Email with 2016 emergency call statistics Response TotalsGood Morning Public Safety Committee Members, Please see the attached 2016 emergency call statistics as requested at the last Public Safety meeting. Have a good day. From: Bischof, Joshua@CALFIRE [mailto:Joshua.Bischof@fire.ca.gov] Sent: Monday, January 23, 2017 6:50 PM To: Jeff Wyman <jwyman@cityofmenifee.us> Cc: Julie Woodruff <jwoodruff@cityofmenifee.us>; Jennifer Allen <jallen@cityofmenifee.us>; Hawkins, John@CALFIRE <John.Hawkins@fire.ca.gov>; Everhart, Greg@CALFIRE <Greg.Everhart@fire.ca.gov>; Ferguson, Maria@CALFIRE <Maria.Ferguson@fire.ca.gov>; Pemberton, Geoff@CALFIRE <Geoff.Pemberton@fire.ca.gov>; Ty Davis <tyrell.davis@fire.ca.gov> Subject: 2016 Response Totals Good Evening Mr. Wyman, We have received all of the official 2016 emergency call statistics relating to the city of Menifee. Councilmember Sobek requested the 2016 call totals for the Menifee Fire Stations. In addition to Councilmember Sobek’s request the 2016 call totals were also requested at the last Public Safety Committee meeting. I have attached all of the 2016 statistics as well as a quick synopsis below. * Quail Valley, Station 5, had a total of 915 calls within the station’s primary response area. Engine 5 responded to a total of 1,411 emergency calls in 2016. * Sun City, Station 7, had a total of 6,126 calls within the station’s primary response area. Engine 7 responded to a total of 5,388 emergency calls in 2016. * Menifee, Station 68, had a total of 1,475 calls within the station’s primary response area. Engine 68 responded to a total of 1,974 emergency calls in 2016. * Menifee Lakes, Station 76, had a total of 2,679 calls within the station’s primary response area. Engine 76 responded to a total of 3,226 emergency calls and Truck 76 responded to a total of 1,794 emergency calls in 2016. * Station 7 ended 2016 as the busiest primary response area as well as the busiest Engine within Riverside County Fire Department. * Station 7, had a total of 6,126 emergency calls in 2016. That is an average of 16.78 calls per day. * Engine 7, responded to a total of 5,388 emergency calls in 2016. That is an average of 14.76 calls per day. * Station 7, had a total of 889 more calls than the 2nd busiest response area within Riverside County Fire Department. * Engine 7, responded to a total of 689 more calls than the 2nd busiest engine within Riverside County Fire Department. Please let me know if there are any questions or if any clarification is needed. Kind regards, Josh Bischof Battalion Chief – B13A CAL FIRE / Riverside County Fire Menifee Battalion Cell (951) 623-3946