2016-04-12 Public Safety Committee MinutesCity of Menifee Public Safety Committee Meeting Minutes April 12, 2016 1. Call to order and roll call Chairman Greg August called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m. Present were: Chairman Greg August, Committee Member Matthew Liesemeyer, Deputy City Clerk Jennifer Allen, Economic Development Manager Gina Gonzalez, Building Official/Code Enforcement Director Colin McNie, Code Enforcement Technician Avie Barron, Senior Code Enforcement Officer Wayne O'Gara, Police Captain Brandon Ford, Lieutenant Greg Fellows, County Animal Shelter Jasmine McNamara, and Animal Control AFV Will Tucker. 2. Public Comments Committee Chair August called for public comments. Linda Owens, resident, spoke about a ticket she recently received for driving her golf cart in a golf cart permitted area in Sun City. She noted that the permit she received from Riverside County Sheriff's department is displayed on the front windshield. Captain Ford spoke with Ms. Owens prior to the meeting and he stated that he will look in to the incident. Ms. Owens also reported on the Golf Olympics Competition on May 7, 2016. Tom Thurman, resident, spoke regarding personal belongings and debris on the Church property located on Carmel Road. Code Enforcement Director McNie stated that he is working with the Church to take care of the debris and other issues; this is private property and the Church is ultimately responsible. 3. Minutes March 8, 2016 minutes were approved unanimously. 4. Fire Department Monthly Report Fire Department representative was absent. The report was reviewed with no questions for follow up. 5. Police Department Monthly Report Police Lieutenant Fellows reported on the activity report for March. Lt. Fellows gave an overview of the community events for the month of March noting they were all well attended. Committee Chair August complimented Captain Ford on his presentation at the April 6, 2016 City Council meeting. Committee Chair August asked if Police has been involved in reviewing the farmers market in Sun City. Captain Ford stated they have been involved in the permitting process and have provided comments regarding the traffic impacts. Committee Member Liesemeyer inquired about the rape statistics in the report. Lieutenant Fellows stated there is no threat to public safety. 6. Code Enforcement Monthly Report Code Enforcement Director McNie presented the March statistics including the total notices of violations issued and the total follow-up inspections performed in March. Committee Member Liesemeyer suggested adding a column to the report for open cases. Committee Member Liesemeyer inquired about the excess of clothing and debris in the Fitness 19 center on Newport Road. Building Official McNie stated that the blue donation box tends to be a dumping ground for unwanted items. He stated Code Enforcement addressed the box in the past and it has now returned. He stated Code Enforcement will be contacting the property owner as they are responsible for maintaining and cleaning their property. City Manager Johnson suggested the public be informed of the two (2) bulky item pick- ups, per year offered by Waste Management. Economic Development Manger Gonzalez stated she would work on ways to make this information available to the public. Committee Member Liesemeyer asked for an update on the public nuisance property on Kennedy Lane. Building Official McNie stated now that the bid process is complete, Code Enforcement can begin the process of obtaining a warrant to enter the property to begin the abatement. Senior Code Enforcement Officer O'Gara noted he would be visiting the court on Wednesday, April 13th to apply for the warrant. 7. Animal Control Monthly Report a. Animal Control Services — Animal Friends of the Valleys Officer Tucker presented March's service statistics. He stated the increase in administration citations are generated from the shelter. City Manager Johnson asked if the increase is due to licensing. Officer Tucker stated it is likely, although he is not positive. Officer Tucker reported on a case on Bundy Canyon that they are working with the homeowner to decrease the amount of pigs on the property. City of Menifee Public Safety Committee Minutes 2 April 12, 2016 b. Animal Sheltering Services — County or Riverside Jasmine McNamara with County Animal Shelter reported on statistics for March noting the total impounds and releases for the month. 8. City Manager Comments City Manager Johnson reported on Item No. 12.1 from the April 6, 2016 City Council Meeting that included a comprehensive overview of existing revenue sources to provide funding for existing and future community services, particularly public safety. He stated new revenue sources will need to be identified to keep up with future growth and asked the Committee to discuss and review the alternative revenue sources and provide feedback to the City Manager to include in his report at the next Council meeting. The Committee discussed and reviewed; establishing a CFD on new residential housing, a November 2016 ballot measure for a general sales tax, a November 2016 ballot measure for a public safety tax, a November 2016 ballot measure for a utility user tax, an advisory measure on the November 2016 ballot to determine the public's interest in creating a City police department and a possible tax to pay for it, and a special election ballot measure in 2017 for a sales tax or public safety tax. Following discussion and review, Committee Chair August and Committee Member Liesemeyer recommended the following to the City Council; the formation of a Community Facilities District (CFD) for public safety on all new single family and multifamily housing units and a 1 % general sales tax measure to be placed on the November 2016 ballot. 9. Committee Members Comments Committee Member Liesemeyer briefly stated that he is not excited about implementing tax revenue sources, however the issue must be addressed to keep up with the future growth of the City. 10. Adjournment Chairman August adjourned the meeting at 3:56 p.m. ;�Yennx-ifer Allen, Deputy City Clerk City of Menifee Public Safety Committee Minutes 3 April 12, 2016