2015-09-08 Public Safety Committee MinutesCity of Menifee
Public Safety Committee
Meeting Minutes
September 8, 2015
1. Call to order and roll call
Chairman Greg August called the meeting to order at 3:04 p.m. Present were: Chairman
Greg August, Committee member Matthew Liesemeyer, City Manager Robert Johnson,
City Clerk Kathy Bennett, Senior Management Analyst Gina Gonzales, Police Captain
Mike Judge, Police Lt. Charles Guillen, Police Lt. Greg Fellows, Fire Chief Jorge
Rodriguez, Animal Friends of the Valleys Officer Middleton, County of Riverside Animal
Shelter representative Emma Singh, and Code Enforcement Director Colin McNie.
2. Public Comments - none
3. Minutes — May 12, 2015 — approved by Chairman August, Committee member
Liesemeyer not in attendance on May 12, 2015.
4. Organizational Meeting
a. Direction on Time and Date of Meetings
Chairman August asked the departments to cover the regular statistics.
Lt. Charles Guillen detailed the statistics for August for the Police Department
and answered questions regarding some of the statistics. Chairman August
asked the department if tracking could be done on calls for panhandlers,
particularly at the Sun City shopping center. The Captain agreed to work on
getting those statistics for the next meetings.
Chief Jorge Rodriguez covered the fire Statistics for the month of August.
Director McNie reviewed the statistics for Code Enforcement for August.
Chairman August asked about cleaning of storm drains due to weeds and
Director McNie noted it was a difficult process to determine who has
maintenance responsibility for the storm drains but they are working to do so with
each separate complaint.
Committee member Liesemeyer asked the City Manager to move the marijuana
ordinance forward to Council.
Public Safety Committee Minutes
September 8, 2015
Officer Middleton detailed the statistics for the Animal Friends of the Valleys for
Animal Control Services for August and agreed to report on the spay and neuter
programs at the next meeting.
Emma Singh of the County Animal Control services noted the press release went
out for the free spay and neuter program and it did not specify that it was for
Menifee so the calls were from all over the County and the correction stated that
there was no spay and neuter program but now the Menifee program has been
announced and publicized properly. She verbally gave the statistics for the
shelter for August. The written details were not sent in time for the meeting. She
noted they would be available in the future. She noted there will be a Halloween
event for kids to benefit the animals.
Chairman August asked the City Manager to consider return of the ordinance
regulating marijuana growing to the City Council.
Chairman August asked each department to consider any changes to formatting
of the meeting that would be beneficial.
Committee member Liesemeyer asked the public safety team what might be
considered by the Council to assist them in doing the best job for the City.
Captain Judge stated that the city-wide public safety CFD would give a start to
the needed funds for proper staffing of the police department.
Committee member Liesemeyer asked if the staff could continue to meet with the
schools regarding drop off and pick up of students as it becomes a traffic hazard.
Chairman August continued to ask for any and all assistance on the homeless
situation that he feels is getting worse.
The Committee members agreed to continue the meetings on the second
Tuesday of each month at 3 p.m. The next meeting is October 13, 2015 at 3 p.m.
b. Direction on Matters to be Covered Regularly — department reports, etc.
The group determined to continue the regular reports from departments and add
any items that come up as the meetings progress.
c. Direction on Other Matters for Consideration
As needed.
5. City Manager Comments
Public Safety Committee Minutes
September 8, 2015
City Manager Johnson asked for any assistance Police can provide on the issues
surrounding the homeless/vagrants in Sun City as he noted there is a large awareness
recently of the issues.
6. Committee Members Comments
None further.
7. Adjournment
Chairman August adjourned the meeting at 4:00 p.m.
Kathy Bennett, City Clerk