2018-233 GP Amendment 2017-172 for ALUC ORDINANCE NO. 2018-233 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MENIFEE, CALIFORNIA APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 2017- 172 TO UPDATE THE CITY OF MENIFEE GENERAL PLAN FOR CONSISTENCY WITH THE AIRPORT LAND USE COMPATIBILITY PLAN FOR THE MARCH AIR RESERVE BASE/INLAND PORT AND PERRIS VALLEY AIRPORT WHEREAS, pursuant to Government Code Section 65358, the City has considered less than four proposed amendments to the City's General Plan in the year 2018; and WHEREAS, on June 5, 2017, the City initiated General Plan Amendment No. 2017- 172 (the "Project") to change the General Plan to amend the text and add exhibits in the City of Menifee General Plan to ensure consistency with the 2014 March Air Reserve Base/Inland Port Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan and the 2011 Perris Valley Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan, which changes do not include any amendments to the land use designations or land use plan (as shown in attached Exhibit A); and WHEREAS, the City Clerk has caused notice to be duly given of a public hearing in this matter in accordance with law, as evidenced by the affidavit of publication and the affidavit of mailing on file with the City Clerk; and WHEREAS, on December 13, 2017, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on the Project, considered all public testimony as well as all materials in the staff report and accompanying documents for General Plan Amendment No. 2017-172, which hearing was publicly noticed on December 1, 2017 by a publication in a newspaper of general circulation (i.e., The Press Enterprise), an agenda posting, and to persons requesting public notice; and WHEREAS, at the December 13, 2017 public hearing, based upon the materials in the staff report and accompanying documents, the City of Menifee Planning Commission recommended that the City Council approve General Plan Amendment No. 2017-172; and, WHEREAS, on January 17, 2018, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing on the Project, considered all public testimony as well as all materials in the staff report and accompanying documents for General Plan Amendment No. 2017-172, which hearing was publicly noticed on January 3, 2018 by a publication in a newspaper of general circulation (i.e., The Press Enterprise), an agenda posting, and to persons requesting public notice; and WHEREAS, at the January 17, 2018 City Council public hearing, based on the materials in the staff report, accompanying documents and the recommendation of the Planning Commission, the Council introduced the ordinance for first reading and scheduled the second reading and adoption of the ordinance for February 7, 2018. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Menifee resolves as follows: Section 1. The above recitals are true and correct and incorporated herein. Section 2. With regard to General Plan Amendment No. 2017-172, the City Council hereby General Plan Amendment No. 2017-172 February 7, 2018 makes the following findings: 1. The proposed change does not involve a change in or conflict with the City's Vision or Community Values as stated in the City of Menifee General Plan. The proposed General Plan Amendment would add policies to the Land Use Element and add implementation actions and exhibits to the background documents of the general plan to be consistent with the most recently adopted Airport Land Use Compatibility Plans (March Air Reserve Base and Perris Valley Airport). The proposed General Plan Amendment does not include any changes to the land use designations or existing land use plan. The changes are required to comply with State Law. Government Code (Gov. Code) Section 65302.3 (a) states that a county's or city's general plan, as well as any applicable specific plans, "shall be consistent" with an Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP) and that every affected county or city must amend its general and specific plans as necessary to keep them consistent with the ALUCP. The Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC) reviews the general plan (and applicable specific plans) and makes a consistency determination (PUC Section 21676(a)). The policies being added to the General Plan do not impact density or intensity of land uses as the properties in the influence areas are not subject to restrictions on the densities and/or intensities of land use. Therefore, there are no direct conflicts between the General Plan land use plan and the airport compatibility plans. Therefore, the proposed General Plan Amendment would not conflict with the City's vision for high quality development, amenities, and public services and as a community that is a safe place to live, work and visit, as described in the General Plan. The proposed General Plan Amendment is consistent with the City' Community Values, specifically: • We recognize that, while growth is inevitable, we will accommodate it in a responsible and strategic manner. By including policies regarding conformance with the Airport Land Use Compatibility Plans, the City is promoting responsible development that is consistent with State law and takes into account the airports and flight paths of those airports located within and near the City of Menifee. 2. The proposed amendment would either contribute to the purposes of the General Plan or, at a minimum, would not be detrimental to them. The proposed General Plan Amendment would provide greater consistency with the following General Plan policies: N-1.20 Adhere to any applicable Riverside County Airport Land use Commission land use compatibility criteria, including density, intensity, and coverage standards. General Plan Amendment No. 2017-172 February 7, 2018 S-6.3 Work with the Riverside County Airport Land Use Commission to strengthen the City's disaster preparedness, response, and recovery program in accordance with the Airport Land use Plans for March Air Reserve Based and Perris Valley Airport. The proposed General Plan Amendment to add policies to the General Plan and implementation items and exhibits to the General Plan background documents strengthens and adds to the existing policies to ensure the City is complying with the Airport Compatibility Plans. Therefore, the proposed amendment contributes to the purposes of the General Plan. 3. The proposed amendment would not create an internal inconsistency amongst the elements and/or policies of the General Plan. Staff has compared the proposed General Plan Amendment to the existing General Plan and determined that the proposed General Plan Amendment would not create an internal inconsistency with the existing goals, objectives and policies of the General Plan which are not being amended. As noted above in finding #2, the proposed General Plan Amendment further clarifies and adds policies to ensure consistency with existing policies and state law in regards to land use planning in airport compatibility zones. The additional policies do not result in changes to the land use plan or the land use designations. 4. A change in policy is required to conform to changes in state or federal law or applicable findings of a court of law. Government Code (Gov. Code) Section 65302.3 (a) states that a county's or city's general plan, as well as any applicable specific plans, "shall be consistent" with an Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP) and that every affected county or city must amend its general and specific plans as necessary to keep them consistent with the ALUCP. The Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC) reviews the General Plan (and applicable specific plans) and makes a consistency determination (PUC Section 21676(a)). When the City's General Plan was adopted in 2013, it was found to be consistent with the ALUCP, however additional revisions were recommended. In addition, since the adoption of the General Plan in 2013, the March Air Reserve Base Compatibility plan was updated, so the City's General Plan is being updated to conform to the most recent Airport Compatibility Plans affecting the City. 5. Compliance with CEQA. The proposed amendment is not subject to review under CEQA. The proposed General Plan Amendment is not subject to review under the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"). The adoption of the proposed amendment does not fall within the definition of a"project" under CEQA because it, as a narrative change to the General Plan for compliance with Airport Land Use Compatibility Plans and State Law, does not have the potential for resulting in a direct or indirect physical change in the environment (CEQA Guidelines 15378(a)) and is an General Plan Amendment No. 2017-172 February 7, 2018 administrative activity of the City that will not result in direct or indirect physical changes in the environment(CEQA Guidelines 15378(b)(5)). Accordingly, the City's proposed amendment is not a "project" that is subject to CEQA. In addition, even if the adoption of the proposed amendment was a "project" subject to CEQA, it is exempt from CEQA because there is no possibility that the proposed amendment, as a textural change to the General Plan, may have a significant impact on the physical environment (CEQA Guidelines 15061) and because, per Section 15061(b)(3), it can be seen with certainty to have no possibility of a significant effect upon the environment. Section 3. The Menifee General Plan is hereby amended by revising the official General Plan to add the policies as shown in Exhibit A. Section 4. Severability. If any section, subsection, subdivision, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance is, for any reason, held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. The City Council hereby declares that it would have adopted this Ordinance, and each section, subsection subdivision,'sentence, clause, phrase, or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, subdivisions, sentences, clauses, phrases, or portions thereof be declared invalid or unconstitutional. Section 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and operation thirty (30) days after its adoption. Section 6. Notice of Adoption. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, and shall cause the same to be published within fifteen (15) days after passage in accordance with law, and shall cause this Ordinance and its certification, together with proof of publication, to be entered in the Book of Ordinances of the City of Menifee. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this the 7th day of February, 2018. MA Neil R. Winter, Attest: MA 4Sah . Manw ring, City Clerk Approved as to form: re . Melching, ity ttorney C-ry OR. 'MENI EE. Neil Winter Mayor Lesa Sobek STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) Mayor Pro Tem COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss Greg August CITY OF MENIFEE ) Councilmember I, Sarah Manwaring, City Clerk of the City of Menifee, do hereby certify that the Matt Liesemeyer foregoing Ordinance No. 2018-233 was duly adopted by the City Council of the CouncilmemberCity of Menifee at a meeting thereof held on the 7'h day of February, 2018 by the John V. Denver following vote: Councilmember Ayes: August, Denver, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Winter Noes: None Absent: None Abstain: None S ah A. Manwaring, City Cle I i J i 'I Ii I ,I 29714 Haun Road Menifee, CA 92586 Phone 951.672.6777 Fax 951.679.3843 www.cityofrnenifee.us Exhibit A -MENIFEE. Ilk y LAND USE ELEMENT HOMEPAGE OVERVIEW Menifee has historically been viewed as a collection of distinct communities with very different characteristics and needs. Communities range from rural to suburban, agrarian to industrial, and established senior residential enclaves to newer planned communities catering to families and a younger population. Menifee's biggest challenge is to find the common threads that will create a cohesive community while maintaining the features that make each neighborhood unique. Vision 2035 and Land Use Approach At the outset of the General Plan process, the community and the City Council developed a vision for Menifee as the foundation for the land use plan. The core objective of the vision is to establish a fiscally sustainable balance of land uses and continually seek new and innovative ways to enhance the City's quality of life. The Vision 2035 specifically called for: • A mix of land uses that promote ethnic and socioeconomic diversity, functionality, and sustainability of the City • Preservation of established neighborhoods and rural communities essential to the community's distinctive character • High quality development, amenities, and public services as a stipulation of future growth • An array of housing choices for a variety of life stages and lifestyles • A vibrant downtown area that serves as the primary gathering space for the community • Continual investment and reinvestment in the community that makes Menifee a soughtoafter and safe place to live, work, and visit in the Inland Empire Using the Riverside County Integrated Plan (RCIP) General Plan Land Use map and associated goals and policies as a starting point, the City worked with the public, General Plan Advisory Committee, and elected and appointed officials to make refinements to the land use plan and General Plan goals and policies that are intended to implement Menifee's Vision 2035. The process acknowledged that there were fundamental components of the county's general plan that should be carried forward into the City's inaugural General Plan effort, including preservation of established communities (Sun City, Romoland, Quail Valley) and preservation of the rural residential lifestyle that is characteristic of Menifee. LAND USE ELEMENT GOALS AND POLICIES(PAGE 1 OF 8) Community Structure At the most basic level, the City of Menifee comprises a series of established residential communities and nonresidential uses predominantly consisting of neighborhood centers and industrial uses along Ethanac, Newport, McCall, and Scott Roads. Exhibit LU-1, Menifee Community Structure, illustrates at the most fundamental level the natural clustering and distribution of residential land uses proposed within the City, open space areas, and commercial and industrial areas that will be home to jobs centers throughout the City. The general pattern of land uses shows that the concentration of nonresidential land uses is along the 1-215 corridor. These areas slowly transition to rural and residential land uses adjacent to the City boundaries. The residential land uses are generally clustered into four village areas, primarily delineated by Salt Creek and 1-215. Areas north of Salt Creek are predominantly developed as traditional or master planned single-family neighborhoods, and the areas south of Garbani Road (east and west of 1-215) tend to be more rural in nature. The general land use patterns were used to further refine the locations and types of land uses in the General Plan. The General Plan Land Use Map can be seen in Exhibit LU-2; Exhibit LU-3, Land Use Designations, provides the explanation of each use illustrated on the land use map. PURPOSE OF ELEMENT Section 65302 of the State of California Government Code identifies seven mandatory elements in a general plan, including land use. According to the California Office of Planning and Research (OPR), the purpose of the land use element is to designate the proposed general distribution and general location and extent of uses of the land in the City. The land use element focuses on preserving established land uses and accommodating the future growth and physical development of the community. Section 65302 (a) defines the types of issues that need to be identified and addressed The distribution of housing, business, industry, recreational facilities, and open space (including agricultural land) and the location of educational facilities and public buildings are addressed in Menifee's Land Use Element. In addition, the Land Use Element addresses infrastructure and utilities issues associated with existing and future development. The Land Use Element generally establishes the density, intensity, and location of land uses throughout the City and is complemented by the additional policy guidance provided in other elements that relate to a specific topic. For example, the Community Design Element provides additional policy and design guidance for such things as the preservation of the City's rural character (through design, materials, etc.), viewsheds and view corridors, gateway and landmark features, landscape corridors, and other topics that further enhance the fundamental land uses in this element. The Housing Element is also closely tied to the Land Use Element because the Land Use Element identifies the locations and diversity of housing types available in the City that can be used to achieve housing mandates specified by the State Office of Housing and Community Development (HCD). The Open Space and Conservation Element provides guidance for the recreational amenities associated with conservation and recreational uses identified in the Land Use LAND USE ELEMENT GOALS AND POLICIES(PAGE 2 OF 8) Element and identifies policies to preserve the City's rock features, natural landforms, and ridgelines that are important features for the City of Menifee. LAND USE MAP, DESIGNATIONS,AND BUILDOUT SUMMARY The Land Use Map, Exhibit LU-2, shows where residential, commercial, office, mixed use, industrial, public/quasi-public facilities, and open space uses are expected. It also illustrates the location of properties with approved specific plans. Land use designations provide descriptions of proposed land uses and define the type, density, and intensity of development within the City. Land use designations distinguish between levels of intensity and allowable uses and include categories reflecting existing land uses as well as projected development. Exhibit LU-3, Land Use Designations, provides definitions for and describes each one of the land use designations illustrated on the land use map. Each one of the residential designations includes a maximum and/or a range of allowable densities. The maximum density signifies the maximum number of dwelling units per gross acre that are allowed in each residential area. The lower number signifies a minimum amount of development that is anticipated (provided required conditions can be met), and the upper end represents a potential maximum that can be achieved if a proposed development includes features to achieve a high quality project. Building intensities for nonresidential uses are measured by floor area ratio (FAR), which guides the amount of square footage and building coverage that can be accommodated on a site. Additional information about densities and FAR can be found in the Land Use Background Document. One of the Land Use Element's primary objectives is to establish the maximum buildout potential for housing units, nonresidential building square footage, population, and employment that could be generated by the Land Use Plan. These projections are identified in Exhibit LU-4, Land Use Buildout Summary. SPHERE OF INFLUENCE Land use planning does not necessarily stop at a city's boundaries. A city's sphere of influence (SOI) addresses unincorporated lands adjacent to city boundaries that are defined by the Riverside County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) as areas likely to be serviced or annexed by the city sometime in the future. Cities do not have regulatory control over these lands, but they do have the authority to designate their preferences for land use planning in the county areas if the properties are annexed to the city sometime in the future. Since the City of Menifee is a newly incorporated City, its SOI boundary is contiguous with the City boundary. Overtime, the City of Menifee may wish to consider annexation of adjacent unincorporated areas or engage in discussions with LAFCO, and that could lead to a future revision of the City's current SOI boundaries. It should be noted that no annexations of the unincorporated county areas adjacent to the City or LAND USE ELEMENT GOALS AND POLICIES(PAGE 3 OF 8) amendments to the SOI boundaries are proposed as part of this General Plan. Applications to amend the City's existing SOI will require appropriate California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review and a General Plan Amendment to update the Land Use Plan. REFERENCE MATERIAL For detailed information related to Land Use, please refer to the following reference materials. (Weblinks are available on the City's General Plan website). City Resources General Plan Vision 2035 Land Use Background Document& Definitions Exhibit LU-b1: Land Use Map with Specific Plans Exhibit LU-b2: Economic Development Corridor Subareas Economic Development Corridors:Conceptual Master Plan Overview Menifee Community Profile General Plan Environmental Impact Report Menifee Zoning Ordinance(Municipal Code) Additional Information Office of Planning and Research (OPR) Southern California Association of Governments(SCAG) Western Riverside Council of Governments(WRCOG) County of Riverside Riverside County Airport Land Use Commission GENERAL PLAN EXHIBITS Exhibit LU-1:Community Structure Exhibit LU-2: Land Use Map Exhibit LU-3: Land Use Designations Exhibit LU-4: Land Use Buildout Summary Exhibit LU-5a-c:Airport Land Use Compatibility Zones GOALS AND POLICIES GENERAL LAND USE Goal LU-1: Land uses and building types that result in a community where residents at all stages of life, employers, workers, and visitors have a diversity of options of where they can live, work, shop, and recreate within Menifee. Policies LU-1.1 Concentrate growth in strategic locations to help preserve rural areas, create place and identity, provide infrastructure efficiently, and foster the use of transit options. LU-1.2 Provide a spectrum of housing types and price ranges that match the jobs in the City and make it possible for people to live and work in Menifee and maintain a high quality of life. LAND USE ELEMENT GOALS AND POLICIES(PAGE 4 OF 8) LU-1.3 Develop senior housing in neighborhoods that are accessible to public transit, commercial services, and health and community facilities. LU-1.4 Preserve, protect, and enhance established rural, estate, and residential neighborhoods by providing sensitive and well-designed transitions (building design, landscape, etc.) between these neighborhoods and adjoining areas. LU-1.5 Support development and land use patterns, where appropriate, that reduce reliance on the automobile and capitalize on multimodal transportation opportunities. LU-1.6 Coordinate land use, infrastructure, and transportation planning and analysis with regional, county, and other local agencies to further regional and subregional goals for jobs-housing balance. LU-1.7 Ensure neighborhood amenities and public facilities (natural open space areas, parks, libraries, schools, trails, etc.) are distributed equitably throughout the City. LU-1.8 Ensure new development is carefully designed to avoid or incorporate natural features, including washes, creeks, and hillsides. LU-1.9 Allow for flexible development standards provided that the potential benefits and merit of projects can be balanced with potential impacts. LU-1.10 Buffer sensitive land uses, such as residences, schools, care facilities, and recreation areas from major air pollutant emission sources, including freeways, manufacturing, hazardous materials storage, and similar uses. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORRIDORS Freeways are prominent public spaces that exert significant and lasting impacts on the neighborhoods, cities, and regions they traverse. Interstate 215 bisects the City of Menifee and is a primary transportation corridor for City residents and businesses. The City has identified the properties next to 1-215 as Economic Development Corridors that provide important opportunities to stimulate new economic development opportunities and provide a positive visual image of Menifee. These areas are a "window" into the community and can reflect the economic success and vitality of the City. The properties were identified as areas that could accommodate new growth desired by the City, which would also help to ensure that the rural and residential nature of Menifee's existing neighborhoods can be preserved. Because the EDC designation spans approximately 2,600 acres distributed throughout the City, it is important that each area develop a distinct identity from the others. To prevent nondescript, disjointed development of EDC areas, additional guidance has been provided in the Land Use Background Document LAND USE ELEMENT GOALS AND POLICIES(PAGE 5 OF 8) & Definitions and Exhibit LU-b2a, Economic Development Corridor Subareas, to illustrate the preferred mix of uses envisioned for each area. Goal LU-2: Thriving Economic Development Corridors that accommodate a mix of nonresidential and residential uses that generate activity and economic vitality in the City. Policies LU-2.1 Promote infill development that complements existing neighborhoods and surrounding areas. Infill development and future growth in Menifee is strongly encouraged to locate within EDC areas to preserve the rural character of rural, estate, and small estate residential uses. LU-2.2 Encourage vertical and horizontal integration of uses where feasible on properties in EDCs. LU-2.3 Identify opportunities to link the City's educational and medical facilities, such as Mount San Jacinto College and the Regional Medical Center, to complementary uses in EDCs. LU-2.4 Actively support development of cultural, education, and entertainment facilities in EDCs and utilize these venues to generate a unique identity for the City in Southwest Riverside County. UTILITIES AND INFRASTRUCTURE Future land use patterns and rates of development will affect the demand on infrastructure for Menifee's utilities. As the population increases, it is important to ensure that demand for these services does not exceed the supply and that the expansion of infrastructure is sufficiently addressed to accommodate future needs. This is especially critical in areas such as Quail Valley and Romoland, which are experiencing ongoing infrastructure challenges that affect livability for residents and limit the ability to accommodate new development Goal LU-3: A full range of public utilities and related services that provide for the immediate and long-term needs of the community. Policies LU-3.1 Work with utility providers in the planning, designing, and siting of distribution and support facilities to comply with the standards of the General Plan and Development Code. LU-3.2 Work with utility provides to increase service capacity as demand increases. LU-3.3 Coordinate public infrastructure improvements through the City's Capital Improvement Program. LAND USE ELEMENT GOALS AND POLICIES(PAGE 6 OF 8) LU-3.4 Require that approval of new development be contingent upon the project's ability to secure appropriate infrastructure services. LU-3.5 Facilitate the shared use of right-of-way, transmission corridors, and other appropriate measures to minimize the visual impact of utilities infrastructure throughout Menifee. AIRPORT INFLUENCE AREAS As adopted by the Riverside County ALUC, the Riverside County Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP) establishes policies applicable to land use compatibility planning in the vicinity of airports throughout Riverside County. Portions of the City of Menifee are in the airport influence areas of the March Air Reserve Base and the Perris Valley Airport governed by the Riverside County Airport Land Use Commission. The basic function of airport land use compatibility plans is to promote compatibility between airports and the land uses that surround them. The ALUCP also establishes procedural requirements for compatibility review of development proposals. The basic function of airport land use compatibility plans is to promote compatibility between airports and the land uses that surround them. Compatibility plans serve as a tool for airport land use commissions in reviewing proposed development plans for airports and surrounding land uses. Additionally, compatibility plans establish criteria for local agencies to use when preparing or amending land use plans and ordinances and for landowners (including special district and other local government entities as well as private parties)to use when designing new development projects. State law requires each local agency having jurisdiction over land uses within an ALUC's planning area to modify its general plan and any affected specific plans to be consistent with the compatibility plan, or to overrule the ALUC by a two-thirds vote of its governing body after making findings that the agency's plans are consistent with the intent of State airport land use planning statutes. Exhibit LU-5a-c identifies the March Air Reserve and Perris Valley Airport Land Use Compatibility Zones, as adopted by the Airport Land Use Commission. GOAL LU-4: Ensure development is consistent with the Riverside County Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan. Policies LU-4.1 Ensure that land use decisions within the March Air Reserve Base and Perris Valley Airport areas of influence are consistent with applicable Airport Land Use Compatibility Plans. Comply with State law regarding projects subject to review by the Riverside County Airport Land Use Commission. LU-4.2 Ensure that development proposals within the March Air Reserve Base and Perris Valley Airport areas of influence fully comply with the permit procedures specified in Federal and State law, with the referral requirements of the Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC), and LAND USE ELEMENT GOALS AND POLICIES(PAGE 7 OF 8) with the conditions of approval imposed or recommended by the Federal Aviation Administration and ALUC, such as land use compatibility criteria, including density, intensity, and coverage standards. This requirement is in addition to all other City development review requirements. LAND USE ELEMENT GOALS AND POLICIES(PAGE 8 OF 8) 4 Y4, "N447 ca ami ' �I'•--'" � •_ _� "t AA .._._.,.._.._.,.... ..._.._..___._.. °_.._._.._.._.._..__._...-......J w _ I i w r _ 7 Q r a Q � o G a m °� B ` f� IL f pp _m CL m V d y CX m a o m U ¢ a` U U in z id m a mLLJ o cn I W ° w 21 `09 'o U$ g� o d o c °rz7F t 3.0 -3 o wryY o �e r T o¢mm UUowf F.a ua V�u �2 '4 o.cuu �uuu ur¢t¢ 3.uw 3m 4j- EE o .� QNN N NN N NN 2LLf%1 LL Y Wco 3 0 CL c J U I :�. a i G E r E >_ uv3 a+ Z¢2 i \ - 0 I T � I I z Q y LU Y f— � i i f.::,at...:[;:•:5:::: LU •'Ji:i:i a �'\:E:i / _—Sr _ _ I - W I -Fai�" 2 -nve nlwe W 'b.! g N m �'.,� m _­s LLJ '1 i;aj a d. �I l = W ' S I W e I W N ]^ 4 ' \� •rte- _ I :° I L nan n owa .01� o a a < o v a m C a m = c 0 0 0 d m c �m o U U � f a a h U m o 0 O m � �•Z•o �m N � U m p 'c N y �uo EJ �`�OmfDUOW C I I O ¢ {� a U c � c m aCL 0 iaoa000 m J 6 7 O - o - ---- - - — - CL ra CL v _ ---— LL, nl ,pw u � e N YI o. L a C I Is 0'-H OF' I a) �( - a _ e F -- AMENDMENTS PER 2017-172GPA,ALUC CONSISTENCY Land Use Element Implementation Actions .. ' iFic�.j7at�.7te)id (U 1 ii a 6'ec . ''.1�.ti�R.lfi.911' 011:lls): v�--�I�)r•`,r' General Community Initiate a coordinated process to regularly review and adjust population Development and assumptions and forecasts in conjunction with the Department of Finance, Public Works Adequate staff Action LU-1 General SCAG,WRCOG,and the County of Riverside. Departments Ongoing resources Community Prepare a General Plan Status Report annually as required by California Development Adequate staff Action LU-2 General Government Code. Department Annually resources Phase development into undeveloped areas according to the following criteria: a)Availability of services(streets,water,wastewater and emergency services) b) Logical extension of services; c) Contiguity with existing development;and/or Community d)Conformance with an approved Specific Plan or EDC Conceptual Master Development Adequate staff Action LU-3 General Plan Department Ongoing Iresources Community Develop policy guidance or an update to the zoning ordinance that Development and facilitates home-based businesses and home occupations within the Estate Building and Safety Adequate staff Action LU-4 General Residential uses adjacent to Scott Road. Departments 1-2 years resources Community Development and Economic Focus growth and development in specific plans and EDC areas to minimize Development Adequate staff Action LU-5 General intrusion into rural or estate residential areas. Departments Ongoing resources Designate a point person to serve as a liaison to the Winchester Municipal Advisory Committee(MAC)and to facilitate an open dialogue between the City and adjacent unincorporated areas regarding development along Community jurisdictional boundaries and contemplated incorporation/annexation Development Adequate staff Action LU-6 General efforts. Department Ongoing resources Revisit older specific plans approved by the county to determine if land uses are still appropriate. Work with property owners to identify refinements or amendments in cases where the specific plan land uses are no longer consistent with the Vision 2035 identified by the City Council or Community General Plan goals and policies. In particular,the Menifee North Specific Development Adequate staff Action LU-7 lGeneral Plan is located within two jurisdictions(the City and County of Riverside). Department 2-5 years resources Adequate staff Community resources or Update the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map to reflect updated General Development funding for Action LU-8 General Plan Land Use map revisions and new land use designations. Department 1 year consultant Community Enact a hillside ordinance to protect certain slopes and other natural Development Adequate staff Action LU-9 General topographic features. Department 1-2 years resources Community Development and Develop specific plans for areas that need additional design or land use Public Works Adequate staff Action LU-10 lGeneral guidance. Departments Ongoing resources Evaluate the potential for creating a transfer of density program(between Community properties or by clustering development on a single site)to preserve and Development Adequate staff Action LU-11 General conserve the City's natural landforms and hillsides. Department 1-2 years resources Community Appoint a liaison to work with school district representatives to identify Development Adequate staff Action LU-12 General and coordinate future school locations or reuse of existing sites. Department Ongoing Iresources Revise Menifee's Municipal Code to include measures that will protect the air quality of sensitive land uses(facilities where individuals are highly susceptible to the adverse effects of air pollutants,such as housing,child care centers,retirement homes,schools,and hospitals) near freeways and other major air-pollutant-generating uses.Protective measures Community Adequate staff include an analysis to the potential health risks and appropriate mitigation Development and resources or measures,such as increased air filtration to reduce risks,as necessary. Building and Safety funding for Action LU-13 General Departments 1 year consultant Implementation Actions Page 1 of 25 1/5/2018 AMENDMENTS PER 2017-172GPA,ALUC CONSISTENCY Resources Required to Economic Development Corridor Planning and Economic Develop a formal protocol and Master Conceptual Plan review process for Development Adequate staff Action LU-13 EDC projects within the EDC. Departments 1-2 years resources Community Require property owners in the EDC to prepare a Conceptual Master Plan Development Adequate staff Action LU-14 EDC in advance of a formal development application submittal. De artment Ongoing resources Develop an internal tracking system for new development that tracks the acreages of each use existing in EDC areas to ensure that proposed uses do Community not exceed the maximum 15%residential permitted by the Land Use Development Adequate staff Action LU-15 IEDC Element. Department Ongoing resources Utilities and Infrastructure City Managers Office and Finance, Community Annually review the Citys capital improvement program and the local Development,and Utilities and public works projects of other local agencies for their consistency with the Public Works Adequate staff Action LU-16 Infrastructure General Plan(California Government Code Sections 65302(a)(b)(e)) Departments Annually resources Work collaboratively with EMWD,Canyon Lake,the Santa Ana Watershed Utilities and Project Authority,and EVMWD to secure external funding to construct a Public Works Adequate staff Action LU-17 Infrastructure new sewers stem for Quail Valley. Department Ongoing resources Continue to work with the Riverside County Flood Control District to seek Community funding to complete Line A(identified in the Romoland/Homeland Area Development and Utilities and Drainage Plan)and eliminate the infrastructure constraints that preclude Public Works Adequate staff Action LU-18 Infrastructure development of properties in this area. Departments Ongoing resources Airport Influence Area Review development proposals to determine if they are located within an Airport Influence Area,and if so,require the proposed development to Community Adequate staff Action LU-19 Airport Area comply with all applicable airport land use compatibility criteria. Development Ongoing resources All legislative land use proposals(general plan amendments,specific plans, specific plan amendments,zone changes,and ordinance amendments) affecting land witin airport influence areas(including Citywide amendments)shall be submitted to the Riverside County Airport Land Use Commission in order to receive a determination as to consistency with the applicable adopted Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan,pursuant to the California Public Utilities Code.A determination shall be made prior to final action by the City. All non-legislative land use proposals that are subject to CEQA review and located within airport influence areas shall be Community Adequate staff Action LU-20 Airport Area transmitted to the ALUC staff for review and comment. Development Ongoing resources The development of structures located within 20,000 feet of the runway at Perris Valley Airport or within the military outer horizontal surface of March Air Reserve Base may require notification to,and review by,the Federal Aviation Administration Obstruction Evaluation Service through Community Adequate staff Action LU-21 Airport Area the Form 7460-1 process. Development Ongoing resources Require that persons purchasing,leasing,or renting property within Airport Influence Areas be provided a copy of a"Notice of Airport in Vicinity'as prepared by the Riverside County Airport Land Use Commission and containing,at minimum,the text specified for such a Community Adequate staff Action LU-22 Airport Area notice by the State of California Business and Professions Code. Development Ongoing resources Implementation Actions Page 2 of 25 1/5/2018 AMENDMENTS PER 2017-172GPA,ALUC CONSISTENCY F71 Prohibit the following uses in Airport Influence Areas: (a)Any use which would direct a steady light or flashing light of red,white, green,or amber colors associated with airport operations towardan aircraft engaged in an initial straight climb following takeoff or toward an aircraft engaged in a straight final approach toward a landing at an airport, other than an FAA-approved navigational signal light or visual approach slope indicator; (b)Any use which would cause sunlight to be reflected towards an aircraft engaged in an initial straight climb following takeoff or towards an aircraft engaged in a straight final approach towards a landing at an airport; (c)Any use which would generate smoke or water vapor or attract large concentrations of birds,or which may otherwise affect safe air navigation within the area,including;:but not limited to,wastewater management facilities and landfills; (d)Any use which would generate electrical interference that may be detrimental to the operation of aircraft and/or aircraft instrumentation. Community Adequate staff Action lU_23 'Airport Area.., Development Ongoing resources Housing Implementation Actions -;Iu1J AiL'a�S`r.Sifli*:t�iL•i�r:Z3�'e-• S�r�;;:liCr{'cli�+rlr iS�`ri � �,Ca�lor=iT4. ;���rF1`�f� 'Fij'�T`it�C-IiiT3 - �l'.�'I���iz"�'�i� Circulation Implementation Actions lciluUL-��- Roadway Network Require street dedications from new development projects that are consistent with the right-of-way width identified by the General Plan, Community including additional right-of-way for those development projects located Development and Roadway adjacent to Enhanced Intersection locations,as identified in Exhibit C-3: Engineering Adequate staff Action C-1 Network Roadway Network. Departments OLoing resources Resolve the roadway alignments,intersections geometries and traffic control features within the Connectivity Analysis Zones identified in Community Exhibit C-3:Roadway Network prior to approval of new development Development and Roadway projects which significantly impact or constrain alignment alternatives in Engineering Adequate staff Action C-2 Network those zones. Departments Ongoing resources Develop master plans for scenic preservation and high-speed,limited Community vehicular access for Ethanac Road/Highway 74,Newport Development and Roadway Road/Domenigoni Parkway,and Bundy Canyon Road/Scott Road as they Engineering Short term(5 Adequate staff Action C-3 Network traverse from the western to the eastern City boundaries. Departments years) resources Require Traffic Impact Analysis for new development projects to identify Community specific mitigation to traffic impacts generated by the new development. Development and Roadway Traffic Impact Analyses shall be submitted in a format acceptable to the Engineering Adequate staff Action C-4 Network City Engineer and be subject to his/her review and approval. Departments Ongoing resources Community Development and Roadway Require adequate drop-off and pick-up facilities at all new schools for the Public Works Adequate staff Action C-5 Network safety of school children,and to minimize traffic congestion. Departments Ongoing resources Develop rural street section standards for areas where full street improvements(e.g.,curb, gutter or sidewalk)do not exist,where it is determined the rural character of the neighborhood should be maintained,or in new development proposed with a rural street scene. Rural street section standards shall accommodate pedestrian access,and Community shall incorporate storm drainage design features to avoid surface ponding Development and Roadway of water,flooding of adjacent property,as well as to accommodate Engineering Short term(2 Adequate staff Action C-6 Network general storm water runoff from the neighborhood. Departments years) lresources Upgrade and maintain traffic signal-interconnect systems to efficiently coordinate and control traffic flow on arterial streets,including the Adequate staff installation or removal of separate left-turn phasing where warranted. Engineering and resources, Roadway Traffic signal timing should adequately provide for safe pedestrian Public Works Short term(5 funding for Action C-7 Network crossing. Departments years) upgrade projects Implementation Actions Page 3 of 25 1/5/2018 AMENDMENTS PER 2017-172GPA,ALUC CONSISTENCY �r�1fJ.�ld, , IfU• ° IiUl��liL-Illcl9.t!Ill'�:55� . LC-�t}'9uL"-i"t• 19Gi11i1? y..litl+)t�. Engineering and Roadway Periodically analyze and improve high-accident locations to improve traffic Public Works Adequate staff Action C-8 Network flow and safety. Departments Ongoing resources Engineering and Roadway Public Works Adequate staff Action C-9 Network Discourage parcel access points taken off major roadway. Departments Ongoing resources Allow roundabouts or other innovative design solutions when a thorough traffic impact assessment has been conducted demonstrating that such an Engineering and Roadway intersection design alternative would manage traffic flow,and improve Public Works Adequate staff Action C-10 Network safety,if it is physically and economically feasible. Departments Ongoing resources Community Development, Engineering,and Roadway Create a road maintenance district to repair and maintain roads within the Public Works Short term(5 Adequate staff Action C-11 Network City located south of the Salt Creek Channel. Departments years resources Prepare a multi-year Transportation Improvement Program(TIP)that Community establishes improvement priorities and scheduling for transportation Development and Roadway project construction over a period of 5 to 7 years.The TIP will be reviewed Engineering Short term(2 Adequate staff Action C-12 Network and updated annually. Departments years) resources Bikeway and Pedestrian Network Bikeway and Encourage developers to provide bikeway and pedestrian connections Community Pedestrian between developed land uses,as well as bicycle parking accommodations Development Adequate staff Action C-13 Network for employees and customers. Department Ongoing resources Bikeway and Require Subregional and Community Off-Road Bike Trail dedications from Community Pedestrian new development projects that are consistent with the alignments Development Adequate staff Action C-14 Network identified in Exhibit C-4:Bikeway and Community Pedestrian Network. Department lOngoing resources Resolve the bikeway alignments,intersections crossings and traffic control Bikeway and features within the Connectivity Analysis Zones identified in Exhibit C-3: Community Pedestrian Roadway Network prior to approval of new development projects which Development Adequate staff Action C-15 Network significantly impact or constrain alignment alternatives in those zones. Department Ongoing resources Bikeway and Develop and maintain bicycle and walking trail system brochures and maps Community Pedestrian that educate and inform trail users. This information should be made Development Short term(2 Adequate staff Action C-16 Network available on the City's website. Department years) resources Establish and maintain design standards for the development of various types of bikeway and related improvements—e.g.,parkways,bridges,trail heads,and rest stops—that may be necessary to implement the Menifee Bikeway and Community Pedestrian Network(Exhibit C-4). Bikeways shall Community Bikeway and be designed and constructed in accordance with Chapter 1000,Bikeway Development and Pedestrian Planning and Design,of the Caltrans Highway Design Manual,or as Engineering Short term(5 Adequate staff Action C-17 Network otherwise approved by the City Engineer. Departments ears) resources Community Development, Bikeway and Engineering,and Pedestrian Aggressively seek funding for trails and bikeways from federal and state Public Works Adequate staff Action C-18 Network sources. Departments Ongoing resources Community Bikeway and Development and Pedestrian Public Works Long term(10 Adequate staff Action C-19 Network Create a Bicycle Master Plan for the City. Departments ears) resources Bikeway and Revise Municipal Zoning Code to require bicycle parking at multi-family Community Pedestrian residential sites in addition to requirements for commercial,service and Development Short term(2 Adequate staff Action C-20 Network offices uses. Department years) resources Public Transit Require bus shelters,transit bays and turnouts,where appropriate,from Community new development projects along the existing and potential future transit Development Adequate staff Action C-21 Public Transit service routes identified in Exhibit C-4. De artmentOn -in resources Encourage developers to implement transit oriented design best practices Community in the vicinity of the five Transit Nodes identified in Exhibit C-5:Potential Development Adequate staff Action C-22 Public Transit Transit Services. Department Ongoing resources Develop local transit routes(bus,shuttle or trams)to circulate people Community Funding to between retail centers, medical facilities,offices,schools and residential Development support circulator Action C-23 1 Public Transit areas to provide community mobility options. Department Ongoing system Implementation Actions Page 4 of 25 1/5/2018 AMENDMENTS PER 2017-172GPA,ALUC CONSISTENCY Community Participate in and influence regional transportation programs that seek Development and new and creative solutions in public transportation,transportation Engineering Adequate staff Action C-24 IPublicTransit Isystems,and traffic management. IDepartments JOngoing resources Neighborhood Electric Vehicles and Golf Cards Adequate staff resources and/or Prepare an integrated NEV/Golf Cart Study that covers the entire City and Community funding for NEV and Golf expands upon the backbone network identified in Exhibit C-6:Potential Development Short term(5 consultant Action C-25 Carts Neighborhood Electric Vehicle Network. Department ears) services Community NEV and Golf Identify areas where public and private parking lots should provide for NEV Development Short term(5 Adequate staff Action C-26 Carts parking and NEV recharging stations. Department years) resources Adequate staff Work with WRCOG Clean Cities Coalition and SCAQMD to install electric resources and NEV and Golf vehicle charging stations in high traffic areas through grant-funded Public Works funding for Action C-27 Carts programs to encourage electric vehicle use. Department Ongoing installation. Revise the permit fees and processing schedule to provide incentives to new and existing commercial,industrial,public,school,medical,and residential projects that provide parking spaces reserved for electric Community vehicles(NEVs and EVs)and have a charging connection.Incentives could Development and NEV and Golf include giving priority in plan review,processing,and field inspection Building and Safety Short term(5 Adequate staff Action C-28 Carts services. Departments ears) resources Community NEV and Golf Review and update the existing Golf Cart plan to ensure relevance and Development Short term(5 Adequate staff Action C-29 Carts provide appropriate implementation. Department ears) resources Adequate staff Prepare an NEV Plan that supports flexible travel options,promotes resources and/or vehicle emission reductions,integrates with other alternative Community funding for NEV and Golf transportation modes,and incorporates parking standards that recognize Development Short term(5 consultant Action C-30 Carts the reduced footprint needs inherent with NEVs and golf carts. Department ears) services Goods Movement - Community Goods Adopt an ordinance implementing the proposed truck routes identified in Development Short term(1FAdequate staff Action C-31 Movement Exhibit C-7:Truck Routes. De artment ear) sources Implementation Actions Page 5 of 25 1/5/2018 AMENDMENTS PER 2017-172GPA,ALUC CONSISTENCY Engineering and Goods Evaluate the use of weight restrictions on roadways where safety and Public Works Short term(2 Adequate staff Action C-32 Movement maintenance considerations compel the reduction of heavy truck travel Departments years) resources Scenic Highways Community Study potential scenic highway corridors for possible inclusion in the Development Short term(5 Adequate staff Action C-33 Scenic Highways Caltrans Scenic Highways Plan. Department ears) resources Require development within scenic highway corridors to utilize contour Community grading and slope rounding to gradually transition graded road slopes into Development Adequate staff Action C-34 Scenic Highways a natural configuration consistent with the topography of the area. Department Ongoing resources Require development within scenic highway corridors to make dedications Community consistent with the Scenic Highways Plan when necessary to preserve Development Adequate staff Action C-35 Scenic Highways unique or special visual features. Department lOngoing resources Require new or relocated electric or communication distribution lines, Engineering and which would be visible from Eligible County Scenic Highways,to be placed Public Works Adequate staff Action C-36 Scenic Highways underground. Departments Ongoing resources In the City's Municipal Code,prohibit offsite outdoor advertising displays and require that the size,height,and type of on-premise signs that are Community visible from Designated and Eligible State and County Scenic Highways be Development Short term(2 Adequate staff Action C-37 Scenic Highways the minimum necessary for identification. lDepartment years) Iresources Open Space and Conservation Implementation Actions vslm— Parks and Recreation Prepare a Parks and Recreation Master Plan to identify potential sites for Community Adequate staff new parks,including a regional park of at least 25 acres;assess demand for Development and resources and/or Parks and park land based on approved development;and develop a strategy for Public Works funding for Action OSC-1 Recreation potential park site acquisitions,expansions,and improvements. Departments 1--2 years consultant Amend the City's Quimby Ordinance to require 5 acres of parkland per Community Parks and 1,000 residents and review in-lieu fees on an annual basis to ensure they Development 1 year, Adequate staff Action OSC-2 Recreation accurately reflect current assessed valuation of land in the City. Department ongoing resources Community Parks and Conduct outreach to identify park and recreation program needs and Development Adequate staff Action OSC-3 Recreation receive feedback on existing facilities and activities. Department Ongoing resources Community Maintain an up-to-date inventory of developed and proposed public park Development and Parks and land and residences outside of one-half mile of a public park so that new Public Works Adequate staff Action OSC-4 Recreation park development can be directed to those areas. Departments Ongoing resources Community Parks and Require new park and recreation facilities to incorporate Crime Prevention Development Adequate staff Action OSC-5 Recreation through Environmental Design(OPTED)strategies whenever possible. Department Ongoing resources Community Parks and Development Adequate staff Action OSC-6 Recreation Adopt an ordinance banning after-hours loitering in parks. Department 1--2 years resources When possible,establish agreements with Menifee Union School District, Romoland School District,Perris Union High School District,Mt.San Jacinto Community Parks and College,and other agencies to facilitate joint-use,maintenance,and Development Adequate staff Action OSC-7 Recreation development of parks and recreational facilities and programs. Department Ongoing resources Implementation Actions Page 6 of 25 1/5/2018 AMENDMENTS PER 2017-172GPA,ALUC CONSISTENCY r Work with school districts,the County of Riverside,Valley Wide Park and Recreation District,the Kay Cisneros Community Center,the Sun City Civic Community Parks and Association,and other organizations and agencies to create additional Development Adequate staff Action OSC-8 Recreation recreational program opportunities for Menifee's residents. Department Ongoing resources Community Periodically assess the condition of park facilities and communicate with Development and Parks and the County of Riverside's Economic Development Agency and Valley Wide Public Works Adequate staff Action OSC-9 Recreation Park and Recreation District on any outstanding maintenance issues. Departments Bi-annually resources City Managers Office and Finance, Community Development,and Parks and Update the City's Capital Improvement Program to address shortages or Public Works Adequate staff Action OSC-10 Recreation improvements of ark and recreational facilities. Departments Annually resources Funding to build Community the park(land is Parks and Development already owned by Action OSC-11 Recreation Develop.the proposed park at Craig Avenue and Bradley Road. Department 5 years the City) Track the number of users participating in Menifee's recreational Community Parks and programs and develop tailored programs to facilitate wide-spread Development Adequate staff Action OSC-12 Recreation articipation among all community residents. Department Ongoing resources Recreational Trails development,including those that have been designated but never constructed and gaps within the trails and bikeways system(as identified by the Menifee Trails Committee): a.Identify land for trails on abandoned roads,flood control channels, utility easements,and rights of way; b.Require developer dedications,accept donations,and seek grants to expand the City's trail system; c.Require proposed residential and nonresidential projects to provide permanent easements for trails,staging areas,and other needed improvements where appropriate; d.Seek or set aside funding to support the development,maintenance, and improvement of trails; e.Institute joint agreements and encroachment permits with the public and private sectors that control easements and unused rights-of-way to incorporate such lands into permanent trail linkages. Community Adequate staff f.Implement trail easements or other mechanisms with landowners to Development and resources, Recreational ensure long-term viability and access to trails and trailheads. Public Works funding for trail Action OSC-13 Trails Departments Ongoing lconstruction Using the inventory generated by the Trails Committee as a reference, prepare a Master Trails Plan,including recreational trail classifications, design standards,implementation mechanisms,and capital improvement programming,and update periodically to address changing needs. This Community Recreational plan will be consistent with any appropriate guidelines or policies Development Adequate staff Action OSC-14 Trails identified in the Riverside County MSHCP. Department 1--2 years resources Work with the Pechanga Bank of Luiseno Indians and the Soboba Band of Community Recreational Luiseno Indians to determine if recreational trails could be established on Development Adequate staff Action OSC-15 Trails their lands. Department Ongoing resources Community Funding to build Recreational Develop trailheads with appropriate parking and other necessary facilities Development and maintain Action OSC-16 Trails and amenities to ensure long-term access to trails. Department Ongoing trailheads Coordinate with the Cities of Perris,Canyon Lake,Lake Elsinore,Wildomar, Community Recreational Murrieta,and Hemet and the County of Riverside to connect Menifee Development Adequate staff Action OSC-17 Trails trails to destinations in other jurisdictions. Department Ongoing resources Community Recreational Require new recreational trails to incorporate CPTED strategies where Development Adequate staff Action OSC-18 Trails appropriate. Department Ongoing resources Community Establish standards for and acquire multipurpose trail easements that Development and Recreational provide enough width to include vegetation,paving,fencing,and Public Works Adequate staff Action OSC-19 Trails equestrian components where appropriate. Departments Ongoing resources Implementation Actions Page 7 of 25 1/5/2018 AMENDMENTS PER 2017-172GPA,ALUC CONSISTENCY r�. Natural Landforms Conduct an inventory of the City s most significant natural landforms and Community Natural establish a strategy for these natural landforms(including Bell Mountain) Development Adequate staff Action OSC-20 Landforms as permanent open sace for the City. Department 2-5 years resources Develop and adopt a Hillside Grading Ordinance that establishes appropriate grading standards for each General Plan land use category to preserve Menifee's hillsides and canyons from mass grading and hillside scarring. The ordinance must also require the use of proper soil management techniques for erosion,and sedimentation,and other soil- related programs and that the grading plan for development adjacent to Community Natural natural slopes "feather"man-made and natural slopes to create a natural Development Adequate staff Action OSC-21 Landforms continuity of slope rather than rigid terraces. Department 2-5 years I resources Amend the City's MunicipT Code to allow the clustering of development Community Natural and the dedication of open space for the preservation of natural Development Adequate staff Action OSC-22 Landforms landforms and viewsheds. Department 1-2 years resources Community Natural Identify,define,map,and protect the City's scenic resources,scenic vistas, Development Adequate staff Action OSC-23 Landforms scenic corridors,viewsheds,and natural landmarks. Department 1-2 ears resources Energy and Mineral Develop and implement strategies,in coordination with Southern California Edison and the Southern California Gas Company,to reduce residential and nonresidential energy use. These strategies could include Community requiring existing development to meet specified conservation standards Development and Energy and and requiring new development to utilize energy reduction strategies Public Works Adequate staff Action OSC-24 Mineral during construction and operation. Departments Ongoing resources Community Development and Energy and Use the project review process to ensure that all new development Public Works Adequate staff Action OSC-25 Mineral complies with California State Energy Regulation requirements. Departments Ongoing resources Work with Southern California Edison,the Southern California Gas Community Company,school districts,Mt.San Jacinto College,and other agencies and Development and Energy and organizations on outreach programs to promote energy conservation for Public Works Adequate staff Action OSC-26 Mineral residential and nonresidential uses. Departments Ongoing resources Prepare a package of information that is made available at the public Community counter on alternative energy that describes the technology and identifies Development and Energy and financial and nonfinancial resources available for residents and business Public Works Adequate staff Action OSC-27 Mineral owners to assist them in implementing alternative energy programs lDepartments 2--5 years resources Paleontological and Cultural,Resources Identify sites in the City that meet the criteria to be in the State Historic Paleontological Resources Inventory as Riverside County Landmarks,as State Points of Community and Cultural Historic Interest,as State Landmarks,or as sites on the National Register of Development Adequate staff Action OSC-28 Resources Historic Places,and encourage owners to apply for recognition. Department 2--5 years resources Create an inventory of known archaeological sites and identify them as Paleontological either(a)no longer existing, (b)in danger of destruction or damage,or(c) Community and Cultural currently safe.This inventory should be updated regularly to reflect Development Adequate staff Action OSC-29 Resources changing conditions. Department 2--5 years Iresources Require projects that involve earth-disturbing activities to: a.Be evaluated by a qualified archaeologist,where the archeologist,at a minimum,conducts a records search and Phase I walkover study and prepares an archeological report containing the results of the site's evaluation. If Phase II archaeological evaluations are recommended by the archaeologist,all such surveys with recommendations,if any,must be completed prior to project approval;and b.Consult with the Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians and Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians for the purposes of determining archaeological and Paleontological cultural resource impacts and developing appropriate mitigation to Community and Cultural address such impacts. Development Adequate staff Action OSC-30 1 Resources Department Ongoing resources Require projects that are determined to be in a culturally or archeologically sensitive area,based on consultation with the project Paleontological archeologist and the Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians and/or Soboba Community and Cultural Band of Luiseno Indians,to be conditioned for archaeological monitoring Development Adequate staff Action OSC-31 Resources and Tribe monitoring during all earth-disturbing activities. Department Ongoing resources Implementation Actions Page 8 of 25 1/5/2018 AMENDMENTS PER 2017-172GPA,ALUC CONSISTENCY Develop mandatory mitigation measures,in coordination with the Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians and/or Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians, Paleontological for any project within previously undisturbed soils in an area determined Community and Cultural to be in a culturally or archeologically sensitive area,based on consultation Development Adequate staff Action OSC-32 lResources with the project archeologist and the Tribe. Department Ongoing resources Enforce California Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5,which states that if human remains are encountered,no further disturbance shall occur until the Riverside County Coroner has made the necessary findings as to the origin and California Public Resources Code Section 5097.98(b)which states that remains shall be left in place and free from disturbance until a final decision as to the treatment and disposition has been made. If the Community Paleontological Riverside County Coroner determines the remains to be Native American, Development and and Cultural the Native American Heritage Commission shall be contacted within 24 Building and Safety Adequate staff Action OSC-33 Resources hours. Departments Ongoing lresources Locate where artifact collections are curated for those sites in the City Paleontological where subsurface investigation has occurred and seek ways to make these Community and Cultural collections more accessible to students,researchers,and the interested Development Adequate staff Action OSC-34 Resources public. Department Ongoing resources Paleontological Work with the Society for California Archaeology to develop citizen Community and Cultural participation in site protection through the California Archaeological Site Development Adequate staff Action OSC-35 Resources Stewardship Program. Department Ongoing Iresources Conduct an archaeological and historical records review of proposed or revised development at the Eastern Information Center(EIC)at University of California,Riverside. If the records review indicates that the project area has not been previously examined for cultural resources or that the project area is sensitive for cultural resources,then archaeological field surveys and historical surveys are required. Archeological field surveys and historical surveys may also be recommended for properties that have Paleontological been previously examined,if surface conditions have changed or if the Community and Cultural previous survey was conducted so long ago that it no longer meets current Development Adequate staff Action OSC-36 Resources profess ionalstandards. - Department 2-5 years resources Require a preservation plan for any newly discovered archaeological sites Paleontological and historical structures.Require that this plan be filed with the City Community and Cultural Planning Department to ensure the resource will stay protected and not Development Adequate staff Action OSC-37 Resources be destroyed by mistake. Department Ongoing resources Require monitoring of excavation in areas identified as likely to contain paleontological resources by a qualified paleontological monitor. Recovered specimens should be prepared to a point of identified and permanent preservation and curated into an established,accredited museum repository with permanent retrievable paleontological storage. A report of findings is required to be prepared. The report and inventory, Paleontological when submitted to the appropriate lead agency,along with confirmation Community and Cultural of the curation of recovered specimens,will signify completion of the Development Adequate staff Action OSC-38 Resources program to mitigate impacts to paleontologic resources. iDepartment lOngoing resources Agriculture Community In the City's Municipal Code,include an agricultural zone and apply that Development Adequate staff Action OSC-39 Agriculture zone to areas designated as Agriculture in the City's General Plan. Department 1--2 years resources Develop a Right to Farm Ordinance that describes normal farm practices expected to occur in agricultural areas and ensure the right of the farmer to continue such practices subject to appropriate health and safety Community standards. The ordinance shall specify that it applies only to areas Development Adequate staff Action OSC-40 Agriculture designated with agricultural land use categories. Department 1--2 years resources Work with local agricultural clubs,organizations,and businesses,including the Agricultural Research Center at Heritage High School,to educate the Community public about Menifee's agricultural roots and present day farming Development Adequate staff Action OSC-41 Agriculture practices. Department On o ng resources Community Develop a program to allow the operation of community gardens on public Development Adequate staff Action OSC-42 Agriculture land. Department Ongoing resources Water Adopt and implement the Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority's Santa Public Works Adequate staff Action OSC-43 Water Ana Watershed Integrated Regional Water Management Plan. Department Ongoing resources Implementation Actions Page 9 of 25 1/5/2018 AMENDMENTS PER 2017-172GPA,ALUC CONSISTENCY -M�_ tr Prepare and implement a watercourse management system that identifies the functional roles of each water course(e.g.,flood control,water recharge,habitat,etc.)and provides appropriate setbacks and permitted Public Works Adequate staff Action OSC-44 lWater uses adjacent to and within designated watercourses and floodwa s. Department 2-5 years resources Design and implement,in partnership with the Eastern Municipal Water District,conservation and recharge programs to increase the supply of Public Works Adequate staff Action OSC-45 Water potable water in the City. Department Ongoing resources Develop and implement,in partnership with the Eastern Municipal Water District,educational outreach designed to increase public participation in Public Works Adequate staff Action OSC-46 Water water conservation and water quality awareness. Department Ongoing resources Require all development projects to utilize best management practices to Public Works Adequate staff Action OSC-47 Water improve water quality. Department Ongoing resources Require as part of project review that all development projects have adequate stormwater detention or treatment methods to accommodate surface water runoff generated by the project,and when necessary, Public Works Adequate staff Action OSC-48 Water incorporate detention of stormwater run-off at the point of origin. Department Ongoing resources Adopt a Recycled Water Ordinance in accordance with the requirements of Senate Bill 2095,Water Recycling in Landscaping Act,and convert existing City of Menifee non-domestic water uses to recycled water use in accordance with Sections 13550--13556 of the State Water Code as Public Warks Adequate staff Action OSC-49 Water recycled water service becomes available. Department 1--2 years resources Continue implementing the City's Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance to require new projects to utilize drought-tolerant landscaping and other Public Works Adequate staff Action OSC-50 Water water-efficient landscape practices. Department 1-2 years resources Develop and maintain an inventory of sites within the City that are suitable Public Works Adequate staff Action OSC-51 Water for groundwater recharge and manage this information in the City's GIS. De artment Ongoing resources Develop a set of guidelines for floodways,floodplain fringe,and wetland preservation and management that includes incentives for limiting Public Works Adequate staff Action OSC-52 Water development in and around these designated areas. Department 2--5 years resources Biological Develop a project review checklist to ensure that all development projects Community are reviewed for their impacts on biological resources onsite and on Development Adequate staff Action OSC-53 Biological immediate surroundings. Department 1--2 years resources Require all new development in areas containing or adjacent to sensitive habitat areas,designated critical habitat,and MSHCP conservation areas and core linkages as defined by the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service,the California Department of Fish and Wildlife,and the MSHCP,to provide Community detailed biological assessments,assess potential impacts,and mitigate Development Adequate staff Action OSC-54 jBiological significant impacts to a level below significance. Department Ongoing Iresources Identify parcels with important biological resources in the City's GIS to Community ensure the information in readily available when projects are reviewed for Development Adequate staff ActionOSC-55 Biological that site. Department Ongoing resources Evaluate different ways to acquire areas with high biological resource significance. Acquisition methods could include acquiring land by development agreement or gift;dedication of conservation,open space and scenic easements;joint acquisition with other local agencies;transfer Community of development rights;lease purchase agreements;State and federal Development Adequate staff Action OSC-56 IBiological grants;and impact fees/mitigation banking. IDepartment Ongoing Iresources Actively participate in Multispecies Habitat Conservation Planning with the Community County of Riverside,Regional Conservation Authority,and other applicable Development Adequate staff Action OSC-57 Biological state and federal agencies. Department Ongoing resources Air Quality Revise Menifee's Municipal Code to include measures that will protect the air quality of sensitive land uses(facilities where individuals are highly susceptible to the adverse effects of air pollutants,such as housing,child care centers,retirement homes,schools,and hospitals) near freeways and Community other major air pollutant-generating uses.Protective measures include an Development and analysis of the potential health risks and appropriate mitigation measures, Building and Safety Adequate staff Action OSC-58 Air Quality such as increased air filtration to reduce risks,as necessary. iDepartments 11 year Iresources Implementation Actions Page 10 of 25 1/5/2018 AMENDMENTS PER 2017-172GPA,ALUC CONSISTENCY Evaluate the existing transportation network to identify areas where mobile source pollution can be reduced by making vehicular movement more efficient.Revise the transportation network as necessary.Possible improvements include:installation of dedicated left and right turn lanes, construction of roundabouts,development of Intelligent Transportation Community systems such as synchronized signal timing and adaptive traffic control Development and Capital systems,removal of unwarranted stop signs,and construction of new and Public Works Improvement Action OSC-59 Air Quality improved freeway on-and off-ramps. Department 3-5 years Funds Community Create and implement a public outreach program to recognize and reward Development companies and residents using innovative approaches to improve air Department and quality. Programs could include recognition on the City's website or a City Managers Adequate staff Action OSC-60 Air Quality certificate presented at a City Council meeting. Office Ongoing resources Community Provide a link to SCAQMD's website and promote their regional events and Development 1 year; Adequate staff Action OSC-61 Air Quality incentive programs through the City's website and at City Hall. Department Ongoing resources equire new development projects and su s an is re eve opmen projects subject to CALGreen to provide proof of submittal of a Construction Waste Management Plan(CWMP).Project applicants should work with Riverside County Waste Management Department to prepare the CWMP.Require the CWMP to include control measures that will also protect air quality,such as but not limited to:Minimizing simultaneous operation of multiple construction equipment units;Implementation of South Coast AQMD Air Quality Management Plan;fugitive dust control Public Works and measures;Construction vehicle and equipment emissions standards and Building and Safety Adequate staff Action OSC-62 Air Quality controls. Departments Ongoing resources Community Development, Monitor regional air quality issues and apply for local government grants Public Works,and through SCAQMD to improve air quality in the City and the larger South Building and Safety Adequate staff Action OSC-63 Air Quality Coast Air Basin. Departments Annually resources Community Development, Public Works,and Provide technical assistance and demographic data to SCAG and SCAQMD Building and Safety Adequate staff Action OSC-64 Air Quality for the development of future projections and programs. Departments Ongoing resources Establish a reduced permit fee schedule for energy saving projects or Building and Safety Adequate staff Action OSC-65 Air Quality energy efficiency improvements in Menifee homes and businesses. Department 1 Year resources Complete a solar analysis and implement a five-year plan to establish solar Building and Safety Adequate staff Action OSC-66 Air Quality energy generation on municipal buildings. Department 5 ears resources Community Development, Public Works,and Create a Solar Plan that provides incentives and coordinates financing for Finance Adequate staff Action OSC-67 Air Quality Ci residences and businesses to invest in solar energy. Departments 5--10 years resources Conduct energy efficiency audits of existing municipal buildings to check, repair,and readjust heating,ventilation,air conditioning,lighting,water Building and Safety Adequate staff Action OSC-68 Air Quality heating a uIN nt,insulation,and weatherization. Department Annually resources Revise t e Meni ee Municipa Code to include energy efficient light sources such as LED,LPS(Lower Pressure Sodium),HPS(High Pressure Sodium),and solar powered signage and regulation of parking lot and building light fixtures require full cut-off fixtures,except emergency exit or safety lighting.In addition,require that all permanently installed exterior Community lighting be controlled by either a photocell or an astronomical time switch. Development and Prohibit continuous all night outdoor lighting unless required for security Building and Safety Adequate staff Action OSC-69 Air Quality reasons. Departments 1 year Iresources Establish a tracking and monitoring system for greenhouse gas emissions Community that includes Planning and Building design review standards to evaluate a Development and project's contribution to GHG emissions to demonstrate compliance with Building and Safety Adequate staff Action OSC-70 Air Quality AB 32. Departments S years resources Implementation Actions Page 11 of 25 1/5/2018 AMENDMENTS PER 2017-172GPA,ALUC CONSISTENCY nam Community Within 1 year Development and and Train all plan check and building inspection staff in appropriate use of Building and Safety Reoccurring Adequate staff Action OSC-71 Air Quality green building materials,techniques,and best practices. Departments Annually resources Set and monitor performance goals and/or VMT reduction targets that are consistent with the targets set by Southern California Association of Community Governments(SCAG)Sustainable Communities Strategy and Regional Development and Transportation Plan and Western Riverside Council of Governments Public Works Adequate staff Action OSC-72 Air Quality (WRCOG)Climate Action Plan. Department Ongoing resources Work with Riverside Transit Agency(RTA),and the Riverside County Transportation Commission(RCTC)to evaluate options to add transit to increase service in Menifee.Improvements include supporting the implementation of a regional bus rapid transit system in Western Riverside County(with a stop in the City of Menifee)and expanded service or a dedicated shuttle to connect Sun City Core to the Menifee Valley Medical Center.Partner with RTA to increase the frequency and coverage of buses Community connecting Menifee to other cities and the nearby existing and proposed Development and rail stations.Possible grant funding sources should be considered in the Public Works 5 years; Adequate staff Action OSC-73 Air Quality evaluation. Department Ongoing resources Work with EMWD to create a public outreach campaign to reduce energy use and conserve water.Campaign components can include workshops, brochures,mailers,website links,etc.Topics to highlight include:changes in Menifee's Building Code,how to implement whole house energy upgrades or other energy efficiency improvements for residents and Community businesses,the WRCOG HERO financing program and other subregional Development and energy conservation efforts,as well as the City's the Solar Plan when Building and Safety Adequate staff Action OSC-74 Air Quality complete. Departments Ongoing resources Create a program to incentivize new and existing commercial,industrial, public,school and medical facilities/developments to install shared vehicle Community parking,car pool parking,additional bike racks,and bus stop shelters. Development and Components of the plan could include reduced permit fees,expedited Public Works Adequate staff Action OSC-75 Air Quality processing,reduced parking requirements,etc. Department Ongoing resources Design and implement a public outreach campaign to reduce vehicle miles traveled within the City.Campaign components can include a ride sharing board at City Hall and an on-line version through the City website, promotion of RTA's schedule,passes,and programs,the City's Bicycle Community Master Plan when complete,as well as electric vehicles and their Development Adequate staff Action OSC-76 Air Quality routes/street network. Department Ongoing fresources Adopt a Green Building Ordinance that requires energy efficient design,in excess of Title 24 standards,for all new residential and non-residential buildings.Require 30 percent above the 2008 Building and Efficiency standards in Title 24 to coincide with the Voluntary Tier 2 standards for the Building and Safety Adequate staff Action OSC-77 Air Quality 2010 California Green Building Code(CALGreen). Department 2 years resources Community Design Implementation Actions Community Image , Identify specific locations for community gateways(based on general Community Adequate staff Community locations provided in Exhibit CD-1)and install landscaping,signage, Development resources and Action CD-1 Image lighting,and other design features to announce arrival. Department 2-5 years funding Establish priorities,timing,and possible funding sources to be used to fund Community Community the installation of pedestrian,bike,automobile,and transit circulation Development Adequate staff Action CD-2 Image signage. Department Ongoing resources Implementation Actions Page 12 of 25 1/5/2018 AMENDMENTS PER 2017-172GPA,ALUC CONSISTENCY ResponsibleResources • -• . �, Encourage neighborhood community organizations or homeowners Community Community associations to fund gateway features for their neighborhoods or Development Adequate staff Action CD-3 Image rehabilitate existing signage,lighting,and other design amenities. Department Ongoing resources Community Community Create citywide Design Guidelines to replace the Third and Fifth Development Adequate staff Action CD-4 Image Supervisorial District Design Guidelines and Countywide Design Guidelines. Department 1-2 years resources Institute special neighborhood improvement programs in areas that lack a Community Community distinct identity,that structure with day-to-day maintenance issues,or Development Adequate staff Action CD-5 Image have a repeated history of code violations. Department 2-5 years resources Create a"way-finding"signage system to orient people in the City and Adequate staff highlight key destinations,such as recreation facilities,schools,libraries, Community resources;funds Community community centers,and City Hall.The way-finding system should include Development for signage Action CD-6 Image si na a at two scales:one for motorists and one for pedestrians. Department 2-5 years construction Conduct yearly meetings with organized neighborhoods within the City to Community Community identify neighborhood design issues and develop strategies to address Development Adequate staff Action CD-7 Image them. Department Annually resources Corridors and Scenic Resources Conduct a survey of minor roadways and neighborhood streets and identify streetscape deficiencies,signage problems,inadequate lighting, Community Corridors and etc.Based on this survey,develop a phased program to correct any Development and Adequate staff Scenic problems and deficiencies and incorporate the list into the City's Capital Public Works resources and Action CD-8 Resources Improvement Plan. Departments 1-2 years funding Create a master streetscape plan addressing landscaping,signage,lighting, Community Corridors and gateway design,and special design features along enhanced landscape Development and Scenic corridors and at key entryways to the City.See Exhibit CD-2 for a map of Public Works Adequate staff Action CD-9 Resources major roadways that should be included in the master streetscape plan. Departments 1-2 years resources Community Corridors and Require new development to underground utilities and look for funding Development and Scenic opportunities to underground existing utilities,especially in areas of scenic Public Works Adequate staff Action CD-10 Resources value. Departments Ongoing resources Community Corridors and Development and Scenic Public Works Adequate staff Action CD-11 Resources Develop a list of community sites that have exceptional scenic value. Departments 1-2 years resources Amend the City's Municipal Code to require the size,height,and type of on site signs within 660 feet of the nearest edge of the right-of-way of all Community Corridors and scenic corridors to be the minimum necessary for identification.The Development and Scenic design,materials,color,and location of on-site signs shall blend with the Public Works Adequate staff Action CD-12 Resources environment,utilizing natural materials where possible. Departments Ongoing resources Project and Building Design Quali Work with local service organizations and educational institutions to Code Enforcement, develop an educational campaign to inform residential,commercial,and Building,Planning, Project and industrial property owners and tenants about property maintenance and Economic Building Design methods and possible financing opportunities.This information should be Development Adequate staff Action CD-13 Quality available free of charge at the counter. Departments 2-5 years resources Project and Explore possibility of establishing a public art program and funding source Community Building Design for the installation of public art within new development proposals and in Development Adequate staff Action CD-15 Quality public spaces and gathering areas. Department 1-2 years resources Prohibit retention/detention basins at the corner of projects unless no Community Project and other feasible alternative is available.If a retention/detention basin must Development and Building Design be located at a project corner,require the use of landscaping and other Public Works Adequate staff Action CD-16 Quality buffers to soften their appearance and integrate them into the project. Department Ongoing resources Land Use Transitions and Buffers Implementation Actions Page 13 of 25 1/5/2018 AMENDMENTS PER 2017-172GPA,ALUC CONSISTENCY Ci;Ilu' lY�7C ilufJf3ina�rtlfl4i�;LaiLA.. �' Land Use Update the City's Municipal Code to include a walls and fencing ordinance Community Transitions and to address appropriate materials and designs for walls and fencing, Development Adequate staff Action CD-17 Buffers including temporary construction fencing. Department 1-2 years resources Rural Design Community Development Adequate staff Action CD-18 Rural Design Create design guidelines for the community's rural areas. Department 2-3 years resources Create an alternative roadway section that eliminates vertical curbs, gutters,and sidewalks,and could be applied to rural roadways where Public Works Adequate staff Action CD-19 Rural Design drainage is sufficient) handled. Department 1-2 years resources Provide transitional bu ers for proposed residential eve opments at densities exceeding two units per acre whenever such projects are located adjacent to or on the opposite side of the street from improved properties 1 acre or larger and/or land that is designated Rural Residential or Rural Mountainous.Buffers may include the use of larger lot sizes that mirror Community adjacent uses,an open space corridor,trails,paseos,and/or screening Development Action CD-20 Rural Design landscaping. Department IOngoing Funding Economic lDevelopment Corridor Desi m Community Development and Economic Economic Development Development Adequate staff Action CD-21 Corridor Create design guidelines for each EDC subarea. Departments 1-2 years resources Community Economic Create streetscape and landscaping plans for each EDC subarea that reflect Development and Development and emphasize the character of that area to create a unique sense of place Public Works Adequate staff Action CD-22 Corridor and destination image. Departments 1 1-2 years Iresources Economic Amend the City's Municipal Code to create mixed/multi-use development Community Development standards that remove potential barriers to this type of development,such Development Adequate staff Action CD-23 Corridor as parking,open space,and setback requirements. Department 1-2 years resources Community Design Amenities Community Community Design Require that an appropriate landscape plan be submitted and Development Adequate staff Action CD-24 Amenities implemented for development projects subject to discretionary review. Department Ongoing resources Community Community Design Require that new development utilize drought-tolerant landscaping and Development Adequate staff Action CD-25 Amenities incorporate adequate drought-conscious irrigation systems. Department Ongoing resources Community Community Design Development Adequate staff Action CD-26 Amenities Continue enforcing the City's Oak Tree Management Guidelines. Department Ongoing resources Community Organize a committee to assist the City with the beautification of the Design public streets through fundraising and assistance in planting and Public Works Adequate staff Action CD-27 Amenities maintenance df landscaping. Department 2-5 years resources Community Develop a sign guidelines manual with examples of appropriate signs of Community Design various scales for major corridors,commercial centers,and activity Development Adequate staff Action CD-28 Amenities centers.Maximum height limits would need to be defined. Department JOngoingresources urces When there are two or more businesses on a property,require the Community development of a Master Sign Program(MSP).Once an MSP is established, Community Design each sign on the property must conform to the program,as well as any Developmentquate staff Action CD-29 Amenities sign regulations set forth in the City's Municipal Code. Department Community Community Periodically review the City's lighting standards and amend them as Development and Design necessary to reflect updates to Title 24 and other regional,state,and Public Works Adequate staff Action CD-30 Amenities federal regulations. Departments Ongoing resources Community Community Design Update the City's Sign Ordinance to better reflect the City's high quality Development Adequate staff Action CD-31 Amenities design standards. Department 2-3 years resources Community Community Design Create design guidelines to address specific requirements for enhanced Development Adequate staff Action CD-32 Amenities Pighting. Department 2-3 years resources Economic Development Implementation Actions /AfYS Ii! +.,`�}t.. .. �ui��kln`l�o+crJ.r;,;ls�l•i� .. - Iv �; Implementation Actions Page 14 of 25 1/5/2018 AMENDMENTS PER 2017-172GPA,ALUC CONSISTENCY M-0 Develop,periodically update,and implement an economic development strategy.The strategy should be based on analysis,community and stakeholder engagement,General Plan goals and policies,and City Council priorities.In addition to the vision,goals,objectives,and actions generated during preparation of the strategy,it should actively seek to achieve the goals of the General Plan,and it may provide or address the following: •A business visitation program •A communications strategy to market Menifee to existing businesses, residents,and potential new business •Specific business types to target for business attraction efforts •An incentives policy •Measurable objectives for local economic development efforts and for collaboration with regional economic development partners City Manager and •Economic development performance benchmarks and targets Economic Economic •A mechanism to measure performance and adjust programs where Development Adequate staff Action ED-1 Development needed to improve performance. Departments 1-3 years fresources City Manager and Economic Economic Development Adequate staff Action ED-2 Development Establish and implement an annual business visitation program. Departments 1-3 years resources City Manager and Economic Economic Establish,update,and publish an inventory of sites and facilities available Development Adequate staff Action ED-3 Development in Menifee for nonresidential uses. Departments 1-3 years resources Note:Most economic development implementation measures will be determined through and housed in the economic development strategy. Safety Implementation Actions Seismic and Geological Issues Adequate staffing,with reviewers having the necessary credentials and certifications to Review all plans for new development to be certain new structures are conduct these designed in accordance with the most recent California Building Code reviews;Review Seismic, adopted by City Council,including the provisions regarding seismic loads, Building and Safety fees paid by Action S-1 Flooding lateral forces,and grading. Department Ongoing developer Adequate staffing,with reviewers having the necessary credentials and certifications to Conduct routine field inspections during construction to ensure that new conduct these structures are built in accordance with the most recent California Building reviews;Review Code adopted by the City and in agreement with the approved plans and Building and Safety fees paid by Action S-2 Seismic specifications. Department Ongoing developer Adequate staffing,with Require that liquefaction assessment studies be conducted for all projects reviewers having proposed in areas identified as potentially susceptible to liquefaction the necessary (Exhibit 5-2,Liquefaction and Landslides).The studies shall be conducted in credentials and accordance with the California Geological Survey's Special Publication 117, Developers and certifications to Guidelines for Evaluating and Mitigating Seismic Hazards in California their geotechnical conduct these (2008 or more recent version),and the Earthquake Engineering Research consultants, reviews;Review Center's Report No.EERC-2003-06(or more recent version), Recent Building and Safety fees paid by Action S-3 Seismic Advances in Soil Liquefaction Engineering. Department staff Ongoing developer Implementation Actions Page 15 of 25 1/5/2018 AMENDMENTS PER 2017-172GPA,ALUC CONSISTENCY 54 ECi ,.,-r��: isC�1±1GC-7:1537 Clb� I,_!Ic 6,•n r &Ju0n Adequate staffing,with reviewers having the necessary credentials and In areas where geotechnical testing shows the sediments are susceptible Developers and certifications to to liquefaction,require the implementation of mitigation measures as a their geotechnical conduct these condition of approval. Liquefaction mitigation measures shall be applied consultants, reviews;Review to all habitable structures,bridges,roadways,major utility lines,and park Building and Safety fees paid by Action S-4 Seismic improvements to be built in these areas. Department staff Ongoing developer If and when the California Geological Survey(CGS)develops a Seismic Hazards Zone Map that includes the City,review the proposed draft for City Staff or agreement with geotechnical reports filed at the City,work with the CGS to Community consultant with make any necessary changes,and adopt the final map as a replacement to Development and Unknown,in geotechnical the Seismic Hazards Map that is currently part of Exhibit S-2,Liquefaction Building and Safety response to engineering Action S-5 Seismic and Landslides. Departments State actions expertise Develop and make available to all residents and businesses literature'on hazard prevention and disaster response,including information on how to earthquake-proof residences and places of business,and information on what to do before,during,and after an earthquake. Reminders will be issued periodically to encourage the review and renewal of earthquake Office of ShortTerm Additional Staff; preparedness kits and other emergency preparedness materials and Emergency (within 5 Funding to Action S-6 ISeismic procedures. Management years) I develop program Start-up funding, possibly as a grant from FEMA or Cal- EMA(requires Develop and administer a housing rehabilitation grant and/or loan writing and program that allows owners of manufactured(mobile)homes to Finance Short Term (5 submitting a grant Action S-7 Seismic seismically retrofit their houses. Department years) request). Building and Safety Identify the unreinforced masonry buildings in the City,and develop and Community Funding and incentives for owners to seismically retrofit these structures,especially Development Within next 5 available Action S-8 Seismic those beingused for residential,commercial,or industrial purposes. Departments ears personnel Implementation Actions Page 16 of 25 1/5/2018 AMENDMENTS PER 2017-172GPA,ALUC CONSISTENCY Linn Implementation.Action Responsible •d to 3 Depaft ­�j"JlMing Complete Evaluate the above-ground water storage tanks in the City to assess their potential inundation hazard in the event of catastrophic failure and ensure Public Works and that all tanks are fitted with the appropriate seismic safeguards,including Building and Safety Longterm shut-off valves,in accordance with the most recent water tank design Departments and (within 10 Action S-9 Seismic guidelines. Utility Providers ears) Funding Adequate Require development proposals within areas identified as having a seismic staffing,with or geotechnical hazard to conduct,as a condition of approval,geotechnical reviewers having and engineering geological investigations,prepared by state-certified the necessary professionals(geotechnical engineers and engineering geologists,as credentials and appropriate)following the most recent guidelines by the California certifications to Geological Survey and similar organizations,that address,at a minimum, Community conduct these the site-specific geologic hazards identified in the Safety Element Technical Development and reviews;Review Background Report. These reports shall provide mitigation measures to Building and Safety fees paid by Action 5-10 Geologic reduce those hazards identified at a site to an acceptable level. Departments Ongoing developer Adequate staffing,with reviewers having the necessary credentials and certifications to conduct these reviews;Review Conduct routine inspections of grading operations to ensure site safety Building and Safety fees paid by Action 5-11 Geologic and compliance with approved plans andspecifications. Department Ongoing developer Community Maintain an updated map of slope failures in the City to show areas where Development and debris flows,surficial mass wasting events,and rockfalls are reported, Public Works Adequate especially during wet winters. Require geotechnical studies that assess Departments, staffing,review this hazard in these areas,and where deemed necessary,erect protective developers and fees paid by devices such as barriers,rock fences,retaining structures,or catchment their geotechnical project Action 5-12 Geologic areas. consultants Ongoing ro onent Prohibit any additions or reconstruction of structures damaged by geologic Ongoing,in Adequate hazards,unless the structure is relocated to a safer area,or it can be response to staffing,potential demonstrated that the proposed project and its occupants can be Building and Safety damage by issues associated protected from future,recurrent damage by implementing mitigation and Planning geologic with vesting Action 5-13 Geologic measures not present in the original,damaged structure. Departments hazards property rights Require that cut-and-fill transition lots be overexcavated and a 100% Building and Safety maximum variation of fill depths beneath structures to mitigate the and Planning Action 5-14 Geologic potential of seismically induced differential settlement. Departments Ongoing Ade uate staffing Public Works Coordinate with Eastern Municipal Water District to identify and map all Department and groundwater resources in the City and develop and implement strategies Eastern Municipal Within next5 Action 5-15 Geologic that prevent the overdrafting of theaquifers. Water District years lAdequate staffing Flood Hazards Require new development proposals to include,as a condition of approval, hydrological studies prepared by a state-certified engineer with expertise in this area,that assess the impact that the new development will have on Community Adequate the flooding potential of existing development downgrade. The studies Development and staffing,review shall provide mitigation measures to reduce this impact to an acceptable Building and Safety fees paid by Action 5-16 Flood level. Departments Ongoing developer. Continue to enforce Riverside County Ordinance No.458 for all new developments and existing projects undergoing substantial improvements within the FEMA-designated Special Flood Hazard Areas,areas identified by the county as susceptible to flooding,and other areas known to flood. Mitigation measures can include the design of onsite drainage systems that are connected to the City's storm drainage system,or that keep Community Adequate surface waters within the project area,grading of the site so that runoff Development and staffing,review does not impact adjacent properties,and buildings that are elevated Building and Safety fees paid by Action S17 Flood above the anticipated flood levels. Departments 12 years ideveloper. Implementation Actions Page 17 of 25 1/5/2018 AMENDMENTS PER 2017-172GPA,ALLIC CONSISTENCY Resources Responsible Actionr r Prohibit any additions or reconstruction of structures damaged by Adequate flooding,unless the structure is relocated to a safer area or it can be Ongoing,in staffing,potential demonstrated that the proposed project and its occupants can be Building and Safety response to issues associated protected from future,recurrent damage by implementing mitigation and Planning flood-caused with vesting Action 5-18 Flood measures not present in the original,damaged structure. Departments damage property rights Require development proposals for areas adjacent to McCall Boulevard Community that are located at the base of a mountainous area to prepare a Development and coordinated access and flooding mitigation plan that will limit the number Public Works Action 5-19 Flood of access oints to MesiCCaandII Blvd. Departments Ongoing Adequate staffing Require that t e gn upgrade of street storm drains be based on the depth of inundation,relative risk to public health and safety,the potential for hindrance of emergency access and regress from excessive flood depth,and the threat of contamination of the storm drain system Community with sewage effluent.In general,the 10-year flood flows shall be Development and contained within the top of curbs and the 100-year flood flows within the Public Works Action 5-20 Flood street right-of-way. Departments Ongoing lAdequate staffing Funding,.possibly Maintain,and continue to improve where needed,the City's storm drain in the form of systems,with an emphasis on areas of the City that flood repeatedly. This Ongoing and grants from FEMA entails maintaining and regularly cleaning the storm drains and other flood Short to Long and other sources control structures,as necessary,so that floodwaters can be effectively term,within to improve the conveyed away from structures,and upgrading systems known to be Public Works next five to City's Action 5-21 Flood underfit. Department ten years infrastructure. Public Works, Information Technology,and Short to Long Identify properties in the City that are subject to recurring flooding and Community Term(within map their location in GIS in order to track infrastructure improvements Development the next 5 Action 5-22 Flood and direct funding sources to areas with the most need. Departments ears) Adequate staffing Pursue grant funding,such as FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Grant and Flood Short to Long Mitigation Assistance Programs and their Predisaster Mitigation Program, Term(within to implement the mitigation measures required to reduce flooding in the Finance the next 5 Action 5-23 Flood city. Department ears) Adequate staffing Community Development and Building and Safety Departments,with Short to Long Request thatthe Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA)conduct cooperation from Term(within a City-wide detailed study of flood prone areas,to develop a better,more the Public Works the next 5 Appropriate Action 5-24 Flood comprehensive Flood Insurance Rate Map for Menifee. Department ears) funding sources Continue to participate in the National Flood Insurance Program and Community require that all owners of properties within the 100-year floodplain(Zones Development and A and AE),and repeat-flood properties in Zone X,purchase and keep flood Building and Safety Action 5-25 Flood insurance for those properties. De artments On oin Adequate staffing Adequate staffing to prepare application; emergency technology to provide warnings in real-time to population,such Participate in the StormReady Program with the National Weather Service, Community as reverse 911 including the monitoring of precipitation and snow levels on the Development and Short to Long system;funds to mountains,providing storm watches and warnings in real time,and issuing Public Works Term,within run warning Action 5-26 Flood evacuation notices for affected neighborhoods in a timely manner. Departments five years system Prepare and distribute informational materials to owners of properties within the flood zones(Zones A,AE and X)and inundation zones(Exhibit Community bS-2.1,Dams with the Potential to Inundate the Menifee General Plan Development and Adequate staffing Area)regarding the potential for flooding in their area,including the Public Works to prepare Action 5-27 Flood potential for flooding of access routes to and from their neighborhoods. Departments Ongoing materials Implementation Actions Page 18 of 25 1/5/2018 AMENDMENTS PER 2017-172GPA,ALUC CONSISTENCY 4 t:. Y Evti INN,' � Sk '. ,. MW 1 r t Community Development and Public Works Where possible,continue to institute joint-use agreements with the Departments and Adequate staffing Riverside County Flood Control district to develop floodplains as parks, Riverside County Long Term and fiscal nature trails,equestrian parks,golf courses,or other types of recreational Flood Control (within 10 resources to fund Action S-28 Flood facilities that can withstand periodic inundation. District ears) new projects Community Coordinate with adjacent jurisdictions to create a development review Development and Short Term process that takes into consideration the impact of flooding and flood Public Warks (within 5 Action S-29 Flood control measures on adjacent jurisdictions. Departments years) Adequate staffing Community Development and Public Works Action S-30 Flood Continue to implement the County of Riverside Master Plan of Drainage. Departments Ongoing Adequate staffing Fire Hazards Work with safety-oriented organizations such as Fire Safe to prepare and distribute educational materials and hold public information programs Riverside County designed to inform homeowners in the High and Very High Fire Hazard Fire,Office of Severity Zones about the value of installing and maintaining a fuel Emergency Action 5-31 Fire reduction zone and defensible space around their residences. Management 2 years Adequate staffing Community Prohibit the use of invasive,ornamental plant species in the High and Very Development and High Fire Hazard Severity Zones and require the use of fire-resistive,native Public Works Action 5-32 Fire plant species. Departments Ongoing Adequate staffing Adequate Continue to conduct regular inspections of parcels throughout the City, staffing,with and direct property owners to bring their property into compliance with reviewers having fire inspection standards. This includes enforcing the weed abatement the necessary and notification program,to reduce the potential for vegetation fires on credentials and vacant or poorly maintained lots,and encouraging homeowners to follow Community certifications to fire-safe practices,including maintaining a fire-safe landscape and keeping Development conduct these Action 5-33 Fire combustibles(such as wood fire)a safe distance away from all structures. Department Ongoing inspections Adequate staffing and funding Encourage homeowners in wildland fire vulnerable areas(High and Very Office of Short Term required to create High Fire Hazard Severity Zones)to have fire plans in place and to practice Emergency (within 5 educational Action S-34 Fire evacuation procedures with all household members. Management years) materials Continue to require that all new habitable structures be designed in County Fire accordance with the most recent California Fire Code with local Department and amendments adopted by the City,including the use of fire sprinklers in Building and Safety Action S-35 Fire residential structures. Department Ongoing Adequate staffing Coordinate with the Riverside County Fire Department and train in NIMS- compliant emergency response procedures to provide assistance as needed during emergency situations. This includes conducting emergency response exercises,including mock earthquake-induced fire-scenario Office of exercises,to evaluate and improve,as needed,the City's ability to respond Emergency Action S-36 lFire to the multiple ignitions that an earthquake is likely to generate. Management Annually lAdequate staffing Prepare a Local Hazard Mitigation Plan(LHMP)for the City.Until an LHMP for Menifee is complete,the City shall continue to adhere to the County of Riverside's LHMP.If complete,the City's LHMP will be adopted as an addendum to the Safety Element of the General Plan.If it is not yet completed by the time the Safety Element is adopted,the county's LHMP Office of Short Term will be adopted.The City's LHMP should be updated every 5 years,per the Emergency (within 5 Action S-37 Fire requirements of the Federal Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000. Management years) Adequate staffing Building and Safety Department and Require all proposed construction meet the minimum standards for fire County Fire Action S-38 Fire safety as defined in the Uniform Building Code and Uniform Fire Code. Department Ongoing Adequate staffing Implementation Actions Page 19 of 25 1/5/2018 AMENDMENTS PER 2017-172GPA,ALUC CONSISTENCY Resources Responsible Action rr r - r -,. rt , Building and Safety Require all proposed development in Hazardous Fire areas to provide Department and secondary public access,unless determined otherwise by the county Fre County Fire Action 5-39 Fire chief. Department Ongoing Adequate staffing Implementation Actions Page 20 of 25 1/5/2018 AMENDMENTS PER 2017-172GPA,ALUC CONSISTENCY TopicResources Responsible Required t Action -mentation Action Ipg LTipn Evaluate,in cooperation with the Riverside County Fire Department,public notification systems(such as a reverse 911 system)that can be used to Office of warn residents of an approaching wildfire and provide evacuation Emergency Action 5-40 Fire instructions. Management 2 years Adequate staffing Continue to regularly evaluate specific fire hazard areas and adopt reasonable safety standards,such as adequacy of nearby water supplies, Planning and fire-retardant roofing materials,fire-equipment accessible routes,clarity Public Works Action 5-41 Fire of addresses,street signage,and street maintenance. Departments Ongoing Adequate staffing Public Works Ensure that the Eastern Municipal Water District conducts annual fire flow Department and Action 5-42 Fire tests and addresses any deficiencies as soon as possible. EMWD Annually Adequate staffing Develop and hold regular training exercises that involve residents as much as possible,such as through the City's Community Emergency Response Office of Short Term Team(CERT)program,to empower individuals and neighborhoods to be Emergency (within 5 Action 5-43 Fire self-reliant in the aftermath of a natural or man-made disaster. Management ears) Adequate staffing Pursue grant funding for sprinkler-retrofit projects for high-occupancy structures,and/or reach out to nonsprinklered high-occupancy structures Finance and Short Term to educate them on available grant funding sources they can utilize to Building and Safety (within 5 Action 5-44 Fire retrofit their projects. Departments ears) Ade uate staffin Hazardous Materials Prohibit new facilities that use or store hazardous materials in quantities that would place them in the state's TRI or SQG databases in flood zones A, Community AE and X unless all standards of elevation,anchoring,and flood proofing Development and have been implemented to the satisfaction of the City's Building Building and Safety Action 5-45 Hazardous Department and the Riverside County Fire Department. Departments Ongoing Adequate staffing Planning and Public Works Departments, Identify roadways along which hazardous materials are routinely Office of transported. If critical facilities,such as schools,medical facilities,child Emergency care centers,or other facilities with special evacuation needs are located Management, along these routes,the City,together with these facilities,will identify Riverside County emergency response plans that can be implemented in the event of a Fire Department, Short Term roadway accident nearby that results in the unauthorized release of Hazardous (within 5 Action 5-46 Hazardous hazardous materials. Materials Division ears) lAdequate staffing Prohibit new facilities involved in the production,use,storage,transport, or disposal of hazardous materials near existing land uses that may be Community adversely impacted by such activities. Prohibit new sensitive facilities(like Development and schools,child care centers,nursing homes) near existing sites that use, Building and Safety Action 5-47 Hazardous store,or generate hazardous materials. Departments Ongoing Adequate staffing Office of Emergency Management, Coordinate with regional providers of emergency services,including the Riverside County county's fire and sheriff departments,to ensure that all residents,workers, Fire Department, and visitors to Menifee are protected from exposure to hazardous Hazardous Action 5-48 Hazardous materials and wastes. Materials Division Ongoing Adequate staffing Adequate staffing Public Works and and funding Continue to allocate funding to operate the City's hazardous materials Finance required to Action 5-49 Hazardous drop-off facility. Departments Ongoing operate facility Community Development and The City,in cooperation with the Riverside County Fire Department, Building and Safety Hazardous Materials Division,will continue to enforce disclosure laws that Departments, require all users,generators,and transporters of hazardous materials and Riverside County wastes to clearly identify the materials that they store,use or transport, Fire Department, and to notify the appropriate City,county,state,and federal agencies of a Hazardous Action 5-50 Hazardous change in quantity or type of materials and in the event of a violation. Materials Division Ongoing Ade uate staffing Implementation Actions Page 21 of 25 1/5/2018 AMENDMENTS PER 2017-172GPA,ALUC CONSISTENCY 111 M- i Community Development and Building and Safety Continue to reduce or eliminate the use of hazardous materials by using Departments, nontoxic,safer alternatives that do not pose a threat to the environment, Riverside County or buying and using only the smallest amount of a hazardous substance to Fire Department, get the intended job done. The City will encourage residents and Hazardous Action 5-51 Hazardous businesses in the City to do the same. Materials Division Ongoing Adequate staffing Building and Safety Department,Office of Emergency Management, Adequate Riverside County staffing,review Fire Department, fees paid by Require hazardous materials be stored in watertight containers that are Hazardous project Action 5-52 Hazardous not capable of floating or in flood-proof receptacles or tanks. Materials Division Ongoing proponent. Building and Safety Department, Require facilities that handle hazardous materials to install automatic fire Riverside County and hazardous materials detection,reporting,and shut-off devises and Fire Department, install an alternative communication system in the event power is out or Hazardous Action 5-53 Hazardous telephone service is saturated following an earthquake. Materials Division Ongoing Adequate staffing Work with the Eastern Municipal Water District to monitor the potential presence of perchlorate in well water. If perchlorate continues to be detected at measurable concentrations,programs to find and eradicate Public Works the source of this contaminant,and to clean up the perchlorate already in Department and Action 5-54 Hazardous the water will have to be developed. EMWD Ongoing Adequate staffing Disaster Preparedness,Response,and Recovery Emergency Services Department in Maintain and update the emergency response organization consisting of cooperation with representatives from all City departments,the Riverside County Fire and the Riverside Sheriff Departments,local quasi-governmental agencies,private County Fire Disaster businesses,citizens,and other community partners involved in emergency Department and Adequate Action 5-55 Response relief and/or community-wide services. other City agencies Ongoing staffing,funding Emergency Services Department in cooperation with the Riverside County Fire Disaster Continue to maintain mutual aid agreements with neighboring cities and Department and Adequate Action 5-56 Response the Riverside County Operational Area. other City agencies Ongoing staffing,funding Services Department in cooperation with the Riverside County Fire Department and other City agencies,Menifee Unified School Individuals District,Menifee interested in Participate in regional and local emergency exercises,such as the Great Valley Medical planning and Disaster California ShakeOut,an annual statewide earthquake drill that is generally Center,CERT implementing the Action 5-57 Response held in October. volunteers Yearly scenario exercises Implementation Actions Page 22 of 25 1/5/2018 AMENDMENTS PER 2017-172GPA,ALUC CONSISTENCY i•��[fl>,il�it- 1�(�Ia)Ir J�la;',, - - t.A�..c �uC-tii�. atlir11=1=. �9,-(iitlLi�' Building and Safety and Emergency Services Department in The Riverside County Fire Department,in the annual review of these cooperation with facilities,can encourage owners and operators to maintain alternate the Riverside Disaster emergency exits,emergency evacuation plans,and emergency generators, County Fire Ongoing,on a Action 5-58 Response and to anchor computers,shelving,and other nonstructural elements. Department yearly basis Adequate staffing Emergency Services Department in Compile and maintain a list of facilities that because of population cooperation with Adequate staffing demands(such as mobility issues),construction type,location relative to a the Riverside Short Term (in and fiscal Disaster high hazard area,or other factors,may have a high risk and specific needs County Fire the next 1 to 5 resources to fund Action 5-59 Response re uin g special response during a disaster. Department ears) I the project Emergency Services Enhance public awareness and preparedness by encouraging residents and Department in businesses to store supplies for self-reliance following a disaster. cooperation with Emergency preparedness kits should include,at a minimum,a three-day the Riverside Disaster supply of drinking water and food for all members of the household or County Fire Action 5-60 Response business,including pets. Department Ongoing JAdequate staffing Emergency Services Department in cooperation with the Riverside County Fire Offer educational programs for residents and businesses regarding Department and preventative actions to take prior to,during,and after an emergency,and other City ShortTerm (in Disaster involve the public in the awareness of City emergency response plans, agencies,CERT the next 1 to 5 Adequate Action 5-61 Response resources,risk reduction,and mitigation measures. volunteers ears) staffing,funding Services Department in cooperation with the Parks and Recreation Department and other City agencies,American Red Cross, Salvation Army Identify the potential emergency shelter locations and draw agreements, and other as needed,with the owners and operators of those facilities. Specific emergency sheltering amenities that each of these facilities can provide,including response restrooms and showers,whether cooking can be done on site,and organizations, whether family pets are allowed,should be identified so that this churches,Menifee Short Term (in Disaster information is available in advance of a disaster. Shelter locations for Unified School the next 1 to 5 Action 5-62 Response horses and other animals also need to be identified and procured. District years) Adequate staffing with the Emergency necessary Services training,funding Department in for the training of cooperation with personnel and to Continue to support the development of local preparedness plans and the Riverside prepare and multi-jurisdictional cooperation and communication for emergency County Fire implement the Disaster situations consistent with regional,state(SIMS),and federal standards, Department and plans and Action 5-63 Response guidelines,and/or recommendations(NIMS). other City agencies Ongoing lagreements Human Resources Department and Identify multilingual personnel and encourage them to assist in Office of Disaster evacuation,short-term recovery activities,and meeting general Emergency Action 5-64 Response community needs during times of emergency. Management Ongoing Adequate staffing Implementation Actions Page 23 of 25 1/5/2018 AMENDMENTS PER 2017-172GPA,ALUC CONSISTENCY Resources �Res.. r' -,. Community Development and Public Works Require all essential and critical facilities(including but not limited to Departments, essential City offices and buildings,medical facilities,schools,child care Office of centers,and nursing homes)in or within 200 feet of Flood Zones A,AE and Emergency X,or within the dam inundation pathways,to develop disaster response Management, Short to Long Disaster and evacuation plans that address the actions that will be taken in the school districts, Term,within Action S-65 Response event of flooding or inundation due to catastrophic failure of a dam. individual facilities five years Disaster Require that dependent care facilities have all flood-vulnerable electrical Building and Safety Action S-66 Response circuity flood-proofed. Department Ongoing Adequate staffing Coordinate with the Riverside County Airport Land Use Commission to review the Airport Land Use Plans for March Air Reserve Base and Perris Valley Airport and Incorporate applicable disaster preparedness,response, and recovery measures into City disaster planning efforts.The City will consult with the March Inland Port Airport Authority,March Air Reserve Office of ShortTerm (in Disaster Base,and Perris Valley Airport management as to the airports'roles in Emergency the next 1 to 5 Action S-67 Response disaster response and recovery. Management ears) Adequate staffing Evaluate proposals for new critical facilities to ensure they are outside of Community hazardous areas.If the facility must be located in a hazardous area,ensure Development and Disaster that the project implements appropriate mitigation measures to protect Building and Safety Action 5-68 Response the facility in the case of damage or disaster. Departments Ongoing Adequate staffing Coordinate with the Public Utilities Commission(PUC)and/or utilize the Capital Improvement Program,to strengthen,relocate,or take other appropriate measures to safeguard high-voltage lines;water,sewer, Public Works and natural gas and petroleum pipelines;and trunk electrical and telephone Building and Safety Disaster conduits that extend through areas of high liquefaction potential,cross Departments and Action S-69 Response active faults,or traverse earth cracks or landslides. I Utility Providers lOngoing lAdequate staffing Noise Implementation Actions ResponsibleResources Action Topic Implementation Action DepArtrrent_.__,,_..jTiming, j,Com.plete Policy and Regulation Require subdivisions adjacent to developed/occupied noise-sensitive land uses to submit a construction-related noise mitigation plan to the City for review and approval prior to issuance of a grading permit.The plan must depict the location of construction equipment and how the noise from this equipment will be mitigated during construction ofthis project,through the use of methods such as: Community •Temporary noise attenuation fences; Development and •Preferential location of equipment Public Works Action N-1 Policy and Re •Current noise suppression technology and equipment. Departments Ongoing Adequate staffing Prepare and adopt a Local Noise Ordinance and include,at a minimum,the following components: •Noise level measurement criteria •Exterior and interior noise standards •Standards for residential noise sources such as,but not limited to,leaf blowers,mobile vendors,mobile stereos and stationary noise sources such as home appliances,air conditioners,and swimming pool equipment Community •Regulation and enforcement of nuisances Development Action N-2 Policy and Re •Manner for enforcement of noise violations Department 2 years Adequate staffing Require that a noise analysis be conducted by an acoustical specialist for all proposed noise-sensitive projects.Identify specific structural and site design features that will adequately mitigate noise impacts of nearby noise generating uses or proposed noise-generating uses.Mitigation strategies Community could include setbacks,enclosures,sound walls,or natural barriers and Development Action N-3 lPolicyandReg landscaping,including hills,berms,boulders,and dense vegetation. iDepartment IOngoing Adequate staffing Implementation Actions Page 24 of 25 1/5/2018 AMENDMENTS PER 2017-172GPA,ALUC CONSISTENCY Moms-ON Require that a noise analysis be conducted by an acoustical specialist for all proposed projects that are potential major noise producers,including, but not limited to industrial,manufacturing,commercial uses,water treatment facilities,and schools.Identify structural and site design features that will adequately mitigate noise impacts if the project is either within proximity of a noise-sensitive land use,or on land designated for noise-sensitive land uses.Mitigation strategies could include selection of Community quieter equipment,setbacks,building design,enclosures,sound walls,or Development and natural barriers and landscaping,including hills,berms,boulders,and Building and Safety Action N-4 Policy and Reg dense vegetation. Departments Ongoing lAdequate staffing Require applicants proposing the development of new noise-sensitive uses in areas exposed to ambient noise levels greater than 60 dBA CNEL to Community provide an acoustical study to demonstrate that the proposed uses will Development Action N-5 Policy and Reg meet applicable noise standards and include mitigation strategies. Department Ongoing Adequate staffing As part of any approvals of noise-sensitive projects where reduction of exterior noise to 65 dBA CNEL is not reasonably feasible,the developer Community shall be required to issue disclosure statements to be identified on all real Development and estate transfers associated with the affected property that identifies Public Works Action N-6 Po icy and Reg regular exposure to noise. Departments lOngoing Adequate staffing Community Enforce Right-to-Farm Ordinance to protect Menifee's agricultural Development Action N-7 Policy and Reg resources from noise complaints. Department Ongoing Adequate staffing Siting and Design Community Assist the efforts of local homeowners living in high noise areas to noise Development and Short term Siting and attenuate their homes through funding assistance and retrofitting Building and Safety (within 5 Action N-8 Design program development,as feasible. Departments years) Adequate staffing Transportation Noise Adequate staffing,funding Community to share costs Work with Caltrans to evaluate the potential need for sound barriers Development and Short term associated with and/or other mitigation strategies along segments of 1-215 that abut Public Works (within 5 mitigation Action N-9 Transportation existing noise-sensitive land uses. Departments years) strategies Adequate staffing,funding Work with the Southern California Rail Authority and Union Pacific Community to share costs Railroad to construct noise barriers and implement quiet zones in areas Development and Short term associated with where noise-sensitive uses exist or are proposed adjacent to railroad Public Works (within 5 mitigation Action N-10 Transportation tracks,where feasible. Departments years) strategies Community Development and Short term Public Works (within 5 Action N-11 Transportation Implement quiet zone standards for new railroad crossings. Departments years) Adequate staffing qty Bevelepnnent and Public Werks Aez a:1= F-Fanspeftatien with applieable aiflaeft'and use nelse eewr�� Pepak--ts 9Hgaing Adequate staffing Adequate Community staffing,funding Development and Short term to repair areas in Evaluate existing roadways and repair paving in sections that need Public Works (within 5 need of Action N-13 Transportation improvement. Departments years) improvement Community Development and Public Works Action N-14 Transportation Encourage and facilitate the use of nonmotorized and electric vehicles. Departments Ongoing Adequate staffing Noise Spillover Require that the parking structures,terminals,and loading docks of commercial,industrial,office,and other noise-generating land uses be Community Siting and designed and managed to minimize the potential noise impacts of vehicles Development Action N-15 Design on site as well as on adjacent land uses. Department Ongoing Adequate staffing Implementation Actions Page 25 of 25 1/5/2018