09-114 Resolution 09-114 A Resolution of the City of Menifee, California Summarily Vacating a Portion of Camino Delores and Execution of Quitclaim Deed in the City of Menifee (AB08014) Whereas, that portion of Camino Delores granted and accepted by Instrument No. 11652, dated September 11, 1974, Official Records of the Recorder, Riverside County, California, Whereas, this portion of Camino Delores is not necessary and is excess Right of Way, and not required for public street or highway purposes, now, therefore, Be it Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Menifee, State of California, in regular session assembled on September 15, 2009 as follows: 1. Pursuant to Section 8334(a) of the California Streets and Highways Code that the hereinafter-described portion of Camino Delores is excess right-of-way, is no longer required for public street and highway purposes and is hereby summarily vacated. Camino Delores (See Exhibit "A") That portion of Camino Delores (5.00 feet wide) described and dedicated by Instrument No. 116552, recorded September 11, 1974, Official Records of the Recorder, Riverside County, California. See Plat Attached Hereto As Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof Excepting and reserving from the vacation an easement for any existing public utilities and public service facilities, together with the right to maintain, operate, replace, remove or renew such facilities, pursuant to section 8340 of the California Streets and Highways Code Be it further resolved, that the City Clerk is directed to cause a certified copy of this resolution to be recorded in the office of the Recorder of the County of Riverside, California, and the Mayor of the City of Menifee is authorized to execute Quitclaim Deed to Sudweeks Development, LLC, A Limited Liability Company. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 4th day of August 2009. AYES: NOES: ��'1►�-� ABSENT: '7 W71-0 ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Wallace W. Edgerton, Mayor Kathy Bennett, City Clerk 3 Wallace W.Edgerton Mayor Darcy:Kuenzi Mayor Pro Tem John.V.Denver Councilmember Scott A.Mann Councilmember Fred Twyman Councilmember State of California ) County of Riverside ) ss City of Menifee ) I, Kathy Bennett, City Clerk of the City of Menifee, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, that the foregoing was adopted by the:City Council of the.City.of Menifee, California, at a:meeting thereof, held on the 151h day of September, 2009, by the following vote: Ayes: Denver, Edgerton, Kuenzi, Mann, Twyman Noes: None Abstain: None Absent: None V Kathy Bennett, City C&erk Dated: September 17, 2009 29714 Haun Road Menifee,CA 92586 Phone 951.672.6777 Fax 95i-679.3843 www.cityofinenifeems CALIFORNIA ALL—PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA 2i ` ISS COUNTY OF On before me, m I l I l 1 E# - - a hoMary public in and for said state,persncally appeared wproved to we on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s)wbose name(s)ware WbsinIMI to the within instrument and acimowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(es),and dial by his/her/the signatures)on dee instnnnnnt the person(s),or the entity upon behalf of which dw person(s)acted,executed the insnvment. I certify tinder TY 0 the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. wITNESS my o c MARY MILLION r^ NOTARY PUBLIC-BALLLIFFORNIA N RIVERSIDE COUNTY �y " MY COMM.EXP.AuO� t� Est OPTIONAL Though die b formation below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulimt removal and reattachment of this form to anodwr document. DESCI U''I'ION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT Title or Type of=Dommient: ij� , �e� Document Dane: j2nA1A0V'' Number of Pages: 1 Signer(s)other than named above CAPACITY(IES) CLAE%IED BY SIGNER(S) [ ] INDIVIDUAL [ ] INDIVIDUAL Right Thumbprint Right Thumbprint [ ] CORPORATE OFFICERS) of Signer [ ] CORPORATE OFFICEI M of Signer TITLE(S) Top of thumb here TITLE(S) Top of thumb here L ] PARTNER(S)- CI LRAITEI ] PARNER(S?- [ ] GENERAL [ ] GENERAL [ ] ATTORNEY-IN-FACT [ ] ATTORNEY-IN-FACT I ] TRUSTEE(S) [ ] TRUSTEES) [ ] GUARDIAN OR CONSERVATOR I ] GUARDIAN OR CONSERVATOR [ ] OTHER [ ] OTHER SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: • T.5 S. R.3 W. SEC.34 ROAD NAME: CAMINO DELORES PROJECT NAME: PP22262 WO#AB08014 WJH Recorded at the request of and return to: City Clerk For The Planning Department 29714 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 This instrument is for the benefit of the City of Menifee,and is entitled to be recorded without fee. (Gov. Code 6103) THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR DECLARES DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX IS$0 City Tax$ $ ® computed on full value of property conveyed, or❑ computed on full value less value of liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale, ❑ City of Menifee J ��x-, a K I k7t— J. Ekadley Kutzner Signature of Declara-nl or Agent QUITCLAIM DEED The CITY OF MENIFEE, a political subdivision, hereby REMISES, RELEASES, AND QUITCLAIMS to SUDWEEKS DEVELOPMENT LLC A CALIFORNIA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY The following real property in the City of Menifee, County of Riverside, State of California, described as follows: The easterly 5.00 feet of Lots 342, 383 and 392 of Pratt Eucalyptus Tract No. 7, as shown by map on file in Book 7, Page 9, of Maps, Records of the Recorder of Riverside County California, described in that certain Grant Deed recorded September 11, 1974 under Document No. 116552 Excepting therefrom: That portion of said easterly 5.00 feet lying within PARCEL 0237-004 described in that certain Grant Deed recorded December 30, 1996 under Document No. 487968 SEE PLAT ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A" AND MADE A PART HEREOF. City of Menifee, a political subdivision By: Wallace Edgerton Mayor, City of Menifee CALIFORNIA ALL—PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA ' & SS NTY COUOF On before me, nuy\/ f I I a notary public in and for said state,personally appeared kffi -kEl��J who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s)whose name(s)'slaten rhe within instrument and aclmowledged to me that he/she they executed the same in hislherltheir authorized capacity(es),and that by his/her/rhe signature(s)on dw in4arinew the person(s),or The entity upon behalf of which the person(s)acted,executed the instrument. I certify under TY O Y r the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is nue and correct. wrrNmSS nay o c ` MARY MILLION COMM.# 1685606 '^ $iaopa({� } Le NOTARY FUBUC•CAUFORNIA =' RIVERSIDE COUNTY i ^ My COMM.UP.AUG.t,2010 OPTIONAL Though due b omzadan below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the documett and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. DESCRIP'T'ION OF ATTACHED DOCUMENT Title or Type of Document: A ifj- ai M bcrd Document Date: ' Number of Pages: I Signer(s)other than named above CAPACITY(IES) CLAWED BY SIGNER(S) [ ] INDIVIDUAL [ ] INDIVIDUAL Right Thumbprint Right Thumbprint [ ] CORPORATE OFFICER(S) of Signer [ ] CORPORATE OFFICERM of si,Der TITLE(S) Top of thumb here TrnE(s) Top of thumb bare [ ] PARTNER(S)- [ j � [ ] PARNER(S)-[ j GENERAL NERAL [ ] ATTORNEY-IN-FACT [ ] ATTORNEY-IN-FACT [ ] TRUSTEE(S) [' ] TRUSTEE(S) [ ] GUARDIAN OR CONSERVATOR ( ] GUARDIAN OR CONSERVATOR [ ] OTHER [ ] OTMM SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: : xhib'r. "All SUMMARILY VACATII C A PORMN OF C,AMINO DELORES 30r 30.' 10.04 FT, 5.00 FT. j . i ' I t LOT 342 N.T.S. ' T 5 Slt•3 W SECTION 34 v , S.B.M. I MB 264/97-100 ' W � $O� o j � �JG� LOT 383 v i 4 i CAMILLO DRIVE c� Area.of Vacation Grdnted by Instrument Nq.116552 i Dated 9/1111.974 j LOT 392 LOT 17 LOT 18 LOT 19 LOT 20 !MB 264!97-100 f � i r E i NEWPORT ROAD i Sheet 1 of 1 E CXI'710� � v int map t To be remo�ced•before recording,.., � U—Li N:T S. •; T 5,S•#i;3 W SECTION 34 ?` $.B.lill. , AREA OF VACATION } 1 t i f } Page 1 of 1 SUBIVIITt`AL TO THE CITY COUNCIL,CITY OF MNlFFIIS COIJIVTI(OF RIVERSIDE,STATE OF.CALIFORNIA FROM: TLMA''Transportatiod Department -SUBMI?l"FAL DATE: -.. Apol 20, 2009 fee.: SUBJECT: Vacation of a portiorrof:Camino:.Delores,�irt the City of Meni,.,.. . RECOtYIN1ENDEf MOTION: Add Resolution No. Off,—t i 4ecatior of a portion of GarfiinQ Deiares,and authorize the Mayor ot-me ri6Wto�.exbbute t Qurt�taim Deed: s BACKGROUND:The applicant for Piotolan 27262'has been.conc itloned 10 OrPvide:a 30 foot half width gf public:roa!d.on:Carrliito beto�esand`allav(rfor an_.olbo:. due.toea°Iignhnent,Thts �,. . .:. . vacatroti iili.clear the prop�e�l'ty of the�oid,insuffrcient decatiort,ah the.a plicant iri turn will dedraate a nQw:priblic r"d ea se.::r�r�ant'coritiguretl to the.netii:ali rirnerit:'�h 'County�:of Riverside has-deteni�iltred tFie:cost.of the-po'fU'rr that the-,City awns>irt fae'.is"a fse#'tix th actions taken by Sudweeks DeVelopment,LLC!-:a Galifornia.Limited'l iabifity t binpany,-Thli action includes dedication vfan ecldittonal'20 feetbri 6n1h6boi6rei661guired t the new alignment as started by the condition§of approval for PP 22-262. Q i a , i Y, i I . J:B- fey Kutznor City Engineer E WJH Attachments: Resolution'No. CA —1.14 Exhibit"A' i a a . ❑ ❑ V � I 0 ❑ S 5 E p o a Prev.Agn. Ref. District: 3 Agenda Number: