FM Nov 19
City of Menifee Office of the Fire Marshal
Riverside County Fire Department OFM
Statistics for the Period of
November 1st, 2019 – November 29th, 2019
December 4, 2019
During the 18 available business days in September the personnel
assigned to the Menifee Office of the Fire Marshal conducted 219 field
inspections and completed 58 individual plan reviews. During this
period staff attended 12 development related meetings, responded to
111 requests for counter assistance. These do not include responding
to multiple requests for field inspection scheduling for projects in
Plan review turn-around time is currently 8 days and inspections are
averaging within 72 hours of requests. Development review of Planning
case applications are in some cases currently 5 days ahead of due
Revenue collected for plan reviews, inspections and planning
application reviews are as follows:
November 1 $224
November 4-8 $12,789.44
November 12-15 $11,649.04
November 18-24 $9,678.92
November 25-29 $9,394.88
Total Revenue $43,736.28 (November)
** These numbers were provided by Fire permit counter staff and come
from the Acela Permit tracking program utilized for this purpose. Totals
City of Menifee Office of the Fire Marshal
Riverside County Fire Department OFM
Statistics for the Period of
November 1st, 2019 – November 29th, 2019
may not reflect any permit fees collected on the 31st end of business
The Office of the Fire Marshal (OFM) – Menifee Currently staffs
Riverside County Fire Assistant Fire Marshal, Fire Safety Specialist, Fire
Systems Inspector, Fire Permit Technician and an Office Specialist II.
Currently the office is conducting inspections, planning cases, DRC,
meetings and plan reviews of Residential and Commercial projects.
Office of the Fire Marshal (Menifee) is continuing to see an increase in
inspections for both residential and commercial projects. Our fire
inspector has been busy with various types of inspections including, fire
sprinklers for both residential and commercial, fire alarms, hood and
duct inspections and under fire lines and water supply inspections.
Our plan Reviews have included a new 7-Eleven with a Fuel Canopy,
ARCO gas station with Under Ground Fire Line, Dunn Edwards Paints TI,
Forterra Pipe New Building, and various new single family homes. We
are also reviewing residential additions, second units and accessory
dwellings. This past month we have reviewed various Special Event
applications including City of Menifee’s Christmas Tree Lighting Event at
MSJC, Santa’s arrival at Countryside Market place and Christmas tree
lots within the city.
New Fairfield Inn & Suites Hotel have had numerous inspections and is
now ready for first floor inspections of the fire sprinkler system. Artesa
community is continuing to move forward quickly and has had
inspections scheduled for the fire sprinklers and fire alarm systems on a
weekly basis. Atria Senior Living has is continuing to work in phases
City of Menifee Office of the Fire Marshal
Riverside County Fire Department OFM
Statistics for the Period of
November 1st, 2019 – November 29th, 2019
with their large tenant improvement of a replacement of a new fire
sprinkler system that was outdated with numerous pinhole leaks, a new
fire alarm system with delayed egress and renovation for the new
memory care corridor to the existing facility. The Facility has now
started renovations to the existing kitchen area and have since
relocated all cooking equipment and operations to a portable location
outside the facility.
In between inspections, plan reviews, document retention, scheduling,
billing, as well as required reports, Menifee staff has a full workload as
do other divisions in this growing community. Office of the Fire Marshal
is continuing to work on an annual inspection program. The annual
inspection program would be geared to inspect all business within the
city limits to sure that fire and life safety requirements are being met.
Inspections should be anticipated to being early next year. In addition,
we are preparing to conduct our annual school inspections as well as
our state mandated facilities within the city limits.
The Fire Marshal services provided locally continue to receive positive
comments on service delivery and assistance to the public and business
community from customers, City staff and the Development
Respectfully Submitted,
Sonya Bu
Fire Marshal
Riverside County OFM (Menifee)