2017-05-09 Public Safety Committee MinutesCity of Menifee
Public Safety Committee
Meeting Minutes
May 9, 2017
1. Call to order and roll call
Chairman Greg August called the meeting to order at 3:01 p.m.
Present were: Chairman Greg August, Committee Member Matt Liesemeyer, Interim
City Manager Ron Bradley, Deputy City Clerk Jennifer Allen, Administrative Analyst
Kayla Charters, City Engineer/Public Works Director Jonathan Smith, Building Official
Colin McNie, Senior Code Enforcement Officer Wayne O'Gara, Battalion Chief Josh
Bischof, Animal Friends of the Valley Officer Will Tucker, and Director of Pupil Services,
Romoland School District Ricky Alyassi.
2. Public Comments
Committee Chair August called for public comments and there was none.
3. Minutes
The April 11, 2017 minutes were approved unanimously.
4. Fire Department Monthly Report
Battalion Chief Bischof provided the Fire stats for the month of April. Chief Bischof
detailed the number of calls per month. He provided a report noting the events attended,
station tours, and trainings conducted. Battalion Chief Bischof reported on an incident
case involving a 250 gallon tank of used waste fluids on Jackson Avenue. He noted that
with coordination between all agencies they were able to contain and mitigate the
Chief Bischof stated that tracking the homeless calls, as requested at the previous
meeting, is challenging since some of the callers do provide an address when the call is
taken even though they don't reside at the address.
5. Police Department Monthly Report
Police Lieutenant Fellows reported on April stats and cases of interest. Lt. Fellows also
reported on events such as the Health Fair, Coffee with a Cop, and the mail theft and
education program presentation. Lt. Fellows noted they are reviewing applications
received following the Crime Watch recruitment event held on April 22, 2017.
Committee Member Liesemeyer asked if Police could provide a presentation at a City
Council meeting regarding the mail theft and education program. Lt. Fellows stated to let
him know when and they could provide the presentation.
Committee Chair August asked City Manager Ron Bradley to review the proposed Police
and Fire contracts with Committee Member Liesemeyer and himself at a later date. City
Manager Bradley stated he could set up a meeting to review the proposed contracts.
6. Code Enforcement Monthly Report
Building Official Colin McNie provided the monthly report for April. Building Official
McNie noted that calls regarding building code violations, public nuisance, and vehicle
abatement have increased. Mr. McNie reported on the commercial structure fire on
Jackson Ave. noting that the businesses are in the process of getting their HAZMAT and
City approvals due to the fire damage.
Committee Chair August asked if Code has received any more calls regarding the North
Golf Course. Building Official McNie stated they are still receiving calls regarding rodent
abatement and weed abatement and noted that the owner has been noticed on these
7. Animal Control Monthly Report
a. Animal Control Services — Animal Friends of the Valleys (AFV)
Officer Tucker reported on the statistics for the month of April. Mr. Tucker gave
an overview on the grants available to residents and the new online license
program. Officer Tucker also reported on a horse incident and other cases of
b. Animal Sheltering Services — County or Riverside
County of Riverside representative was absent.
8. Public Works/Engineering Monthly Report
City Engineer Smith stated the speed survey is complete and he is in the process of
reviewing the results. Mr. Smith provided a report on graffiti abatement, weed
complaints, traffic complaints and an analysis for traffic signs.
Committee Chair August asked what districts the traffic issues were in. City Engineer
Smith provided the streets and districts where the traffic incidents occurred.
Committee Member Liesemeyer inquired about the process for the speed survey. City
Engineer Smith gave an overview of the review process noting that the Newport Road
survey will be done once the construction is complete.
Committee Chair August inquired about the timeline for installing the traffic signs. City
Engineer Smith stated when the survey review is complete, staff will draft a report to go
before the City Council that will include the location for the requested traffic signs and
they will be installed following Council approval.
Committee Chair August asked if money from Measure DD can be used to assist with
more road crew maintenance services. City Manager Bradley stated he is working with
the Finance Director to appropriately disperse the funds from Measure DD as needed.
City of Menifee Public Safety Committee Minutes
May 9, 2017
Mr. Bradley noted that securing the vehicle license fee (VLF) money will help with Public
Works maintenance as well.
9. School District Report
Director of Pupil Services Alyassi provided a report for the Romoland School District. Mr.
Alyassi gave an overview of the recognition the District received regarding their school
attendance program. He also reported on their attendance rate, truancy rate, the
Romoland Community Achievement Respect Encouragement Support (CARES)
program, and the Fitbits program.
10. City Manager Comments
➢ Measure DD Oversight Committee Status Report
City Manager Bradley reported on the first Measure DD Oversight Committee
Meeting that occurred on May 1, 2017. Mr. Bradley stated the Committee's next
meeting is on June 13, 2017.
11. Committee Members Comments
12. Adjournment
Chairman August adjourned the meeting at 3:44 p.m.
Fnifer Allen, Deputy City Clerk
City of Menifee Public Safety Committee Minutes
May 9, 2017