2016-08-09 Public Safety Committee MinutesCity of Menifee Public Safety Committee Meeting Minutes August 9, 2016 1. Call to order and roll call Chairman Greg August called the meeting to order at 3:15 p.m. Present were: Chairman Greg August, Committee Member Matthew Liesemeyer, City Manager Rob Johnson, Western Riverside Council of Governments Intern Andres Medrano, Deputy City Clerk Jennifer Allen, Economic Development Manager Gina Gonzalez, Code Enforcement Technician Avie Barron, Lieutenant Steve Mike, Battalion Chief Josh Bischof, and Animal Control AFV Officer Mo Middleton. 2. Public Comments Committee Chair August called for public comments. Bob Cook spoke regarding the poor condition of the Crime Watch vehicles and that they are overdue for maintenance. He also noted the volunteers in Crime Watch deserve more respect. Lieutenant Mike stated the Police Department appreciates all of their volunteers as they are a vital part of their organization. He noted that the retired County vehicles are repurposed and used for things such as the Crime Watch cars. He stated he would pass the information to his department. City Manager Johnson stated that other options such as seeking donations from private entities may be a viable option for the repairs needed for the Crime Watch cars. 3. Minutes May 10, 2016 minutes were approved unanimously. 4. Vagrancy Concerns Committee Chair August called upon Mr. Davis. Mike Davis reported on the homeless issues affecting all cities and the possible options to help reduce the problem. He stated a solution may be to create a task force to determine alternative measures to deal with and reduce the homeless community. City Manager Johnson asked Mr. Davis to provide his contact information to Intern Medrano so a meeting could be set up to discuss a plan of action. Mr. Johnson stated a strategy plan will then be brought back to the next Public Safety Committee meeting to discuss the next step. 5. Discuss Argument in Favor of Sales Tax Measure City Manager Johnson reviewed the wording for Measure DD, a one -cent sales tax increase to be placed on the November 8ih ballot. The Committee agreed to the wording and recommended the wording to the City Council. City Manager Johnson noted that a consultant, Lew Edwards Group, provided a quote to distribute educational outreach mailers to the Menifee residents. He reported on the cost associated with the mailers and the type and number of mailings that will go out to the residents. Committee Chair August asked if only one mailing could be done to keep the costs low. City Manager Johnson stated the consultant suggests three (3) mailings go out to the residents, however one mailing could go out if that is what the Council decides. Committee Chair August and Committee Member Liesemeyer discussed advantages and disadvantages of hiring a consultant to do the mailings and agreed to discuss the community outreach mailings at a future time. 6. Fire Department Monthly Report Chief Josh Bischof provided the reports for May, June, and July. He reported on the total calls per month and the number of calls made to Canyon Lake. Committee Member Liesemeyer asked if Chief Bishcof heard of cases of refrigerators causing explosions in resident's garages. Chief Bischof stated he has not heard about any case involving refrigerators causing an explosion. 7. Police Department Monthly Report Police Lieutenant Mike reported on the activity reports for May, June, and July. Committee Member Liesemeyer asked if a report could be provided on the number of accidents and the fatalities on the stretch of road from Newport to the 15 freeway. Lt. Mike stated he would pass on the request to Lt. Fellows. Committee Chair August inquired about the inaccuracy in rape statistics. Lt. Mike stated he would ask Lt. Fellows to check the numbers and follow up at the next meeting. 8. Code Enforcement Monthly Report Code Enforcement Technician Barron presented the May, June and July statistics. She reported on the number of administrative citations issued and the new complaints received. City of Menifee Public Safety Committee Minutes August 9, 2016 Committee Member Liesemeyer inquired about a code issue at the Circle K gas station. Mrs. Barron noted a notice of violation was issued and Code Enforcement will follow up. Committee Member Liesemeyer requested a citation summary report be brought back. Committee Chair August inquired about the gas station at Bradley and McCall. Mrs. Barron stated she would check status with the code enforcement officer and send Chair August an email with an update. 9. Animal Control Monthly Report a. Animal Control Services — Animal Friends of the Valleys Officer Middleton reported on the statistics for the months of May, June, and July. She reported on a wellness case that involved malnourished horses in Romoland. She noted the horses have been removed from the home and are being treated. Committee Chair August asked if the nuisance calls are typically resolved without removing the animal. Officer Middleton stated most cases are resolved without having to remove the animal from the home. b. Animal Sheltering Services — County or Riverside County Animal Shelter representative was absent. 10. Public Works Report —Traffic Report City Manager Johnson noted the traffic report has been moved to the September 13, 2016 meeting. 11. Committee Members Comments Committee Member Liesemeyer suggested a presentation be brought back regarding the operation and procedures of Crime Watch. 12. Adjournment Chairman August adjourned the meeting at 4:36 p.m. Jennifer Allen, Deputy City Clerk City of Menifee Public Safety Committee Minutes August 9, 2016