FM Dec 18 Report
City of Menifee Office of the Fire Marshal
Riverside County Fire Department OFM
Statistics for the Period of
December 3rd thru December 31st, 2018
January 7, 2019
During the 14 available business days in December the personnel
assigned to the Menifee Office of the Fire Marshal conducted 194 field
inspections and completed 73 individual plan reviews. During this
period staff attended 3 development related meetings, responded to 6
requests for counter assistance, and replied to 35 phone or e-mail
inquiries. These do not include responding to multiple requests for field
inspection scheduling for projects in process.
Plan review turn-around time is currently 15 days and inspections are
averaging within 72 hours of requests. Development review of Planning
case applications are in some cases currently 4 days ahead of due
Revenue collected for plan reviews, inspections and planning
application reviews are as follows:
Dec 3-7 $4,824.00
Dec 10-14 $2,612.00
Dec 17-21 $8,225.00
Dec 24-28 $3,237.00
Total Revenue $18,898.00 (December 2018)
** These numbers were provided by Building and Safety Division permit
counter staff and come from the Acela Permit tracking program utilized
for this purpose. Totals may not reflect any permit fees collected on the
31st end of business day.
City of Menifee Office of the Fire Marshal
Riverside County Fire Department OFM
Statistics for the Period of
December 3rd thru December 31st, 2018
One of the biggest changes of this month was the retirement of
Riverside County Fire Assistant Fire Marshal Paul Villalobos. He left the
Menifee – Office of the Fire Marshal on Dec 4th. Currently the office is
still conducting inspections, planning cases and plan rev iews by a Fire
Safety Specialist and 1 inspector from the Riverside County OFM office.
Several plan reviews included fire clearance for major projects
including the Lennar at Town Center development, several new phases
at Audie Murphy Ranch, the Centennial and Brixton Developments.
Kirkorian Theaters, Artesa Apartment complex and Club house,
Commerce Point II, Fairfield Inn. The Grand opening of Café Rio was a
success. Business such as Dunkin Donuts, Fire House subs, Wolfe
Donuts and Braces by Garcia, Barons Market, Tuesday Morning are
actively having inspection and moving forward with openings soon.
On Dec 1st the OFM part took in the fire and life safety inspection and
plan review for the City of Menifee’s Tree Lighting Festival at MSJC.
Plan reviews and inspections have been conducted for the “New City
Hall” and diligently working with the property owners, contractors and
city officials.
With the growing number of tract files, permit files and documentation
related to development the office has outgrown the allotted space for
files and plans. The City of Menifee currently has a temp office assistant
working in the office helping with scheduling inspections, filing,
answering phone and numerous fire duties along with an intern from
MSJC who currently attends school and works in the office two days a
week assisting . This has impacted the OFM and Building and Safety
City of Menifee Office of the Fire Marshal
Riverside County Fire Department OFM
Statistics for the Period of
December 3rd thru December 31st, 2018
Division who share the same office space for files, office space
document retention.
In between inspections, plan reviews, document retention, scheduling,
billing, as well as required reports, Menifee staff has a full workload as
do other divisions in this growing community.
The Fire Marshal services provided locally continue to receive positive
comments on service delivery and assistance to the public and business
community from customers, City staff and the Development
Respectfully Submitted,
Sonya Bu
Fire Safety Specialist
Riverside County OFM
City of Menifee Office