2015-02-10 Public Safety Committee Meeting MinutesCity of Menifee Public Safety Committee
Meeting Minutes
February 10, 2015
1. Call to order and roll call
Committee Chairman John Denver called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
Present were: Chairman John Denver, Committee member Greg August, City Manager
Robert Johnson, City Clerk Kathy Bennett, Captain Mike Judge, Lt. Charles Guillen, and
Animal Control Officer Middleton.
2. Public Comments
3. Minutes — October 14, 2014
Approved as presented.
4. Activity Reports/Status Updates Police Department
Captain Judge covered the latest stats with the committee. Chairman Denver asked him
to be prepared for making recommendations of staffing and other needs of the Police
Department for the Legacy building workshop in January.
5. Activity Reports/Status Updates Fire Department
Fire Department statistics were distributed but the Committee members agreed to
discuss at an upcoming meeting as Fire Chief Rodriguez was unavailable due to fire
duty out of the area.
6. Activity Reports/Status Updates from Animal Control Providers
a. County of Riverside Sheltering Services — not able to attend the meeting.
b. Animal Friends of the Valleys Animal Control Services
Officer Middleton reviewed the statistics for Animal Friends of the Valleys calls,
after hours calls, calls for multiple needs and citations and licenses issued.
7. City Manager Comments
City Manager Johnson noted that Code Enforcement and Emergency Services updates
will be added to the future agendas along with the date of the next meeting for
information purposes.
8. Committee Members Comments
9. Adjournment
Chairman Denver adjourned the meeting at 4:05 p.m.
Kathy Bennett, City Clerk