April 2019 Menifee Fire Marshal Report
City of Menifee Office of the Fire Marshal
Riverside County Fire Department OFM
Statistics for the Period of
April 1st thru April 30th, 2019
May 6, 2019
During the 22 available business days in April the personnel assigned to
the Menifee Office of the Fire Marshal conducted 193 field inspections
and completed 82 individual plan reviews. During this period staff
attended 10 development related meetings, responded to 10 requests
for counter assistance. These do not include responding to multiple
requests for field inspection scheduling for projects in process.
Plan review turn-around time is currently 10 days and inspections are
averaging within 72 hours of requests. Development review of Planning
case applications are in some cases currently 4 days ahead of due
Revenue collected for plan reviews, inspections and planning
application reviews are as follows:
April 1-5 $9,746.32
April 8-12 $5,458.48
April 15-19 $13,825.56
April 22-26 $6,006.44
April 29-30 $4,088.88
Total Revenue $39,125.68 (April 2019)
** These numbers were provided by Fire permit counter staff and come
from the Acela Permit tracking program utilized for this purpose. Totals
may not reflect any permit fees collected on the 30th end of business
City of Menifee Office of the Fire Marshal
Riverside County Fire Department OFM
Statistics for the Period of
April 1st thru April 30th, 2019
The Office of the Fire Marshal (OFM) – Menifee Currently staffs
Riverside County Fire Assistant Fire Marshal, Fire Safety Specialist, Fire
Permit Technician and a Temp Office Assistant. Currently the office is
conducting inspections, planning cases, DRC, meetings and plan reviews
of Residential and Commercial projects.
Plan reviews we are working closely with have been Kirokorian
Theaters and Channel Inc. with aiming to have approval shortly. Other
Reviews have included Residential, Commercial and Planning Case
Newly Open Business include Tuesday Morning, Waba Grill and Jamba
Juice. We have been conducting Inspection for the Menifee Lake Plaza
for businesses such as Barons, Sapporo Sushi, and Schools First Credit
Union. It continues to be work in progress and are all getting close to
final inspections. Baron’s was issued a Temporary Certificate of
Occupancy and plans to have a grand opening of May 17, 2019.
Tuesday Morning was finaled and opened for business this month along
with Kahoots.
With the growing number of tract files, permit files and documentation
related to development the office allotted space for files and plans is
minimal. The OFM office is working on purging files, scanning
documents and sending files out storage to hold old plans and files that
need to be archived.
City of Menifee Office of the Fire Marshal
Riverside County Fire Department OFM
Statistics for the Period of
April 1st thru April 30th, 2019
In between inspections, plan reviews, document retention, scheduling,
billing, as well as required reports, Menifee staff has a full workload as
do other divisions in this growing community.
The Fire Marshal services provided locally continue to receive positive
comments on service delivery and assistance to the public and business
community from customers, City staff and the Development
Respectfully Submitted,
Sonya Bu
Fire Marshal
Riverside County OFM
City of Menifee Office