Community Services Report/
Rangers began 100% compliance checks on Skate Park rules, to include the wearing of helmets by riders of all ages.
Deputy Rice along with the Park Rangers and Code Enforcement have been working with the City’s contracted non-profit homeless outreach group called Social Network Action Group AKA SWAG.
On April 18, SWAG, Deputy Rice, Park Ranger Cynthia, and Code Enforcement Officers Wayne, Donna, and Amber went into the community and made contact with 7 homeless individuals.
All contacts were cooperative and willing to speak to the SWAG workers. Out of the seven, SWAG was able to conduct 6 assessments and issued two ID vouchers.
SWAG will create files on each individual and start to compile a “By Name” List for tracking purposes.
SWAG will start to look for resources for each individual depending on their needs and availability. They will follow up with each individual weekly, when possible, to ensure they are
moving forward in the process.
SWAG will work in the City of Menifee every Wednesday and at the end of each month they will provide us with a monthly snapshot that includes all demographics.
Park Rangers have begun field training with Code Enforcement Officers one day a week to continue until Code Enforcement is comfortable with assigning Rangers with cases such as Illegal
Parking, Illegal Dumping and Transient Trespassing.
In conjunction with Code Enforcement, Ranger Samson issued 4 Parking Citations for violations on City streets.
Rangers are entering transient contacts in GoEnforce in the same manner as Code Enforcement to better track encounters on specific properties across both departments.
Code Enforcement helped identify a transient staying in an RV in Romoland which was followed by a site visit by Park Rangers and the SWAG outreach team.