2018-01-09 Public Safety Committee MinutesCity of Menifee
Public Safety Committee
Meeting Minutes
January 9, 2018
1. Call to order and roll call
Chairman Matt Liesemeyer called the meeting to order at 3:04 p.m.
Present were: Chairman Matt Liesemeyer, Committee Alternate Lesa Sobek, City
Manager Armando Villa, Acting Assistant City Manager Jeff Wyman, Deputy City Clerk
Jennifer Allen, Economic Development Manager Gina Gonzalez, Building Official Colin
McNie, Director of Public Works/Engineering Jonathan Smith, Traffic Engineer Rob
Blough, Community Services Supervisor Jason Hendrix, Fire Division Chief Geoff
Pemberton, Police Sergeant Kevin Lamb, County Animal Shelter Representative Ryan
Long, Animal Friends of the Valley Officer Will Tucker and Menifee Union School District
Representative Tim Grangruth.
2. Public Comments
Committee Chair Liesemeyer called for public comments and there was none.
3. Minutes - The December 12, 2017 minutes were postponed to the next meeting for
approval by all regular Committee Members.
4. Fire Department Monthly Report
Division Chief Pemberton provided the monthly Fire stats detailing the number of calls
per month and the station activities and events. Division Chief Pemberton stated that
they have had an increase in calls due to a spike in flu cases. Mr. Pemberton stated they
picked up some calls since American Medical Response (AMR) could not make it to all
of them in the time. He noted that AMR is contracted to arrive to calls in a certain time or
they are fined. Committee Chair Liesemeyer asked who receives the fine. Chief
Pemberton stated the fine fees comes back to the City. Committee Alternate Sobek
stated that community outreach would be beneficial to the public to inform them of what
type of calls are emergency related. Ms. Sobek suggested recruiting tools to help
educate the public and mentioned that the Disaster Emergency Fair would be a great
place for community outreach.
Division Chief Pemberton also reported on the upcoming Shop with a Firefighter event.
Committee Alternate Sobek asked who coordinates the event. Mr. Pemberton stated
Target and the School Districts coordinate the event. Division Chief Pemberton reported
that Fire received an increase of calls in 2017 by thirty percent and that he will be setting
up a meeting with City Manager Villa to discuss a plan to possibly add another squad.
5. Police Department Monthly Report
Police Sergeant Lamb reported on the monthly stats and cases of interest. Sergeant
Lamb noted that the online reporting system is now up and running for Menifee so
residents can report issues online. Committee Chair Liesemeyer inquired about the
percentage of stolen vehicles that are recovered. Sergeant Lamb stated the majority are
recovered however recreational toys and hauling trailers are more difficult to recover.
Committee Chair Liesemeyer asked when the new motor cop will start. Sergeant Lamb
stated he will start in about a week and two (2) more motors have been purchased so
those will be up and running in the near future.
6. Code Enforcement Monthly Report
Building Official McNie provided the monthly report for December. Mr. McNie reported
on a new program he is working on with Public Works and Community Services to
address illegal dumping. Mr. McNie stated they may need to purchase a trailer for bulky
item pickups.
Committee Alternate Sobek asked if there is an area in the City that has more dumping
than others. Mr. McNie stated that the dumping is all over the City, however it happens
more often on unpaved portions around the City. Mr. McNie gave an overview of the
illegal dumping process and stated that he is looking into funding sources for more
equipment. Committee Alternate Sobek stated that she would like to see a staff report on
this item at a Council meeting. Committee Chair Liesemeyer stated he is a little leery of
the negative effects and that people will think they can dump more often since it will be
cleaned up. Mr. Liesemeyer suggested a reward system be put in place for those that
report the illegal dumpers.
Committee Chair Liesemeyer inquired about additional staffing in Code Enforcement.
Mr. McNie stated that recently an admin staff member became certified and is now
working as a code officer so he is back up to four (4) officers. Committee Alternate
Sobek asked if each officer covers a district. Mr. McNie stated he has one officer that
handles vehicle abatement and the other three (3) officers handle the code issues
throughout the City.
Committee Chair Liesemeyer inquired about a case on Scott Road and Wickerd Road
regarding a residence with excessive pigs and goats. Mr. McNie stated Code
Enforcement and Animal Control have both issued citations to the property owner. Mr.
McNie gave an overview of the issues at the residence and stated they are trying to get
the owner to come into compliance. City Manager Villa asked if the property owner is
being cited daily. Animal Friends of the Valley Representative Tucker stated they issued
a citation last week and are due in a couple days to visit the residence to see if any
changes have been made on the property and if not they will issue another citation.
Committee Alternate Sobek stated she received a call from the complaining party. Mr.
McNie stated he has also spoken to the complaining party and since it is an open case
he can't give out to much information, however he did inform the caller that they are
working on getting the property owner into compliance.
7. Animal Control Monthly Report
a. Animal Control Services — Animal Friends of the Valleys (AFV)
City of Menifee Public Safety Committee Minutes 2
January 9, 2018
Officer Tucker reported on the monthly statistics for the month of December.
Officer Tucker reported on notable cases specifically one in Quail Valley where a
female was arrested for cruelty to animals. Committee Alternate asked how
Animal Friends of the Valley was notified of the issues. Mr. Tucker stated that a
visitor to the residence called in the complaint.
Committee Alternate Sobek inquired about chickens allowed in residential
neighborhoods and that some cities have revised their Ordinance to allow them.
Officer Tucker stated the number of chickens allowed depends on the zoning and
that City of Murrieta has revised their Ordinance to allow chickens in some
residential zones.
b. Animal Sheltering Services — County or Riverside
County of Riverside Representative Long provided the statistics noting the
number of strays, adoptions, and live releases for the month of December.
8. Public Works/Engineering Monthly Report
Traffic Engineer Rob Blough introduced himself and gave a brief description of his work
history. Mr. Blough reported on various traffic operations around the City that included
signal operations, lane striping projects, and street signage projects.
Committee Chair Liesemeyer asked City Engineer Smith to explain why a crosswalk is
not warranted on Holland Road by Lago Vista Sports Park. Mr. Smith stated that a
survey was conducted and there were not enough pedestrians that cross in this area to
warrant a crosswalk. Mr. Smith stated he will work with Traffic Engineer Blough and
consider other calming devices that will make the street safer to cross.
City Engineer Smith provided an update on the road closures and conditions due to the
recent rain events. Committee Chair Liesemeyer inquired about the Quail Valley
Sidewalk improvements. Mr. Smith stated he has not received a report back from his
department and he will have to bring that information back.
9. Community Services Park Ranger Monthly Report
Community Services Supervisor Hendrix provided the report noting cases of solicitation
around the City and that the Park Rangers have been addressing the transient concerns
at Rancho Ramona Park. Mr. Hendrix reported that the Park Rangers have attended a
training to become certified in interpretive learning on trails and provided an overview of
the program. Economic Development Manager Gonzalez stated that the program is
similar to Adopt -A -Trail where they will learn the history of the parks and be able to
identify plant and animal species. Mr. Hendrix also reported on the Audie Murphy Ranch
(AMR) Skatepark and noted that a light bar and speaker system will be installed on the
Park Ranger vehicle.
Committee Chair Liesemeyer asked for an update on the bathroom at the AMR Sports
Park. Ms. Gonzalez stated that a meeting with Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD)
is scheduled to discuss the sewer connection.
City of Menifee Public Safety Committee Minutes
January 9, 2018
10. School District Report
Menifee Union School District Representative Grangruth thanked the Public Works
Department and Sheriff's Department for working with the district on traffic circulation
Committee Chair Liesemeyer asked if the crosswalk on Evans and Newport could be
looked at for additional safety devices for the kids that cross there. Traffic Engineer
Blough stated he will take a look at the intersection.
11. City Manager Comments
City Manager Villa stated that he does not like to see graffiti in the City and will work with
Public Works on a rapid response to these issues.
12. Committee Members Comments
Committee Alternate Sobek stated she gets so much information at this meeting when
she attends and that she would like to see this information shared with the entire Council
and the public.
13. Adjournment
Chairman Liesemeyer adjourned the meeting at 4:24 p.m.
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January 9, 2018