Arrest Logs PSAL 081318 - 081918Perris Station Arrest Log Charge Location Incident Date Time DescriptionPoss Contr Subs Block 22000 Aloha Rd/ Mead Valley PC-182250030 08/13/2018 16:30:00 Michaca,Martin, 20 Years, Arrested For Poss Contr Subs.Drunk In Public-alco Block 26000 Sultanas Rd/ Homeland PC-182250018 08/13/2018 10:20:00 Diaz,Alejandro Mendoza, 45 Years, Arrested For Disor Cndct Drugs/w/alco.Drunk In Public-alco Clark St/ Oakw ood St Mead Valley PC-182250016 08/13/2018 09:54:00 Gervacio,Silvestre Salvador, 29 Years, Arrested For Public Intoxication.Vehicle/trailor/cons Block 400 Orange Creek Rd/ Perris PE-182250002 08/13/2018 01:30:00 Gama,Albert Nicholas, 21 Years, Arrested For Rec Know n Stolen Prop.Possess Controlled S E Nuevo Rd/ N Perris Bl Perris PE-18226009408/14/2018 20:55:00 Ramirez,Richard Lucky, 26 Years, Arrested For Paraphernalia.Trespass:obstruct/et Block 500 W 4th St/ Perris PE-182260041 08/14/2018 11:45:00 Meza,Jessica Marina, 27 Years, Arrested For T/pass.Prevent Dissuade Vic Block 100 N Perris Bl/ Perris PE-182230104 08/14/2018 12:04:00 Mitchell,Cora, 24 Years, Arrested For Witness Intimidation.Rec Know n Stolen Prop Block 30000 Hanover Ln/ Menifee ME-182070015 08/14/2018 21:40:00 Torres,Cristina, 37 Years, Arrested For Rec Known Stolen Prop.Inflict Corporal Inj Block 27300 Sun City Bl/ Menifee ME-182270135 08/15/2018 18:10:00 Zmich,Carol B, 62 Years, Arrested For Inflic Corp Inj Spse/coh.Obtain Credit Use Ot Block 30300 Haun Rd/ Menifee ME-182270132 08/15/2018 17:17:00 Barnes,Zachary Edward, 21 Years, Arrested For Personate Get Money/prop.False Identification W Orange Av/ N Perris Bl Perris PE-182270107 08/15/2018 16:59:00 Hernandez,Jesus, 59 Years, Arrested For Fls Id To Peace Ofcr.Violate Court Order Block 27900 Adams Av/ Menifee ME-182270092 08/15/2018 13:55:00 Pacheco,Ulises Villa, 19 Years, Arrested For Vio Ct Or Prev Dom Vio.Rec Know n Stolen Prop Elizabeth St/ Jefferson St Mead Valley ZE-182270001 08/15/2018 08:50:00 Lopez,Robert Joseph, 30 Years, Arrested For Rec Known Stolen Prop.Violate Court Order Block 25300 Adjer St/ Menifee ME-182270033 08/15/2018 08:15:00 Hexum,Rachel Leigh, 32 Years, Arrested For Vio Ct Or Prev Dom Vio.Robbery 2nd Degree Naumann Ave/ Robertson St Homeland PC-182170044 08/15/2018 21:26:00 Escalante,Desiree Monrique, 33 Years, Arrested For Robbery 2nd Degree.Poss Of Burglary Tools Block 200 5th St/ Perris PE-182280073 08/16/2018 12:45:00 Mandujando,Jose Manuel, 30 Years, Arrested For Poss Of Burglary Tools.Public Intoxication San Jacinto Ave/ Perris Blvd Perris PE-182280048 08/16/2018 09:00:00 Brooks,Jeffrey Truman, 36 Years, Arrested For Public Intoxication.Dui Alcohol St Hw y 74/ Chairman Menifee ME-182280014 08/16/2018 06:00:00 Medina,Ismael Parra, 48 Years, Arrested For Dui Alcohol.Paraphernalia Antelope Rd/ Ethanac Rd Menifee ME-182280003 08/16/2018 01:55:00 Damon,Dalton Robert, 25 Years, Arrested For Paraphernalia.Paraphernalia Antelope Rd/ Ethanac Rd Menifee ME-182280003 08/16/2018 01:55:00 Smith,Charlee Staci, 27 Years, Arrested For Paraphernalia.Asslt W/dead/w eapon/fire Block 20000 Verta St/ Mead Valley PC-181660033 08/16/2018 07:38:00 Laird,Stephen John, 63 Years, Arrested For Asslt W/dead/weapon/fire.Inflic Corp Inj Spse/coh 7th St/ Park Ave Perris PE-182290140 08/17/2018 23:48:00 Quintero,Oscar, 26 Years, Arrested For Inflic Corp Inj Spse/coh.Dui Block 2000 Medical Center Dr/ Perris PE-182290122 08/17/2018 21:49:00 Rico,Javier Gutierrez, 24 Years, Arrested For Dui.Dui Block 2000 Medical Center Dr/ Perris PE-182290122 08/17/2018 21:49:00 Hernandez,Miguel Angel, 23 Years, Arrested For Dui.Obstruct/resist Pub Off Clark St/ Elmwood St Perris PE-18229008908/17/2018 22:00:00 Gaxiola,Miguel Angel, 26 Years, Arrested For Obstruct/resist Pub Off.Fel Comm On Bail/or Rel Clark St/ Elmwood St Perris PE-18229008908/17/2018 22:00:00 Sanchez,Eriberto, 37 Years, Arrested For Fel Comm On Bail/or Rel.Vio Ct Or Prev Dom Vio Block 29000 Morning Breeze Dr/ Menifee ME-182290119 08/17/2018 17:15:00 Bow man,Raymond Stephan, 37 Years, Arrested For Vio Ct Or Prev Dom Vio.Dui New port Rd/ Bradley Rd Menifee ME-182290004 08/17/2018 01:33:00 Anderson,Shelby Kay, 47 Years, Arrested For Dui.Vio Ct Or Prev Dom Vio Block 2000 Alfalfadale Rd/ Perris PE-182280163 08/17/2018 00:05:00 Espinoza,Edgar Perez, 34 Years, Arrested For Vio Ct Or Prev Dom Vio.Resident Burg 1st Block 1000 Creekw ood Ct/ Perris PE-182210092 08/17/2018 01:00:00 Esquivel,Octavio, 18 Years, Arrested For Resident Burg 1st.Dui Alcohol St Hwy 74/ 1st St Menifee ME-182300113 08/18/2018 23:45:00 Corn,Armando, 49 Years, Arrested For Dui Alcohol.Dui Alcohol Spectacular Bid St/ Spokane St Perris PE-182300117 08/18/2018 22:00:00 Hartman,Nicholas Paul, 28 Years, Arrested For Dui Alcohol.Dui Alcohol Antelope Rd/ Newport Rd Menifee ME-182300077 08/18/2018 22:45:00 Abbondanza,Nicholas Iii, 38 Years, Arrested For Dui Alcohol.Poss Contr Subs Block 24000 Brillante Dr/ Menifee ME-182280046 08/18/2018 11:24:00 Zapata,Noah Anthony, 21 Years, Arrested For Poss Contr Subs.Inflic Corp Inj Spse/coh Block 300 San Jacinto Ave/ Perris PE-182310023 08/19/2018 08:29:00 Garcia,Raul Gamez, 40 Years, Arrested For Inflic Corp Inj Spse/coh.Public Intoxication 3rd St/ D St Perris PE-182310015 08/19/2018 04:15:00 Gomez,Sergio, 28 Years, Arrested For Public Intoxication.Dui Alcohol Dominegoni Pkw y/ Leon Rd Menifee ME-182310012 08/19/2018 01:44:00 Ayala,Guadalupe, 37 Years, Arrested For Dui Alcohol.Dui Alcohol Block 3000 Santo Tomas Ave/ Perris PE-182310002 08/19/2018 01:10:00 Salazar,Alfredo, 24 Years, Arrested For Dui Alcohol.Inflic Corp Inj Spse/coh Block 21000 Woodward ST/ Mead Valley PC-182300099 08/19/2018 01:18:00 Mejia,Jaime, 35 Years, Arrested For Inflic Corp Inj Spse/coh.Terrorist Threats Block 1000 Perris Blvd/ Perris PE-182300090 08/19/2018 21:30:00 Bell,Nathan Jamal, 23 Years, Arrested For Terrorist Threats.Tk Veh W/o Owner's Cnsnt Block 29000 Cottage Ct/ Menifee ME-182200076 08/19/2018 21:00:00 Dehorta,Jose, 34 Years, Arrested For Tk Veh W/o Owner's Cnsnt.