Fire Marshal Report 06.12.2018 29714 Haun Rd. Menifee, CA 92501 Phone (951) 723-3765 • Fax (951) 679-3843 menifeeofm@cityofmenifee.us June 05, 2018 City of Menifee Office of the Fire Marshal Statistics for the Month of May 2018 Plan Reviews Conducted: 42 Turnaround Time: Within 15 days of submittal. Plans are starting to be reviewed on over time by staff to maintain 10-15 day turnaround and leave time for inspections during shift. Planning Cases Reviewed: 7 Turnaround times: We are 1 week behind on average for reviews. Starting this week planning cases will be reviewed during shift and on overtime until caught up. Inspections Conducted: 157 Turnaround Times: Scheduled within 48 hours to one week out. Inspections are scheduled and filled up to a week ahead. Residential fire sprinkler inspections in tract developments was supplemented by (2) Riverside County Fire Systems Inspector at least 2 days this month and we have requested continued assistance to maintain turnaround times. Fire Marshal and Fire Safety Specialist continue to conduct these inspections on other business days. Cost of Inspectors (straight time) is charged to the Menifee account by the main county office. Administrative Assistance: Staff from the Riverside County OFM Market street office are assisting in processing documentation for inspection and are auditing to ensure all inspection/processing fees are being captured. Fire Safety Specialist and Office Assistant III have come in to assist with processing tract files and inspection documentation for invoicing. • Fire Safety Specialist Sonya Rivera-Bu received training in Code updates for the upcoming California Fire and Building Code through a course presented by the Riverside County Office of the Fire Marshal. Ms. Bu is pro-active in keeping up with significant code changes that will affect upcoming construction with the adoption of the new Building and Fire Codes in 2018. • Fire Safety Specialist Sonya Rivera-Bu attended a two day course conducted by the National Fire Sprinkler Association regarding installation, and plan review of Underground fire line plan review, inspection and installation. Ms. Bu is active in conducting underground fire line inspections for major projects in the City of Menifee 2 and this new training provides updates on California law regarding contractors who install private fire lines. • Fire Marshal Paul Villalobos met with County Fire Marshal James Frater this month to provide an updated status on the local Menifee Office. Items of discussion were how to meet the challenging work load in Menifee, overall assessment after 9 months of existence as a local office and the future of the Menifee OFM local office program. FM Frater was positive and provided guidance and positive input for successful operation of our team. • Fire Marshal Paul Villalobos met with outgoing Deputy Fire Marshal Kevin Reinertson who had responsibility over West County Local offices and newly promoted Deputy Fire Marshal Steven Swarthout on Wednesday, May 30th. DFM Swarthout is directly responsible for overseeing the local partner city offices in West Riverside County. FM Villalobos and FSS Rivera-Bu will fall under DFM Swarthout’s area of responsibility. DFM Reinertson has been reassigned to special projects duty at the Market Street Office.