2018/02/01 G & H Moving & Storage Company Certficiate of Liability InsuranceA<:O6tn CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSU RANCE G&HMOVT-02 IHIS CERIIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A UATTER OF INFORIIA IION ONLYAND COI{FERS NO RIGHTS UPON IHE CERTIFIC^TE HOLOER.IHISCERNFICATE OOES NOT A FFIRIIIATIVEIY OR NEGAIIVE.Y AT'E'{O, EXTEI{D OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORO€O EY TI{E POTICIESAELOW- THIS CERT]FICA TE O' INSUNAiTE DOES NOI COI{STITUTE A COI{IRACT BETWEEN I}iE ISSU ING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZEOREPRESENTAIIVE OR PRODUCER, AiID IHE CERII FICATE HOLOER ITaPORTANI: tt lhe c6rttfc.ie hok,er it ao AOOtTtoNAL tNsuREo. rho must h.ve AOOtTtottAL tl{SUREn Provi.loD. d b. .ndoried.If SUBROGATION IS lo th. l.mr .od cotrditi@! ot th6 fDlicy, c.rt.tn polca.s tuy r.qrlre.n andd.ff.nt. A.tatsr.ot orto lho ce.tifielc hot.lsr i. Tr.mPrd&Uoo S.fvro Cm@nvoa. Promlor Dris Fonlon,llo63026 Ilto: .".eo (soo) 32r36re [# *",lassl lrz-rmo Ii fiEss. TranrProtocflon@vanliner com - "*"*,", ^..o"*"o*** I 'risuER r V.nllnolllsur.nce C!. x lz 1'172 100,000 5,000 1,000 2,000, 2,000,000 H6hot, CA 0254!r5ag c I'JUUBER II]IS IS TO CERTITY IHAT IHE POTICIES OF INSUR^NCE LISTED BFI OW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO T AAOV€ FOR THE POIICY PFRr)Orr.rorcareo ruorwrrxsruorG ANY REOUIREMEMT TFRM OR C oxorrtol or ax.r colrnaci NT WIIH RESP'CI IO WHlcH 1I]ISC€RTIFCAIE MAY BE ISSUE AFFORDED 6Y THE POLICIES DESCf.irgEo semn ssuzuecr roet nre reari.€xcLUsroNS AND CONDIIIONS oF suctl PotlctEs LtMtTs sHovvN MA 'r Hew s€eN aaouceoev pao c$trrs COXEiCIL IiEIGRAL ![AUT''l cu&5r{o€ x occm G€]{L A6CRE6^1E L'T'I PPL]ESx eoLrcvl ffi I fl,18s o"r, PKT0000t02 oo 1111t701A 1111t2019 Pcoo{rcrs,coFDPre !pp\! lf(ruRY iPd !@el 3 FFOPERII OAU'f -'' 1'l11l2O1a 1111t2O19 qgqrly riJURy ltu FAd,,l 1o,oo0 lr."*.ooo E^q ac9!aE!_cE 4qq9^rr 2,000 2,OOO x Ea!^41!!ccocl{ I E.L orsE sE - Ea E!4QEql 1,000,000 -F t Ix 11/1/2016 11/t/2oit zlnolE 21l/2019 axoE{PLorEi5 L@Liw ffiffim'trw*'*wcT34a60o2 ,,000 18 t1 lcc1]ar6ooo 1t/t/20ta 1.t/t/20t9 000 250,000 CIty ol Men[e.nd'ti oftic.B,H;,iE::.",ft r."#:ffi :ifi ifi ,T#"nriz ["ixHliltr ffi.lcMlo "r. ,n ,,a.a.. "ddrd@.I tfturod. p€. Monit . CA 925E6. ACORD 25 (20!6/03) MUJ +,e) o t9Ea-20.15 acoRo coRPoRATtOt{IIE ACORO rt.m and togo ara Egisterad m.rts ot ACORD ll241J201g SHOULDANYO'lHEABOVEDESCR'BEDPOfIClEABECAiICElfEOgEFOR' IB..o5;Iitsr3il*ii5.ft..Ij"T,,"1f,1'l!. *.. BE DELTVERED rN l I I lr Ir ,-r*1 I AGENCY CUSIOiIER ID, G&HMOVI.O2 STLCCL ACORI)tocr:1 ADDITIONAL REMARKS SCHEDULE Pag. 1 ot 1 Servic€ Company GaS ovroo A srM.el4sl Moe VLr D.ih-H.m.l, CA 9254!1s3sPAGE 1 P1PAGE 1 THIS AOOTTIOiIAL REiIARKS FORM IS A SCHED(,TE TO ACORD FORiI, tiir6d lncludod at 3100,000 ACV Loss DeductibteHlrod/flon Ownsd Auto comprehsnsive Oeductibto gl0O nrr.d,Non own.d auro co isron Dsducltbto tr00o acoRD 101{2008/01)o 2008 acoRD Th€ ACORD namo.nd togo rr. regi6t6r.d marts otACORD CORPORATION. Attnghts I I I I -r!qq.€ FoRn nrLE: Q!:!Iq9o!r-!4]I!ry!!9r _ I I polrcy NUMBER: pKroooolo2 o0 com ERctAL GENERALII?8L1u THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE REAO IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - DESIGNATED PERSON OR ORGANIZATION This endorsement modi6es insurance provided under the following. COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Narne OfAdd[ionat tnsured perEon(s) Or Organization(3) ln thia endoasoment, ,,you,'and "you/,rofu r to th6 Nam6d lnsured shown in the dectaiations. Any peisor- oa organhatlon whore required undor writton contr.ct or agieomenl with the Named lnsuradend not addrosscd by another Additionat tnsurod endo-oment mo.e p.:dinent to the relationship. lvhenagreed undor wdtlon contract botween Named rn6ured and the Additi;nd rnsur"d, or othor parry in orderto fulfill a ndtten contract between th€ Named lnsured and this Additional lnsured. {i} cova;rg; for thebcnelit ol the Addttron.r rn8urod 6har b6 p.imary to and non-contdbuting with any maintainG-d by tho Addltlonal lnsured for tt6 own benoffti and/o. (ii) subrogation egai;st the Additionallnsuaod is waivod Coverago i! only atforded to the addit onal in3ured a3 respoct to liability arising out of theNamed lnsu,ed's sole nogligence and onty for an'.occuron;e" arlsing olllltthe namedinsu.!d's ''Vlrork" .nd nol fo. any othor tiability faced by the additionat insurEd. Allolhe. pollcy language remain3 unchangod. rmatron required to cooplete this Schedute, f not shoxn above, wl f,e shown ln the DecEratjons. Soction ll - Who ls An lnsured is amended to in, clude as an addttto4al tnsureo lhe person{s) or organt zalion(s) shown rn lhe schedure but onty wth .espect lo liabrl y tor "bodrly intury". "property damage..or''personaland advertrsrng rnjury" c2used rn whble o. in pad, by your acis or omissions or the acts or omis- sjons ot those actjng on your behalf A- ln the periomance ofyour ongohg ope.atjons; or B. ln connection with your premrses owned by or rented tro you vLcG2026 07 04 lndudes copyrighted matenalof lnsurance Services Officr. lnc with its penms$on Page l of1 O