Menifee Sharps Flyer (updated 9-14-2017).pdfSafe Needle Disposal is as
easy as 1-2-3!
Waste Management is proud to provide a Sharps Home
Delivery program for City of Menifee Residents.
Residents are able to conveniently and responsibly dispose of needles, lancets, and other
sharps from their own homes with Waste Management's mail back containers in just three
easy steps.
Step 1: Call Waste Management's customer service at (800)
423-9986 and request a Sharps container. A Waste
Management Sharps Mail -Back system will be delivered to
your home the following week.
Step 2: Fill the container with Sharps.
Step 3: Mail the Sharps container back for safe disposal by
using the pre -paid postage box provided. Make sure you sign
the form included in the side pocket of your kit. If needed,
simply contact Waste Management's customer service for a
new kit.
*On an annual basis, residents will receive one free Sharps Mail -Back container, with a second
and third kit available for a $5.00 co -pay. Limit one Sharps Mail -Back kit at a time.