer, Committee Member Greg August, Acting
Assistant City Manager Jeff Wyman, City Clerk Sarah Manwaring, Records Technician
Roxana Elliott, Economic Development Manager Gina Gonzalez, Building Official Colin
McNie, Public Works Director Jonathan Smith, Traffic Engineer Rob Blough, Community
Services Director Jonathan Nicks, Community Services Supervisor Jason Hendrix, Fire
Battalion Chief Josh Bischof, Police Sergeant Kevin Lamb, Animal Friends of the Valley
Officer Mo Middleton, County Animal Shelter Representative Ryan Long, and Menifee
Union School District Facilities Director Kevin Feddock.
2. Public Comments
Maria Stowe spoke on neighborhood issue with coyotes. She stated people with pets are
in fear of going in their backyard and would like assistance in the matter.
Cynthia Cook spoke on her dog being attacked by a coyote in her backyard. She stated
she thinks the coyotes have moved to the mobile home community down the street.
Victoria Smith came in late and spoke before Officer Middleton reported for Animal
Control. Ms. Smith spoke of the coyote issue. She stated she did not feel hazing was
scarring the coyotes anymore and that the coyotes were losing fear of people. She was
worried coyotes will start attacking small children.
3. Minutes —
The May 8, 2018 minutes were approved unanimously.
4. Fire Department Monthly Report
Fire Battalion Chief Bischof provided the monthly Fire stats detailing the number of calls
per month. Mr. Bischof reported on the average in route to on scene time for each Fire
Engine for the month of May. Mr. Bischof stated there was an increase in response
times and residential fires could be the factor. Chief Bischof also reported on significant
incidents for the month and the station activities and events.
Committee Member August asked Chief Bischof to describe the different types of service calls
and what percentage of calls come from the Sun City community. Chief Bischof stated the
difference between public assist calls and medical calls. He stated that about 60% of the calls
for public assist come from Sun City and 90% of the calls for medical emergencies come from
Sun City.
5. Police Department Monthly Report
Police Sergeant Lamb provided the monthly stats and cases of interest. Sergeant Lamb
reported on various traffic safety events and station activities and events for the month of
Committee Member August asked about the vandalisms that took place on Cherry Oaks Plaza.
Police Sergeant Lamb responded there were two churches and an empty building that were
vandalized. The suspect was taken into custody and is being charged for felony vandalism.
Committee Member Liesemeyer asked about the Perris Station Arrest Log and which incidents
pertain to Menifee. Police Sergeant Lamb responded that incident reports beginning with "ME"
and "CN" belong to Menifee.
Committee Member Liesemeyer asked if the suspect for a murder case in Menifee had
been found.
Police Sergeant Lamb responded he did not know about the case and he would look into
6. Code Enforcement Monthly Report
Building Official McNie provided the monthly report and also reported on the success of
the vehicle abatement program.
Committee Member August commented on the 5 violations for the North Golf Course
and asked how many violations had been corrected.
Building Official McNie responded that Code Enforcement had done and inspection and
North Golf Course had made considerable progress. He spoke of the corrections and the
up and coming improvements.
Mr. McNie spoke on the case on McCall Boulevard that required a demo permit. Committee
member Liesemeyer stated the contractor had told Council that no demo permit was needed
according to Menifee staff.
Economic Development Manager Gina Gonzalez stated they spoke with the customer
and told them they would need a permit to demo the building and they would be able to
get the permit over the counter.
Building Official McNie spoke about cleaning the political signs up on McCall Boulevard
and Bradley Road after the elections.
Committee member Liesemeyer asked how many Code Enforcement officers we have in
the field.
Building Official McNie responded, two.
7. Animal Control Monthly Report
a. Animal Control Services — Animal Friends of the Valleys (AFV)
AFV Officer Middleton spoke on the Coyote issue. She mentioned different
hazing tactics to scare the coyotes away and would be happy to talk the
neighbors after the meeting to discuss more detail. She stated that Fish and
Wildlife will only come out if a coyote interacts with a human.
AFV Officer Middleton reported on the monthly statistics for the month of May.
b. Animal Sheltering Services — County of Riverside
Ryan Long from the County of Riverside Animal Shelter reported on May's
impounds, releases and the number of animals that were euthanized.
8. Public Works/Engineering Monthly Report
Senior Traffic Engineer Rob Blough provided the monthly report.
Senior Traffic Engineer Rob Blough talked about increasing the timer for traffic lights
turning from yellow to red on left turns.
9. Community Services Park Ranger Monthly Report
Community Services Supervisor Jason Hendrix provided the Park Ranger monthly
Community Services Supervisor Jason Hendrix reported that the park rangers would be
working closer with the Sherriff's department. Officers will be able to call park rangers
and the non -emergency number and the park ranger hotline will be posted at the parks.
10. School District Monthly Report
Facilities Director Kevin Feddock did not have anything to report, but thanked the
committee for inviting him to attend
11. City Manager Comments
No comments
12. Committee Members Comments
No comments
13. Adjournment
Committee Member Liesemeyer adjourned the meeting at 4:14PM