2016-08-09 Public Safety Committee Agenda PacketCity of Menifee
Public Safety Committee
29714 Haun Road
Menifee, CA 92586
August 9, 2016
3:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
2. Public Comments
3. Minutes – May 10, 2016
4. Vagrancy Concerns
5. Discuss Argument in Favor of Sales Tax Measure
6. Fire Department - May, June, and July Reports
7. Police Department - May, June, and July Reports
8. Code Enforcement - May, June, and July Reports
9. Animal Control - May, June, and July Reports
a. Animal Control Services – Animal Friends of the Valleys
b. Animal Sheltering Services – County of Riverside
10. Public Works Report – Traffic Report
11. City Manager Comments
12. Committee Members Comments
13. Adjournment
Next Meeting: September 13, 2016
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Agenda Materials
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distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection by contacting Sarah Manwaring, City Clerk, at
(951) 672-6777 during normal business hours.
City of Menifee
Public Safety Committee
Meeting Minutes
May 10, 2016
1. Call to order and roll call
Chairman Greg August called the meeting to order at 3:01 p.m.
Present were: Chairman Greg August, Committee Member Matthew Liesemeyer, Deputy
City Clerk Jennifer Allen, Economic Development Manager Gina Gonzalez, Building
Official/Code Enforcement Director Colin McNie, Code Enforcement Technician Avie
Barron, Senior Code Enforcement Officer Wayne O’Gara, Police Captain Brandon Ford,
Lieutenant Greg Fellows, County Animal Shelter Emma Singh, and Animal Control AFV
Officer Bratten.
2. Public Comments
Committee Chair August called for public comments.
Lynne Brockmeier, Administrative Services Manager with HHope Program
Administration Riverside University Health System, reported on various homeless
encampments and the process for linking the individuals to the appropriate departments.
Ms. Brockmeier gave an overview on the production of a Resource Fair and how they
can provide opportunities for services such as shelter, program assistance, department
of motor vehicle (DMV) assistance and mobile medical treatments.
Committee Chair August asked various questions including the location of the
encampments, availability of affordable housing, and impacts on the larger community.
Ms. Brockmeier reported on the outreach conducted by her team, services provided to
those in need and the barriers that make it difficult to provide resources to all individuals.
City Manager Johnson inquired about the amount of people that make up an
encampment and asked Ms. Brockmeier to provide an overview of a Resource Fair. Ms.
Brockmeier noted a group of there (3) to four (4) or more is considered an encampment.
She stated her team works on identifying the needs of the individuals and assess their
vulnerabilities. She noted they typically offer food to draw the individuals to the fair and
they offer services such as clinical treatments, DMV identification opportunities, and
programs for each individual’s specific issue of concern. Ms. Brockmeier provided details
regarding an upcoming Resource Fair in the City of Perris. Lt. Fellows stated he could
distribute the flyers to his team to pass out to those in need of the resources.
The Committee further discussed the homeless needs, solutions for providing resources
and keeping the larger community safe.
City of Menifee Public Safety Committee Minutes 2
May 10, 2016
3. Minutes
April 12, 2016 minutes were approved unanimously.
4. Fire Department Monthly Report
Fire Department representative was absent.
Committee Member Liesemeyer asked the City Manager to give a brief summary of the
current Fire Station situation in Canyon Lake. City Manager Johnson stated a meeting is
scheduled on Monday, May 16, 2016 to discuss a couple options that include possibly
adding a medic squad or to continue the current fire agreement with the neighboring
cities. He gave a brief summary of the agenda discussion items at the upcoming
5. Police Department Monthly Report
Police Lieutenant Fellows reported on the activity report for March. Lt. Fellows gave an
overview of various robberies, vehicle thefts and community events for the month of
April. He also detailed a successful Pedestrian Safety Operation that resulted in over
eighty (80) citations issued.
Committee Chair August asked if adding more officers would decrease the amount of
people speeding. Lt. Fellows stated additional officers will result in more speeding
Committee Member Liesemeyer asked if a report could be provided on the number of
accidents and the fatalities on the stretch of road from Newport to the 15 freeway. Lt.
Fellows stated he would look in to generating such a report.
6. Code Enforcement Monthly Report
Code Enforcement Director McNie presented the April statistics. He reported on the
vehicle abatement cases in Quail Valley and various structural abatement cases.
Director McNie also reported that weed abatement will begin at the end of the month.
Committee Chair August inquired about dumping at the west end of McCall and
Chambers. Director McNie stated they are aware of the items dumped at this location.
He noted it is sometimes difficult to determine who is dumping the items. City Manager
Johnson added that Public Works picks up dumped items several times weekly.
Committee Member Liesemeyer inquired about a septic tank leak on Norma Drive.
Director McNie stated the owner was cited and they are working to resolve the issue.
7. Animal Control Monthly Report
a. Animal Control Services – Animal Friends of the Valleys
City of Menifee Public Safety Committee Minutes 3
May 10, 2016
Officer Bratten presented April’s service statistics. She provided a breakdown of
the animals running at large that included the number of animals returned to their
owners and the animals impounded.
b. Animal Sheltering Services – County or Riverside
Emma Singh with County Animal Shelter announced that this is her last meeting
as she has accepted a different position with County Animal Services. She noted
her replacement, Josh Sisler, will attend future meetings. She reported on
statistics for April noting the total impounds and noted the amount of animals that
were untreatable and could not be adopted.
8. City Manager Comments
City Manager Johnson reported that the outreach has begun to gauge community
feedback regarding the public safety needs and various methods to increase revenue
sources. He gave an overview of the polling conducted by the consultant and noted a
report will be provided to the City Council at a future meeting.
9. Committee Members Comments
10. Adjournment
Chairman August adjourned the meeting at 4:11 p.m.
Jennifer Allen, Deputy City Clerk