2019/07/16 John Dejulio Painting Additional Insured EndorsementL L Customer Service: (800) 722-3391 01227407000614010100 Infinity Commercial Auto 11700 Great Oaks Way, Suite 450 Alpharetta, GA 30022 Underwritten by: Infinity Select Insurance Company ADDITIONAL NAMED INSURED ENDORSEMENT Claims Service: (800) 334-1661 Copy To Policy ID Number Expiration Date 504-42855-3493-001 09/13/2020 12:01 a.m. City of Menifee 29714 Hun Rd CITY OF MENIFEE Named Insured Menifee, CA 92586 FINANCE Dejulio, John This endorsement is attached to and forms a part of the listed policy. No changes will be effective prior to the time RECEIVED changes are requested. Additional Insured City of Menifee Part A - Liability Coverage, is changed as follows: The definition of insured is changed to include the additional insured named above. Adding an insured will not increase the limit of our liability. The insurance provided by this endorsement will be excess over any other valid and collectible insurance. All other parts of this Policy remain unchanged. ADDL INSURED COPY AMEND DATE: 09/13/2019 50461AIS01 ENDORSEMENT: 11-1 Customer Service: (800) 722-3391 i 01207479000944010100 Infinity Commercial Auto 11700 Great Oaks Way, Suite 450 Alpharetta, GA 30022 Underwritten by: Infinity Select Insurance Company Claims Service: (800) 334-1661 NOTICE OF POLICY REINSTATEMENT [Copy To Policy ID Number Expiration Date CITY OF MENIFEE 504-42855-3493-001 09/13/2019 12:01 a.m. Cityof Menifee FINANCE 2974 Hun Rd Named Insured Menifee, CA 92586 SUN 2 6 2019 Dejulio, John RECEIVED This endorsement is attached to and forms a part of the listed policy. No changes will be effective prior to the time changes are requested. This is to notify you that the policy described above has been reinstated. The notice of cancellation previously forwarded to you to be effective on 07/03/2019 will not take effect. This policy has been reinstated without a lapse based on the money or information that was provided. If a premium payment reinstated this policy, and that payment is returned by the bank for any reason, the reinstatement will be rescinded and coverage will have ceased on the original cancellation date. ADDL INSURED COPY AMEND DATE: 07/03/2019 50461 RIN01 ENDORSEMENT: 10-4 Customer Service: (800) 722-3391 01213418000876010100 Infinity Commercial Auto 11700 Great Oaks Way, Suite 450 Alpharetta, GA 30022 Underwritten by: Infinity Select Insurance Company NOTICE OF POLICY REINSTATEMENT Claims Service: (800) 334-1661 Copy To Policy ID Number Expiration Date CITY OF MENIFEE 504-42855-3493-001 09/13/2019 12:01 a.m. City of Menifee FINANCE Named Insured MenifeeuCA 92586 JUL 2 2 2019 Dejulio, John This endorsement is attached to and forms a part.of RECEIVED the listed policy. No changes will be effective prior to the time changes are requested. This is to notify you that the policy described above has been reinstated. The notice of cancellation previously forwarded to you to be effective on 07/31/2019 will not take effect. This policy has been reinstated without a lapse based on the money or information that was provided. If a premium payment reinstated this policy, and that payment is returned by the bank for any reason, the reinstatement will be rescinded and coverage will have ceased on the original cancellation date. ADDL INSURED COPY AMEND DATE: 07/31/2019 50461 RIN01 ENDORSEMENT: 10-6 01213090000007010110 Infinity Commercial Auto 11700 Great Oaks Way, Suite 450 Alpharetta, GA 30022 Underwritten by: Infinity Select Insurance Company Customer Service: (800) 722-3391 Claims Service: (800) 334-1661 NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF AUTOMOBILE POLICY Popy To CITY Of MEHIFtt Policy ID Number City of Menifee JUL 2 2 2019 504-42855-3493-001 29714 Hun Rd Date of Notice Men ifee, CA 92586 RECEIVED 07/16/2019 Cancellation Date 07/31/2019 12:01 a.m. Named Insured: Agency: John Dejulio dba John Dejulio Painting AUTO INSURANCE SPECIALISTS 13249 WAGON CREEK WAY PO BOX 6507 EASTVALE, CA 92880-0706 ARTESIA, CA 90702 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE POLICY, THAT INSURANCE WILL CANCEL AT 12:01 AM ON 07/31/2019 Reason For Cancellation _ Non-payment: Premium and/or fees due on 07/13/2019 in the amount of $137.53. This amount, and all other amounts due before the cancellation date,must be received prior to the cancellation date for the policy to be considered for reinstatement. Unless the reason accompanies, or is included in the Notice of Cancellation, the notice shall state or be accompanied b a statement that, upon written request of the named insured, mailed or delivered to the insurer not less than 1y5 days prior to the effective date of cancellation, the insurer will specify the reason of such cancellation. Such reason shall be mailed or delivered to the named insured within five days after the receipt of such request. Pursuant to Section 652 of the Insurance Code, you are hereby notified that: 1. The California Automobile Assigned Risk Plan provides a means by which applicants for automobile bodily injury and property damage liability insurance may be assigned an Insurer authorized to transact liability insurance. 2. If you are unable to procure such insurance through ordinary methods, and you are in good faith eligible for such insurance in accordance with the standards of the Plan, it is possible for you to obtain it through the plan. 3. Application forms for insurance through the Plan may be obtained from and submitted through a any licensed insurance agent or broker, or b the Plan itself at 425 California Street, P.O. Box 7917, San Francisco, CA 94120 ADDL INSURED COPY AMEND DATE: 07/31/2019 50461 PNC01 ENDORSEMENT: 10-5