2019-09-10 PS Regular Minutes DRAFTMenifee Public Safety Committee
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Regular Session 3:00 PM
City Council Chambers
29844 Haun Road
Menifee, CA 92586
Greg August, Chair
Matt Liesemeyer, Committee Member
Committee Chair Greg August called the meeting to order at 3:17 p.m.
Present were: Committee Chair Greg August, Committee Member Lesa Sobek, City
Manager Armando Villa, Assistant City Manager Jeff Wyman, Committee Secretary
Rachel Kleinpeter, Building Official Colin McNie, Code Enforcement Manager Lionel
Martinez, Code Enforcement Officer Amber Kearney, Code Enforcement Officer Andrea
Montes, Animal Control Officer J. Bratten, Traffic Engineer Rob Blough, Community
Services Director Johnathan Nicks, Community Services Supervisor Jason Hendrix, Fire
Captain Scott Philippbar, Fire Marshal Sonya Bu, Police Sergeant Dominic Schrieber
5.1 Approval of Meeting Minutes moved to October 08, 2019 Public Safety Meeting
6.1 Fire Department Monthly Report
Fire Captain Scott Philippbar provided the monthly report and significant
incidents for the month of August.
Committee Member Lesa Sobek asked for information regarding a mobile home
fire. Fire Captain Scott Philippbar stated it was still under investigation.
Ms. Sobek asked how a Murrieta fire started. Fire Captain Philipbar stated he
believed it was lightning.
Public Safety Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
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Ms. Sobek asked how Wolfee Donuts was able to open when it was red tagged
after a fire. Building Official Colin McNie provided clarification on the situation.
Committee Chair Greg August inquired about a fire in Sun City. Fire Captain
Philipbar stated he was not on duty at the time it took place.
Ms. Sobek and Fire Captain Philipbar discussed the increase in calls within the
Ralph’s shopping center. Mr. McNie replied that the shopping center is under
new management and suggested that could be contributing to the increase.
6.2 Police Department Monthly Report
Police Sergeant Dominic Schreiber presented the monthly statistics and cases of
interest. Sergeant Shreiber reported on various station activities and events for
the month of August.
Committee Chair August and Sergeant Schreiber discussed the amount of time
police stations keep arrested individuals.
Ms. Sobek commented on the increased number of homeless camps beneath
the concrete bridge behind Santa Rosa Academy. Sergeant Schreiber suggested
more work be done to buckle down gates to the openings below the bridge and
to get tighter security.
6.3 Code Enforcement Department Monthly Report.
Building Official Colin McNie provided the report for August. Mr. McNie
introduced the plan for new weed abatement program to go into effect next year
after funding is received this November. Mr. McNie reported on the rising number
of marijuana houses and Code Enforcement’s efforts in reducing marijuana
addiction. Mr. McNie discussed Code Enforcement’s collaboration with Animal
Friends of the Valley to increase spaying and neutering.
Assistant City Manager Jeff Wyman asked Mr. McNie if the City is allowed to
seize homes. Mr. McNie discusses current approach of turning power and
electricity off.
6.4 Animal Control Monthly Report
Animal Control Officer J. Bratten provided the Animal Control Services Report for
the Month of August.
Ms. Bratten informed committee of rising complaints of coyote sightings and
reported on ways to reduce Coyote sightings.
6.5 Public Works/ Engineering Monthly Report
Senior Traffic Engineer Rob Blough provided the monthly report for the month of
Public Safety Committee
Regular Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
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Mr. Blough discussed early morning traffic congestion issues and concerns near
Menifee Valley Middle School and mentioned that the school is considering
options to alleviate the problem. Mr. Blough added that City Staff would be
meeting with the School District to help resolve issue.
Ms. Sobek asks if there will be officers helping guide traffic while new changes
are made or if flashing stop signs will be used instead. Mr. Blough responded the
City was considering flashing signs and are analyzing the costs.
6.6 Community Services Park Ranger Monthly Report
Community Services Supervisor Jason Hendrix provided the Park Ranger
monthly report for the month of August and added that there has been an
increase in transient contact in the last month. Mr. Hendrix commented that
SWAG (Social Worker Action Group) is collaborating with the City of Wildomar to
come up with a solution and to split costs.
Ms. Sobek asked why there has been an increase in transients.
Mr. Hendrix responded the issue was affecting surrounding cities as well and
anticipated the numbers would decrease in the next month.
6.7 School Districts Monthly Report
No representatives from the School Districts were present.
Assistant City Manager Jeff Wyman mentioned inclusive playground event that took
place in the month of August.
Committee Chair August adjourned the meeting at 4:32 PM.
Roxy Elliott, Committee Secretary