2013-10-08 Public Safety Committee Minutes.docxCity of Menifee Public Safety Committee
Meeting Minutes (Notes to Report to Next Committee Meeting)
October 8, 2013
1. Call to order and roll call
Chairman Denver called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
Present were: Chairman John Denver (Committee member Tom Fuhrman absent),
Interim City Manager Robert Johnson, City Clerk Kathy Bennett, Building Official Colin
McNie, Police Captain Mike Judge, Police Lt. Charles Guillen, Administrative Analyst
Allen Yun, Code Technician Avie Barron, Fire Chief Jorge Rodriguez, Mitigation Planner
Cynthia Walker, Fire OEM representative Zuzzette Bricker, Administrative Analyst
Margarita Cornejo, Administrative Analyst Allen Yun, and one member of the public.
2. City Manager Comments
Interim Manager Johnson noted that the committee cannot function in its duties with just
one member present, and there is no quorum present. It was agreed to consider the
information presented and have the Committee Chair report to the full committee when
the next meeting is held.
3. Public Comments
Tony Perez stated he is at the meeting to become informed about public safety matters
after a call his mother made to 9-1-1 and there was no one to immediately respond and
he felt the call was handled badly by dispatch. He has since met with the representatives
of the Police Department but wants to hear about public safety and hopes the City will
consider more officers on duty.
4. Approval of Minutes of Public Safety Committee Meeting of August 12 and
September 10, 2013
Both sets of minutes will be considered along with notes from this meeting at the next
committee meeting where full committee is present.
5. Update on Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Grant Progress
a. Risk Assessment/Hazard profile update and review
b. Public participation strategy update
Mitigation Planner Walker gave an explanation of the updates on the website and the
survey that is being distributed for moving the Hazardous Mitigation Plan along. She
noted the feedback will be gathered and compiled. The process is moving along as it
6. Update from Code Enforcement
Director Colin McNie updated the committee member on the types of issues handled by
Code Enforcement and the amount of requests for services being processed. He gave
an update on the challenges faced by Code Enforcement.
7. Committee Members Comments
Chairman Denver scheduled the next meeting for November 12, 2013 at 3 p.m.
8. Adjournment
Chairman Denver adjourned the meeting at 4:10 p.m.
Kathy Bennett, City Clerk
City of Menifee Public Safety Committee
Meeting Minutes
October 8, 2013 Page 2