Charter. RHAMISSION STATEMENT: The mission of the Regional Homeless Alliance is to develop a collaborative partnership that evaluates and addresses the complex issues of homelessness from a regional perspective and provides coordinated homeless outreach services utilizing public, private and non-profit sector resources. Purpose and Vision: To increase housing opportunities to individuals, families and veterans experiencing homelessness while maintaining an effective homeless prevention program. Goals: #1 Create a nationally recognized regional collaboration based on proven best practices, such as Solutions for Change.  Provide a monthly forum to discuss homeless issues and community needs  Present before each City Council in the region o Adoption of resolutions that commits to the principles of the Regional Homeless Alliance (RHA). o Encourage each city to add a provisions to their legislative platform regarding the RHA.  Develop a white paper through research of the causes of homelessness (paying particular attention to prevention and intervention strategies) and identifying regionally appropriate and realistic solutions.  Work with 211 Community Connect to develop a countywide resource guide, with regional focus.  Perform an initial and on-going needs-assessment through a gap analysis study. #2 Provide leadership to combat homelessness through advocacy, education and coordination with local communities and create a broad, coordinated system of care.  Increase communication through service providers and government agencies.  Establish a collaborative and coordinated system of identifying, collecting and disseminating local resources for public safety personnel, social service program providers and general community distribution.  Increase the awareness of resources to the community-at-large.  Reduce transportation barriers for homeless and at-risk population.  More effectively involve and collaborate with service agencies, school districts, faith-based organizations, transportation agencies, local Chamber of Commerce, and other stakeholders. #3 Refocus training for public safety and service organizations from ushering homeless away to steering them to resources.  Increase public safety personnel’s training to include knowledge of behavioral health issues and community-based resources, including diversion programs, based on the existing success of the County of Riverside and Temecula Sheriff’s HOT team efforts.  Increase public safety and city’s participation in the annual Point-In-Time count.  Actively bridge communication between sworn officers, park rangers, code enforcement and county probation officers.  Improve communication between public safety organizations and city/county officials regarding encampments and migration of homeless. #4 Improve community awareness.  Inform and educate the public about homelessness using responsible compassion. o Increase communication to the general public through coordinated messages on social media from local governments and service providers. o Work with local service providers and faith-based organizations to host community education/outreach events to provide a productive opportunity to address the concerns of NIMBYs. #5 Develop a fundraising plan.  Create a plan that forecasts the ultimate capital needs and annual operational costs, identifies potential donors/resources and task the appropriate agencies for completing.  Seek additional low-income housing opportunities through private, local, state and federal resources.  Facilitate community partnerships to identify and secure funding for expanding education and training programs that lead to employment.