2016-01-12 Public Safety Committee MinutesCity of Menifee
Public Safety Committee
Meeting Minutes
January 12, 2016
1. Call to order and roll call
Chairman Greg August called the meeting to order at 3:06 p.m.
Present were: Chairman Greg August, Committee Member Matthew Liesemeyer, City
Manager Robert Johnson, City Clerk Sarah Manwaring, Senior Management Analyst
Gina Gonzalez, Building Official/Code Enforcement Director Colin McNie, Code
Enforcement Technician Avie Barron, Police Cpt. Mike Judge, Lt. Greg Fellows, County
Animal Shelter Emma Singh, and Animal Control AFV Monique Middleton.
2. Public Comments
There were none.
3. Minutes
December 8, 2015 minutes were approved unanimously.
4. Fire Department Monthly Report
Batallion Chief Jorge Rodriguez was not in attendance and there was no report given.
The Committee asked about Canyon Lake calls from Fire Station No. 5. City Manager
Robert Johnson directed Gina Gonzalez to follow up with the request and forward the
information to the Committee.
5. Police Department Monthly Report
Police Lieutenant Greg Fellows presented the monthly report.
The Public Safety Committee asked about the cost to maintain police motorcycles as it
looked high this month. Gina Gonzalez was directed to follow up and forward the
information to the Committee.
Chairman August asked Lieutenant Fellows to look at the intersection of Sun City
Boulevard and McCall Boulevard going west for potential U-turn violations.
Chairman August asked about an incident regarding homeless individuals behind the
Ralphs store. Mayor Pro Tem August asked if staff is offering the homeless the pocket
guide and if they are accepting it. Building Official Colin McNie said that they do not
accept it and they do not want help.
The Committee discussed community engagement. City Manager Robert Johnson said
that an outreach article can be published in the next Menifee Matters newsletter with
more information.
The Committee discussed funding for public safety services. City Manager Robert
Johnson stated that there is a study involving eleven cities with current contracts with the
Riverside County Sheriff's Department to check efficiencies with the contract. The
Committee asked staff to report back with alternate funding to pay for public safety.
6. Code Enforcement Monthly Report
Building Official Colin McNie presented the report. Mr. McNie stated the number of
complaints will most likely go back up after the holidays. He reported that Code
Enforcement is ramping up the vehicle abatement program and that homelessness is
still an issue.
The Committee discussed the possibility of a bus voucher program for the homeless to
help them reunite with their family. Staff was directed to look at the options for this type
of program and report back to the Committee.
7. Animal Control Monthly Report
a. Animal Control Services — Animal Friends of the Valleys
Officer Maurine Middleton reported on animal control. She stated that the rain
has increased calls. The Committee asked about the Quail Valley area. Officer
Middleton said that there have been more licenses and registrations in Quail
b. Animal Sheltering Services — County of Riverside
Ms. Singh reported on the animal sheltering services for the month. Ms. Singh
also reported that the County of Riverside has adopted Ordinance 630,
http://rivcocob.org/agenda/2016/01 05 16 files/09-01.pdf, regarding service
fees. Attachment 1 shows the new service rates based on a comparative
8. City Manager Comments
City Manager Robert Johnson reported that staff is compiling a list of septic
pumping services to share with the Quail Valley community to contact after a rain
event. Public Works Manager Steven Glynn said that the list of contractors will
include a 25% reduction in price. He said that he will attend the next Quail Valley
meeting to present information regarding proper septic care including how to
clean it and how and when to pump it.
City Manager Robert Johnson asked the Committee for their input related to the
Council's request to look into the possibility of a Public Safety and Traffic
Commission. The Committee discussed the idea. Staff said that it could create
longer process times and more time for staff to correct issues. Staff currently
works well with the Public Safety Subcommittee to address issues. Police
Captain Ford said that the Public Safety Subcommittee is satisfying that
component and an additional Commission could create an inefficient layer. The
Committee agreed that the staff is doing a good job on the committee.
9. Committee Members Comments
Committee Member Liesemeyer asked about Uber related to public safety and how can
the City address issues, and should the City address issues. City Manager Robert
Johnson said that taxis are heavily regulated, but unfortunately Uber is a collaboration of
people with no meter and cannot be regulated.
10. Adjournment
Chairman August adjourned the meeting at 4:21 p.m.