2019-4-9 Engineering Public Safety CommitteePublic Safety Committee Meeting Meeting Date: 4/9/19 PUBLIC WORKS / ENGINEERING UPDATE: 1. Two Speed Radar feedback signs were installed on Newport for each direction. 2. Will be installing flashing stop sign on Antelope at Aldergate to improve visibility at this unexpected stop sign. 3. Active Transportation Plan – Consultant selected. Project kick-off in about 3-4 weeks. Community outreach will be big part of project. 4. Finalizing striping/signage/signal modification plans for Antelope between Newport and Stillwater. Lanes will be shifted on Antelope to provide a southbound u-turn at Stillwater and keep drivers from making u-turns in residential neighborhood. Triple southbound lefts and double northbound rights with overlap will be included. 5. Goetz/AMR North traffic signal was installed and is now operational as of 4/1/19. 6. Citywide speed surveys to begin in May 2019. 7. City currently conducting traffic signal warrants at Hwy 74/3rd Street and Scott/Little Reb. 8. Conducting intersection studies for potential all-way stop at Menifee/Lake Fork and Lindenberger/Cresta. 9. Liberty High School under construction and new traffic signal at Scot/Leon with widening on Scott being discussed and planned with County and School District. 10. Evaluating traffic and pedestrian safety along Menifee Road in the vicinity of Wheat Field Park. Citizen concerns with heavy parking demand due to sporting events and pedestrians crossing Menifee Road at various locations. Engineering will be evaluating and developing potential measures to improve safety. 11. Plans for traffic signals at McCall/Oakhurst-Hospital and Murrieta/Park City are at 100 percent design stage and are being prepared to go out to bid in May 2019 with construction in July 2019. 12. Adams Street Safe Route to School sidewalk/traffic calming improvements starts April 8, 2019. 13. Quail Valley area slurry project to start June 2019. 14. Mira Lago neighborhood ADA ramp improvements have begun. Slurry to begin last week of April 2019. 15. Encanto Drive neighborhood south of Ethanac and east of Encanto Drive street overlay to begin May. Bid opening is next week. 16. Lyle Marsh Park Playground improvements to begin first week of May 2019.