Station 7 Sun City September Staff Report Month End Stat Report Reporting Month: September Reporting Year: 2016 Reporting Station: Station 7 PR and Public Education Programs: Total Number of Events for Reporting Month Event Type Materials/Handouts Used Total Number of Hours Number of Public Contacts: 0 School Event Yes / No 18 Adult Education Yes / No 16 27 0 Fair/Safety Expo Yes / No 2 Display Yes / No 2 6 4 Station Tour Yes / No 4 16 0 Fire Safety Trailer Yes / No 0 Other Yes / No Field Inspections: LE-100’s (Weed Abatement) Total Number of Initial Field Inspections for Reporting Month Total Number of LE-100 Inspections for Reporting Month Total Number of Re-inspections for Reporting Month Prevention Referrals: Total Number of Fire Prevention Referrals for Reporting Month Significant Events: Provide a brief synopsis of significant TC’s, Fires, Near Drowning’s, Road Closures etc Include photos if available. Multiple fires in B-13 Debris fire with power lines down 54's IA, 2 structure fires 68's IA, Commercial vehicle fire with Hazardous material 5's IA, Hanging 7's IA