2019/03/19 Easement Menifee Town Center Master AssociationCity of Menifee 279'14 Haun Road Menifee, CA. 92586 No FEE (Gov. Code 6'103) WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: 2@L9-@,@91754 03/19/2019 03:57 Pn Fe.t I O.OO P.gc 1of 3 Record.d in 0fflcl!I R€cords County of Riversid€Petcr A ldrnaAssessor-Couhty Clcrk-Rccordcr llll fli !t-lllilrl#[,!+ltXilllliltll ll I SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE The undersigned grantor declares DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX $ NONE 611APN: Within 360-850-022 EASEMENT QUITCLAIM FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the CITY OF MENIFEE, does hereby REMISE, RELEASE AND FOREVER Q UITCLAIM to MENIFEE TOWN CIINTER MASTER .{SSOCIA'IION. a California non -o rolit mutu al henefit corDoration all right, title and interest in and to a portion ofan easement dedicated to the public for storm drain purposes within Parcel 22 ofParcel Map 36299-1, as shown in Parcel Map book 238, pages 88 through 93, inclusive, records ofRiverside County, State of Califomia. The real property in the State of California, County of Riverside, City of Menifee, described as SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT'A" AND EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART THEREOF De By: BILL Z arlment nlype A notary public or other officer completing this certihcate verifies only the identity ofthe individual who signed the document to which this cenificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity ofthat document. STATE OF CALIFORNIA coUNTY oF R. i/rrs -v. IN,4MER , Mayor, City of Menifee Attests MANWARING, CIerK to the A, By}SS ) nifee vvho proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the personlr) lvhose nar.i|e(d dqgre subscribed to the within rnsltument andjicknowledged to me that JelsFG^Xey executed the same in \&i/bCrltldr authorized c2pacity('rd). and .that by his/her/their srgnature(i, on the instrument thd person(, or the entity upon behalf of 'lvhich the person(, acted, exeauled the instrument. ON (before me, a notary public personally appeared I certify under Penalty of Perjury under the laws of the State Of California that the forgoing paragraph is true and correct- WITNESS my lloll,y Pdlac - Crlirorni. Rlyartid! Counly Commiliion r 2l6il953 My Comm €r Signa da I sea (This area for official notarial seal) rres Sa 17. 2010 1t'v vpv EXHIBIT *A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION STORM DRAIN EASEMENT QUITCLAIM QC l8-004 That portion of a 20 foot wide storm drain easement lying within Parcel 22 of Parcel Map No.36299-l as shown on Map recorded in Book 238, Pages 88 through 93, inclusive ofParcel Maps, Records of Riverside County, lying within Section 3, Township 6 South, Range 3 West, San Bemardino Meridian, in the City of Menifee, County of Riverside, State of California, being described as follows: COMMENCING at the northeasterly comer of said 20 foot wide storm drain easement, said point being an angle point on the southerly right ofway line of City Hall Drive (30 feet half- width southerly) as slrown on said Parcel Map; Thence South 20"24'19" West along the southeasterly line ofsaid easement, a distance of 50.30 feet to an angle point thereof; Thence North 90"00'00" West along the southerly line of said easement, a distance of 37.85 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNINCI Thence continuing along said southerly line, North 90"00'00" West, a distance of 21.85 feet to an angle point thereof; Thence North 00"00'00" East along the westerly line ofsaid easement, a distance of 20.00 feet to an angle point thereof; Thence North 90'00'00" East along the northerly of said easement, a distance of 29,98 feet to a point thereon; Thence leaving said northerly line, South 2207'41" West, a distance of 21.59 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 5 l9 square feet, nrore or less SEE PLAT ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "B' PREPARED UNDER MY SUPERVISION N/i ael E Johnson, L.S. 7673 Date Assessor's Parcel Number(s): 360-850-022 Section 3, Township 6 South, Range 3 West, SBM Prepared By: JCR Checked BV: ?tll'-*T- N0.7675 E -L JO LANOo tt s o OF O\Ltf G:\20 | 7\ l7-0412\Drawings\Mapping\Legal & Plats\I7-0412 SD ESMT QUITCLAIM LEGAL.docx Albert A. Webb Associates Page I of I ?/'e ' EXH!BIT ''B" DRAIN EASEMENT QUITCLAIM QC 18-004 W N STORM NOIES Q CENTERLINE COR, CORNER NE'LY NORTHEASTERLY POC POINT OF COMMENCEMENT E SR/W RTGHT 0F wAY a S.F. SQUARE FEET TPOB TRUE POINT OF 8E6/NN/NG ( CITY EAII DRIVE LOT,,E,, R/w N89'16',40y 469.94', POC NE,LY COR, SD E,4SEMENI L6 L _\z_b s .N b P I '6. 2o d.t i"..,v ^i s,s N90',00'00"E 45.80' .,v ryo 30 _a TPOB J7,85' l-- n/w I I I I H & si-3'o.5 ()J () N90'00'001,/ 59.70' PARCEL MAP 36299-1 PM 238l88-s3 PARCEL 22 1 2A' 10 0 20 SEC.3, T65, RJW, SBM ?/z; W f,BB AR|./.: 519 S.F. L4 L2 1 LINE TABLE LINE f DIRECTION LENGTH L1 N89'16'40'yt 3.32' L2 N9 0'00'0a"vt 21 .85' tJ N00'00'00't 20.00' N90'00'00"E 29.98' L5 s22'07'41'yl 21.59' L6 N89' 1 6'4A'y,t 21.24' LAN0 oF o\L\ o ALEERT A A S S O C IAT E S CITY OF MENIFEE C:\2017\17 -0412\0rowings\Mopping\Legol & Plots\17-0142 SD ESMI 1UtlCUtM Pul.dvtg 9/26/2018 2:06 PM THIS PUT tS SOLELY AN AtD tN L1CAT|NG THE PARCEL(S) lN THE ATTACHED DACUMENT. ALL PRIMARY C/ILS ARE LOCATED IN THE WRITIEN DOCUMENT.SHEIT 1 OF 1 w.a. 17-+12 DRWN BY JCR CHKD BY MEJ DArE 06/20/18 DATE - SUBJECT: STORM DRAIN EASEMENT QUITCLAIM EXISTING EASEMENT 20' STORM OMIN F,ASEMENIS DEAATEO fo THE CfiY OF MENTFEE PER PM 238/88-93. L4 767 3N0, E WEBB SCALE: 1'=20'