CERT Materials 1-14-14 Public Safety mtgTraining is hosted by: The City of Menifee, CAL FIRE and Riverside County Fire Department Office of Emergency Services I 701 c° CERT is about readiness, people helping people, rescuer safety, and doing the greatest good for the greatest number. CERT is a positive and realistic approach to emergency and disaster situations where citizens will be initially on their own and their actions can make a difference. Through training, citizens can manage utilities and put out small fires; treat the three killers by opening airways, controlling bleeding, and treating for shock; provide basic medical aid; search for and rescue victims safely, and organize themselves and spontaneous volunteers to be effective. CERT training is a commitment of 20 hours of training. There is no cost for the training. Only those who successfully complete the practical exercise with hands-on instruction in fire suppression, search and rescue, cribbing and medical will receive a certificate of completion. WHEN: Friday, February 711, 2014 — 5:30pm — 9:30pm Saturday, February 8th, 2014 — 8:30am — 5:30pm Sunday, February 91'', 2014 - 8:30am to 5:30pm (20 Hour Attendance is Mandatory to Receive Certificate of Completion) WHERE: Menifee Fire Station 76 29950 Menifee Rd., Menifee, CA 92584 WHO: Open to the public COST: FREEM 01 REGISTER: Online: http://tinvuri.com/Menifee-CERT-Feb-2014 For more information call: Riv. Co. OES: 951-892-1637 or City of Menifee: 951-639-1368 ext. 171 Menifee CERT Flyer {®@ >R\®! )f@ktf§\(�\>f0 Ek a <� f= { ¥;/&i , §)§} t§/ #R\ (\%t Q¥ Em;CLO §a>CS �'7\«c cm | a) r () =§ e�) ƒ -§k j Fow/\ ®# (D /o3) § i §/-fftR± f�tJak» _fbf�kJ/ $o<uc/\ 2, _ # m. 0/\ ) CU $ \ƒ� ) a /f0 ¥ \\\ 10 \«\ }�\ / Ln \\�i cm � \w\ )\*/ /\) ° §t7 ®§Gf t{§ \ §§{) g !Z; �, K 2 * �fZ/ §EE § !_®; e=§iy§) `{k E e § {2f/%f"o 0 CL Cr & f«E §/§a Qom)]}[ lw;=£«a2 � &�E` 50 2 _ &ee` -r)[ k3\0-6 (u ,= -r#( 7) %*=o �*«\§�$:`'« %0 a) &/2f)/)2 $G/aEz?[ƒ\> -{2§7))= \]j\ a) F<=3f |<¥;l±+�eE (D2E#J32 §<k§ \EZ/r ! �. . . /k(ta a �.