2016-10-11 Public Safety Committee Agenda PacketCity of Menifee Public Safety Committee 29714 Haun Road Menif¢¢, CA 92586 Tuesday October 11, 2016 3:00 p.m. Agenda 1. Call to ord¢r and roll call 2. Public Comments 3. Minut¢s —September 13, 2016 4. Fire Department Monthly Report 5. Police Department Monthly Report 6. Code Enforc¢m¢nt Monthly Report 7. Animal Control Monthly Report a. Animal Control Services —Animal Friends of the Valleys b. Animal Sheltering Services —County of Riverside 8. City Manager Comments 9. Commute¢ Members Comments 10. Adjournment Next Meeting: November 8, 2016 Inc mp/ionre with the Americans with Oisobi/hies Act if you need special assistance ro participate in this meeting, yov should contact Soroh Man waring, City Clerk at (951) 6]2-6J]]. NotiFca Non J2 hours prior [o the meeting will enable the City to make reosanab/e arr ngemen is to assure accessibility to this meeting. Aoendc Materiels Materials related [o o item on [his Agenda, including Chose submitted to Me Pub/ic Spfety Committee her distribufion of the agenda pocket are o ai/ob/e jar pubfic inspectton by contacting Sarah Mon waring, City Clerk, aC (952J 6]2-6JJJ during norms/ business hours. City of Menifee Public Safety Committee Meeting Minutes September '13, 20'16 '1. Call to order and roll call Chairman Greg August called the meeting to order at 3:02 p. m. Present were: Chairman Greg August, Committee Member Matthew Liesem Byer, City Manager Rob Johnson, Western Riverside Council of Governments Intern Andras Medrano, Deputy City Clerk Jennifer Allen, Economic Development Manager Gina Gonzalez, City Engineer/Public Works Director Jonathan Smith, Building Official Colin MCNie, Senior Code Enforcement Officer Wayne O'Gara, Coda Enforcement Technician Avie Barron, Fire Apparatus Engineer Scott Philippbar, and Animal Control AFV Officer Mo Middleton. 2. Public Comments Committee Chair August called for public comments. Mark Wilson, Quail Valley resident, reported on several coda issues in the Quail Valley area. He noted that he has worked directly with Senior Code Officer O'Gara, however there are many more issues that need to ba addressed. He also reported that Animal Friends of the Valley (AFV) needs to drive through neighborhoods as there are many stray dogs running loose. 3_ Minutes August 9, 20'16 minutes were approved unanimously. 4. Discussion of Regional Homeless —Steve Fa1K, Director, Community Mission of Hope City Manager Johnson gave an overview of the meeting that occurred with Mike Davis on September 13, 20'16 regarding the creation of a Homeless Task/Strikaforce Committee. Mr. Johnson provided a handout to the Committee that included the vision and goals of the tasWstrikeforce. City Manager Johnson also reported on a meeting that occurred on August 25, 20't 6 with members of a taskforce comprised of several neighboring cities. He introduced those members, Brian Ambrose, Murrieta Assistant City Manager Steve Falk, Director of Community Mission of Hope, and Daniel Soltero, Western Riverside Council of Governments (WRCOG) Representative. Mr. Ambrose gave an overview of how the Regional Homeless Alliance was formed, its purpose and vision. Mr. Falk reported on the functions of the outreach program, the types of services offered to the individuals and the education made available to improve community awareness. Com mittae Member Liesemeyar inquired about success of the program. Mr. Falk stated they applied for grants to obtain affordable housing units and era waiting to hear the decision. Mr. Falk elaborated on the programs offered to improve the success rate. Committee Chair August asked who will be doing the outreach Mr. Falk stated members of his team will reach out to the homeless individuals. Ha stated his team uses tools such as the Service Prioritization Decision Assistance Tool (SPAT) to assess each individual's needs so they can provide the best services available. Ha noted that volunteers are also welcome to assist in other parts of the program. Committee Cnair August asked if homes in residential neighborhoods will be used as living facilities for the homeless. Mr. Ambrose stated that those units era for -profit organizations and they are seeking non-profit organizations such as churches. City Manager Johnson stated the Public Safety Committee could make a recommendation to the Council to create a Manifea Homeless Task Forces or they could recommend joining the neighboring cities in a partnership with the Regional Homeless Alliance. The Committee discussed regional issues of homelessness and agreed that partnering with an organization that has established the homeless outreach needs and services and thoroughly understands the regional importance, is the best option. Committee Member Liasamayer and Committee Chair August recommended the Council consider adoption of the Regional Homeless Alliance Resolution. 5. Fire Department Monthly Report Fire Apparatus Engineer Philippbar stated that working with Community Services to provide CPR classes has been a success for two (2) years. He stated they will ba adding an additional class starting in October of 20t B For Healthcare Provider CPR. City Manager Johnson requested that Fire add a report in future agenda packets of the monthly community activities. 6. Police Department Monthly Report Police representative was absent. City of Menifee Public Safety Committee Minutes September 13, 2016 7. Code Enforcement Monthly RapoR Building Official MCNie provided the monthly report and reported on the completion of demolition on the building on McCall and Encanto. Ha also reported that the Circle K in Quail Valley is finalizing their inspections and will be open for business soon. Committee Member Liasameyer asked if a consultant for vehicle abatement will help with the increase in numbers. Mr. McKie stated he is reviewing the RFP's for vehicle abatement and will soon select a vendor. He noted the consultant will Help with the increased numbers for vehicle abatement. 8. Animal Control Monthly Report a. Animal Control Services —Animal Friends of th¢ Valleys (AFV) Officer Middleton reported on the statistics for the months of August. Committee Chair August asked if AFV picked up the stray dogs in Quail Valley mentioned by the public commenter, Mark Wilson. Officer Middleton stated ik is sometimes difficult to return dogs to their owners if they don't have tags. She noted she would stay after the meeting to speak to Mr. Wilson to get more information. b. Animal Sheltering Services —County or Riverside County Animal Shelter representative was absent. 9. Public WorKs Report —Traffic Report City Engineer Smith provided a report on the traffic safety projects around the City. Mr Smith also gave an overview of speed statistics at various locations. Committee Member Liesem Byer asked if developers could contribute to the costs for traffic control devices during their application process. City Engineer Smith stated he is working on a way to incorporate the costs into the developer fees. Committee Mambar Liesameyer reported on an overweight truck traveling on Goetz Road. City Engineer Smith asked Committee Member Liesemeyer to forward the information and he would look in to it. Committee Member Liesemeyer inquired about the timing of closing Old Newport Road. City Engineer Smith stated he would look at the schedule and get back to him. Ctty of Menifee Public Safety Committee Minutes September 13, 2016 '10. Committee Members Comments Committee Member Liesemeyer asked if staff could look into removing the graffiti on the large boulders just outside the Audie Murphy Ranch community on Newport. Officer O'Gara stated he would get in touch with his contact to remove the graffiti. �'1. Adjournment Chatnnan August adjoumad the meeting at 4:t2 p. m. Jennifer Allan, Deputy City City of Menlfee Public Safety Committee Minutes q September 13, 2016 Riversitle Coun[y Fire Department/ CAL FIRE Emccg¢ncy In citl¢nt StaNstics JOM1n R Xawlcinc Flan CM1I¢l 30/9/2016 naneaa caemeae av- al.,e..:ea county Fo-e ocFartn.cnt pl«.. a.nrw maF •na mma.nSM1yt¢ananen, stamen, �¢a:.memn 9/L30i6 ane 9/30/30i6 nntl memM1a my Pege i d6 Irc�eenu ra a:ww eases on v.e cnmvy mapon a ve o� uw incmannoulwn Tna eow nev �apnaxam ro�ai �saeema ume Im an unuv any ma nmwae �n. R¢spons¢ ActiNty xnaaante Rapaaa ...aan aiazpas ana piGpims ane Menaaa atr -_'i AvaFaga EnFou[a to On¢cana Tlm¢� Enemns T = Vnlen a unrt nae Been av<naweaaetl as �aepoM�na. Onawna TMa � VY^m a unll Na Dam acb�ewNCpa ea Minp an <E Mlnuty �3 Minutes �E^ Minutts r2p Mlnutcs Avvapn %p [e E min 596 tB4 9 2 q.5 T3.1% AS. OAF. OAM, OAMAo, OaMnl, OAM�E, ONMVN. OAF. OAR. OAV. OIIT. OO Y. LES. EEO. lE1�BRNPMTeOES, PM�PAO pgFuppp, PAP. HFB. HFSPM,,H FSCA HSBL HSBTC. HSBT3. X3BN, XSE. XSG Eesi upenee idamta i Pepa�ef6 IncwenM era ebawn bvetl m IM1a ptlmary mapanva am Nr IM1a IndCml bceibn. Tl�la Ceea rwt �apwml iMsl raapen» ilmea lar all carte only ma Iln[ unit In. mmm..c: ny eaxaaoo, srax:o.. ova xo.:�av�e�o.. u.� uoe�ua ioio:ois ,� �^, � ryown besea m ma vHmvy.aaeena� aea ro, me mceem iaunan. Th.e ame nua reprevem w�e�.evpmwa emcee ro, an wnc anb u� nm um'� in. 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Include photos if available. 9/'16/t6 TC cut and rescue on Goetz cross of Newport, 3 patients one having Major injuries 9/20/'16 Crew from E6 provided a CPR class for t0 Fire Explorers at Flre Station 76. 9/29/20'I6 E6 responded to a Pediatric Trauma patient with major injuries and the firefighter paramedic assigned to E5 stabilized and transported with AMR to Riverside University Health ci�� �S\OE COL x /// n�c Reporting Month: Reporting Station: September Station 7 Month End Stat Report Reporting Year: 2016 PR and Public Education Programs: Total Numbcv of Ev¢nta Event Type Ma[ariata/Hantlou(s Taal Number of Hours Number of Public !pr Reporting Montn U®¢d Camae[s: O School Event O Yes / p No t8 Adult Education O Ves / 0 No 'IB 27 O Fair/Safety Expo O Yes / O No 2 Oispiay ®Yes / O No 2 6 4 Station Tour ®Yes / � No 4 '18 O Fire Safety p Yes / O No Trailer O Other _ p Yas / p No Field Inspections: LE-t00's (Weed Abatement) Tafal Number of Initial Fleltl Tolel Number of InapeMlons for R¢porttng LE-t00 tnapaMions Tof Montft Reporting Mon(M1 Prevention Referrals: Total Number of Re-Inspacllons for Reporting Total Number of Flre Mo^th Pravangon RaT rtals far Raporttng Momh Significant Events: Pravitle a brief synopsis of significant TC's, Fires, Near Drowning's, Include photos if available. Multiple fires in B-73 Debris fire with power Ilnes down 54's IA, Commercial vehicle Fire with Hazardous material 5's IA, Road Closures etc... 2 structure fires 68's IA, Hanging 7's IA Reporting Month: Reporting Station: September Station 64 Month End Stat Resort Reporting Vea r: 2016 PR and Public Education Programs: To[al Number of Evbots Event Type Ma[¢rlals/Handouts Total Number of Nou9 Number of Public for Raportlrg MonlM1 Usetl Contacts: t School Event ®Yes / O No '1 50 3 Adult Education ®Yes / p Na 2 3 � � Fair/Safety Expo 0 Yes / ®No 2 30 misplay O Yes / O No Station Tour O Yas / O No Fire Safety � Yas / O No Trailer Other p Yas / � No Field Inspections: LE-700's (Weed Abatement) Total Number of INllal Flaltl Total Number of Inapec[lons Tot Raporgng LE-tOg InapecYlans for Monlb Reporting Mon[h Prevention Referrals: Total Number of Rdnspecgona for Reporting Total Number oT FVa r°lo`vtM1 Preventlan Referrals Tor RapoM1ing MOMM1 Significant Events: Provide a brief synopsis of sign cant TC's, Firers, Near Orowning's, Road Closures etc... Include photos if available. September t7"', E64 attended a soap box derby near Station 76 with other engines from the battalion for PR. September �8t", E54 responded to a wild land fire in a lot behind a barber shop. Power lines down, threat to one structure. G�tr oe �• Lp/l E N 1 E. -,., a September 30th, E64 put on a public education presentation at Rom ola nd Elementary School K-3. ...g,-_ C� FIRE COL EPS\DE H' ��+ Reporting Month: Reporting Station: September Station 68 Month End Stat Reoort Reporting Y¢ar: 2oi6 PR and Public Educatlon Programs: Total Number W E'bnl Typ¢ Matcrlals/Handouts Total Number of Hours Number of Publlc Tor Raporting Montb Usatl COMacta: t School Event ®Yes / O No 'I 24 Adult Education o Yes / O No t Fair/Safety Expo O Yas / ®No. 2 50 t misplay p Yes / ®No t 50 Station Tour p Yes / p No Firs Safety Trailer p yes / O No Other p Yas / O No Field Ins pactions: LE-100's (Weed Abatement) Total Number of Initial Fieltl Total Number of Inspecllons Tor Raporting O LE-t00 Inapectlona Tor '1 O Monts Raponirgl Mon[M1 Prevention Referrals: To[al Number of Ra-inspections for Raporting O To[al Number of Fire Monlb Prevention Refertels Tor 4 Reponing MonLM1 Significant Events: Provide a brief synopsis of significant TC's, Fires. Near �rowning's, Road Closures etc... Include photos if available. Sept 25- structure fire 25652 White Aspen T/C out and rescue Newport/Bradlay �� DE CMG l Reporting Month: Reporting Station: Septam ber Station 'l6 Month End Stat Renort Reporting Year: 2016 PR and Public Education Programs: ENt Total Number of Ev¢nta Event Typa Matarlalc/Hantlouta To[al Number or Hours Number oT Public for RaP¢nin9 Montt) Va¢tl Conlacb: O School Event O Yes / ®No 7 Adult Education � Yes / O No 8 72 7 Fair/Safety Expo p Yes / ®No S 50+ 1 Display O Yes / ®No 2 20 2 Station Tour ®Ves / p No 2 40 O Fire Safety p yes / ®No Trailer 4 Other ®Vas / O No '12 '14 Explorers Field Inspections: LE-'100's (Weed Abatement) Total Number of Initial Fialtl Total Number oT Incpactlonc Por Reporting D LE-100 lncpactlons for O MonIM1 R¢porting Mon[M1 Prevention Referrals: Total Number ar Ra-inapectlona for Reporting O Total Number of Flre MontM1 Pravamlon Ralartala for O Reporting Mon[b S lgnlflcant Events: Provide a brief synopsis of significant TC's, Fires, Near Drowning's, Roatl Closures etc... Include photos if available. 1 Motorcycle T/C Fatality, Fati lity TC in Winchester, Structure fire in Winchester MENIFEE POLICE DEPARTMENT Riverside County Sheriffls Department Stan Sniff, Sheriff Menifee Public Safety Report -October 2016 During the month of September 2016, the Menifee Police Department responded to 4,069 calls. During the month of August 2016, the City of Menifee had 216 Part 1 crimes. A three month comparison is provided below. June 2016 July 2016 August 2016 #Change Homicide O O O N/A Arson O O O N/A Assault 24 19 40 21 Burglaries 30 24 44 20 Larceny Theft 92 74 102 28 Rape O 4 1 -3 Robbery 2 4 3 -1 Vehicle Then 25 30 26 -4 During the month of September 2016, the City of Menifee had 25 Vandalisms and 11 Public Intoxi- cations. Athree month comparison of Vandalism 8c Public Intoxication calls is provided below: July 2016 August 2016 September 2016 #Change Vandalisms 37 42 25 -17 Public Intoxications 17 16 11 -5 During the month o£ September 2016, the City of Menifee had 429 Traffic Citations, 13 DUIs, and 41 T7affic Collisions. A three month comparison of Traffic Enforcement calls is provided below: July 2016 August 2016 September 2016 #Change Traffic Citations 262 366 429 63 DiJIs 11 8 13 5 Traffic Collisions 20 26 41 15 Disclaimer: The mw smtistics presentetl in Nis report e e basetl on the inPonn¢tion cuvently in r Reaortls Management System. These numbem ere tlynamic and can chan6e basetl on how fast rcpans arc written and entered into the RttarAs Management System. These slalstics em far 1¢w enforcement putpases only. CITY OP MHNIPCE—COLIC GNN'O RCI:M GNT SCAT REPORT N-OR SCPTEMBCR 2U16 . �t N'-DCTAIL 59'.\TS SF:P OCT NO\' DLC JA?V FCB \1AR .API2 mis 2ols zots zees zolG zmG aotr. New Complaints Resolved 4G ]I 32 20 99 46 52 G3 New lvspcctions IUS 99 GG G3 90 91 109 IOU Follow -Up Inspections 133 130 83 309 98 165 201 201 Closing Inspections 59 73 40 I 48 ]1 88 88 90 IJotices of V iolation Issucti 50 GO 33 SO -- 52 58 76 92 AAnin Citations Issued SU 35 35 43 37 42 98 ] IS Proactive En Forecntem Cases 2G ]'J 11 24 23 2O 39 30 -CODC ENPOI2C CYIC\'T S6P OCT NOV UGC dAN SER hIAR APR TOPICS OI tJyED Budding Cod•Vidation 4 2 3 1 7 O __ 5 Commercial Enforcement O O o O 1 O I O na..ge�9s Bu_;ia:ng o _ i _ 1 1 o 0 1 0 Pomdosed ProportY � Registrations g 3 9 1 5 9 3 Gra f(ti ] t 2 O 3 ] 1 3 }Iazallous Condition 3 2 I 1 O 5 I 5 2 1 Illegal Dumping 1 3 2 2 2 5 4 -10 nlegal signase o � 3 �, o I o 0 0 . 0 .. 0 Parking Citations 12 6 � � 10 3 7 3 Property Maintenance 23 15 12 �' S 1 ] l3 15 18 Public Nuisance 11 23 5 S 14 I G 9 6 Sub -Standard Housing I 1 2 II 4 3 1 3 2 Vehicle Abatement 8 19 O 21 i3 9 29 IS Vendor Enforcement 5 I 1 i O O 12 2 2 Weed Abatement 2 _ 2 1 � O O O O O Zoning Violn[ions 8 18 3 I 5 11 IS 9 12 Public Works Refearals ' MAV JUN ,IUL AU4' SCP 201fi 2014 1 2J2t 201G OI 25 "2 56 BI "It, 79 214 92 14G 114 19"I 221 158 220 154 59 ]05 90 108 ]06 G9 ]I] 38 90 � GI 54 2p5 10"I B6 52 22 IG2 3l 31 38 VIAY JUN JUL AUG SC 6 4 2 5 G 2 O O O O 0 0 1 0 1 4 la a a � s O O O O 3 4 3 2 4 1 1 6 O IO 11 O O O � O 1 s 3 1 I 6 10 2� 3O 2p 22 19 13 6 6 13 11 3 O 1 4 1 4 Il 5 28 G 3 2 4 1 12 3 149 19 I 1 1 IU 11 34 22 I 14 10 ANIMAL CONTROL REPORT TOTALS FOR MENIFEE iZ 5 OESGR a682 quH-t6 ap- 8 Oat-t6 Nov48 �ae-0 - ] q] Marvt] Apr-t] Ma d] Jun-t] Total Calls 64] 6B4' t229 ARer Hours Calls 32 26 22 ]e Animal Welfare Checks 38 36 26 88 Vicious 8 8 6 23 Nois¢ Nuisance 3t 40 62 t23 Confined Siray Animal 66 84 ]4 224 QT (bi[¢ to buman) 8 t3 9 36 Incidents (bl[¢ to animal) 4 6 8 to Oeatl Animal 28 2t 36 8a Rattlesnake/snake ] t3 ] 2] Runnin aY Lar a 68 76 68 2N I njuretl Animal 22 t6 t2 60 Trapp¢tl 20 12 z6 K¢nnel Cattcry Vlola<Ions 6 6 Llcens¢ Vlolatlons so sa I55 ProMbl[lon of Sales HI[ by Car Confinement CM1eek 30 28 30 88 cwtlons Iss�ea 399 leo 388 6zo NOV Issued 6 8 ] Lic¢nse Sold 566 583 845 3986 MAY CHANGE SLIGNTLY m� m� me Co nec�fC �Y I,MEMiEE , Ivs�