Public Works 2018-2-13 Public Safety CommitteePublic Safety Committee Meeting Meeting Date: 2/13/18 PUBLIC WORKS / ENGINEERING UPDATE (Since January 9, 2018): SIGNAL OPERATIONS Diagnosed and repaired 3 signal malfunctions: Murrieta / McCall - overhead red light out McCall / 215 SB – street name sign out McCall / 215 NB – street name sign out Coordinated Traffic Signal at Haun/Village with Newport/Haun and I-215 with plans to develop coordination for weekends Replaced faulty ped buttons at Newport/Haun Conducted night review of all signals citywide for outages Reviewed AM and PM congestion on McCall: Sun City to Encanto with plans to develop coordination plans Responded to signal damaged due to accident at Scott/Lindenberger and Scott/Briggs LANE STRIPING Staff finalized work orders for 31 locations to add lanes, restriping of centerlines, edge lines, and installing raised pavement markers Conducted inventory of 138 miles of centerlines, edgelines and rpm’s along 31 rural roads Reviewed Antelope and developing striping plan to shift lanes to the west to allow room for SB U-turns at Stillwater signal Reviewed Chambers and developing Road Diet Plan that includes bike lane/NEV lane, buffers, and center turn lane Reviewed Sun City and developing Road Diet Plan Review Holland Road adjacent to Lago Vista Sports Park and will be developing plan to address pedestrian safety, sight distance, and speeding adjacent to a park and residential land use Evaluating Bradley for possible striping changes to slow drivers through curves just south of McCall STREET SIGNAGE Replaced and installed new Traffic Signs Conducted inventory of non-reflective street name signs along 42 arterials Conducted inventory of all stop signs along 27 high speed rural roads SCHOOLS Issued work orders for new striping to help relieve congestion at 11 school locations Installed school crosswalk on all four legs of Evans/Craig SPEED RADAR TRAILERS Deployed Speed Trailers on: Stillwater Drive Via Amante McCall Evening Star Craig Reported 1 Police Traffic Enforcement issues for follow-up/monitoring Conducted new speed surveys to establish lower speed limits on: Scott, Evans, Lindenberger, Briggs, Palomar, Grand, Honey Run, Murphy Ranch, Normandy, Craig MISCELLANEOUS Review visibility issue at Menifee / Woodcrest and issued work order for additional red curbing and visibility at Celestial / Cluster and removed illegally parked vehicles. Reviewed the top 56 highest accident locations for corrective patterns Reviewed road closure at night for proper signage (La Piedra) Street Light repair Newport/Sgt. Kelly Reviewed traffic control plans for Newport and Ethanac widening Reviewed numerous traffic impact studies and site development