2015-05-12 Public Safety Committee Minutes1
City of Menifee
Public Safety Committee
May 12, 2015
Meeting Minutes
1. Call to order and roll call
Chairman John Denver called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m. Present were: Chairman
John Denver, Committee Member Greg August, City Manager Robert Johnson, City
Clerk Kathy Bennett, Senior Management Analyst Gina Gonzalez, Police Captain Mike
Judge, Police Lt. Charles Guillen, Fire Chief Jorge Rodriguez, Code Enforcement
Technician Avie Barron, Senior Code Enforcement Officer Wayne O’Gara, Emergency
Services Coordinator Steve Glynn, and Animal Control Officer Monique Middleton from
Animal Friends of the Valleys.
2. Public Comments
3. Minutes – April 14, 2014
Approved as presented.
4. Activity Reports/Status Updates Police Department
Lt. Charles Guillen provided an activity report update for the month of April to the
Committee (included with Minutes). Committee members asked questions of clarification
for some of the statistics.
5. Activity Reports/Status Updates Fire Department
Chief Rodriguez covered the fire department statistics for the month of April to the
committee. Committee members gained clarification on some of the types of calls and
how they are handled. Chief Rodriguez also noted that CPR is now available at Station
76 on the 3rd Wednesday of every month.
6. Activity Reports/Status Updates Code Enforcement
Senior Code Enforcement Officer O’Gara provided Code enforcement statistics for the
month of April. Committee members asked questions about how some calls are handled
and information on other enforcement methods.
7. Activity Reports/Status Updates Emergency Services
Public Works Manager Steve Glynn reported that the CERT training that the City has
been working to provide on a regular basis is now ready and is set for the Kay Ceniceros
Center. He also reported that, after years of work, the City is now approved for the
Hazardous Mitigation Plan through FEMA.
City of Menifee Public Safety Committee Meeting
May 12, 2015
8. Activity Reports/Status Updates from Animal Control Providers
a. County of Riverside Sheltering Services
Not in attendance.
b. Animal Friends of the Valleys Animal Control Services
Officer Middleton of the Animal Friends of the Valleys reported on statistics for
the month of April, noting changes from previous months and the reasons those
changes might happen. She agreed to provide statistics on spay and neuter at
the next meeting.
9. City Manager Comments
City Manager Johnson reported that he attended the Board of Supervisors meeting this
morning where the Sheriff Contract for the upcoming fiscal year was discussed, resulting
in a 7.04% raise in the contracted rate. He noted the Sheriff did a good job of describing
the methodology for the change but also that the Board of Supervisors heard the
concern from the contract cities participating and speaking.
10. Committee Members Comments
11. Adjournment
Chair Denver adjourned the meeting at 4:05 p.m.
Kathy Bennett, City Clerk