2018-02-13 Public Safety Committee MinutesCity of Menifee
Public Safety Committee
Meeting Minutes
February 13, 2018
1. Call to order and roll call
Chairman Matt Liesemeyer called the meeting to order at 3:02 p.m.
Present were: Chairman Matt Liesemeyer, Committee Member Greg August, City
Manager Armando Villa, Acting Assistant City Manager Jeff Wyman, Deputy City Clerk
Jennifer Allen, Economic Development Manager Gina Gonzalez, Building Official Colin
McNie, Traffic Engineer Rob Blough, Community Services Director Jonathan Nicks, Fire
Division Chief Geoff Pemberton, Fire Battalion Chief Josh Bischof, Fire Marshal Paul
Villalobos Police Captain Greg Fellows, Police Sergeant Kevin Lamb, County Animal
Shelter Representative Dwight Esplanade, and Romoland School District Representative
Ricky Alyassi.
2. Public Comments
Committee Chair Liesemeyer called for public comments and there was none.
3. Minutes
The December 12, 2017 minutes were approved unanimously. The January 9, 2018
minutes were postponed to the next meeting for approval.
4. Fire Department Monthly Report
Fire Battalion Chief Bischof provided the monthly Fire stats detailing the number of calls
per month and the station activities and events. Battalion Chief Bischof stated that they
have had an increase in calls due to a spike in flu cases. Mr. Bischof noted that public
contacts increased due to the new fire station. Committee Chair Liesemeyer inquired
about a Fire presentation at the March 7, 2018 City Council Meeting recognizing
firefighters that served in Menifee. Mr. Bischof stated that if the agenda permits they will
present the awards at the March 7, 2018 meeting. Committee Member August inquired
about the dinner with the Firefighters event. Mr. Bischof stated everyone had a good
Fire Marshal Villalobos presented the statistics for the Office of the Fire Marshall for the
month of January 2018. Mr. Villalobos reported on plan review projects, development
related meetings, and field inspections for the month. Committee Chair Liesemeyer
asked how the increase in work load is being handled. Mr. Villalobos noted the
challenges involved with the amount of paperwork for the department and that an office
assistant and permit technician positions will be presented in the budget for
consideration to keep up with the workload.
5. Police Department Monthly Report
Police Sergeant Lamb reported on the monthly stats and cases of interest. Sergeant
Lamb noted that the Sheriff's Department has various traffic safety events coming up
funded through an Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) grant. Committee Member August
reported on an upcoming event at the Cherry Hills Plaza regarding safety measures in
the community. Committee Chair Liesemeyer inquired about the timeline for the newly
hired motorcycle officer. Captain Fellows stated they are completing their training and
will begin on April 3, 2018 and then he will work on training for a fourth motorcycle
6. Code Enforcement Monthly Report
Building Official McNie provided the monthly report for January. Mr. McNie stated that he
has shifted around some staffing schedules and enforcement will now be conducted on
Sundays. Committee Member August asked how many code officers the City has. Mr.
McNie stated he has three (3) code officers and one staff member filling in on an acting
basis. Mr. August asked what department addresses the homeless issues. Mr. McNie
stated that depends on the call; Code Enforcement, Community Services and the Police
Department address the issues depending on the level of the call. Committee Chair
Liesemeyer asked how many open code cases there are currently. Mr. McNie stated
there are approximately nine hundred open code cases.
7. Animal Control Monthly Report
a. Animal Control Services — Animal Friends of the Valleys (AFV)
Animal Friends of the Valleys representative was absent.
b. Animal Sheltering Services — County or Riverside
County of Riverside Representative Esplanade provided the statistics noting the
number of strays, adoptions, and live releases for the month of January.
Committee Member August inquired about the type of dogs euthanized. Mr.
Esplanade stated the euthanizations are based on a medical assessment.
8. Public Works/Engineering Monthly Report
Traffic Engineer Rob Blough reported on various traffic signal operations, lane striping
projects, street signage projects, school related issues, and installation of speed radar
trailers. Committee Member August asked if Mr. Blough will be handling the community
outreach in relation to traffic issues. Mr. Blough stated that in conjunction with Public
Works Director Smith, they will provide the necessary community outreach. Committee
Chair Liesemeyer reported on speeding on Newport Road and Murrieta Road and asked
how to address the issue. Mr. Blough noted many traffic safety measures that could be
used to address the issues and stated that he will analyze the areas mentioned to
determine what precautions warrant safety improvements. Committee Member August
asked if Measure DD funds can be used to fund traffic safety measures. City Manager
Villa stated it is possible, however, the improvements most likely would need to be
associated with a larger project and that he would have to look at it in further detail.
City of Menifee Public Safety Committee Minutes
February 13, 2018
9. Community Services Park Ranger Monthly Report
Community Services Director Nicks provided the monthly report noting cases of
solicitation around the City and the Park Rangers' encounters with the homeless.
Committee Member August asked if the Park Rangers address the homeless
encampments on their own. Mr. Nicks stated it depends on the level of call and if
necessary they will have either Code Enforcement or the Police Department assist on
high level priority calls.
10. School District Report
Menifee Union School District Representative Alyassi reported on the Romoland School
District's activities, trainings, and events for the month of January. Committee Chair
Liesemeyer inquired about a recent lockdown in the Romoland School District. Mr.
Alyassi reported on the incident and stated that the Sheriff's Department assisted with
the incident and everything is under control with no further issues. Captain Fellows
added that there was a miscommunication and the incident was handled rapidly.
11. City Manager Comments
City Manager Villa stated he had no report.
12. Committee Members Comments
Committee Member August reported on the recent Menifee Munch event and noted its
13. Adjournment
Chairman Liesemeyer adjourned the meeting at 3:45 p.m.
Jrfifer Allen, Deputy City Clerk
City of Menifee Public Safety Committee Minutes
February 13, 2018