2014-01-14 Public Safety Committee MinutesCity of Menifee Public Safety Committee Meeting Minutes January 14, 2014 1. Call to order and roll call Chairman John Denver called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. Present were: Chairman John Denver, Committee member Greg August, Interim City Manager Robert Johnson, City Clerk Kathy Bennett, Police Captain Mike Judge, Fire Chief Jorge Rodriguez, Building Official Colin McNie, Administrative Analyst Joe Gonzales, Administrative Analyst Allen Yun, Police Lt. Charles Guillen, Code Enforcement Technician Avie Barron, Code Enforcement Officer Wayne O'Gara, and no members of the public. 2. Public Comments None. 3. Minutes — December 10, 2013 The Minutes of December 10, 2013 were approved as submitted. 4. Code Enforcement Update Building Official Colin McNie gave an overview of Code Enforcement, the mission of the department to preserve and enhance the community through compliance with Municipal and other Codes protecting health, safety and welfare, He also noted that the department always seeks voluntary compliance through education whenever possible. He covered the types of service requested, the breakdown of the division, cost analysis, numbers of open cases, accomplishments and goals, upcoming challenges and issues facing the department. Questions were responded to from committee members. 6. Announcement of CERT Training Classes Analyst Gonzales noted there is a CERT training class upcoming in coordination with the Fire Department on February 7, 8 and 9, 2014 and sign ups are beginning. 6. City Manager Comments Interim Manager Johnson suggested a topic for the next meeting could be the interface between Public Works and the various safety services. He asked the committee if that could be the topic of the next meeting. 7. Committee Members Comments Committee Chair Denver asked to see any recommendations for police staff as soon as available for review and agreed to the next agenda for an update on the interface of public works and public safety and set the next meeting as February 11, 2014 at 3 p.m. 8. Adjournment Chairman Denver adjourned the meeting at 4:10 p.m. Kathy Bennett, City Clerk City of Menifee Public Safety Committee Meeting Minutes January 14, 2014 Page 2