SIRF Invarey 10.31.20181 Bischof, Joshua@CALFIRE From:rrurvcintranet@rvcweb.org Sent:Wednesday, October 31, 2018 8:23 PM To:AVilla@cityofmenifee.us; jwyman@cityofmenifee.us; rluna@cityofmenifee.us; Davis, Tyrell@CALFIRE; Bischof, Joshua@CALFIRE; cmcnie@cityofmenifee.us; jsmith@cityofmenifee.us Cc:Davis, Tyrell@CALFIRE; Bischof, Joshua@CALFIRE; Brandes, Walt@CALFIRE; Byrnes, Daniel@CALFIRE; Maloney, Calista@CALFIRE; CALFIRE RRU Mgmt Group; CALFIRE RRU PIO; Maloney, Calista@CALFIRE; Paul, Alex@CALFIRE Subject:Significant Incident Report 18CARRU137290 [Submitted by Joshua.Bischof@fire.ca.gov] This is an automated message please do not reply to this message. Please direct any questions or concerns to the submitter listed at the bottom of the form. Thank you, Riverside County Fire Department Significant Incident Report Form Incident Description Incident Number Incident Name Incident Type Location of Incident Date/Time Reported 10/31/2018 7:22 PM City/Area Type of Occupancy Total $ Saved Total $ Loss Smoke Detector Acres Burned Fire Cause Civilian Injuries Minor City of Menifee 18CARRU137290 Invarey Fire, Str. Residential 26859 Invarey Street Menifee Single Family Residence $275,000 $25,000 Present, Did Not Activate 0 Unintentional 1 2 Moderate Major Fatalities Firefighter Injuries Minor Moderate Major Fatalities Evacuations/Displaced Number of Displaced 3 Adult Child Fire OES Red Cross Evacuation Center Location Residential Property Damage Damaged Destroyed Threatened Commercial Property Damage Damaged Destroyed Threatened Out Buildings Property Damage Damaged Destroyed Threatened Vehicles Property Damage Damaged Destroyed 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 Not Applicable Responded 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 Threatened Resources First Due Fire Station Engines Squads Air Attacks Truck Co's RVC Medic Unit Air Tankers Breathing Support RVC Haz Mat Units Helicopters Firefighters Ambulance - Air Fire Crews Chief Officers Ambulance - Ground Water Tenders Overhead Personnel Bulldozers Incident Duration Cooperating Agencies Disposition of Utilities Electric Gas Building Owner/Occupant Owner Name 0 7 Sun City 4 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1.5 Hours CAL Fire Building and Safety Department None Service Shut Off Not Applicable Oscar Bryant 4 Owner Phone Occupant Name Occupant Phone Incident Description CAL FIRE / Riverside County Fire Department firefighters responded to a reported residential structure fire at 26859 Invarey Street in the City of Menifee. The first arriving Engine reported smoke coming from the garage of a single family dwelling. Firefighters quickly deployed a coordinated fire attack while searching for any victims. The fire was contained to contents in the garage with a small amount of extension into the attic space above the garage. One victim was treated on scene and singed AMA refusing transport. Red Cross was called to assist with 2 adult males and 1 adult female that were displaced from the residence. There were no firefighter injuries reported during the incident. Notification To Direct City/Jurisdiction Notification Person Contacted by Phone Date/Time Contacted 10/31/2018 7:43 PM Prepared By Jbischof Date/Time Complete 10/31/2018 7:56 PM Same Alex.Paul@fire.ca.gov Phone and Email ACM Jeff Wyman 5