2014-10-14 Public Safety Committee Minutes City of Menifee Public Safety Committee Meeting Minutes October 14, 2014 1. Call to order and roll call Chairman Denver called the meeting to order at 3:01 p.m. Present were: Chairman John Denver, Committee Member Greg August, City Manager Robert Johnson, City Clerk Kathy Bennett, Senior Management Analyst Gina Gonzalez, Fire Chief Jorge Rodriguez, Police Captain Michael Judge, Police Lt. Charles Guillen, Animal Friends of the Valleys Monique Middleton, and County of Riverside representative Emma Perez-Singh. 2. Public Comments None. 3. Minutes – August 12, 2014, Informational Minutes Notes September 9, 2014 Minutes of August 12, 2014 and September 9, 2014 approved. 4. Activity Reports/Status Updates Police Department Police Captain Mike Judge provide statistical information for September 2014. 5. Activity Reports/Status Updates Fire Department Fire Battalion Chief reported on Fire statistics for September 2014. 6. Activity Reports/Status Updates from Animal Control Providers AFV Officer Middleton reported on Animal Control statistics including total calls, animal welfare check, licensing for September 2014. County representative Emma Perez-Singh reported on September 2014 statistics on animal intake for stray, owner surrender, etc. and live releases and animals euthanized and agreed to update the committee on the free spay/neuter program still available through grant funds. 7. City Manager Comments City Manager Johnson noted the next meeting will include a budget presentation for possible increase in funding for police for 2015/16. 8. Committee Members Comments Committee member August asked about an update on Fire Station 7 move to a new possible location. Chief Rodriguez and City Manager Johnson noted the negotiations are ongoing. 9. Adjournment Chairman Denver adjourned the meeting at 3:56 p.m. ______________________ Kathy Bennett, City Clerk