PW 2018-12-11 Public Safety CommitteePublic Safety Committee Meeting
Meeting Date: 12/11/18
1. Traffic Signal turn-ons/modifications last month: Normandy/La Ladera, Goetz/Audie
Murphy Ranch-Canyon Lake, Zeiders/Commerce Point, Ethanac/Murrieta (City of
Perris operates).
2. Ethanac/Trumble street improvements and traffic signal modification (City of Perris)
has obtained encroachment permit to start work.
3. Traffic Signal design have been approved for Hidden Hills development at:
Murrieta/Craig, Murrieta/Beth, and Murrieta/Garbani.
4. Traffic Signal design in process for City CIP projects at: Scott/Murrieta,
McCall/Hospital (Oakhurst), Murrieta/Park City.
5. Power failure/surge caused major damage to signal controller at Newport/Antelope on
Halloween. City replaced entire cabinet, controller, and components due to fire
damage and installed a new battery backup system.
6. Will be installing battery backup system at Newport/Menifee.
7. Murrieta Rd reviewed plans to install a northbound left turn pocket on Murrieta Rd at
Ethanac by City of Perris developer. Traffic signal will need to be modified. City to
review plans.
8. Commercial Vehicle Ordinance introduced at City Council 11/07/18 . Second reading
to City Council on 12/5/18.
9. Truck Route Ordinance being prepared and should be to City Council in January 2019.
10. Menifee Town Center Pedestrian crosswalk plan approved. This crosswalk will have
pop-outs and a pedestrian activated rectangular rapid flashing beacon.
11. Approved 18 new bus stop locations in the Heritage Lake and McCall area for RTA
Route 40. RTA plans to start this service in January 2019.
12. Murrieta Rd paving and restriping project in design. Will be striping double left turns
on Murrieta Rd at Newport to improve congestion. Will be striping bike lanes on
Murrieta from just south of Newport to McCall.
13. Beginning process for re-evaluating all speed limits in city. Due to physical changes
to roadways and length of time between surveys, a new engineering and speed survey
is warranted.