2017-02-14 Public Safety Committee MinutesCity of Menifee
Public Safety Committee
Meeting Minutes
February 14, 2017
Call to order and roll call
Chairman Greg August called the meeting to order at 3:04 p.m.
Present were: Chairman Greg August, Committee Member Matthew Liesemeyer, Acting City Manager Jeff Wyman, Deputy City Clerk Jennifer Allen, Economic Development Manager Gina Gonzalez,
City Engineer/Public Works Director Jonathan Smith, Senior Code Enforcement Officer Wayne O’Gara, Battalion Chief Josh Bischof.
Public Comments
Committee Chair August called for public comments. There were no public comments.
January 10, 2017 minutes were approved unanimously.
Trauma Intervention Program (TIP)
Magda Stewart, CEO Southwest Riverside County, provided a presentation on the Trauma Intervention Program. Ms. Stewart provided background on the program noting that the program offers
emotional and practical support to citizens in traumatic crises. She requested a partnership with Menifee that includes a representative from the City that will sit on the Board as
well as funding from the City.
Committee Chair asked Ms. Stewart if she has applied for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. Ms. Stewart stated they have not applied for CDBG funds, however typically the
funds come from the public safety budget.
Committee Chair August asked if a proposal could be brought before the Committee for review to decide if there are funds to partner with TIP. Acting City Manager Wyman suggested that
staff would review the budget to determine if funds are available for the program.
Fire Department Monthly Report
Battalion Chief Josh Bischof provided the Fire stats for the month of January. Chief Bischof reported on the number of calls per month noting that the Sun City area generates numerous
calls per month.
Committee Chair August asked what the average call time is. Chief Bischof stated that forty-five minutes is the average call time.
Committee Member Liesemeyer referenced the report noting there are several false alarm calls and inquired about fees for false alarm calls. Chief Bishop stated some cities do charge
a fee for false alarm calls, he noted that charging a fee does cut down on these types of calls.
Committee Chair August inquired about road closures during the recent storm events. Chief Bishop reported on the streets that had road closures.
Committee Chair August asked if Fire will be submitting their budget proposal to the City. Chief Bishop stated that they are currently working on their budget and will be presenting
it to the City soon. He stated they will be requesting one (1) squad for the Sun City area, a Fire System Specialist, and the Municipal Staff Model which allows for one (1) Captain
on duty every day. Committee Member Liesemeyer stated he would recommend the Fire System Specialist as he could see the benefits this would provide to the City. Committee Member Liesemeyer
suggested that staff look in to charging a fee for false alarm calls. Acting City Manager Wyman suggested that staff review Fire’s budget proposal to determine the cost impacts and
then present the proposal to the Council.
Police Department Monthly Report
Police representative was absent.
Code Enforcement Monthly Report
Senior Code Enforcement Officer O’Gara provided the monthly report for January. Officer O’Gara stated the homeless have become more aggressive and Code Enforcement is looking in to
safety training. He stated Code Enforcement will now only be confirming that homeless encampments exist and then referring homeless issues to the Police. Officer O’Gara stated he has
been assigned to the abandoned vehicle abatement program and provided an overview of the task.
Committee Chair August asked if the Police need to be involved with the abatement vehicle program. Officer O’Gara stated that Code Enforcement has a direct line to the Department of
Motor Vehicle (DMV) to obtain registration information therefore they do not need to get Police involved.
Animal Control Monthly Report
Animal Control Services – Animal Friends of the Valleys (AFV)
Animal Friends of the Valleys’ representative was absent.
Animal Sheltering Services – County or Riverside
County of Riverside Animal Shelter representative was absent.
City Manager Comments
Acting City Manager Wyman stated the City Engineer will provide a report on the preparation for the upcoming expected rain event.
City Engineer Smith provided a report regarding the past rain events, road closures, and the upcoming preparation for the expected storm. City Engineer Smith stated his department has
received several complaints regarding speeding and citizens running stop signs.
Committee Chair August asked how many Public Works employees are providing maintenance out in the field. City Engineer Smith stated that five (5) maintenance workers are providing services
for the entire City.
Committee Members Comments
Committee Member August asked Mr. Alyassi if he would like to make any comments.
Ricky Alyassi, Director of Pupil Services for Romoland School District, provided an overview of the Safety Comprehensive Plan that the school district reviews and approves every year
in March. He also gave an overview of the district’s Romoland Cares Program and the upcoming presentations. Mr. Alyassi reported on some streets within the Romoland district that were
flooded during the rain event. City Engineer Smith reported on the upcoming road improvements that will address some of the flooding issues.
Committee Member Liesemeyer inquired about the completion of Line A. City Engineer Smith stated they anticipate Line A to be completed in July of 2017.
Chairman August adjourned the meeting at 4:05 p.m.
Jennifer Allen, Deputy City Clerk