2018-03-13 Public Safety Committee MinutesCity of Menifee,YY�oF,
Public Safety Committee
Meeting Minutes
March 13, 2018
1. Call to order and roll call
Chairman Matt Liesemeyer called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m.
Present were: Chairman Matt Liesemeyer, Committee Member Greg August, City
Manager Armando Villa, Deputy City Clerk Jennifer Allen, Economic Development
Manager Gina Gonzalez, Building Official Colin McNie, Public Works Director Jonathan
Smith, Traffic Engineer Rob Blough, Community Services Director Jonathan Nicks, Fire
Division Chief Geoff Pemberton, Fire Battalion Chief Josh Bischof, Police Lieutenant
Scott Forbes, Police Sergeant Kevin Lamb, Animal Friends of the Valley Officer Mo
Middleton, Animal Friends of the Valley Officer Will Tucker, County Animal Shelter
Representative Ryan Long, County Animal Shelter Representative Dwight Esplanade,
and Romoland School District Representative Ricky Alyassi.
2. Public Comments
Committee Chair Liesemeyer called for public comments and there was none.
3. Minutes
The January 9, 2018 and February 13, 2018 minutes were approved unanimously.
4. Fire Department Monthly Report
Fire Battalion Chief Bischof provided the monthly Fire stats detailing the number of calls
per month and the station activities and events. Chief Bischof noted a two percent (2%)
increase in onscene response times. Mr. Bischof reported on the planning case reviews
for the month of February.
Tomas Salas, Sun City resident, spoke regarding sand bags needed during rain events.
Battalion Chief Bischof stated sand bags and sand are available at the Quail Valley
station and the Menifee Lakes station. Mr. Salas indicated he has back issues and
cannot fill his own bags. Chief Bischof stated that if there is a firefighter at the station
and not out at a call they could help.
Committee Chair Liesemeyer inquired about an additional medic at one of the stations.
Chief Pemberton stated he will be discussing the location of the new medic with the City
Manager in the near future.
5. Police Department Monthly Report
Police Sergeant Lamb reported on the monthly stats and cases of interest. Sergeant
Lamb noted that the Sheriff's Department conducted a traffic safety event funded
through an Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) grant and a probation activity search. Mr. Lamb
stated the online report service is live and they have received approximately 150 reports
through the online service.
Committee Member August inquired about programs for the homeless. Sergeant Lamb
stated that they have met with some churches to discuss safety measures for dealing
with transients. Community Services Director Nicks stated that Riverside County offers
services through programs such as City Net and a new program to the Region, SWAG.
6. Code Enforcement Monthly Report
Building Official McNie provided the monthly report noting that they received 104 new
complaints in the month of February. Mr. McNie stated that staff is working on preparing
weed abatement notices that will be mailed out on June 1, 2018.
Committee Chair Liesemeyer asked how many cases are active. Mr. McNie stated that
about 700 cases are active out of the 104 new cases.
Committee Chair Liesemeyer inquired about a resident that spoke at the last Council
regarding the north golf course. City Manager Villa stated that staff is working on a report
to address the issues at the north golf course and will bring it before the Council in the
near future.
7. Animal Control Monthly Report
a. Animal Control Services — Animal Friends of the Valleys (AFV)
AFV Representative Officer Middleton reported on the monthly statistics for the
month of February. Officer Middleton reported on notable cases specifically one
in Quail Valley regarding roosters.
Committee Member August asked if AFV has a program to assist the homeless
with their animals. Officer Middleton stated they have volunteers that will help
secure a safe home for the animal and they also will provide food for animals in
Committee Chair Liesemeyer inquired about a case on Ascot Road regarding
several goats and pigs. Officer Middleton reported on the issues that include
excessive animals and feces on the property. She also reported on the citations
given and the status of the case. Mr. McNie added that he has issued a cease
and desist letter to the owner. City Manager Villa stated that staff will meet to
discuss the issues on the property and determine what needs to happen next.
City Manager Villa asked what happens to the roosters that are impounded.
Officer Middleton stated some bird farms will adopt the roosters, however if they
are a fighting cock, they are typically euthanized. County Representative Long
added that they utilize rescue groups to adopt the roosters when appropriate.
b. Animal Sheltering Services — County or Riverside
City of Menifee Public Safety Committee Minutes 2
March 13, 2018
County of Riverside Representative Long provided the statistics noting the
number of strays, adoptions, and live releases for the month of February.
Committee Member August inquired about the term "euthanized treatable". Mr.
Long explained the term "euthanized treatable" and stated that when possible the
animal is treated and put up for adoption.
8. Public Works/Engineering Monthly Report
Traffic Engineer Rob Blough reported on various traffic signal operations, lane striping
projects, street signage projects, school related issues, and installation of speed radar
trailers. Mr. Blough noted that cameras were installed at Newport Road and Haun Road.
Committee Member August requested a list of the streets scheduled for striping and
asked what the cameras are for. Public Works Director Smith stated he will bring the list
to the next meeting. Mr. Blough stated the cameras allow him to make adjustments from
his computer when traffic is not flowing properly as it should; the cameras do not record.
9. Community Services Park Ranger Monthly Report
Community Services Director Nicks provided the monthly report noting cases of interest.
Mr. Nicks stated the majority of enforcement took place at Audie Murphy Skate Park
(AMR) and noted the issues that were addressed.
Committee Member August asked how private property calls are handled. Mr. Nicks
stated depending on the level of call, either Code Enforcement is called out or the
Sheriff's Department to address private property concerns.
10. School District Report
Menifee Union School District Representative Alyassi reported on the Romoland School
District's activities, trainings, and events for the month of February. Mr. Alyassi noted the
Sheriff's Department is conducting trainings at the various schools for active shooter
Committee Chair Liesemeyer inquired about a threat at Paloma High School. Lieutenant
Forbes stated they are aware of the potential threat and they are working with the
districts on responses and actions to these kinds of calls.
11. City Manager Comments
City Manager Villa stated he is working with the Sheriff's department to provide active
shooter training for City Hall staff.
12. Committee Members Comments
13. Adjournment
:Chairmaansemeyer adjourned the meeting at 4:12 p.m.
�6nnifer Allen, Deputy City Clerk
City of Menifee Public Safety Committee Minutes
March 13, 2018