2016-03-08 Public Safety Agenda PacketCity of Menifee Public Safety Committee 29714 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 Tuesday March 8, 2016 3:00 p.m. Agenda 1. Call to order and roll call 2. Public Comments 3. Minutes — February 9, 2016 4. Fire Department Monthly Report 5. Police Department Monthly Report 6. Code Enforcement Monthly Report 7. Animal Control Monthly Report a. Animal Control Services — Animal Friends of the Valleys b. Animal Sheltering Services — County of Riverside 8. City Manager Comments 9. Committee Members Comments 10. Adjournment Next Meeting: April 12, 2016 at 3 p.m. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, you should contact Sarah Manwaring, City Clerk at (951) 672-6777. Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to assure accessibility to this meeting. Agenda Materials Materials related to an item on this Agenda, including those submitted to the Public Safety Committee after distribution of the agenda packet are available for public inspection by contacting Sarah Manwaring, City Clerk, at (951) 672-6777 during normal business hours. City of Menifee Public Safety Committee Meeting Minutes February 9, 2016 1. Call to order and roll call Chairman Greg August called the meeting to order at 3:16 p.m. Present were: Chairman Greg August, Committee Member Matthew Liesemeyer, City Manager Robert Johnson, Deputy City Clerk Jennifer Allen, Development Director Jeff Wyman, Economic Development Manager Gina Gonzalez, Community Services Director Robert Lennox, Building Official/Code Enforcement Director Colin McNie, Code Enforcement Technician Avie Barron, Fire Chief Geoff Pemberton, Police Captain Brandon Ford, Lieutenant Greg Fellows, County Animal Shelter Emma Singh, County Animal Shelter Candy Wheel, and Animal Control AFV Sheila Risinger. 2. Public Comments There were none. 3. Minutes January 12, 2016 minutes were approved unanimously. 4. Fire Department Monthly Report Chief Pemberton covered the fire department statistics for the month of January. He reported on the total calls by each station for Menifee and Canyon Lake. City Manager Johnson asked how many calls the Quail Valley station made into Canyon Lake. Chief Pemberton stated the Quail Valley station made eleven (11) calls into Canyon Lake. Committee Chair August inquired about the financial impacts due to the calls being made into Canyon Lake. City Manager Johnson explained the cost sharing agreement and how the costs and calls are allocated. 5. Police Department Monthly Report Police Lieutenant Fellows detailed January's activity report noting that the Menifee Police Department received 3,890 calls for the month. Lt. Fellows reported on a Crime Watch Event on February 27, 2016 at the Breakfast Club from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. He also noted a Pedestrian Safety Enforcement Operation is scheduled on February 11, 2016. Committee Chair August inquired about the police activity on Newport and about an article in the paper regarding police activity generating revenue for Menifee and if a rebuttal article is necessary to clear up any misunderstandings. Lieutenant Fellows stated the police will continue to monitor activity on Newport and noted that the police issue traffic citations for the purpose of reducing traffic collision incidents. Captain Ford noted the Sheriff's Department has released press statements to inform the public as to why traffic enforcement occurs. He noted that the information is currently available to the public and he does not believe it is necessary to release another press statement. 6. Code Enforcement Monthly Report Building Official McNie presented the January statistics. He reported on the total notices of violations issued and the total administrative citations issued. Committee Member Liesemeyer inquired about the incoming calls to Code Enforcement, revenue received from the citations issued for vehicle abatement, and the nature of commercial enforcement citations issued. Building Official McNie stated the majority of the calls Code Enforcement received where regarding public nuisance and vehicle abatement. He noted the City receives a percentage of the fee collected for vehicle abatement citations and the commercial citations issued are typically written for commercial trucks parked illegally. Committee Member Liesemeyer asked for an update on the public nuisance property on Kennedy Lane. Building Official McNie provided an update on the Kennedy property. Committee Chair August reported on a letter he received from a resident, Corzette Owen, relating to a citation on a vehicle she recently transferred into someone else's name. Lt. Fellows explained the citation process and noted that residents wanting to appeal a citation should follow the instructions on the citation. Building Official McNie noted that Ms. Owen's appeal period has expired on her ticket and therefore she is responsible for the payment. Following Committee discussion regarding the process and procedures for dealing with citations written by the Menifee Police, City Manager Johnson encouraged that a discussion take place in the future to set up a procedure for the calls that come in for vehicle citation processing. 7. Animal Control Monthly Report a. Animal Sheltering Services — County of Riverside Emma Singh with County Animal Shelter introduced Candy Wheel, Front Counter Staff Supervisor noting that she will have some of her staff join her at some of the meetings. Ms. Singh reported on the statistics for the month of January. She gave an overview of the types of treatable and untreatable illnesses that will allow for animals to either be placed in the rescue system or that have to be euthanized. Ms. Singh noted she forwarded an email to the City Council regarding the increase in dogs being rescued. Committee Chair August asked if Menifee residents visit the Shelter to pick up their dogs. Ms. Singh noted that she does receive many visits by Menifee owners to pick up their dogs. b. Animal Control Services — Animal Friends of the Valleys Officer Risinger presented January's service statistics. She reported on the calls received regarding owners that cannot care for their animals and that Animal Control is working with these residents to ensure the animals are cared for. Committee Chair August reported on a dog that was hit near the Newport Commons area on Newport Road. Officer Risinger stated she would stop by to access the situation on Newport Road. 8. City Manager Comments City Manager Robert Johnson presented a detailed powerpoint that raised potential revenue generating ideas and solutions for public safety. City Manager Johnson reported on the demographics in Menifee, building forecasts for revenues and expenditures assumptions and the sources of current revenue. During his presentation he provided a detailed description of the projected five (5) year financial forecast, the challenge of reducing expenditures and generating revenue, and loss of developer fees as less land becomes available to be developed. City Manager Johnson communicated his efforts toward reducing expenditures and his efforts towards solutions for generating revenue. In addition, City Manager Johnson presented a "new" plan offering potential solutions towards generating revenue which included; a sales tax measure, an increase in transient occupancy tax, a local measure for Community Service District (CSD) enhancements, a utility users tax, a community facilities district (CFD) for public safety and a community outreach plan. Committee members inquired about the financial five (5) year projections, increase in staff for police and fire, if the report takes into account the population growth, and impacts of a citywide CFD. City Manager Johnson addressed the Committee's questions. Committee Chair August recommended sending the revenue generating presentation to the City Council, Committee Member Liesemeyer stated he supports presenting the plan to the City Council. City Manager Johnson stated he would begin preparation on the report to bring it before the City Council as recommended by the Public Safety Committee. 9. Committee Members Comments Committee Member Liesemeyer inquired about the rise in vehicle theft. Lt. Fellows stated theft was occurring due to unlocked vehicles. He noted it was mostly occurring in the Eldorado area and that the homeowners association (HOA) will be receiving a reminder to lock their vehicles. Committee Member Liesemeyer asked if Police could include a map in their report detailing where the vehicle thefts are occurring. Lt. Fellows stated he would look in to this type of detailed map. Committee Member Liesemeyer inquired about police staff's morale in relation to AB109. Captain Ford expressed that his staff wished they had the opportunity to do more and they will continue to fight the uphill battle. 10. Adjournment Chairman August adjourned the meeting at 4:47 p.m. Jennifer Allen, Deputy City Clerk T `o W F�1 LL J a U E L m a _L LL A C 0 U 'C L 7{ C 3 m C s 0 n c c Vl w N L_ a 0 O N .0 7 fu O N N E N N c 0 c co U 2 OJ d a� o C C v � N C O' O C N N Z o iu 'a 2 w -CL u. w 0 p O L {� 0 O o — E c v � L C U L 0 o m n o m a) c N v c 0 u N c a� m E .Q a� L T. O N Y U M LO W— ep N O — In M N M I- LO N) LL y 0) C y Q C (0 E i N a) Q LL Q c�6 c9 L10 LL ,p V d d 2( i r. 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U H Z o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N � w Y N L 0 C_ N Q 0 U � O .N Q is m ii U) o) >' U U U C.0 U U N N U ) t L (6 LO a, m ca IL N O U O C N �U C we O U7 cu N N C 0 0_ c m E 'C 0- 2 m N C N �U C T 0 (D Le. rn ca e a LL G G a z C 'c 4" a) w O w 7 N O a) a) C O a co co 0 c ay N O. 0 c N N O 'o r C O O C d N 0 C C c lL .L w 6c. 5 N 0 o U w 1� N � a •a a� w ` c \' O U3 N m n .0 •n n { L N •S N .D � N 3 -o 4 = c b b t} M 0 � s N IL i p1 m CL N lQ J MENIFEE POLICE DEPARTMENT Riverside County Sheriff's Department ENtFe Stan Sniff, Sheriff t: Menifee Public Safety Report - March 2016 During the month of February 2016, the Menifee Police Department 3,819 calls. During the month of February 2016, the City of Menifee had 159 Part 1 crimes. A three month comparison is provided below. Note: Increases are highlighted in red Dec 2015 Jan 2016 Feb 2016 % Change Homicide 0 0 0 N/A Arson 0 0 0 N/A Assault 23 18 14 -22.2% Burglaries 49 35 17 -51.4% Grand/Petty Theft 101 113 79 -30.1% Rape 0 0 1 N/A Robbery 6 5 4 -20.0% Vehicle Theft 28 35 21 -40.0% Theft From Vehicle 38 56 23 -58.9% During the month of February 2016, the City of Menifee had 50 Vandalisms and 20 Public Intoxi- cations. A three month comparison of Vandalism & Public Intoxication calls is provided below: Dec 2015 Jan 2016 Feb 2016 % Change Vandalisms 23 41 50 1' Public Intoxications 19 30 20 -33.3% During the month of February 2016, the City of Menifee had 574 Traffic Citations, 59 DUI calls, and 85 Traffic Collisions. A three month comparison of Traffic Enforcement calls is provided below: Dec 2015 Jan 2016 Feb 2016 % Change Traffic Citations 534 465 574 ' DUIs 48 41 59 Traffic Collisions 97 92 85 -7.6% Disclaimer: The raw statistics presented in this report are based on the information currently in our Records Management System. These numbers are dynamic and can change based on how fast reports are written and entered into the Records Management System. These statistics are for law enforcement purposes only. 00 00 � d N N O M b h N ►7 W kn O W o �,olo'- --' o �. 00 [' : M d N O l� to vl A N N �o d d N A N O O M O [� �i� N'� -' -- M N " 7, ' M U N O N 00 .--. 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