Community Services Public Safety Jan 2018ENFORCEMENT REPORTS       Month 1  Park Ranger (All)     Legal Code Count  13.01.290 - Smoking prohibited 2  13.01.250 - Park hours and closure 3  11.08.030(E) - Solicitations within 25 feet of retail driveway 1  13.01.100(A) Sec6 - Alcohol and drugs prohibited 2  13.01.220 - Soliciting, begging, sales, commercial operation 1  13.01.100(A) Sec1 - Skate hours of operation 1  11.08.030(F) Sec3 - Solicitations on medians and parkways 1  13.01.190(D) - Disorderly conduct: use of fireworks 1  Grand Total 12   1/9/18 – 1/12/18 Palm Desert, CA - Certified Interpretive Guide training though National Association for Interpretation. The 32-hour course included topics in history, definition, and principles of interpretation. The course provided guidance in making interpretive programs purposeful, enjoyable, relevant, organized, and thematic. The final course objective was to give a presentation in a topic which used tangible objects to connect audiences to intangible ideas. / / TRANSIENT CONTACTS             Month JANUARY 2018         City of Last Residence Age Arrived by Count   LAKE ELSINORE 38 WALKED 1   LAKE ELSINORE 38 WALKED 1   24 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION 1  Grand Total 2   1/23/2018 Point in Time Count – Park Rangers took a team of 3 volunteers around the communities of Sun City, Romoland and Menifee Lakes to find and interview any homeless individuals. All of the volunteers were experienced with the point in time count from years prior and were able to give feedback on possible locations within the City. We came across a few locations where homeless encampments had recently been abandoned. The one individual we did encounter and participated in the survey was very appreciative of the care package that was provided as he had not been connected with any resources within the City. / /