Public Works reportPublic Safety Commission Meeting
Meeting Date: 11/14/17
Traffic Items (Since October 10, 2017):
a) Currently working on extending the coordination for Newport Rd to the
eastern City limits;
b) Increased timing at several locations for school crossings;
c) Increased all red phases at McCall/Hillpointe;
d) Performed night time review of all signals citywide to assess operations,
programming, loops, pedestrian phases, safety light outages, and burned
out street name signs;
e) Reviewed missing Emergency Vehicle Pre-Emption Devices for faster
f) On 10/13 thru 10/15, checked signal timing phasing on:
1. Newport at Bradley;
2. Newport at Winter Hawk; and
3. Newport at Evans.
g) On 10/16, extended signal timing to clear out congestion along Bradley due
to Caltrans work closure of McCall ramps;
h) Re -set timing to prevent overlapping turns on Antelope at Newport;
i) Corrected/adjusted signal timing at 6 intersections, and signal coordination
at the 215 freeway;
j) Responded to damaged signal equipment due to accident;
k) Checked pedestrian crossings and push buttons all along Newport.
a) Reviewed all arterials citywide and recommended priority streets to
restripe and refresh centerlines, edge lines, and raised pavement markers;
a) Reviewed 14 locations for stop signs or other options;
b) —Sign - Reflectivity survey, issuied work orders for over 300 replacements,
including 99 warning signs and stop sign;
c) Determine where trees were blocking view of signals, flashers, school signs,
speed limit signs, stop signs, and other key warning signs and issued over
100 work requests to correct;
d) Replaced missing reflectors on curves at 2 locations;
e) Installed Neighborhood Watch signs for Galaxy Tract;
f) Reviewed temporary signage for Road Closed — La Piedra;
g) Ordered over 100 signs to increase sign reflectivity;
h) Reviewed tree trimming standards for signs and signals with staff.
a) Provided recommendations on school circulation at Hans Christenson Middle
School, Boulder Ridge Elementary, Santa Rosa, Menifee MS, Herk Bouris,
Good Shephard Luthern, Southshore Elementary, Callie Kirkpatrick
Elementary, Quail Valley Elementary, Bell Mtn. Middle School, Paloma High
b) Initiated 9 new striping plans to help relieve school congestion;
c) Coordination meetings with School District and Police Department to discuss
d) Reviewed school zone request on Newport at Evans;
e) Reviewed school zone request at Callie Kirkpatrick w/ MUSD;
f) Meeting w/ School Superintendent to coordinate various issues;
g) Reviewed dismissal procedures at Charter School on Newport.
a) Investigated 13 Speeding Requests — conducted surveys, samplings,
deployed radar trailer and worked with PD to enforce — Sun City Blvd, Rio
Vista, McCall, Ridgemoor, Derby Hill, Murphy Ranch, Palomar, La Ladera,
Bradley, Mtn. View, San Jacinto, Morning Breeze, Normandy;
b) Speed Limits — reviews 24 segments for new posting of speed limits, and
surveyed 2 new streets (Murphy Ranch and Normandy) to reduce existing
speed limits;
c) Set speed trailer in neighborhoods as follows: 10/12 — 10/16 Corson,
Palomar, 10/16 — 10/19 Evening Star, Connie Way, 10/19-10/23 - Bradley,
Milky Way, 10/23-26 - Lindenberger, Menifee, 11/6 — Chambers;
d) Posting Speed Limit on Northwood — PD to enforce.
a) Conducted Pedestrian Circulation Study of Holland at new park;
b) Working with RCTC to repair 2 Railroad Crossings in disrepair at
Menifee/Mathews area;
c) Reviewing tree placement w/ staff and discussed developing standards;
d) Initiated work order for installing berms at 8 locations to help prohibit LT's in
and out of various streets and driveways.