2018-05-08 Public Safety Committee MinutesCity of Menifee
Public Safety Committee
Meeting Minutes
May 8, 2018
1. Call to order and roll call
Chairman Matt Liesemeyer called the meeting to order at 3:01 p.m.
Present were: Chairman Matt Liesemeyer, Committee Member Greg August, City
Manager Armando Villa, Acting Assistant City Manager Jeff Wyman, Deputy City Clerk
Jennifer Allen, Economic Development Manager Gina Gonzalez, Building Official Colin
McNie, Public Works Director Jonathan Smith, Traffic Engineer Rob Blough, Community
Services Director Jonathan Nicks, Community Services Supervisor Jason Hendrix, Fire
Battalion Chief Josh Bischof, Police Lieutenant Scott Forbes, Police Sergeant Kevin
Lamb, Animal Friends of the Valley Officer Mo Middleton, and County Animal Shelter
Representative Ryan Long.
2. Public Comments
Committee Chair Liesemeyer called for public comments and there were none.
3. Minutes
The April 10, 2018 minutes were approved unanimously.
4. Fire Department Monthly Report
Fire Battalion Chief Bischof provided the monthly Fire stats detailing the number of calls
per month. Mr. Bischof reported on the average enroute to onscene time for each Fire
Engine for the month of April. Mr. Bischof stated that Division Chief Pemberton and he
met with the community builders regarding the upcoming fire fee schedule before the
City Council and they received positive feedback. Chief Bischof also reported on
significant incidents for the month and the station activities and events.
Committee Member August stated he received the post card from the Firefighters Union
regarding Measure DD and thanked them for their support.
Committee Chair Liesemeyer asked if the addition of the medic at Fire Station No. 7 has
affected the monthly average numbers. Chief Bischof stated that adding a medic
increases the percentage of times a truck can make it to a call in under five (5) minutes.
5. Police Department Monthly Report
Police Sergeant Lamb provided the monthly stats and cases of interest. Sergeant Lamb
reported on various traffic safety events and station activities and events for the month of
Committee Chair Liesemeyer stated he met with Police Captain Fellows and hoped for a
follow-up regarding the use of the helicopter that is seen flying over Menifee and asked if
a press release is planned to go out. Lt. Forbes stated the helicopter is just another -
patrol unit but has a greater view from the sky. He stated he is not sure if the Sheriff's
Department will issue the press release or if that will come from the City. Sergeant Lamb
added that the pilot lives in Menifee and so those that see him fly over the same area is
because of the flight pattern from his home to the station.
6. Code Enforcement Monthly Report
Building Official McNie provided the monthly report and noted that the parking citation
stats are up because it is the season for recreational vehicles (RV) and many people
leave their RVs on the street longer than what is allowed. Sergeant Lamb stated they
recently issued several parking citation in the Rustler's Ranch community.
Committee Chair Liesemeyer asked for an update on the Ascot Way property. Mr. McNie
stated staff is working with the Attorney to issue a cease and desist letter and he
explained several issues with the property.
Committee Chair Liesemeyer asked if the City is contracted with Vector Control. Mr.
McNie stated the City does have a contract, however staff will attempt to address any
issues then call Vector Control if needed.
7. Animal Control Monthly Report
a. Animal Control Services — Animal Friends of the Valleys (AFV)
AFV Officer Middleton reported on the monthly statistics for the month of April
noting that due to the heat there is an increase in rattlesnakes.
Committee Member August stated that consideration to review a microchipping
ordinance was brought up at the Council meeting and asked what type of
backlash is to be expected if a mandatory microchipping ordinance is enacted.
Officer Middleton stated there may be some backlash in the beginning, however
when owners lose their pet and they can be found due to the microchip, they will
be thankful. Ms. Middleton stated that a package bundle for licensing and
microchipping can be offered to residents at a reduced rate.
Committee Member August asked who is responsible for animals on the golf
course since it is private property. Ms. Middleton stated they would attempt to
find the owner of the pet and also try to encourage the private property owner to
install a fence and signs.
b. Animal Sheltering Services — County or Riverside
County of Riverside Representative Long provided the statistics noting the
number of strays, adoptions, and live releases for the month of April.
City of Menifee Public Safety Committee Minutes 2
May 8, 2018
8. Public Works/Engineering Monthly Report
Traffic Engineer Rob Blough reported on various traffic signal operations, lane striping
projects, street signage projects, school related issues, and installation of speed radar
trailers. Mr. Blough noted that Public Works staff will meet quarterly with the Sheriff's
department to coordinate and address issues throughout the City.
Committee Member August asked if Measure DD funds have increased the opportunity
for completing improvement projects. City Engineer Smith stated yes, the funds have
made it possible to complete many projects.
9. Community Services Park Ranger Monthly Report
Community Services Supervisor Jason Hendrix provided the monthly report noting that
the Park Rangers have been enforcing the helmet laws at Audie Murphy Ranch (AMR)
Skate Park and there seems to be more compliance. Mr. Hendrix reported on the
homeless contacts for the month of April and noted the Park Rangers have been
working with Social Work Action Group (SWAG) to provide services for transients.
Committee Chair Liesemeyer asked for the number of contacts made at AMR. Mr.
Hendrix stated 159 contacts were made. Chair Liesemeyer asked if the enforcement
report could reflect the quantity instead of the percentage. Mr. Hendrix stated he could
revise the report to include the numbers.
10. School District Report
Romoland District Representative Ricky Alyassi detailed the monthly report noting that
each campus conducts emergency drills so the staff and students are prepared for any
11. City Manager Comments
12. Committee Members Comments
13. Adjournment
Chairman Liesemeyer adjourncsd the meting at 4:00 p.m.
h A. Manwaring, City
City of Menifee Public Safety Committee Minutes
May 8, 2018