2014-02-11 Public Safety Committee Minutes.docxCity of Menifee Public Safety Committee
February 11, 2014
1. Call to order and roll call
Committee member Greg August called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
Present were: Greg August, John Denver (arrived at 3:11 p.m.), Interim City Manager
Johnson, City Clerk Kathy Bennett, Administrative Analyst Allen Yun, Administrative
Analyst Joe Gonzales, Director of Public Works Jonathan Smith, Assistant Director of
Public Works Rafael Martinez, Public Works Superintendent Rudy Luna, Lt. Charles
Guillen, Captain Mike Judge, Chief Jorge Rodriguez, and four members of the public
from Sun City Emergency Preparation group.
2. Public Comments
Members of the Sun City Emergency Preparation Group introduced themselves.
3. Minutes — January 14, 2014
Approved as presented.
4. Public Works Interface with Public Safety Update
Assistant Director of Public Works Martinez gave an overview of the types of situations
where Public Works crews are involved with public safety personnel. He gave examples
of different situations and how Public Works interfaced with public safety including road
hazards, etc. He detailed some of the work being done to prepare for emergencies in
The committee asked for a breakdown of emergency services and City Manager
Johnson agreed to make that a topic of a future Public Works agenda.
5. City Manager Comments
Will return with Emergency Operations Plan for Public Safety Committee review.
6. Committee Members Comments
Committee member Denver asked for a report on the number of sex offenders in
Menifee and if there seem to be more here than elsewhere. Captain Judge said it was
not excessive in his estimation. Committee members asked if fire and police stats could
be added to the Public Safety Agenda as they are added to the Council report The City
Manager agreed that would be added to future agendas.
7. Adjournment
The next meeting date was set for March 11, 2014 at 3 p.m.
Chair August adjourned the meeting at 4:05 p.m.
Kathy Bennett, City Clerk