Hazard Mitigation survey highlightsHazard Mitigation Survey highlighted comments
Other than Dam, Heat, Earthquake, Drought, Flood or Wildfire hazards, what other hazard
do you think is a wide -scale threat to the City?
"Traffic jams in and out of the City are bad, especially on Newport and 215. If an emergency
evacuation was called for -it would not go very well. I'm seeing total chaos".
"Loss of utilities/essential services"
"Failure of electrical grid, water distribution and other utility services. Loss of egress routes from
the City in case of catastrophes occurring outside of the city jurisdiction, which impact the City.
What are some steps the City could take to reduce or eliminate the risk of future hazard
"Establish, and publicly note neighborhood emergency centers."
"Educating the community of existing hazards and teaching ways of preparing in advance."
"Public workshop before fire season."
"Conduct City-wide annual Emergency Operation and Preparedness exercises, including "table
top" and field activities."
"Public awareness"
What is the most effective way for you to receive information about how to make your
home and neighborhood more resistant to hazards?
"Menifee Buzz & Menifee 2417"
"More information on City website. (Reference links)