2017-222 Development Agreement 2015-111 Watt Communities at Mosaic ORDINANCE NO. 2017-222
WHEREAS, on May 27, 2015, the applicants Watt Communities at Mosaic LLC
and McKinley Mosaic LLC (collectively, "Applicants") filed a formal application with the
City of Menifee for Development Agreement No. 2015-111 ("Project") which proposes a
statutory development agreement between the Applicants and the City of Menifee
("Development Agreement") concerning the remaining development of Tentative Tract
Map No. 28206 ("Map") to clarify, modify, and allocate responsibility for infrastructure
improvements (road, landscaping, trail, and park) between the Applicants, to extend the
timing for the park construction, to update the applicable conditions of approval for the
Map, and to provide for five years of vesting and other benefits as noted in the proposed
Development Agreement; and
WHEREAS, on June 28, 2017, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed
public hearing on the Project, considered all public testimony as well as all materials in
the staff report and accompanying documents for Development Agreement No. 2015-
111, which hearing was publicly noticed on June 17, 2017 by a publication in a
newspaper of general circulation (i.e., The Press Enterprise), an agenda posting, and
notice to property owners within 300 feet of the Project boundaries, and to persons
requesting public notice; and
Whereas, at the June 28, 2017 Planning Commission public hearing, based
upon the materials in the staff report and accompanying documents, the City of Menifee
Planning Commission adopted a resolution recommending that the City Council find the
Ordinance exempt from environmental review under the California Environmental Quality
Act (CEQA) and approve the Development Agreement; and,
WHEREAS, the Development Agreement has been prepared, processed,
reviewed, heard, and approved in accordance with applicable law, including but not
limited to Section 65864 et seq. of the Government Code; and,
Whereas, on August 2, 2017, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing
concerning the proposed Ordinance, introduced and conducted a first reading of the
Ordinance, and considered testimony and evidence at the Public Hearing held with
respect thereto; and
Whereas, on August 16, 2017, the City Council conducted a second reading of
the Ordinance; and
Whereas, the City Council has considered the requirements of the CEQA; and
SECTION 1. With regard to Development Agreement No. 2015-111, the City Council
hereby makes the following findings:
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August 16, 2017
1. Consistency with the General Plan. The proposed Development Agreement is
consistent with the objectives, policies, general land uses and programs specified
in the general plan and any applicable specific plan.
The general plan land use designation for the subject parcel is 2.1-5 Dwelling
Units Per Acre — Residential (2.1-5R) in areas where the tract contains
residential lots, Conservation (OS:C) in the location of the conservation area, and
Recreation (OS:R) in the location of the park. The Map was approved for 258
residential lots, an open space lot for conservation and a park. The proposed
Development Agreement does not propose to increase the density of the project
or reduce the amount of land for conservation or park purposes and would assist
and not interfere with implementation of the general plan.
Properties to the north and east are designated 2.1-5 Dwelling Units Per Acre —
Residential (2.1-5R). Properties to the south and west are designated Economic
Development Corridor ("EDC"). These land uses allow for residential uses
similar to the proposed project, and in the case of the EDC, the EDC zone
contains requirements for buffering to residential uses. Therefore, the proposed
project is compatible with the surrounding general plan land uses.
In addition, the Development Agreement is consistent with the following general
plan goals and policies in particular:
Goal LU-1 Land uses and building types that result in a community
where residents at all stages of life, employers, workers, and
visitors have a diversity of options of where they can live,
work, shop, and recreate within Menifee.
LU-1.1 Concentrate growth in strategic locations to help preserve
rural areas, create place and identity, provide infrastructure
efficiently, and foster the use of transit options.
LU-1.7 Ensure neighborhood amenities and public facilities (natural
open space areas, parks, libraries, schools, trails, etc.) are
distributed equitably throughout the City.
HE-2.4 Parks and Recreation. Enhance neighborhood livability and
sustainability by providing parks and open spaces, planting
trees, greening parkways, and maintaining a continuous
pattern of paths that encourage an active, healthy lifestyle.
HE-2.5 Public Facilities and Infrastructure. Provide quality
community facilities, infrastructure, traffic management,
public safety, and other services to promote and improve the
livability, safety, and vitality of residential neighborhoods.
Goal C-1: A roadway network that meets the circulation needs of all
residents, employees, and visitors to the City of Menifee.
C-1.1 Require roadways to:
• Comply with federal, state and local design and safety
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• Meet the needs of multiple transportation modes 'and
• Be compatible with the streetscape and surrounding land
• Be maintained in accordance with best practices.
C-1.4 Promote development of local street patterns that unify
neighborhoods and work with neighboring jurisdictions to
provide compatible roadway linkages at the City limits.
GoalOSC-1:A comprehensive system of high quality parks and
recreation programs that meets the diverse needs of the
OSC-1.1 Provide parks and recreational programs to meet the varied
needs of community residents, including children, youth,
adults, seniors, and persons with disabilities, and make
these facilities and services easily accessible and affordable
to all users.
OSC-1.2: Require a minimum of five acres of public open space to be
provided for every 1,000 City residents.
OSC-1.3: Locate and distribute parks and recreational facilities
throughout the community so that most residents are within
walking distance (one-half mile) of a public open space.
The City of Menifee has two (2) active conservation plans within the City's
boundary, the Western Riverside County MSHCP, and the Stephens' Kangaroo
Rat Habitat Conservation Plan ("SKR-HCP"). The subject site is within the
jurisdiction of the SKR-HCP and the Western Riverside County MSHCP. The
project site is located inside the Stephen's Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys stephensi)
(SKR) Fee Area. The proposed Project is located within the boundaries of the
Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan; however,
the project is not located with a Criteria Cell or Cell Group. The Project will be
subject to the payment of fees for a residential project consistent with the
Riverside County Ordinance 810.2 as adopted by the City of Menifee. Therefore,
the Project will not conflict with the provisions of any adopted HCP, Natural
Conservation Community Plan, or other approved local, regional, or State
conservation plan and the impact is considered less than significant.
2. Consistency with the Zoning Code. The proposed Development Agreement is
compatible with the uses authorized in, and the regulations prescribed for, the
zoning district in which the real property will be located.
The project site's existing zoning is One-Family Dwellings (R-1). The zone
allows for residential development, parks and open space uses. The proposed
project is consistent with the zoning of the project site.
The project is surrounded to the north and west by properties designated One-
Family Dwellings (R-1) and Economic Development Corridor (EDC) to the south
and west. The zoning to the north and east is identical to the Project site's
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zoning. The EDC zone allows for mixed use, but includes several development
standards to ensure that adjacent residential is adequately buffered from non-
residential uses. Therefore, the Project is considered compatible with
surrounding land uses.
The zoning code requires that projects be consistent with the general plan and
no discretionary permits can be issued if requested projects are not consistent
with the general plan. The proposed Development Agreement would assist and
not interfere with implementation of the zoning. The proposed Development
Agreement does not modify the uses allowed or development standards in the
zoning and is compatible with the zoning.
3. The proposed development agreement is in conformity with and will promote
public convenience, general welfare and good land use practice.
Existing uses to the north and east include single family residential, to the south
and west is vacant land.
The Project would facilitate the development of previously-entitled single family
dwellings similar to existing development to the north and east of the Project site.
The Project is compatible with the surrounding land uses, general plan land use
designations and zoning classifications. The Project incorporates quality design,
trails, parks, landscaping and other improvements which will enhance the area
upon construction. The proposed Development Agreement provides for the
orderly construction of road improvements, utilities, drainage and other
improvements. The proposed Development Agreement is consistent with the
Map and will assist the Applicants in implementation of the Map. The proposed
Development Agreement is in conformity with and will promote public
convenience, general welfare and good land use practice
4. The development agreement will not create conditions materially detrimental to
the public health, safety and general welfare within the City.
As noted above, the Project allows for the development of single family dwellings
similar to existing development to the north and east. The proposed
development is compatible with the surrounding land uses, general plan land use
designations and zoning classifications.
Environmental impacts resulting from the Project, including the Development
Agreement have been analyzed in an adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration
("MND") which determined impacts including, but not limited to biological
resources, cultural resources, and noise would all be less than significant. The
Project is not anticipated to create conditions materially detrimental to the public
health, safety and general welfare or injurious to or incompatible with other
properties or land uses in the project vicinity.
The proposed Development Agreement does not contain any provisions that
would create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and
general welfare or injurious to or incompatible with other properties or land uses in
the project vicinity and within the City.
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5. Orderly Development. The development agreement would not adversely affect the
orderly development of property and surrounding area, or the preservation of
property values
The proposed Development Agreement would assist with and would not interfere
with the tentative tract map and its proposed land uses and infrastructure for the
property, which would not adversely affect the orderly development of the
surrounding area. The proposed Development Agreement would not alter the
land uses as adopted in the general plan. The proposed Development
Agreement would not conflict with surrounding existing and planned land uses
and would not have the potential to adversely affect property values.
6. Encourage Development. The development agreement would promote and
encourage the development of the proposed project by providing a greater degree
of requisite certainty.
The assurances provided to the applicant through the proposed Development
Agreement, such as vesting, and clarification, modification, and allocation of
responsibility for public improvements, would provide greater certainty and
reduced risk that would encourage development as approved under the Map and
the infrastructure associated with it that would serve the surrounding area.
7. Compliance with CEQA. Processing and approval of the permit application are in
compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act.
A MND was previously adopted for the project. Therefore, a determination of no
further environmental review required has been prepared and findings included in
a Resolution accompanying the project. The City Council has considered this
Resolution as part of its proceedings.
Section 2. The City Council approves the Development Agreement set forth in Exhibit
"1" to this Ordinance.
Section 3. The City Manager, or his or her designee, is directed and authorized to do all
of the following:
a. Make all necessary and appropriate clerical, typographical, and formatting
corrections to the adopted Development Agreement prior to execution and
recording; and
b. To implement the Development Agreement, in accordance with its terms
including, but not limited to (1) the Mitigation Measures, which are referenced
and described in the MND and (2) the Updated Conditions of Approval.
Section 5. Notice of Adoption. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption
of this Ordinance, and shall publish a summary of this Ordinance at least five (5) days
prior to the adoption of the proposed Ordinance; and within fifteen (15) days after
passage in accordance with law, and shall cause this Ordinance and its certification to
be entered in the Book of Ordinances of the City of Menifee.
Section 6. Recording. Pursuant to Government Code section 65868.5 and Section
9.75.100 of the Menifee Municipal Code, the City Clerk shall prepare a final version of
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the Development Agreement for recording within ten (10) days of the Effective Date that
fully reflects the action of the City Council in adopting the Development Agreement.
Section 7. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and
operation thirty (30) days after its adoption.
Section 8. Severability. If any section, subsection, subdivision, sentence, clause,
phrase, or portion of this ordinance is, for any reason, held to be invalid or
unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision
shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council
hereby declares that it would have adopted this ordinance, and each section, subsection
subdivision, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any
one or more sections, subsections, subdivisions, sentences, clauses, phrases, or
portions thereof be declared invalid or unconstitutional.
The Ordinance was introduced and read by title on August 2, 2017 and PASSED,
Neil Winter, Mayor
--- 14�i
S rah A. ManwarinWg, C i t y Clerk
Approved as to form:
J ry Melching, C' y A orney
Matthew Liesemeyer
Mayor Pro Tem I, Sarah Manwaring, City Clerk of the City of Menifee, do hereby certify that the
foregoing Ordinance No. 2017-222 was duly adopted by the City Council of the
Greg August City of Menifee at a meeting thereof held on the 16th day of August, 2017 by the
Councilmember following vote:
Lesa A.Sobek Ayes: August, Denver, Liesemeyer, Sobek, Winter
Councilmember Noes: None
Absent: None
John V. Denver Abstain: None
rah A. Manwaring, City ler{
29714 Haun Road
Menifee,CA 92586
Phone 951.672.6777
Fax 951.679.3843
28714 Haun Road
Menifee, CA 92586
Attn: City Attorney
Recorded for the benefit of the City of Menifee (Space above this line is for Recorder's Use Only
and exempt from recording fees pursuant to
Government Code Section 27383
By And Between
Effective Date
This Development Agreement (hereinafter "Agreement") is entered into
, 201_, by and among the CITY OF MENIFEE (hereinafter "City"), a
municipal corporation, WATT COMMUNITIES AT MOSAIC LLC, a California limited liability
company ("Watt"), and MCKINLEY MOSAIC LLC, a Delaware limited liability company
("McKinley"). Watt and McKinley are sometimes referred to herein individually, as "Owner" and
collectively, as "Owners."
A. In order to encourage investment in, and commitment to comprehensive planning
and public facilities financing, strengthen the public planning process and encourage private
implementation of the City's General Plan,provide certainty in the approval of projects and assure
efficient use of public resources, and reduce the economic costs of development by providing
assurance that projects can proceed consistent with existing land use policies,rules and regulations,
the California Legislature adopted Government Code Sections 65864-65869.5 ("e"). The
Development Agreement Statute authorizes cities and counties to enter into development
agreements with persons or entities having a legal or equitable interest in real property located
within their jurisdiction. In accordance with the Development Agreement Statute, the City has
established procedures and requirements for processing and approval of development agreements
pursuant to Municipal Code Section 9.75 ("Development Agreement Ordinance"). The
Development Agreement Statute and Development Agreement Ordinance are collectively referred
to herein as the "Development Agreement Law." This Agreement is consistent with the
Development Agreement Law.
B. Watt owns all of the real property described on Exhibit "A" ("Watt Property")
otherwise identified as"Tract F"of Tentative Tract Map No.28206 ("Tentative Map").McKinley
owns all of the real property described on Exhibit"B" ("McKinley Property")otherwise identified
as "Tract 3" of the Tentative Map. Watt Property and McKinley Property are sometimes referred
to herein individually, as "Property" and collectively, as "Project Property."
C. Project Property is a part of the Mosaic development project as shown on the
Tentative Map ("Master Project"). The County of Riverside ("County") originally adopted and
approved the Tentative Map,and related Conditions of Approval for the Tentative Map on May 5,
2004, and as such conditions were amended first on May 4, 2008 (the "County COA"). By
incorporation as municipality in October 2008, City became the County's successor in interest
with respect to the implementation of the Tentative Map and the County COA. On December 14,
2016, the City Planning Commission adopted Extension of Time 2016-088 extending the
expiration date for the Tentative Map to May 4, 2017 and amending the County COA to include
the City's standard conditions of approval ("Existing COX")
D. The City and Owners desire to more specifically assign and segregate the obligation
to perform some of the Existing COA to the appropriate parties. To provide clarity of obligation
and administration, Watt,McKinley and City desire to clarify each party's obligations with respect
thereto and amend and restate certain portions of the Existing COA through the property Tract
Map amendment process, and on the terms and conditions set forth below.
E. On May 26, 2016,the City of Menifee submitted a formal application to Riverside
Local Agency Formation Commission ("LAFCO") for the detachment of VWRPD from the City
of Menifee boundaries ("Deattachment Application"). If approved by the LAFCO Commission,
the decision would potentially transfer some of Valley-Wide's facilities within the City boundary
over to City ownership and operation, including potentially portions of the Proposed Project and
potentially revenue from the special tax assessments currently paid to Valley-Wide by the Owners.
F. This Agreement is intended to be, and shall be construed as, a statutory
development agreement,within the meaning of the Development Agreement Law.For the reasons
recited herein,Developer and the City have determined that the Project is a development for which
a development agreement is appropriate. This Agreement will eliminate uncertainty in planning
for and secure the orderly development of the Project,ensure a desirable and functional community
environment, provide effective and efficient development of public facilities, infrastructure, and
services appropriate for the development of the Project, provide other significant public benefits
to City and the City's residents, and otherwise achieve the goals and purposes of the Development
Agreement Law. In exchange for these benefits to City,Developer desires to receive the assurance
that it may proceed with the development of the Project in accordance with the terms and
conditions of this Agreement.
F. On June 28, 2017, the Planning Commission of City held a duly noticed public
hearing on the Owners' application for approval of this Agreement, made certain findings and
determinations with respect thereto, and recommended to the City Council that this Agreement be
G. The City has given the required notice of its intention to adopt this Agreement and
has conducted public hearings thereon pursuant to the Development Agreement Law. As required
by Government Code section 65867.5, the City Council has reviewed this Agreement and has
found that its provisions and purposes are consistent with the goals, policies, standards, and land
use designations specified in the City General Plan and the Project Property as of this date.
H. The Parties agree that this Agreement will promote and encourage the
implementation of the Master Project by providing both the Owners, future owners and/or lenders
of some or all of the parcels within the Tentative Map and the City with a greater degree of certainty
as to Owners' and/or future owners' ability to expeditiously complete the Master Project, and that
the consideration to be received by the City pursuant to this Agreement and the rights secured to
Owners hereunder constitute sufficient consideration to support the respective covenants and
agreements of the City and Owners.
I. City acknowledges that the commitments of the City set forth in this Agreement
shall survive beyond the term or terms of the current members of the City Council and that this
Agreement will serve to bind City and future City Councils. By approving this Agreement, the
City Council has determined that the vested rights to complete the Master Project provided to
Owners in exchange for Owners' commitment to provide the public benefits set forth in this
Agreement,justify the City's commitments under this Agreement. The terms and conditions of
this Agreement have undergone extensive review by the City staff,the City Planning Commission,
and the City Council and have been found to be fair,just, and reasonable. The City has further
concluded that the Project will serve the best interests of its citizens and that the public health,
safety, and welfare will be served by entering into this Agreement.
J. On August 2, 2017 and August 16, 2017, the City Council also held a public
hearings on the Owners' application for approval of this Agreement, considered the
recommendations of the Planning Commission and found that this Agreement is consistent with
City's General Plan.
K. Findings. The City Council has found and determined that this Development
Agreement: (i) is consistent with the City's General Plan; (ii) is in the best interests of health,
safety and general welfare of the City, its residents and the public; (iii) is entered into pursuant to
and constitutes a present exercise of police power by the City; and, (iv) is entered into pursuant to
and in compliance with the Development Agreement Law.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above recitals and of the mutual covenants
hereinafter contained and for other good and valuable consideration,the receipt and sufficiency of
which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:
1.1 Definitions. This Agreement uses a number of terms having specific meanings, as
defined below. These specially defined terms are distinguished by having the initial letter
capitalized, or all letters capitalized, when used in the Agreement. The defined terms include the
"Affiliate of Owner"has the meaning given to it in Section 2.3.1.
"Agreement"has the meaning given to it in the Preamble.
"Assignment"has the meaning given to it in Section 2.3.
"City Council"means the City Council of the City.
"Conservation Area" means that certain approximately 2.02 acre portion of the
Project Property designated as Parcel 68 on the Tentative Map (APN 372-493-007).
"County"has that meaning given to it in Recital B.
"County COAs"has the meaning given to it in Recital C."
"DeattachmentApplication" has the meaning given to it in Recital E.
"Development"means the improvement of the Project Property and certain portions
of other Master Project property for the purposes of completing the structures,
improvements and facilities comprising the Master Project including, but not limited to:
grading;the construction of infrastructure and public facilities related to the Master Project
whether located within or outside the Project Property; the construction of buildings and
structures; and the installation of landscaping and park facilities and improvements.
"Development" also includes the maintenance, repair, reconstruction or redevelopment of
any building, structure, improvement, landscaping or facility after the construction and
completion thereof.
"Development Approvals" means the Tentative Map and Existing COA, as
amended and superseded by the Updated COA, and those improvement plans approved by
the City pursuant to the Tentative Map as of Effective Date.
"Development Fees" means the monetary consideration charged by City in
connection with a development project for the purpose of defraying all or a portion of the
cost of mitigating the impacts of the project and development of the public facilities related
to development of the project. Development Fees shall not include (i) City's normal fees
for processing, environmental assessment/review, tentative tracts/parcel map review, plan
checking, site review, site approval, administrative review, building permit (plumbing,
mechanical, electrical, building), inspection, and similar fees imposed to recover City's
costs associated with processing, review, and inspection of applications, plans,
specifications, etc., (ii) fees and charges levied by any other public agency,utility, district,
or joint powers authority,whether or not such fees are collected by City, (iii) development
impact fees currently imposed by the City, and/or (iv) development impact fees imposed
by the City in the future, so long as such fees are not imposed uniquely and solely upon the
Master Project or any portion thereof.
"Development Plan" means the plans, standards, conditions and requirements set
forth in the Tentative Map and Existing COA, as amended and superseded by the Updated
COA and this Agreement.
"Development Requirement" means any requirement of City in connection with or
pursuant to any Development Approval for the dedication of land, the construction or
improvement of public facilities, the payment of fees or assessments in order to lessen,
offset, mitigate or compensate for the impacts of Development on the environment,or the
advancement of the public interest.
"Excluded Transfers"has the meaning given to it in Section 2.3.3.
"Effective Date" means the date that is the later of: (i)the date that the ordinance
approving this Agreement becomes effective, or (ii) the date that this Agreement is
executed by the parties and recorded in the Official Records of the County.
"Existing COW"has the meaning given to it in Recital C.
"Final Grade Elevation"has the meaning given to it in Section 3.11.5.
"Individual Unit Owner" means any owner in fee of a residential unit other than
Owner or a successor in interest of Owner to all or a portion of the Project as provided in
Section 2.3.
"LAFCO"has the meaning given to it in Recital E.
"Land Use Regulations" means all ordinances, resolutions, codes, rules,
regulations, city adopted plans and official policies of City adopted and effective on or
before the Effective Date of this Agreement governing Development and use of land,
including, without limitation, the permitted use of land, the density or intensity of use,
subdivision requirements, the maximum height and size of proposed buildings, the
provisions for reservation or dedication of land for public purposes, and the design,
improvement and construction standards and specifications applicable to the Development
of the Property. The term "Land Use Regulations" does not include any City ordinance,
resolution, code,rule, regulation or official policy, governing:
(a) the conduct of businesses,professions, and occupations;
(b) taxes and assessments;
(c) the control and abatement of nuisances;
(d) the granting of encroachment permits and the conveyance of rights
and interests which provide for the use of or the entry upon public property;
(e) the exercise of the power of eminent domain; and
(f) the amount of processing fees or development impact fees.
"Master Project"has the meaning given to it in Recital C.
"McKinley Property"has the meaning given to it in Recital B.
"Mortgagee"means a mortgagee of a mortgage, a beneficiary under a deed of trust
or any other security-device, a lender or each of their respective successors and assigns.
"Owner"means Watt or McKinley, and their respective successors in interest to all
or any part of the Project Property (other than Individual Unit Owner).
"Park" means that certain approximately 1.48 acre portion of the Master Project
designated as Parcel 69 on the Tentative Map (APN 372-493-088).
"Park Plans"has the meaning given to it in Section 3.11.5.
"Prevailing Wage Action" means any of the following: (a) any determination by
the State Department of Industrial Relations or its successor for enforcement of State
prevailing wage laws that prevailing wage rates should have been paid, but were not; (b)
any determination by the State Department of Industrial Relations or its successor for
enforcement of State prevailing wage laws that higher prevailing wage rates than those
paid should have been paid; (c) any administrative or legal action or proceeding arising
from any failure to comply with any of California Labor Code Sections 1720 through 1781;
(d) any administrative or legal action or proceeding to recover wage amounts, at law or in
equity, including pursuant to California Labor Code Section 1781; (e) the noncompliance
by Developer or its contractor with any applicable laws (including, without limitation, if
applicable, the requirement to pay State and/or Federal prevailing wages and hire
apprentices); (f)the implementation of Section 1781 of the Labor Code and/or the Davis-
Bacon Act, 40 U.S.C. Section 3141, et seq., and the regulations promulgated thereunder
set forth at 29 CFR Part 1 (collectively, "Davis-Bacon"), as the same may be amended
from time to time, or any other similar Laws; and/or(g) failure by Developer to provide
any required disclosure or identification as required by Labor Code Section 1781 and/or
Davis Bacon, as the same may be amended from time to time, or any other similar Laws.
"Project" means the Development of the Project Property consistent with the
Development Plan.
"Property" means (i)with respect to Watt, solely the Watt Property, or any portion
thereof, (ii) with respect to McKinley, solely the McKinley Property, or any portion
thereof, and (ii) when used with respect to any other Owner, the portion of the Project
Property owned by such Owner.
"Qualified Assignee"has the meaning given to it in Section 2.3.
"Revised Perimeter Improvement Plans" means, collectively and each on file with
the City: (i) the Offsite Improvement Plans delta revision (modifying the required
pavement improvement on Garbani Road), City Drawing No. IP 15-027, approved August
3, 2015(County Reference No. MS4061, File No. 945-N) and (ii) the Valley Wide and
County-approved Landscape Plans for offsite Garbani &Palomar dated February 11,2016
(County Reference No. 953-LL 1).
"Subsequent Development Approvals" means all Development Approvals issued
subsequent to the Effective Date in connection with Development of the Property.
"Subsequent Land Use Regulations"means any Land Use Regulations adopted and
effective after the Effective Date of this Agreement, other than the Development Plan.
"Tentative Map" has the meaning given to it in Recital B.
"Term" shall mean the period of time from the Effective Date until the termination
of this Agreement as provided in subsection 2.4, or earlier termination as provided in
Section 7.
"Turnover Event" shall have the meaning given to it in Section 3.11.3.
"Updated COA"means the Conditions of Approval amending and superseding the
Existing COA, as set forth on Exhibit"C"attached hereto and incorporated herein by this
"Valley-Wide"means the Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District.
"Watt Property" has the meaning given to it in Recital B.
1.2 Exhibits. The following documents are attached to, and by this reference made a
part of,this Agreement:
Exhibit "A" Legal Description of the Watt Property.
Exhibit "B" Legal Description of the McKinley Property.
Exhibit"C" Updated COA
Exhibit "D" Depiction of Perimeter Improvement Areas and Portion of Garbani Road
Exhibit"E" Form Assignment and Assumption Agreement
2.1 Binding Effect of Agreement. From and following the Effective Date,
Development and City actions on applications for Subsequent Development Approvals respecting
the Property shall be subject to the terms and provisions of this Agreement.
2.2 Ownership of Property. Watt represents and covenants that it is the owner of the
fee simple title to the Watt Property. McKinley represents and covenants that it is the owner of
the fee simple title to the McKinley Property.
2.3 Assignment. This Agreement may be assigned, in whole or part, by any Owner to
any party or parties purchasing all or any part of the Project Property, or any interest therein
pursuant to the provisions of this Paragraph (each an "Assignment"). An Owner's assignment or
transfer of any rights, duties or obligations under this Agreement, shall be subject to the prior
written approval of the City, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed.
Prior to any assignment, or transfer of any rights, duties or obligations by an Owner under this
Agreement, to any party or parties to whom all or any portion of the Property, or interest therein,
is conveyed,said Owner shall present such information to the City as shall reasonably be necessary
to demonstrate to the City's reasonable satisfaction that the proposed assignee has the financial
ability and experience to fulfill those specific rights, duties and obligations under this Agreement
that the transferee will assume. Within five (five) business days of receipt of written notice from
an Owner of its intention to assign rights under this Agreement to a designated third party, City
shall provide said Owner with a written description of the information the City needs to review.
Upon receipt of the required information, City shall have ten (10) business days to respond and
approve or disapprove the proposed assignee and form of assignment and assumption agreement,
which form shall be substantially consistent with the form attached as Exhibit"E",provided that
the City's approval may not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed (an assignee so
approved by the City is hereinafter referred to as a "Qualified Assignee"). Failure of the City to
respond within the periods identified above shall be deemed an approval provided that Developer
also provides the City with a written notice in at least 14 point, bold font which contains the
following statement, as applicable:
2.3.1 Permitted Assignments: Notwithstanding Section 2.3,the following
categories of Assignments shall not require City approval, but shall require ten(10)
business days prior notice of a proposed transfer,which notice shall be accompanied by
information sufficient to demonstrate that such proposed assignment falls within the
categories specified in Section 2.3.1(a) and/or Section 2.3.1(b). If City objects to a
proposed assignment after receiving such notice, then the assignor shall not be released of
any obligations under this Agreement unless and until said objection is resolved to the
mutual satisfaction of the parties.
(a) Any assignment for financing purposes,provided the financing is
used solely to secure the funds necessary for construction and/or permanent
financing of the Project or any portion thereof;and
(b) An assignment of this Agreement to an Affiliate of Owner.
For the purposes of this Section 2.3.1, "Affiliate of Owner"means an entity or person that
is directly or indirectly controlling, controlled by, or under common control with
Developer. For the purposes of this definition, "control" means the possession, direct or
indirect, of the power to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of an
entity or a person, whether through the ownership of voting securities, by contract, or
otherwise, and the terms "controlling" and "controlled" have the meanings correlative to
the foregoing.
2.3.2 Successive Assignment. In the event there is more than one Assignment
under the provisions of this Section 2.3, the provisions of this Section 2.3 shall apply to
each successive Assignment.
2.3.3 Excluded Transfers. Notwithstanding the foregoing,the provisions of this
Agreement shall terminate with respect to any individual lot or portion of the Property
and such lot or portion of the Property shall be released from and shall no longer be
subject to this Agreement(without the execution or recordation of any further document
or the taking of any further action)upon the satisfaction of all of the following conditions
("Excluded Transfers"):
(a) the lot has been finally subdivided and sold or leased (for a period
longer than one (1) year)to a member of the public or any other ultimate user; and
(b) a certificate of occupancy has been issued for the building or
buildings on the lot or a final inspection of the building(s)has been approved by
(c) dedications and grants of easements and rights of way required in
accordance with the Development Plan.
(d) transfers of common area,the Park or Conservation Area to a
homeowners association or public entity in accordance with the Development
The City shall cooperate with Owners, at no cost to the City, in executing in
recordable form any document that Owners(including any successor to the title of Owners
in and to any of the aforedescribed lots) may submit to confirm the termination of this
Agreement as to any such lot. As to such Excluded Transfers,this Agreement shall not run
with the land, but shall be automatically terminated.
2.4 Term.
2.4.1 Execution ofAgreement. After the City executes this Agreement,each Owner
shall have thirty(30) days after the City's delivery of an executed copy of this Agreement
to execute and return two originally executed counterparts to the City Attorney and the
City Clerk. If an Owner does not provide the City its original executed counterpart of this
Agreement before the thirty (30) days expires, this Agreement shall not be recorded and
this Agreement shall be deemed null and void and have no force or effect.
2.4.2 Term. The term of this Agreement("Term") shall commence on the Effective
Date of this Agreement and shall continue thereafter for a period of five (5) years,unless
this Agreement is terminated, modified, or extended by circumstances set forth in this
Agreement or by mutual written consent of the parties.
3.1 Rights to Develop. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, each Owner shall have
a vested right to develop its Property in accordance with, and to the extent of, the Development
Plan. Development allowed under the Development Plan is hereby vested specifically with the
Project Property (including each Property), and each Owner retains the right to apportion
development rights with respect to the portion of the Property owned by it between itself and any
subsequent Owner, upon the sale, transfer, or assignment of any portion of the Project Property,
so long as such apportionment is consistent with the Development Plan and the Land Use
3.2 Effect of Agreement on Land Use Regulations. Except as otherwise provided
under the terms of this Agreement,the rules, regulations and official policies governing permitted
uses of the Property,the density and intensity of use of the Property,the maximum height and size
of proposed buildings, and the design, improvement and construction standards and specifications
applicable to Development of the Property, shall be those contained in the Development Plan and
those Land Use Regulations not inconsistent with the Development Plan and this Agreement. To
the extent there is any conflict between the terms of the (i) Development Plan and/or the
Development Approvals and(ii)this Agreement,this Agreement shall control. To the extent there
is any conflict between the terms of any Subsequent Development Approvals and this Agreement,
the Subsequent Development Approvals shall control.
3.3 Subsequent Development Approvals.The parties acknowledge that Development
of the Project may reqVire Subsequent Development Approvals, and that in connection therewith
Owner may determine that changes are appropriate and desirable in the existing Development
Approvals or Development Plan. In the event Owner finds that such a change is appropriate or
desirable for its Property, Owner may apply in writing for an amendment to prior Development
Approvals or the Development Plan to effectuate such change for its Property, and City shall
process and act on such application notwithstanding anything in this Agreement that may be to the
contrary. City shall have no obligation to grant any such application by Owner that modifies the
overall intensity or density of Development, requires a General Plan amendment, zone change, or
variance, or otherwise is, in the sole and absolute discretion of the City Manager, or his or her
designee, a substantial modification of the Development Plan. If approved in a form to which
Owner has consented in writing, any such change in the Development Approvals or Development
Plan with respect to such Owner's Property shall be incorporated herein as an addendum (but
solely with respect to such consenting Owner and such Owner's Property), and may be further
changed from time to time as provided in this Section.Any change in the Development Approvals
or Development Plan made in accordance with the procedures required by the Land Use
Regulations and with the written consent of the Owner shall be conclusively deemed to be
consistent with this Agreement,without any further need for any amendment to this Agreement or
any of its Exhibits. Notwithstanding any contrary provision of this Agreement, no Owner may
apply for or otherwise pursue an amendment to Development Approvals or the Development Plan
that affects another Owner's Property unless and except to the extent agreed to in writing by such
other Owner and no change in the Development Approvals or Development Plan processed by
City upon the request of one Owner shall affect the rights or obligations of any other Owner,unless
and except to the extent agreed to in writing by such other Owner. City further agrees that,unless
otherwise requested by Owner or as authorized by this Agreement,it shall not,without good cause,
amend or rescind any Subsequent Development Approvals respecting such Owner's Property after
such approvals have been granted by the City.
3.4 Term of Tentative Map and Subseqent Development Approvals. Pursuant to
Section 66452.6 (a) of the California Government Code, and notwithstanding anything to the
contrary in the Updated COAs, the Tentative Map, and any subsequent tentative subdivision map
approved for the Property, or any portion thereof, shall also be extended for a period equal to the
Term of this Agreement. Upon approval of a Subsequent Development Approval,it shall be vested
in accordance with this Agreement,'and the term of such Subsequent Development Approval shall
be the longer of(i)the Term or(ii)the terns of such Subsequent Development Approval.
3.5 Timing of Development. The parties acknowledge that Owner cannot at this time
predict when or the rate at which phases of its Property will be developed. Such decisions depend
upon numerous factors which are not within the control of Owner, such as market orientation and
demand, interest rates, absorption, completion and other similar factors. Since the California
Supreme Court held in Pardee Construction Co. v. City of Camarillo (1984) 37 Cal. 3d 465, that
the failure of the parties therein to provide for the timing of Development resulted in a later-
adopted initiative restricting the timing of Development to prevail over such parties' agreement, it
is the parties' intent to cure that deficiency by acknowledging and providing that each Owner shall
have the right to develop its Property in such order and at such rate and at such times as such
Owner deems appropriate within the exercise of its subjective business judgment. Except as
provided expressly in this Agreement, including Section 3.4, nothing in this section is intended to
alter the standard durational limits of any applicable permits issued to Owner. In the event that a
Subsequent Land Use Regulation is enacted,whether by action of the City Council or by initiative
or otherwise, which governs the rate, timing, phasing or sequencing of new development or
construction in the City, such Subsequent Land Use Regulation shall not apply to the Project or
any portion thereof.
3.6 Updated COA; Additional Changes and Amendments. By concurrent action of
the City Council,the Existing COA have been amended and superseded by the Updated COA. To
the extent there is any conflict between the terms of the Existing COA and the Updated COA, the
Updated COA shall control. Except where expressly stated otherwise herein, to the extent of any
conflict between the terms of the Updated COA and the express text of this Agreement,the terms
of the Updated COA shall control.
3.7 Reservation of Authority.
3.7.1 Limitations, Reservations and Exceptions. Notwithstanding any other
provision of this Agreement, the following Subsequent Land Use Regulations shall apply
to the Development of the Property:
(a) Processing fees and charges of every kind and nature imposed by
City to cover the estimated actual costs to City of processing applications for
Development Approvals or for monitoring compliance with any Subsequent
Development Approvals granted or issued.
(b) Procedural regulations relating to hearing bodies, petitions,
and any other matter of procedure.
(c) Changes adopted by the International Conference of Building
Officials as part of the then most current versions of the California Building Code,
Uniform Fire Code,Uniform Plumbing Code,Uniform Mechanical Code,Uniform
Solar Energy Code, Uniform Swimming Pool, Spa and Hot Tub Code, Uniform
Housing Code,Uniform Administrative Code,or National Electrical Code,and also
adopted by City as Subsequent Land Use Regulations.
(d) Regulations which may be in conflict with the Development Plan
but which are reasonably necessary to protect the public health, safety, and welfare.
To the extent reasonable and feasible, any such regulations shall be applied and
construed consistent with Section 3.6.3 below so as to provide each Owner with the
rights and assurances provided under this Agreement.
(e) Regulations which are not in conflict with the Development Plan
and this Agreement.
(f) Regulations which are in conflict with the Development Plan
provided Owner has given written consent to the application of such regulations to
Development of such Owner's Property.
(g) Federal and State laws and regulations which City is required to
enforce as against the Property or the Development of the Property.
3.7.2 Future Discretion of City. This Agreement shall not prevent City, in acting
on Subsequent Development Approvals, from applying Subsequent Land Use Regulations
which do not conflict with the Development Plan, nor shall this Agreement prevent City
from denying or conditionally approving any Subsequent Development Approval on the
basis of the existing Land Use Regulations or any Subsequent Land Use Regulation that
conflict with the Development Plan. Nor shall this Agreement limit or restrict the City's
ability to impose current or future Development Fees in connection with the development
of the Master Project.
3.7.3 Modification or Suspension by State or Federal Law. In the event that State
or Federal laws or regulations, enacted after the Effective Date of this Agreement,prevent
or preclude compliance with one or more of the provisions of this Agreement, the parties
shall meet and reasonably agree upon the modification, suspension and or supplementation
of such provisions of this Agreement as may be necessary to comply with such State or
Federal laws or regulations, and this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect to the
extent it is not inconsistent with such laws or regulations and to the extent such laws or
regulations do not render such remaining provision impractical to enforce.
3.7.4 Taxes, Assessments and Fees. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in
this Agreement, this Agreement shall not prevent the City from enacting, levying or
imposing any new or increased tax,assessment or fee(including development impact fees)
otherwise permitted by law; provided, however, that the City shall not increase
development impact fees applicable to the Property for 24 months following the Effective
3.8 Regulation by Other Public Agencies.It is acknowledged by the parties that other
public agencies not subject to control by City possess authority to regulate aspects of the
Development of the Property, and this Agreement does not limit the authority of such other public
3.10 Cooperation in Completing Development Plan. City agrees to cooperate with
each Owner, at no cost to City, as necessary for the successful completion of the Development
Plan and fulfillment of Development Requirements, and all other requirements or conditions that
may be imposed on the Development by other public agencies. City acknowledges and agrees that
except for those Development Requirements in effect as of the Effective Date, there shall be no
other Development Requirements applicable'to the Project Property (or any portion thereof) and
City shall not impose any additional Development Requirements during the Term. The City
acknowledges that as of the Effective Date of this Agreement,Watt has provided all security bonds
currently being held by the City for the Project. The City agrees to accept and expeditiously
process any request by Watt and McKinley to reduce and replace an appropriate portion of those
existing security bonds with bonds posted by McKinley. The form and amount of bonds shall be
subject to the reasonable approval of the City Engineer,which approval shall not be unreasonably
withheld, conditioned or delayed.
3.11 Specific Owner Obligations.
3.11.1 Perimeter Improvements adjacent to Watt Property (TR28206-F).
Watt shall be solely responsible, at Watt's sole cost and expense, for processing
all approvals for, installing, completing and obtaining acceptance by the City to
achieve release of bonds relating to, all perimeter improvements to be located
adjacent to the Watt Property boundary along Craig Avenue. The subject area is
generally depicted on Exhibit"D"attached hereto and incorporated herein by this
reference. Perimeter improvements shall include the perimeter wall, landscaping,
curb, gutter and street improvements built to City specifications, and as approved
by the City Engineer. All such perimeter improvements must be completed and
approved (passed inspection) by the City Engineer before issuance of the 38th
building permit on the Watt Property under the Development Approvals.
3.11.2 Perimeter Improvements adjacent to Tract 2 (TR28206-2). Watt
shall be solely responsible, at Watt's sole cost and expense, for processing all
approvals for, installing, completing and obtaining acceptance by the City to
achieve release of bonds relating to, all perimeter improvements to be located
adjacent to the"Tract 2"(of the Tentative Map)boundary along Garbani Road and
Palomar Road. The subject area is generally depicted on Exhibit "D" attached
hereto. Perimeter improvements shall consist of the perimeter wall, landscaping,
curb, gutter, trail and street improvements set forth on the Revised Perimeter
Improvement Plans. All such perimeter improvements, except for parkway
landscaping and trail, must be completed and approved by the City Engineer
within the earlier to occur of(i) one year of the Effective Date of this Agreement
or (ii) prior to issuance of a building permit within the Watt Property; provided,
however, that the City may waive or modify this provision so as to allow for the
issuance of building permits on the Watt Property prior to the completion of the
perimeter improvements upon a showing to the satisaction of the City, in its sole
and absolute discretion, that (i) Watt has made best efforts to complete said
improvements and (ii) Watt has a definitive plan for completing such
improvements within a fixed timeline that is acceptable to City. The parkway
landscaping and trail must be completed and approved (passed inspection)by the
City Engineer by the later of(X) six (6) months after receipt of Valley-Wide's
approval of the trail plans,and(Y)two(2)months after the completion of all other
perimeter improvements required per the Revised Perimeter Improvement Plans
(i.e., except for parkway landscaping and trail). This Section 3.11.2 is intended to
fully satisfy and supersede Updated COA, Section III (Public Works), Conditions
56 and 60, and Section VI (Community Services Department) No. 12. To the
extent of any inconsistency with the Updated COAs, this Section 3.11.2 shall
3.11.3 Conservation Area. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in
the Updated COAs, Watt shall be solely responsible, at Watt's sole cost and
expense, for processing all approvals for the Conservation Area by and from
Valley-Wide and/or all other applicable County, State and Federal agencies, and
diligently pursuing acceptance of the Conservation Area by Valley-Wide or any
of the applicable agencies.
3.11.4 Perimeter Improvements adjacent to McKinley Property
(TR28206-3). McKinley shall be solely responsible, at McKinley's sole cost and
expense, for processing all approvals for, installing, completing and obtaining
acceptance by the City to achieve release of bonds relating to, all perimeter
improvements to be located adjacent to the McKinley Property boundary along
Craig Avenue and Palomar Road. The subject area is generally depicted on
Exhibit"D attached hereto. Perimeter improvements shall include the perimeter
wall, landscaping, curb, gutter and street improvements built to City
specifications, and as approved by the City Engineer. All such perimeter
improvements must be completed and approved (passed inspection) by the City
Engineer before issuance of the 38th building permit on the McKinley Property.
3.11.5 Park Obligations. McKinley shall be solely responsible for
diligently(i)preparing and processing improvements plans (the "Park Plans") for
the Park, (ii) acquiring all necessary approvals for the Park Plans (which will
include, among other specifications, the grading plans and quantities) from the
City and Valley-Wide, and (iii) upon acquiring all such necessary approvals from
the City and Valley-Wide, installing, constructing and completing the Park
improvements in accordance with the approved Park Plans. The City
acknowledges its approval of the Conceptual Landscape Master Plan for the Terra
Bella Park prepared by Achiterra Design Group dated November 2012 (File No.
ADF JOB #1107) by letter from L.Gordon to Watt Communities dated April 30,
2013. McKinley shall commence Park improvements work upon the later to occur
of the following: (A) receipt of Valley-Wide's approval of commencement of the
Park improvements work and (B) sixty(60) days following the Park reaching the
final grade elevation therefor specified in the approved Park Plans ("Final Grade
Elevation"). McKinley shall complete the Park improvements prior to the issuance
of the 38th building permit on the McKinley Property. As part of its Park
obligations, McKinley shall, to the best of its ability, (a) monitor the progress of
the soil import activities and grading in the Park basin so that McKinley can
estimate for the Parties when the Final Grade Elevation will be achieved, and (b)
timely submit the Park Plans to Valley-Wide, and work with Valley-Wide to
obtain Valley-Wide's approval for commencing the Park improvements work
within sixty(60) days of achieving the Final Grade Elevation.
(a) Park Completion. For purposes of determining the the City's right
to withhold any building permits under this Agreement, the park will be deemed
"complete" by the City upon the McKinley's installation of all landscaping,
irrigation,hardscape, furniture and equipment, meaning(i)the installation of these
items shall be confirmed via inspection by City staff and determined to be
substantially complete to the satisfaction of the Community Services Director
(which determination shall be completed expeditiously upon request by McKinley
and shall not be unreasonably withheld,conditioned or delayed)and(ii)all pressure
tests and utility inspections must be completed and passed by the applicable utility
departments/agencies. Once deemed complete, for the purposes of compliance
with this Agreement,the park shall be deemed fully complete and ready for use by
the public/acceptance when all punch list items (resulting from inspections by the
City)have been satisfied and all required maintenance periods have expired. To be
deemed fully complete,any natural grass turf shall be established(meaning in place
for at least 60 days and in good condition) as determined by the Community
Services Director in his or her reasonable discretion. If, at the time the park is
deemed fully complete,the City is the entity that will own and operate the park,the
City shall expeditiously accept responsibility for park operation by the general
public and maintenance (upon the expiration of the 90 day maintenance period).
(b) Excuse for Non-Performance. McKinley's obligations to
commence and complete constructions in accordance with the requirements of
Section 3.11.5 may be modified upon a demonstration by McKinley to the City
Manager or his/her designee that McKinley has made reasonable and appropriate
efforts to obtain approvals from Valley Wide to proceed with the Park
improvements, but Valley Wide has, due to factors beyond McKinley's control,
failed and refused to issue such approvals. The determination by the City Manager
or his/her designee to grant relief to McKinley under this Section 3.11.5(a) shall be
upheld unless it is demonstrated that said determination was arbitrary and
(c) Performance Bond. Prior to the issuance of the next building permit
for a residential unit within the McKinley Property (TR28206-3), McKinley shall
provide a performance bond for the City in a form acceptable to the City Attorney
and in an amount sufficient to pay the City's reasonable costs of completing the
Park improvements. The City may,in its sole discretion,call the bond and complete
the Park improvements if either (i) the Park improvements are not commenced
within 24 months of the effective date or (ii) the Park improvements are not
completed within 36 months of the effective date.
This Section 3.11.5 is intended to fully satisfy Updated COA, Section VII (Community
Services Department) Condition No. 11. To the extent of any inconsistency with the
Updated COAs, this Section 3.11.5 shall control.
3.11.6 Soil Disposal and Cooperation. The Park was designed to allow
for builders and developers of the Project to dispose of clean soil from their
respective in-tract improvements and building activities at the Project in the Park
basin. Each Owner placing soil in the Park basin shall be solely responsible for
placing its soil in accordance with all applicable plans, regulations, measures and
requirements, including, without limitation, requirements for stockpiling,
spreading and compacting. The Owners agree that if the soil from Watt Property
and McKinley Property are being placed in the Park basin at the same time, then
the Owners will work together to manage and share, as appropriate, the costs for
such soil disposal. If the Owners determine that the soil imported from their
respective Property are not sufficient to achieve the Final Grade Elevation, then
McKinley shall work with Valley-Wide(or the City if the City obtains ownership)
to adjust the Park Plans,provided the precise grading plan for the park is approved
by the City to support the revision to the Park Plans; so that the Park improvements
work can commence and be completed within a timeline reasonably acceptable to
the Owners.
3.12 City Agreements.
3.12.1 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Updated COAs,
City hereby releases each Owner from the other Owner's obligations under this
Agreement. City agrees that, notwithstanding any conflicting terms of the
Development Plan (a) City shall look solely to the Owner with whom the
obligation lies under this Agreement, (b) City will treat each Owner and such
Owner's Property separately from any other Owner and such other Owner's
Property, (c)the failure of an Owner to comply with the terms of this Agreement
shall not impact or otherwise affect in any way any other Owner or such other
Owner's Property, including, without limitation, such other Owner's ability to
record a final map,receive improvement plan approvals, receive building permits,
receive certificates of occupancy, receive completion approvals for such other
Owner's specific improvements or be released from such other Owner's specific
bond obligations, and (d)the default or failure of an Owner under this Agreement
shall not, on its own, result in a default or failure of any other Owner.
3.12.2 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Updated COAs,
with the sole exception of the express obligations of Watt under Section 3.11.2 of
this Agreement, City hereby releases Watt and its successors and assigns (with
respect to Watt Property), and McKinley and its successors and assigns (with
respect to the McKinley Property) from any and all requirement or obligation to
acquire, improve, and/or dedicate any portion of Garbani Road. All such
obligations shall be the responsibility of the City or the adjacent property owner.
3.12.3 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Updated COAs,
City shall not withhold or otherwise delay the approval of final maps,
improvements plans, issuance of building permits or certifications of occupancies
with respect to the Project Property or any portion thereof for any reason related
to Valley-Wide's or other applicable agency's (including the City's) acceptance
or non-acceptance of the Conservation Area; provided, however, that Developers
shall and hereby do each fully release City from any financial liability owing by
Valley Wide to either Developer on account of any breach of any agreement as
between Valley Wide and either Developer prior to or existing on the date of the
City's acceptance of the Conservation Area.
3.12.4 City shall use its best efforts, at no cost to City, to coordinate,
process and otherwise facilitate Valley-Wide's or other agency's acceptance of the
Conservation Area.
3.12.5 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Updated COAs,
City confirms the City has approved the Revised Perimeter Improvement Plans.
3.12.6 City agrees that the Project is subject to the Scott Road CFD No.
05-8. To receive TUMF credit for its participation in the Scott Road CFD No. 05-
8, the parties acknowledge that the applicable Owner must enter into a
"Community Facilities District 05-08 (Scott Road CFD) Improvement Credit
Agreement Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Program" ("TUMF Credit
Agreement") with the County and the City, which must be approved by both the
County Board of Supervisors and the City Council. The City shall not
unreasonably withold or delay its processing and/or execution of the TUMF Credit
Agreement and shall, at no cost to the City and with the full cooperation of the
applicable Owner, use reasonable and diligent efforts to seek County approval of
such TUMF Credit Agreement. The Owners acknowledge that the City does not
have any authority to direct the County or the TUMF program.
3.13 Valley-Wide Obligations. Upon City's written request, Watt and McKinley shall
reasonably cooperate with City's efforts to assume Valley-Wide's ownership, maintenance and
repair obligations and/or operation obligations with respect to the Park. In connection with the
City's assumption of park obligations,the City also agrees to accept ownership of the Conservation
Area if(i)that opportunity is presented to the City, and (ii) a financing mechanism is in place that
will allow the City to assume such ownership at no additional cost to City. If the City obtains
ownership of the Park and the Conservation Area, all references to "Valley-Wide" in this
Agreement shall automatically be replaced with"City."
4.1 Periodic Review. During the Term,the City Council shall review this Agreement,
with respect to each Owner,annually during May of each year following the Effective Date of this
Agreement, in order to ascertain the good faith compliance by such Owner with the terms of the
Agreement. As part of that review, Owner shall submit, with respect to its Property, an annual
monitoring review statement describing its actions in compliance with this Agreement, in a form
acceptable to the City Manager, by April 1. The statement shall be accompanied by an annual
review and administration fee sufficient to defray the estimated costs of review and administration
of the Agreement during the succeeding year.The amount of the annual review and administration
fee shall be set by resolution of the City Council.
4.2 Special Review. The City Council may order a special review of compliance by an
Owner with this Agreement at any time. Such Owner shall cooperate with the City in the conduct
of such special reviews.
4.3 Procedure.In connection with any periodic or special review,each party shall have
a reasonable opportunity to assert matters which it believes have not been undertaken in
accordance with the Agreement, to explain the basis for such assertion, and to receive from the
other party a justification of its position on such matters. If on the basis of the parties' review of
any terms of the Agreement, a party concludes that another party has not complied in good faith
with the terms of the Agreement,then such party may issue a written "Notice of Non-Compliance"
specifying the grounds therefor and all facts demonstrating such non-compliance. The party
receiving a Notice of Non-Compliance shall have thirty (30) days to respond in writing to said
Notice. If the response to the Notice of Non-Compliance has not been received in the offices of
the party alleging the non-compliance within the prescribed time period, the Notice of Non-
Compliance shall be conclusively presumed to be valid. If a Notice of Non-Compliance is
contested,the parties shall have up to sixty(60) days to arrive at a mutually acceptable resolution
of the matters occasioning the Notice. In the event that the parties are not able to arrive at a
mutually acceptable resolution of the matter(s) by the end of the sixty (60) day period, the party
alleging the non-compliance may thereupon pursue the remedies provided in Section 7.
4.4 Certificate of Agreement Compliance. If, at the conclusion of a periodic or
special review, Owner is found to be in compliance with this Agreement, City shall, upon request
by Owner, issue a Certificate of Agreement Compliance ("Certificate of Compliance") to Owner
stating that after the most recent Periodic or Special Review and based upon the information known
or made known to the City Manager and City Council that (1) this Agreement remains in effect
with respect to such Owner's Property and (2) Owner is in compliance. The Certificate of
Compliance shall be in recordable form, shall contain information necessary to communicate
constructive record notice of the finding of compliance, shall state whether the Certificate of
Compliance is issued after a Periodic or Special Review and shall state the anticipated date of
commencement of the next Periodic Review. Owner may record the Certificate of Compliance
with the County Recorder. Additionally,Owner may at any time request from the City a Certificate
stating, in addition to the foregoing, which obligations under this Agreement have been fully
satisfied with respect to its Property, or any lot or parcel within its Property.
7.1 Specific Performance Available. The parties acknowledge that money damages
and remedies at law generally are inadequate and specific performance is a particularly appropriate
remedy for the enforcement of this Agreement and should be available to each Owner and City
because due to the size, nature and scope of the Project, it may not be practical or possible to
restore the Property to its natural condition once implementation of this Agreement has begun.
After such implementation, each Owner and/or City may be foreclosed from other choices it may
have had to utilize or condition the uses of the Property or portions thereof. Each Owner and City
have invested significant time and resources and performed extensive planning and processing of
the Project in agreeing to the terms of this Agreement and will be investing even more significant
time and resources in implementing the Project in reliance upon the terms of this Agreement, such
that it would be extremely difficult to determine the sum of money which would adequately
compensate an Owner and/or City for such efforts.
7.2 Money Damages Unavailable. Neither Owner nor City shall be entitled to any
money damages, including attorney fees, from the other by reason of, arising out of, based upon,
or relating to (a) the interpretation, enforcement, performance, or breach of any provision of this
Agreement, or (b) the respective rights or duties of any of the parties under the Development
Approvals, the Subsequent Development Approvals, any Development Requirement, the Land
Use Regulations, or the Subsequent Land Use Regulations. Notwithstanding the foregoing, City
may recover from Owner any fees owed by such Owner to the City under or pursuant to this
7.3 Termination of Agreement.
7.3.1 Termination of Agreement for Default of Owner. City in its discretion may
terminate this Agreement with respect to an Owner and such Owner's Property(and solely
with respect to such Owner and such Owner's Property) for any failure of such Owner to
perform any material duty or obligation of such Owner hereunder or to comply in good
faith with the terms of this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "default"); provided,
however, City may terminate this Agreement with respect to an Owner pursuant to this
Section only after following the procedure set forth in Section 4.3 and thereafter providing
written notice to such Owner of the default setting forth the nature of the default and the
actions, if any, required by such Owner to cure such default and, where the default can be
cured, such Owner has failed to take such actions and cure such default within 30 days
after the effective date of such notice or, in the event that such default cannot be cured
within such 30 day period but can be cured within a longer time, as reasonably determined
by the City in its sole discretion,such Owner has failed to commence the actions necessary
to cure such default within such 30 day period and to diligently proceed to complete such
actions and cure such default.
7.3.2 Termination of Agreement for Default of City. Owner in its discretion may
terminate this Agreement with respect to its Property (and solely with respect to its
Property) for any default by City; provided, however, Owner may terminate this
Agreement with respect to its Property pursuant to this Section only after following the
procedure set forth in Section 4.3 and thereafter providing written notice by such Owner to
the City of the default setting forth the nature of the default and the actions, if any,required
by City to cure such default within 30 days after the effective date of such notice or,in the
event that such default cannot be cured within such 30 day period, the failure of City to
commence to cure such default within such 30 day period and to diligently proceed to
complete such actions and to cure such default.
7.3.3 Rights and Duties Following Termination. Upon the termination of this
Agreement with respect to an Owner and its Property,no party shall have any further right
or obligation hereunder with respect to such Property except with respect to (i) any
obligations to have been performed prior to said termination, or (ii) any default in the
performance of the provisions of this Agreement which has occurred prior to said
7.3.4 Termination of this Agreement with respect to an Owner and its Property as
provided in this Section 7.3 shall not constitute termination of any other land use
entitlements approved for any other Owner's Property,the Project Property or any portion
thereof, including but not limited to all conditions and mitigation means imposed as part
of such entitlements,prior to the date of the termination.
7.3.5 For the avoidance of doubt, the parties acknowledge and agree that neither
the default by an Owner or termination of this Agreement by or with respect to an Owner
and such Owner's Property shall terminate or otherwise affect in any way any of the rights
and obligations under this Agreement or the Development Plans of any other Owner or
such other Owner's Property.
7.3.6 This Agreement shall terminate automatically with respect to any Project
Property upon transfer to an Individual Unit Owner.
7.3.7 This Agreement shall terminate automatically as to each Owner upon the
following: (i) all lots within the respective Owner's portion of the Project Property having
been transferred to an Individual Unit Owner, and (ii)the completion of all the respective
Owner's obligations under this Agreement.
9.1 Option to Terminate Due to Litigation. If a lawsuit is filed challenging the
Development Approvals or the ordinance approving this Agreement within the time periods for
the filing of such lawsuits under the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA")or the State
Planning and Zoning Law, then the parties shall meet and confer concerning the potential impact
of the lawsuit on this Agreement and the development of the Project. Within thirty (30) days of
such meeting, if an either Party determines that such litigation may have an unacceptable adverse
impact on the Project or its rights under this Agreement, such Party may in its discretion terminate
this Agreement(provided, however,that if an election to terminate is made by an Owner,then the
termination shall be solely with respect to its Property) by sending a written notice to all other
Parties of such termination, and the Parties shall be relieved of any further obligations to this
Agreement with respect to such Property, to the extent that such obligations have not been
performed or have been incurred prior to such termination. Owner acknowledges and agrees that
if this Agreement is terminated with respect to its Property, other than by court order, City shall
have the option to -restore the General Plan, the Specific Plan (if applicable), and zoning with
respect to the terminated Property to the condition that existed prior to the adoption of the
Development Approvals or ordinance approving this Agreement. In no event, however, shall an
Owner bring or cause to bring a lawsuit in any court against City to invalidate any provision in
this Agreement that would result in the ability of such Owner to keep the Development Approvals
without having to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement or result in any adverse
effect on any other Owner or such other Owner's Property.
9.2 Costs of Third Party Litigation. City shall promptly notify Owners of any claim,
action or proceeding filed and served against City to challenge, set aside, void, annul, limit or
restrict the approval and continued implementation and enforcement of this Agreement. Owners
agrees to reimburse the City for its reasonable attorneys' fees incurred in connection with the
defense of the claim, action or proceeding, and to fully defend and indemnify City for all costs of
defense and/or judgment obtained in any such action or proceeding. City and Owners agree to
cooperate in the defense of such action(s).
9.3 Indemnification. Owners shall indemnify, defend (with counsel reasonably
acceptable to City) and hold harmless City and City Parties from and against any and all actions,
suits, claims, costs, liabilities, penalties, and damages (including but not limited to attorneys' fees
and costs) (collectively, "Claims"), including Claims for any bodily injury, death, or property
damage, arising or resulting directly or indirectly from the approval or implementation of this
Agreement,the development or construction of the Master Project or any portion thereof by or on
behalf of Owner(s), Owner(s)'failure to maintain insurance as required by this Agreement,and/or
from any acts, omissions, negligence or willful misconduct of Owner(s)', whether such acts,
omissions,negligence or willful misconduct are by the Owners or any of the Owners' contractors,
subcontractors, agents or employees. The foregoing indemnity shall not apply to any Claims
arising or resulting solely from the active negligence or willful misconduct of City or City Parties.
9.4 Prevailing Wage Indemnity. In addition to Owners' indemnity obligations in
Section 9.3, Owners shall also indemnify the City against any claim in connection with or relating
to this Agreement and or the Master Project (including, without limitation, development or
construction.(as defined by applicable laws) and/or any and all public works (as defined by
applicable laws)),that relates to, or results or arises in any way from,a Prevailing Wage Action. It
is specifically agreed by the Parties that Owners shall bear all risks of payment or non-payment of
prevailing wages under all laws, specifically including California law and/or Federal law and/or
the implementation of Labor Code Section 1781, as the same may be amended from time to time,
and/or Davis Bacon and/or any other similar law. With respect to the foregoing, each Owner shall
be solely responsible, expressly or impliedly and legally and financially, for determining and
effectuating compliance with all applicable laws relating to public works requirements,prevailing
wage laws, and labor laws and standards, and the City makes no representation, either legally
and/or financially, as to the applicability or non-applicability of any laws to this Agreement, the
Master Project, including the construction or development of the Master Project and each portion
thereof. Each Owner, for itself, expressly, knowingly and voluntarily acknowledges and agrees
that the City has not previously represented to such Owner or to any representative, agent or
affiliate of such Owner, or any contractor(s) or any subcontractor(s) for the construction or
development of the Master Project, in writing or otherwise, in a call for bids or otherwise,that the
work and construction of the Master Project, and each portion thereof, is (or is not) a "public
work,"as defined in Section 1720 of the Labor Code or under Davis-Bacon.
The parties hereto agree that this Agreement shall not prevent or limit Owner from
encumbering the Property or any portion thereof or any improvement thereon by any mortgage,
deed of trust or other security device securing financing with respect to the Property. City
acknowledges that the lenders providing such financing may require certain Agreement
interpretations and modifications and agrees upon request, from time to time,to meet with Owner
and representatives of such lenders to negotiate in good faith any such request for interpretation or
modification. Subject to compliance with applicable laws, City will not unreasonably withhold its
consent to any such requested interpretation or modification provided City determines such
interpretation or modification is consistent with the intent and purposes of this Agreement. Any
Mortgagee of the Property shall be entitled to the following rights and privileges:
(a) Neither entering into this Agreement nor a breach or termination of
this Agreement shall defeat, render invalid, diminish or impair the lien of any
mortgage on the Property made in good faith and for value, unless otherwise
required by law.
(b) The Mortgagee of any mortgage or deed of trust encumbering the
Property, or any part thereof, which Mortgagee has submitted a request in writing
to the City in the manner specified herein for giving notices, shall be entitled to
receive written notification from City of any default by Owner in the performance
of Owner's obligations under this Agreement.
(c) If City timely receives a request from a Mortgagee requesting a copy
of any notice of default given to Owner under the terms of this Agreement, City
shall make a provide a copy of that notice to the Mortgagee within ten(10)days of
sending the notice of default to Owner. The Mortgagee shall have the right,but not
the obligation,to cure the default prior to the date which is thirty(30)days after the
expiration of the cure period allowed such party under this Agreement.
(d) Any Mortgagee who comes into possession of the Property, or any
part thereof,pursuant to foreclosure of the mortgage or deed of trust, or deed in lieu
of such foreclosure, shall take the Property, or part thereof, subject to the terms of
this Agreement.
11.1 Recordation of Agreement. This Agreement shall be recorded with the County
Recorder by the City Clerk within the period required by Section 65868.5 of the Government Code.
Amendments approved by the parties, and any cancellation, shall be similarly recorded.
11.2 Entire Agreement. This Agreement sets forth and contains the entire
understanding and agreement of the parties, and there are no oral or written representations,
understandings or ancillary covenants, undertakings or agreements which are not contained or
expressly referred to herein.No testimony or evidence of any such representations,understandings
or covenants shall be admissible in any proceeding of any kind or nature to interpret or determine
the terms or conditions of this Agreement.
11.3 Severability. If any term, provision, covenant, or condition of this Agreement is
held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remaining
provisions of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect, unless and to the extent the
rights and obligations of any party has been materially altered or abridged by such holding.
11.4 Interpretation and Governing Law. This Agreement and any dispute arising
hereunder shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of California.
Any dispute between City and Owner over this Agreement shall be filed,and tried, in the Superior
Court of the County of Riverside. This Agreement shall be construed as a whole according to its
fair language and common meaning to achieve the objectives and purposes of the parties hereto,
and the rule of construction to the effect that ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting
party or in favor of City shall not be employed in interpreting this Agreement, all parties having
been represented by counsel in the negotiation and preparation hereof.
11.5 Section Headings. All section headings and subheadings are inserted for
convenience only and shall not affect any construction or interpretation of this Agreement.
11.6 Singular and Plural. As used herein,the singular of any word includes the plural.
11.7 Time of Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance of the provisions of
this Agreement as to which time is an element.
11.8 Waiver. Failure of a party to insist upon the strict performance of any of the
provisions of this Agreement by any other party, or the failure by a party to exercise its rights upon
the default of another party, shall not constitute a waiver of such party's right to insist and demand
strict compliance by the other party with the terms of this Agreement thereafter.
11.9 No Third Party Beneficiaries. This Agreement is made and entered into for the
sole protection and benefit for the parties and their successors and assigns. No other person shall
have any right of action based upon any provision of this Agreement.
11.10 Force Majeure. No party shall be deemed to be in default where failure or delay
in performance of any of its obligations under this Agreement is caused by earthquakes,other Acts
of God, fires, wars, riots or similar hostilities, court actions (such as restraining orders or
injunctions), or other causes beyond the party's control. If any such events shall occur,the term of
this Agreement and the time for performance shall be extended for the duration of each such event,
provided that the term of this Agreement shall not be extended under any circumstances for more
than one (1) year.
11.11 Mutual Covenants.The covenants contained herein are mutual covenants and also
constitute conditions to the concurrent or subsequent performance by the party benefited thereby
of the covenants to be performed hereunder by such benefited party.
11.12 Successors in Interest. As provided in Section 65868.5 of the Government Code,
and except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, all of the terms, provisions, covenants and
obligations contained in this Agreement shall be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of, City
and each Owner, and their respective successors and assigns (other than Individual Unit Owners).
11.13 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed by the parties in counterparts,
which counterparts shall be construed together and have the same effect as if all of the parties had
executed the same instrument.
11.14 Jurisdiction and Venue. Any action at law or in equity arising under this
Agreement or brought by any party hereto for the purpose of enforcing, construing or determining
the validity of any provision of this Agreement shall be filed and tried in the Superior Court of the
County of Riverside, State of California, and the parties hereto waive all provisions of law
providing for the filing, removal or change of venue to any other court.
11.15 Project as a Private Undertaking. It is specifically understood and agreed by and
among the parties hereto that the Development of the Project is a private Development, that no
party is acting as the agent of the other in any respect hereunder, and that each party is an
independent contracting entity with respect to the terms, covenants and conditions contained in
this Agreement. No partnership,joint venture or other association of any kind is formed by this
Agreement. The only relationship between City and Owner is that of a government entity
regulating the Development of private property and the owner of such property.
11.16 Further Actions and Instruments. Each of the parties shall cooperate with and
provide reasonable assistance to the other to the extent contemplated hereunder in the performance
of all obligations under this Agreement and the satisfaction of the conditions of this Agreement.
Upon the request of a party at any time, the other party(ies) shall promptly execute, with
acknowledgment or affidavit if reasonably required, and file or record such required instruments
and writings and take any actions as may be reasonably necessary under the terms of this
Agreement to carry out the intent and to fulfill the provisions of this Agreement or to evidence or
consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.
11.17 City Approvals and Actions. Whenever a reference is made herein to an action
or approval to be undertaken by City, the City Manager or his or her designee is authorized to act
on behalf of City, unless specifically provided otherwise by this Agreement or applicable law, or
the context requires otherwise. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the City Manager shall have the
discretion to request that decision or determination that is otherwise delegated to him under this
Agreement be instead considered by the City Council and/or Planning Commission,as appropriate.
11.18 Eminent Domain. No provision of this Agreement shall be construed to limit or
restrict the exercise by City of its power of eminent domain.
11.19 Amendments in Writing/Cooperation.This Agreement maybe amended only by
written consent of all parties specifically approving the amendment and in accordance with the
Government Code provisions for the amendment of Development Agreements. The parties shall
cooperate in good faith with respect to any amendment proposed in order to clarify the intent and
application of this Agreement, and shall treat any such proposal on its own merits, and not as a
basis for the introduction of unrelated matters.
11.20 Authority to Execute. The person or persons executing this Agreement on behalf
of an Owner warrants and represents that he/they have the authority to execute this Agreement on
behalf of his/their corporation, partnership or business entity and warrants and represents that
he/they has/have the authority to bind such Owner to the performance of its obligations hereunder.
11.21 Estoppel Certificate. An Owner may, at any time, and from time to time, deliver
written notice to the City requesting the City to certify in writing that: (i)this Agreement is in full
force and effect, (ii) this Agreement has not been amended or modified or, if so amended or
modified, identifying the amendments or modifications, and (iii) the Owner requesting such
certificate is not in default of the performance of its obligations,or if in default,to describe therein
the nature and extent of any such defaults. The City Manager shall be authorized to execute any
certificate requested by Developer hereunder. The form of estoppel certificate shall be in a form
reasonably acceptable to City Attorney. The City Manager shall execute and return such certificate
within thirty(30) days following Owner's request therefore. Owner and City acknowledge that a
certificate hereunder may be relied upon by tenants,transferees, investors,partners,bond counsel,
underwriters, bond holders and mortgagees. The request shall clearly indicate that failure of the
City to respond within the thirty(30) day period will lead to a second and final request. Failure to
respond to the second and final request within fifteen (15) days of receipt thereof shall be deemed
approval of the estoppel certificate.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day and year
first set forth above.
[Signatures Attached]
City Clerk
City Attorney
a California limited liability company.
a Delaware limited liability company.
A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the
individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the
truthfulness,accuracy,or validity of that document.
On before me (insert
name and title of the officer) personally appeared
who proved to me on the
basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s)whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument
and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and
that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the
person(s)acted, executed the instrument.
I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the
foregoing paragraph is true and correct.
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
Signature (Seal)
Legal Description of Watt Property
Legal Description
Real property in the City of Menifee, County of Riverside, State of California, described as follows:
LENGTH OF 44.03;
33027'03" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 54.99 FEET,THENCE, SOUTH 25 '18'04" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 60.04
OF 60.13 FEET,
A.P.N.: 372-050-035-5
Legal Description of McKinley Property
Real property in the unincorporated area of County of Riverside, State of California, described as
APN: 372-050-032-2
Updated COA
(See attached)
Depiction of Perimeter Improvement Areas and Portion of Garbani Road
(See attached)
City of Menifee )
29714 Haun Road )
Menifee, CA 92586 )
Attn: City Clerk )
(Space Above This Line for Recorder's Use Only)
Exempt from Recording Fee per Government Code§27383
entered into as of the day of ,by and among , a
("Assignor"), , a ("Assignee"),
and CITY OF MENIFEE, a municipal corporation of the State of California ("City").
A. Assignor (in its capacity as "Developer") has entered into a Development
Agreement with the City effective , 2017 (Recorder's Document No. )
("Development Agreement")to facilitate the development of that certain real property owned by
Developer within the City of Menifee, State of California,which is legally described in Exhibit_
to the Development Agreement ("Property"). Capitalized terms used but not otherwise defined
herein shall have the meaning ascribed to such terms in the Development Agreement.
B. Assignor is the fee owner of the approximately acre portion of the Property,
more particularly described in Exhibit 1 attached hereto and incorporated herein ("Assigned
C. Assignor desires to transfer its interest in the Assigned Property to Assignee
concurrently with execution of this Agreement and Assignee desires to so acquire such interest in
the Assigned Property from Assignor.
D. Section 2.3 of the Development Agreement provides that Developer may assign
less than all of its rights and obligations under the Development Agreement to another party who
acquires a portion of the Property,provided that(i)the Assignor shall have provided to City prior
written notice, (ii) the Assignor and Assignee document the assignment in an agreement
substantially in the form of Exhibit E to the Development Agreement and that such assignment
and assumption agreement provides that the Assignee agrees in writing to be subject to all of the
applicable provisions of the Development Agreement and provides for the allocation of
responsibilities and obligations between the Assignor and Assignee as to the Assigned Property,
and (iii) this Agreement shall be recorded in the in the Official Records of Riverside County
("Official Records") as an encumbrance on the Assigned Property.
#51397070 v2
E. Assignor has provided the required written notice to City of its intent to enter into
an assignment and assumption agreement as required by Section 2.3, this Agreement is
substantially in the form of Exhibit E to the Development Agreement,provides that the Assignee
agrees in writing to be subject to all of the applicable provisions of the Development Agreement,
provides for the allocation of responsibilities and obligations between the Assignor and Assignee
as to the Assigned Property, and shall be recorded in the Official Records as an encumbrance on
the Assigned Property.
F. Assignor desires to assign to Assignee and Assignee desires to assume the rights
and obligations of Assignor under the Development Agreement applicable to the Assigned
Property as provided in this Agreement. Upon execution of this Agreement and transfer to
Assignee of legal title to the Assigned Property,Assignor desires to be released from all obligations
under the Development Agreement as to the Assigned Property as provided in this Agreement.
NOW, THEREFORE, Assignor,Assignee and City hereby agree as follows:
1. Assignment by Assingnor_. Assignor hereby assigns,transfers and grants to Assignee, and
its successors and assigns, all of Assignor's rights, title and interest and obligations, duties,
responsibilities, conditions and restrictions under the Development Agreement that are
applicable to, serve, benefit and/or relate to the Assigned Property(collectively, "Assigned
Rights and Obligations"). [The term "Assigned Rights and Obligations,"however, shall not
include those rights and obligations provided in subsection I(i)-(iv) below which shall not be
assigned to the Assignee but shall be expressly retained by Assignor.
Assignor and Assignee further agree and acknowledge that any Assigned Rights and Obligations
are to be interpreted(1)to be strictly limited to Assignee's ownership and development of the
Assigned Property and (2) such that Assignee shall not be obligated to incur, nor reimburse
Assignor for, any cost or expense arising from any Assigned Rights and Obligations to the extent
they continue to relate to, serve, or benefit Assignor's Property.
2. Acceptance and Assumption by Assignee. Assignee, for itself and its successors and
assigns, hereby accepts the assignment of, and assumes all of,the Assigned Rights and
Obligations, accruing after(and not prior to)the Effective Date (defined in Section 17 below).
Assignee agrees, expressly for the benefit of City,to comply with, perform and execute all of the
covenants and obligations of Assignor arising from or under the Development Agreement as to
the Assigned Property and Assigned Rights and Obligations.
3. Release of Assignor. Assignee and City hereby fully release Assignor from all of the
Assigned Rights and Obligations. Both Assignor and Assignee acknowledge that this
Agreement is intended to fully assign the Assigned Rights and Obligations to Assignee, and it is
expressly understood that Assignor shall not retain any of the Assigned Rights and Obligations.
4. Substitution of Assignor. With respect to the Assigned Rights and Obligations,Assignee
shall be substituted for and replace Assignor in the Development Agreement as to the Assigned
Property. Whenever the term " " appears in the Development Agreement with
respect to the Assigned Rights and Obligations as they relate to the Assigned Property, such term
shall hereafter mean Assignee with respect to the Assigned Rights and Obligations. Whenever
the term "Developer" or"Party" appears in the Development Agreement, it shall hereafter
include Assignee as to the Assigned Property. Whenever the term"Project"appears in the
Development Agreement with respect to the Assigned Rights and Obligations, such term shall be
interpreted (based on the context and in order to give effect to the terms and intent of this
Agreement)to include Assignee's proposed development of the Assigned Property in a manner
compliant with the vested rights secured under the Development Agreement.
5. Assignee's Representations and Warranties.
(a) Assignee represents and warrants to City as follows:
(i) Assignee is a duly formed within and good
standing under the laws of the State of California. The copies of the documents
evidencing the formation of Assignee, which have been delivered to City, are true
and complete copies of the originals, as amended to the date of this Agreement.
Assignee has full right, power and lawful authority to undertake all obligations as
provided herein and the execution, performance and delivery of this Agreement by
Assignee has been fully authorized by all requisite actions on the part of Assignee.
(ii) Assignee's execution, delivery and performance of its obligations
under this Agreement will not constitute a default or a breach under any contract,
agreement or order to which Assignee is a party or by which it is bound.
(iii) Assignee has not (i) made a general assignment for the benefit of
creditors, (ii) filed any voluntary petition in bankruptcy or suffered the filing of any
involuntary petition by Assignee's creditors, (iii) suffered the appointment of a
receiver to take possession of all, or substantially all, of Assignee's assets,
(iv) suffered the attachment or other judicial seizure of all, or substantially all, of
Assignee's assets, (v) admitted in writing its inability to pay its debts as they come
due, or (vi) made an offer of settlement, extension or composition to its creditors
(iv) As of the Effective Date of this Agreement, Assignee owns fee
simple title to the Assigned Property.
6. Assignor and Assigneegreements, Indemnifications and Waivers. Assignor and
Assignee hereby acknowledge and agree that City has not made, and will not make, any
representation or warranty that the assignment and assumption of the Development Agreement
provided for hereunder will have any particular tax implications for Assignor or Assignee.
#51397070 v2
(a) Assignor and Assignee each hereby waives and releases and each hereby
agrees to indemnify and hold City harmless from any and all damages, liabilities, causes of
action, claims or potential claims against City (including attorneys' fees and costs) arising
out of or resulting from the assignment and assumption of the Assigned Rights and
(b) Assignor acknowledges and agrees that the Assigned Rights and
Obligations have been fully assigned to Assignee by this Agreement and, accordingly,that
Assignee shall have the exclusive right to assert any claims against City with respect to such
Assigned Rights and Obligations. Accordingly, without limiting any claims of Assignee
under the Development Agreement related to the Assigned Rights and Obligations,Assignor
hereby waives any claims or potential claims by Assignor against City to the extent arising
solely out of Assigned Property and/or Assigned Rights and Obligations.
(c) For the Term of the Development Agreement, Assignor agrees to and shall
indemnify, defend and hold harmless Assignee, its affiliated entities and persons, and their
respective members, partners, officers, directors, shareholders, and employees from any
claims, demands, loss, liability, damages, costs or expenses (including attorneys' fees,
expert witness fees, court costs and any and all litigation fees and costs) made against or
suffered with regard to any breach by Assignor of the Development Agreement and/or this
Agreement ("Assignor Indemnity"). The foregoing Assignor Indemnity shall be binding
on Assignor's assignees, successors-in-interest, and any person or entity that takes title to
any part of the Property.
(d) For the Term of the Development Agreement, Assignee agrees to and shall
indemnify, defend and hold harmless Assignor, its affiliated entities and persons, and their
respective members, partners, officers, directors, shareholders, and employees from any
claims, demands, loss, liability, damages, costs or expenses (including attorneys' fees,
expert witness fees, court costs and any and all litigation fees and costs) made against or
suffered with regard to any breach by Assignee of the Development Agreement and/or this
Agreement ("Assignee Indemnity"). The foregoing Assignee Indemnity shall be binding
on Assignee's assignees, successors-in-interest, and any person or entity that takes title to
the Assigned Property.
7. Development Agreement in Full Force and Effect. Except as specifically provided herein
with respect to the assignment, all the terms, covenants, conditions and provisions of the
Development Agreement are hereby ratified and shall remain in full force and effect.
8. Recording. Assignor shall cause this Agreement to be recorded in the Official Records
on the Assigned Property, and shall promptly provide conformed copies of the recorded
Agreement to Assignee and City.
9. Successors and Assigns. Subject to the restrictions on transfer set forth in the
Development Agreement, all of the terms, covenants, conditions and provisions of this
Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the Parties hereto and their
respective heirs, successors and assigns.
10. Assignee Address for Notices.
The address of Assignee for the purpose of notices, demands and communications under
Section 8.5 of the Development Agreement shall be:
The City shall send a copy of any Notice of Default under Article 7 of the Development Agreement
related to the Property or the Assigned Site to both Assignor and Assignee
11. California Law/Venue. This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance
with the laws of the State of California,without reference to choice of law provisions. Any legal
actions under this Agreement shall be brought only in the Superior Court in Riverside County,
State of California.
12. Interpretation. All Parties have been represented by counsel in the preparation and
negotiation of this Agreement, and this Agreement shall be construed according to the fair
meaning of its language. The rule of construction to the effect that ambiguities are to be resolved
against the drafting party shall not be employed in interpreting this Agreement. Unless the
context clearly requires otherwise: (a)the plural and singular numbers shall each be deemed to
include the other; (b)the masculine, feminine, and neuter genders shall each be deemed to
include the others; (c) "shall," "will," or "agrees" are mandatory, and "may" is permissive;
(d) "or" is not exclusive; and (e) "includes" and "including" are not limiting.
13. Headings. Section headings in this Agreement are for convenience only and are not
intended to be used in interpreting or construing the terms, covenants or conditions of this
14. Severability. Except as otherwise provided herein, if any provision(s) of this Agreement
is (are) held invalid,the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected, except as necessarily
required by the invalid provisions, and shall remain in full force and effect unless amended or
modified by mutual consent of the Parties.
15. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of
which shall be deemed to constitute an original, but all of which,when taken together, shall
constitute one and the same instrument, with the same effect as if all of the Parties to this
Agreement had executed the same counterpart.
16. City Consent. City is executing this Agreement for the limited purpose of consenting to
the form of assignment and assumption agreement pursuant to Article 8 of the Development
Agreement and clarifying that there is privity of contract between City and Assignee with respect
to the Development Agreement.
#51397070 v2
17. Effective Date/Amendments. The Effective Date of this Agreement shall be the date
upon which Assignee obtains fee title to the Property and delivers evidence of the transfer to
City. For the purposes of this Section,the evidence of transfer shall consist of a duly recorded
deed and title report. This Agreement shall not be amended except by an agreement in writing
signed by the parties hereto or their respective successors-in-interest.
[Signature Page Follows]
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Assignor, Assignee and City(subject to the limitations set forth in
Section 16) have entered into this Agreement as of the date first above written.
a California limited liability company
[Notary Acknowledgments Required]
[Signatures continued on next page]
#51397070 v2
a political subdivision of the State of California,
Title: City Manager
[Notary Acknowledgment Required]
City Clerk
City Attorney
A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the
individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the
truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document.
On before me, Notary Public, personally
appeared , who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory
evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and
acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies),
and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of
which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument.
I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the
foregoing paragraph is true and correct.
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the
individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached, and not the
truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document.
On before me, Notary Public, personally
appeared who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory
evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and
acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies),
and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of
which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument.
I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of Wisconsin that the
foregoing paragraph is true and correct.
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
#51397o7o vz
That certain real property located in the City of Menifee, County of Riverside, State of California
described as follows:
APN: - -
Updated and Superseding Conditions of Approval
for Tentative Tract Map No. 28206
Section I: Conditions applicable to All Departments
Section II: Community Development Department
Conditions of Approval
Section III: Public Works and Engineering Conditions of
Section IV: Riverside County Fire Department
Conditions of Approval
Section V: Riverside County Environmental Health
Conditions of Approval
Section VI: Community Services Department Conditions
of Approval
Section I :
Conditions Applicable to all
General Conditions
1. Definitions. The words identified in the following list that appear in all capitals
in the attached conditions of Tentative Tract Map No. 28206 shall be henceforth
defined as follows:
Permittee, Applicant, Project Permittee(s), Project Developer(s) shall all mean
the Permittee of this project.
TENTATIVE MAP = Tentative Tract Map No. 28206, dated 10/3/02.
FINAL MAP = Final Map or Parcel Map for the TENTATIVE MAP whether
recorded in whole or in phases.
2. Project Description. The subdivision hereby permitted consists of the
development of 258 single-family residential lots, a 1.48 acre park, 2 acre
conservation area, and three detention basins on 79.82 acres.
This project is located east of Palomar Road, south of Craig Avenue and north
of Garbani Road.
3. Indemnification. Applicant/developer shall indemnify, defend, and hold
harmless the City of Menifee and its elected city council, appointed boards,
commissions, committees, officials, employees, volunteers, contractors,
consultants, and agents from and against any and all claims, liabilities, losses,
fines, penalties, and expenses, including without limitation litigation expenses
and attorney's fees, arising out of either the City's approval of the Project or
actions related to the Property or the acts, omissions, or operations of the
applicant/developer and its directors, officers, members, partners, employees,
agents, contractors, and subcontractors of each person or entity comprising the
applicant/developer with respect to the ownership, planning, design,
construction, and maintenance of the Project and the Property for which the
Project is being approved.
4. Ninety (90) Days to Protest. The land divider has ninety (90) days from the
date of approval of these conditions to protest, in accordance with the
procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020, the imposition of any
and all fees, dedications, reservations and/or other exactions imposed on this
project as a result of the approval or conditional approval of this project.
5. Newly Incorporated City. The City of Menifee is a new City incorporated on
October 1, 2008; the City is studying and adopting its own ordinances,
regulations, procedures, processing and development impact fee structure. In
the future the City of Menifee will identify and put in place various processing
fees to cover the reasonable cost of the services provided. The City also will
identify and fund mitigation measure under CEQA through development impact
fees. The developer understands and agrees to pay such fees.
Such fees may include but are not limited to processing fees for the costs of
providing planning services when development entitlement applications are
submitted, which fees are designed to cover the full cost of such services, and
development impact fees to mitigate the impact of the development proposed on
public improvements. To the extent that Menifee may develop future financing
districts to cover the costs of maintenance of improvements constructed by
development, Developer agrees to petition for formation of, annexation to or
inclusion in any such financing district and to pay the cost of such formation,
annexation or inclusion.
6. Expiration Date. The conditionally approved TENTATIVE MAP shall expire
three (3) years after the Riverside County Board of Supervisor's original approval
date, unless extended as provided by Ordinance No. 460 or Subdivision Map
Act. Action on a minor change and/or revised map request shall not extend the
time limits of the originally approved TENTATIVE MAP.
Note: Expiration Date extended by May 4, 2017 by Extension of Time 2016-
088 on December 14, 2016. Per Section 3.2 of the Development Agreement,
the expiration date of the TENTATIVE MAP shall be extended for the term
of the Development Agreement.
7. Relationship to Development Agreement. In the event a Development
Agreement is adopted for this Project, for the applicable term of any such
Development Agreement, the terms of the Development Agreement shall control
to the extent provided in the Development Agreement.
NOTE: These revised conditions are an attachment to a Development
Agreement, and so this condition has been triggered. These conditions
supersede entirely the conditions imposed on the Project in connection
with Extension of Time No. 2016-088. Except where noted herein, to the
extent there is any inconsistency between these superseding conditions
and the text of the Development Agreement, these superseding conditions
shall control.
Section II :
Community Development
Conditions of Approval
General Conditions
8. Map Act Compliance. This land division shall comply with the State of California
Subdivision Map Act and to all requirements of Ordinance No. 460, Schedule A,
unless modified by the conditions listed herein.
9. No Offsite Subdivision Signage. No offsite subdivision signs advertising this
land division/development are permitted, other than those allowed under
Ordinance No. 679.4. Violation of this condition of approval may result in no
further permits of any type being issued for this subdivision until the unpermitted
signage is removed.
10. Residential Design Standards. The design standards for the subject parcels
are as follows:
a. Lots created by this map shall conform to the development standards of
the R-1 zone.
b. The front yard setback is 20 feet.
c. The side yard setback is 5 feet.
d. The street side yard setback is 10 feet.
e. The rear yard setback is 10 feet, except where a rear yard abuts a street,
then the setback shall be the same as the front yard setback, in
accordance with Section 21.77 of Ordinance No. 348.
f. The minimum average width of he/each lot is 60 feet.
g. The maximum height of any building is 40 feet.
i. The minimum parcel size is 7200 square feet.
j. No more than 50% of the lot shall be covered by structures.
k. Residential driveway approaches shall be a minimum of 12 feet and a
maximum of 30 feet in width, and 20 feet of full height curb is required
between driveways within any one property frontage, in accordance with
Ord. No. 461, Standard No. 207 or subsequent City Standard.
11. Design Guidelines. The land divider shall comply with the Countywide Design
Standards and Guidelines adopted by the Board of Supervisors January 13,
12. Minor Plot Plans Required. For each of the below listed items, a minor plot
plan application shall be submitted and approved by the Community
Development Department pursuant to Section 18.30.a. (1) of County Ordinance
No. 348 (Plot Plans not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act and
not subject to review by any governmental agency other than the Community
Development Department) along with the current fee.
1) Final Site Development Plan for each phase of development.
2) Model Home Complex Plan shall be filed and approved for each phase if
models change between phases. A final site development plot plan must
be approved prior to approval, or concurrent with, a Model Home Complex
3) Landscaping Plan for typical front yard/slopes/open space/parks.
4) Plans pursuant to 1), 2) and 3) above may be applied for separately for the
whole tract or for phases.
5) Each phase shall have a separate wall and fencing plan.
6) Entry monument plan.
NOTE: The requirements of the above plot plans may be accomplished as one,
or, any combination of multiple plot plans required by these conditions of
approval. However, each requirement shall be cleared individually with the
applicable plot plan condition of approval in the prior to Building Permit issuance
13. Construction Hours. Any construction within the city located within one-fourth
mile from an occupied residence shall be permitted Monday through Saturday,
except nationally recognized holidays, 6:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. There shall be no
construction permitted on Sunday or nationally recognized holidays unless
approval is obtained from the City Building Official or City Engineer.
14. Reclaimed Water. The permittee shall install purple pipes and connect to a
reclaimed water supply for landscape watering purposes when secondary or
reclaimed water is made available to the site as required by Eastern Municipal
Water District. This condition shall be inapplicable if the permittee provides the
City with confirmation reasonably acceptable to the City Engineer that Eastern
Municipal Water District will not require compliance.
Note: Condition satified (confirmed as inapplicable) by letter from EMWD
dated 1/27117 and on file with the City.
15. Park Improvement Notification. Adequate notification shall be provided to any
home builder or any other buyer of individual phases of the TENTATIVE MAP
that certain parks are required to be constructed or improved per the conditions
of this project.
16. Comply with Ordinance 2009-24. All lighting shall comply with any applicable
provisions of City of Menifee Ordinance No. 2009-24.
17. Subsequent Submittals. Any subsequent submittals required by these
conditions of approval, including but not limited to grading plan, building plan or
mitigation monitoring review, shall be reviewed on an hourly basis (research fee),
or other such review fee as may be in effect at the time of submittal, as required
by Resolution No. 13-320 (Cost of Services Fee Study), or any successor
thereto. Each submittal shall be accompanied with a letter clearly indicating
which condition or conditions the submittal is intended to comply with.
18. Human Remains. If human remains are encountered, State Health and Safety
Code Section 7050.5 states that no further disturbance shall occur until the
Riverside County Coroner has made the necessary findings as to origin. Further,
pursuant to Public Resource Code Section 5097.98(b) remains shall be left in
place and free from disturbance until a final decision as to the treatment and
disposition has been made. If the Riverside County Coroner determines the
remains to be Native American, the Native American Heritage Commission shall
be contacted within the period specified by law (24 hours). Subsequently, the
Native American Heritage Commission shall identify the "most likely
descendant."The most likely descendant shall then make recommendations and
engage in consultation concerning the treatment of the remains as provided in
Public Resources Code Section 5097.98. Human remains from other
ethnic/cultural groups with recognized historical associations to the project area
shall also be subject to consultation between appropriate representatives from
that group and the Property Owner.
19. Inadvertent Archeological Find.
If during ground disturbance activities, unique cultural resources are discovered
that were not assessed by the archaeological report(s) and/or environmental
assessment conducted prior to project approval, the following procedures shall
be followed. Unique cultural resources are defined, for this condition only, as
being multiple artifacts in close association with each other, but may include
fewer artifacts if the area of the find is determined to be of significance due to its
sacred or cultural importance as determined in consultation with the Native
American Tribe(s).
i. All ground disturbance activities within 100 feet of the discovered cultural
resources shall be halted until a meeting is convened between the
developer, the archaeologist, the tribal representative(s) and the
Community Development Director to discuss the significance of the find.
ii. At the meeting, the significance of the discoveries shall be discussed and
after consultation with the tribal representative(s) and the archaeologist, a
decision shall be made, with the concurrence of the Community
Development Director, as to the appropriate mitigation (documentation,
recovery, avoidance, etc.) for the cultural resources.
iii. Grading of further ground disturbance shall not resume within the area of
the discovery until an agreement has been reached by all parties as to the
appropriate mitigation.
iv. Treatment and avoidance of the newly discovered resources shall be
consistent with the Cultural Resources Treatment and Monitoring
Agreements entered into with the appropriate tribes. This may include
avoidance of the cultural resources through project design, in-place
preservation of cultural resources located in native soils and/or re-burial on
the Project property so they are not subject to further disturbance in
V. Pursuant to Calif. Pub. Res. Code § 21083.2(b) avoidance is the preferred
method of preservation for archaeological resources and cultural
resources. If the landowner and the Tribe(s) cannot agree on the
significance or the mitigation for the archaeological or cultural resources,
these issues will be presented to the City Community Development Director
for decision. The City Community Development Director shall make the
determination based on the provisions of the California Environmental
Quality Act with respect to archaeological resources, recommendations of
the project archeologist and shall take into account the cultural and
religious principles and practices of the Tribe. Notwithstanding any other
rights available under the law, the decision of the City Community
Development Director shall be appealable to the City Planning Commission
and/or City Council."
20. Inadvertent Paleontological Find. Should fossil remains be encountered
during site development:
1) All site earthmoving shall be ceased in the area of where the fossil remains
are encountered. Earthmoving activities may be diverted to other areas of
the site.
2) The applicant shall retain a qualified paleontologist approved by the County
of Riverside.
3) The paleontologist shall determine the significance of the encountered
fossil remains.
4) Paleontological monitoring of earthmoving activities will continue thereafter
on an as-needed basis by the paleontologist during all earthmoving
activities that may expose sensitive strata. Earthmoving activities in areas
of the project area where previously undisturbed strata will be buried but
not otherwise disturbed will not be monitored. The supervising
paleontologist will have the authority to reduce monitoring once he/she
determines the probability of encountering any additional fossils has
dropped below an acceptable level.
5) If fossil remains are encountered by earthmoving activities when the
paleontologist is not onsite, these activities will be diverted around the fossil
site and the paleontologist called to the site immediately to recover the
6) Any recovered fossil remains will be prepared to the point of identification
and identified to the lowest taxonomic level possible by knowledgeable
paleontologists. The remains then will be curated (assigned and labeled
with museum* repository fossil specimen numbers and corresponding
fossil site numbers, as appropriate; places in specimen trays and, if
necessary, vials with completed specimen data cards) and catalogued, an
associated specimen data and corresponding geologic and geographic site
data will be archived (specimen and site numbers and corresponding data
entered into appropriate museum repository catalogs and computerized
data bases) at the museum repository by a laboratory technician. The
remains will then be accessioned into the museum* repository fossil
collection, where they will be permanently stored, maintained, and, along
with associated specimen and site data, made available for future study by
qualified scientific investigators.
*The City of Menifee must be consulted on the repository/museum to receive the
fossil material prior to being curated.
21. Landscaping. All plant materials within landscaped common areas shall be
maintained in a viable growth condition throughout the life of this permit. To
ensure that this occurs, the Community Development Department shall require
inspections in accordance with the Community Development Department's
landscaping installed and inspected conditions.
22. Interim Landscaping. Graded but undeveloped land shall be maintained in a
condition so as to prevent a dust and/or blow sand nuisance and shall be either
planted with interim landscaping or provided with other wind and water erosion
control measures as approved by the Community Development Department and
the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD).
23. Front and Side Yard Landscaping Maintenance Responsibility. The owners
of each individual lot shall be responsible for maintaining all landscaping
between the curb of the street and the proposed sidewalk and side yard
landscaping between the curb of the street and proposed fencing, unless the
landscaping is included within a separate common lot maintained by an HOA or
other entity acceptable to the City of Menifee.
24. Landscape Maintenance. The land divider, or any successor-in-interest to the
land divider, shall be responsible for maintenance and upkeep of all slopes,
landscaped areas and irrigation systems within the land division until such time
as those operations are the responsibility of a property owner's association, or
any other successor-in-interest.
Prior to Phasing
25. Preliminary Phase Grading. Prior to the approval of an application for a division
into units or phasing plan for the TENTATIVE MAP, a conceptual grading plan
covering the entire TENTATIVE MAP shall be submitted to the City of Menifee
Community Development Department for review and approval. The preliminary
grading plan shall comply with the following:
1) Techniques which will be used to prevent erosion and sedimentation during
and after grading process shall be depicted and documented.
2) Approximate time frames for grading and areas which may be graded
during the higher probability rain months of January through March shall
be identified.
3) Preliminary pad and roadway elevations shall be depicted.
4) Areas where temporary grading occurs on any phase other than the one
being graded for development at a particular time shall be identified.
The approved preliminary grading plan shall be provided to the Building and
Safety — Plan Check Division and shall be used as a guideline for subsequent
detailed grading plans for individual units or phases of the TENTATIVE MAP.
NOTE: Condition satisfied; entire tract rough graded prior to City's
26. Lot Access/Unit Plans. Any division into units or phasing of the TENTATIVE
MAP shall provide for adequate vehicular access to all lots in each unit or phase,
and shall substantially conform to the intent and purpose of the land division
approval. No approval for any number of units or phases is given by this
TENTATIVE MAP and its conditions of approval, except as provided by Section
8.3 (Division into Units) of Ordinance No. 460.
NOTE: Condition satisfied; phasing plan and access approved by County
prior to City's incorporation.
Prior to Final Map
27. Final Map Required. After the approval of the TENTATIVE MAP and prior to
the expiration of said map, the land divider shall cause the real property included
within the TENTATIVE MAP, or any part thereof, to be surveyed and a FINAL
MAP thereof prepared in accordance with the current Engineering Department -
Survey Division requirements, the conditionally approved TENTATIVE MAP, and
in accordance with Article IX of Ordinance No. 460.
28. Licensed Surveyor. The FINAL MAP shall be prepared by a licensed land
surveyor or registered civil engineer.
29. Surveyor Checklist. The City Engineering Department - Survey Division shall
review any FINAL MAP and ensure compliance with the following:
A. All lots on the FINAL MAP shall be in substantial conformance with the
approved TENTATIVE MAP relative to size and configuration.
B. All lots on the FINAL MAP shall have a minimum lot size of 7200 square
feet net.
C. All lot sizes and dimensions on the FINAL MAP shall be in conformance
with the development standards of the R-1 zone, and with the Comprehensive
General Plan.
D. All lots on the FINAL MAP shall comply with the length to width ratios, as
established by Section 3.8.C. of County Ordinance No. 460.
E. All knuckle or cul-de-sac lots shall have a minimum of 35 feet of frontage
measured at the front lot line.
F. The common open space area shall be shown as a numbered lots on the
30. ECS. The land divider shall prepare an Environmental Constraints Sheet (ECS)
in accordance with Section 2.2. E. & F. of Ordinance No. 460, which shall be
submitted as part of the plan check review of the FINAL MAP. A note shall be
placed on the FINAL MAP "Environmental Constraint Sheet affecting this map is
on file at the City of Menifee Public Works and Engineering Department, in E.C.S
Book_, Page _."
31. ECS Note on Dark Sky Lighting. The following Environmental Constraints
Note shall be placed on the ECS:
"This property is subject to lighting restrictions as required by Menifee
Municipal Code Chapter 6 (Ordinance No. 2009-024), which are intended
to reduce the effects of night lighting on the Mount Palomar Observatory.
All proposed outdoor lighting systems shall be in conformance with Menifee
Municipal Code Chapter 6."
32. ECS Note Archeological. The following Environmental Constraints Note shall
be placed on the ECS:
"County Archaeological Report No. PD-A-3032 was prepared for this
property is on file at the Planning Department. The property is not subject
to surface alteration restrictions based on the results of the report."
33. ECS Note Biological. The following Environmental Constraints Note shall be
placed on the ECS:
"County Biological Report No. PD-B-2420 was prepared for this property
on June 2003 by Micheal Brandman and Associates and is on file at the
Planning Department. The property is not subject to biological resources
restrictions based on the results of the report."
34. ECS Note Paleontologic. The following Environmental Constraints Note shall
be placed on the ECS:
"County Paleontological Report No. PD-A-3032 was prepared for this
property and is on file at the Planning Department."
35. Maintenance Exhibit. Prior to map recordation, the developer shall prepare an
exhibit that shows all open space lots within the tract and the maintenance entity
for each lot. The exhibit shall be reviewed and approved by the Community
Development Department and Public Works and Engineering Department.
36. Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions (Public Common Areas). If the
permanent master maintenance organization referenced in the condition entitled
"Common Area Maintenance" is a public organization, the applicant shall convey
to the public organization (anticipated to be CFD) fee simple title, to all common
open space areas, free and clear of all liens, taxes, assessments, leases
(recorded or unrecorded) and easement, except those easements which in the
sole discretion of the public organization are acceptable. The common areas
anticipated to be owned and maintained by a public organization include, but are
not limited to parks, paseos, and expanded parkway landscaping.
As a condition precedent to the public organization accepting title to such areas,
the applicant shall submit the following documents to the City of Menifee
Community Development Department for review along with the current fee,
which shall be subject to the approval of that department and the City Attorney:
1. A signed and notarized declaration of covenants, conditions and
restrictions; and,
2. A sample document, conveying title to the purchaser, of an individual lot or
unit which provides that the declaration of covenants, conditions and
restrictions is incorporated therein by reference; and,
3. A deposit equaling three (3) hours of the current hourly fee for Review of
Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions established pursuant to the City's
fee schedule at the time the above referenced documents are submitted to
the Community Development Department for review by the City Attorney.
The declaration of covenants, conditions and restrictions submitted for review
shall a) provide for a minimum term of sixty (60) years, b) provide for the
establishment of a property owners' association comprised of the owners of each
individual lot or unit as tenants in common, and c)contain the following provisions
"Notwithstanding any provision in this Declaration to the contrary, the
following provisions shall apply:
The property owners' association established herein shall, if dormant, be
activated, by incorporation or otherwise, at the request of the City, and the
property owners' association shall unconditionally accept from the City of
Menifee, upon the City's demand, title to all or any part of the 'common
area', more particular►y described on Exhibit 'A' attached hereto. The
decision to require activation of the property owners' association and the
decision to require that the association unconditionally accept title to the
'common area' shall be at the so►e discretion of the City
In the event that the 'common area', or any part thereof, is conveyed to the
property owners' association, the association, thereafter, shall own such
'common area', shall manage and continuously maintain such 'common
area', and shall not sell or transfer such 'common area' or any part thereof,
absent the prior written consent of the Community Development Director
of the City or the City's successor-in-interest. The property owners'
association shall have the right to assess the owners of each individual lot
or unit for the reasonable cost of maintaining such'common area', and shall
have the right to lien the property of any such owner who defaults in the
payment of a maintenance assessment. An assessment lien, once created,
shall be prior to all other liens recorded subsequent to the notice of
assessment or other document creating the assessment lien.
This declaration shall not be terminated, 'substantially' amended, or
property de-annexed therefrom absent the prior written consent of the
Community Development Director of the City of Menifee or the City's
successor-in-interest. A proposed amendment shall be considered
'substantial' if it affects the extent, usage or maintenance of the 'common
area' established pursuant to this Declaration.
In the event of any conflict between this Declaration and the Articles of
Incorporation, the Bylaws, or the property owners' association Rules and
Regulations, if any, this Declaration shall control."
Once approved by the City Attorney, the declaration of covenants,
conditions and restrictions shall be recorded by the Community
Development Department with one copy retained for the case file, and one
copy provided to the City Engineering Department - Survey Division.
37. Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions (Private Common Areas). The
common areas anticipated to be owned and maintained by a private organization
include, but are not limited to parks, expanded parkway landscaping and slope
areas. The land divider shall submit to the City Attorney (via the Community
Development Department) for review and approval the following documents:
(a) A cover letter identifying the project for which approval is sought
referencing the Planning Division case number(s) and identifying one
individual to represent the land divider if there are any questions
concerning the review of the submitted documents;
(b) One copy and one original, wet signed, notarized and ready for recordation
declaration of covenants, conditions, and restrictions (CC&Rs). Attached
to these documents there shall be included a legal description of the
property included within the CC&Rs and a scaled map or diagram of such
boundaries, both signed and stamped by a California registered civil
engineer or licensed land surveyor.
(c) The declaration of CC&Rs submitted for review shall cover all map phases,
as follows:
(i) Provide for a minimum term of sixty (60) years;
(ii) Provide for the establishment of a property owner's association
comprised of the owners of each individual lot or unit; and
(iii) Provide for the ownership of the common area by either the
property owner's association or a permanent public master
maintenance organization.
(d) The declaration of CC&Rs shall contain the following provisions verbatim:
(i) "Notwithstanding any provision in this Declaration to the contrary,
the following provisions shall apply:
- The property owners' association established herein shall
manage the 'common areas', more particularly described on the
subdivision map, attached hereto, and shall not sell or transfer
the 'common areas' or any part thereof, absent the prior written
consent of the Community Development Department of the City
of Menifee.
The property owners' association shall have the right to assess
the owners of each individual lot or unit for the reasonable cost
of managing such 'common area', and shall have the right to
lien the property of any such owner who defaults in the payment
of a management assessment. The property owners'
association established herein shall regulate individual private
lot development standards.
The owners of each individual lot shall be responsible for
maintaining all landscaping between the curb of the street and
the proposed sidewalk and side yard landscaping between the
curb of the street and proposed fencing, unless the landscaping
is located within a separate common lot.
- An assessment lien, once created, shall be prior to all other liens
recorded subsequent to the notice of assessment or other
document creating the assessment lien.
This Declaration shall not be terminated, 'substantially'
amended, or property de-annexed there from absent the prior
written consent of the Community Development Director of the
City of Menifee."
A proposed amendment shall be considered 'substantial' if it affects
the extent, usage, or maintenance of the'common area'established
pursuant to the Declaration."
"In the event of any conflict between this Declaration and the
Articles of Incorporation, the Bylaws, or the property owners'
association Rules and Regulations, if any, this Declaration shall
(iv) "The management and maintenance of the project site in
accordance with the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans
(SWPPPs), Monitoring Programs, and Post Construction
Management Plans to include the following best management
practices (BMPs) to reduce storm water pollution: Initial residents,
occupants, or tenants of this site shall receive educational materials
on good housekeeping practices which contribute to the protection
of storm water quality. These educational materials shall be
provided by the Riverside County Flood Control and Water
Conservation District and shall be distributed by the properties
owners' association. These materials shall address good
housekeeping practices associated with residential developments,
such as:
Where improper disposal of trash has occurred, the property
owners' association shall take corrective action within forty-
eight hours of discovery (BMP N5).
- The street(s) and parking lot(s), more particularly described on
the subdivision map, shall be swept by the property owners'
association at least once a year and shall be swept no later than
October 15th of each year (BMP N6).
(e) The City shall be named as a third party beneficiary in the CC&Rs.
(f) Once approved, the copy and the original declaration of CC&Rs shall be
forwarded by the City Attorney and the Community Development
Department. The Community Development Department will retain the one
copy for the case file, and forward the wet signed and notarized original
declaration of covenants, conditions and restrictions to the City Engineer
for safe keeping until the final map is ready for recordation. The City
Engineer shall record the original declaration of CC&Rs in conjunction with
the recordation of the final map.
(g) A sample document conveying title to the purchaser of an individual lot or
unit which provides that the declaration of CC&Rs is incorporated therein
by reference; and
(h) A deposit equaling three hours of the current hourly fee for the review of
the CC&Rs established pursuant to the City's fee schedule at the time the
above referenced documents are submitted to the City Attorney for review
and approval.
38. Fees. Prior to recordation, the Community Development Department shall
determine if the deposit based fees for the TENTATIVE MAP are in a negative
balance. If so, any unpaid fees shall be paid by the developer/owner and/or the
developer/owner's successor-in-interest.
Prior to Issuance of Gradinq Permits
39. Grading Plan Review. The Community Development Department shall review
the grading plan for consistency with the approved tentative map and the
conditions of approval for the tentative map.
40. Community Trail Easement. The land divider/permit holder shall cause grading
plans to be prepared which delineates grading adjacent to or within a proposed
trail easement adjacent to lots 266 through 277 as delineated on the TENTATIVE
MAP. Said grading must conform to the trail standards of the Comprehensive
General Plan.
Note: Condition satisfied. Community Trail Easement dedicated on -1 and
- 2 maps; grading plans approved and on file with City: (i) the Offsite
Improvement Plans delta revision (modifying the required pavement
improvement on Garbani Road), City Drawing No. IP15-027, approved
August 3, 2015 (County Reference No. MS4061, File No. 945-N) and(ii) the
Valley Wide and County-approved Landscape Plans for offsite Garbani &
Palomar dated February 11, 2016 (County Reference No. 953-LL 1). .
41. Slope Grading Techniques. The land divider/permit holder shall cause grading
plans to be prepared which show all cut slopes located adjacent to ungraded
natural terrain and exceed ten (10) feet in vertical height to be contour-graded
incorporating the following grading techniques:
1. The angle of the graded slope shall be gradually adjusted to the angle of the
natural terrain.
2. Angular forms shall be discouraged. The graded form shall reflect the natural
rounded terrain.
3. The toes and tops of slopes shall be rounded with curves with radii designed
in proportion to the total height of the slopes where drainage and stability permit
such rounding.
4. Where cut and/or fill slopes exceed 300 feet in horizontal length, the horizontal
contours of the slope shall be curved in a continuous, undulating fashion.
42. Stephens' Kangaroo Rat (SKR) Fees. PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF
GRADING PERMITS, whichever comes first, the applicant shall comply with the
provisions of Riverside County Ordinance No. 663, which generally requires the
payment of the appropriate fee set forth in that ordinance. The amount of the fee
required to be paid may vary depending upon a variety of factors, including the
type of development application submitted and the applicability of any fee
reduction or exemption provisions contained in Riverside County Ordinance No.
663. Said fee shall be calculated on the approved development project which is
anticipated to be 79.82 acres (gross) in accordance with TENTATIVE MAP NO.
28206. If the development is subsequently revised, this acreage amount may be
modified in order to reflect the revised development project acreage amount. In
the event Riverside County Ordinance No. 663 is rescinded, this condition will
no longer be applicable. However, should Riverside County Ordinance No. 663
be rescinded and superseded by a subsequent mitigation fee ordinance,
payment of the appropriate fee set forth in that ordinance shall be required.
NOTE: Condition satisfied. SKR Fees paid on 12/7/05 for entire tract—
Receipt #MT057293
43. Fees. Prior to issuance of grading permits, the Community Development
Department shall determine if the deposit based fees are in a negative balance.
If so, any outstanding fees shall be paid by the applicant/developer.
44. Fugitive Dust Control. The permittee shall implement fugitive dust control
measures in accordance with Southern California Air Quality Management
District (SCAQMD) Rule 403. The permittee shall include in construction
contracts the control measures required under Rule 403 at the time of
development, including the following:
a. Use watering to control dust generation during demolition of structures or
break-up of pavement. The construction area and vicinity (500-foot radius)
must be swept (preferably with water weepers) and watered at least twice daily.
Site wetting must occur often enough to maintain a ten (10) percent surface
soil moisture content throughout all earth moving activities. All unpaved
demolition and construction areas shall be wetted at least twice daily during
excavation and construction, and temporary dust covers shall be used to
reduce dust emissions and meet SCAQMD District Rule 403. Wetting could
reduce fugitive dust by as much as fifty percent (50%).
b. Water active grading/excavation sites and unpaved surfaces at least three
(3) times daily;
c. All paved roads, parking and staging areas must be watered at least once
every two (2) hours of active operations;
d. Site access points must be swept/washed within thirty (30) minutes of visible
dirt deposition;
e. Sweep daily (with water sweepers) all paved parking areas and staging
f. Onsite stockpiles of debris, dirt or rusty material must be covered or watered
at least twice daily;
g. Cover stockpiles with tarps or apply non-toxic chemical soil binders;
h. All haul trucks hauling soil, sand and other loose materials must either be
covered or maintain two feet of freeboard;
i. All inactive disturbed surface areas must be watered on a daily basis when
there is evidence of wind drive fugitive dust;
j. Install wind breaks at the windward sides of construction areas;
k. Operations on any unpaved surfaces must be suspended when winds
exceed twenty-five (25) mph;
I. Suspend excavation and grading activity when winds (instantaneous gusts)
exceed fifteen (15) miles per hour over a thirty (30) minute period or more, so
as to prevent excessive amounts of dust;
m. All haul trucks must have a capacity of no less than twelve and three-
quarter (12.75) cubic yards;
n. All loads shall be secured by trimming, watering or other appropriate means
to prevent spillage and dust;
o. Traffic speeds on unpaved roads must be limited to fifteen (15) miles per
p. Provide daily clean-up of mud and dirt carried onto paved streets from the
q. Install wheel washers for all exiting trucks, or wash off the tires or tracks of
all trucks and equipment leaving the site;
r. All materials transported off-site shall be either sufficiently watered or
securely covered to prevent excessive amount of dust;
s. Operations on any unpaved surfaces must be suspended during first and
second stage smog alerts; and,
t. An information sign shall be posted at the entrance to each construction site
that identifies the permitted construction hours and provides a telephone
number to call and receive information about the construction project or to
report complaints regarding excessive fugitive dust generation. Any
reasonable complaints shall be rectified within twenty-four (24) hours of their
45. Fish and Game Clearance. PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF GRADING
PERMITS, the applicant shall obtain written notification to the Community
Development Department that the appropriate California Department of Fish and
Game notification pursuant to sections 1601/1603 of the California Fish and
Game Code has taken place, or obtain an "Agreement Regarding Proposed
Stream or Lake Alteration" (Sections 1601/1603 Permit) should any grading or
construction be proposed within or along the banks of any natural watercourse
or wetland, located either on-site or any required off site improvement areas.
Copies of any agreement shall be submitted with the notification.
NOTE: Condition satisfied. Entire site rough graded under BGR050987
prior to City's incorporation. Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-
2005-0171-R6 in file.
applicant shall obtain written notification to the Community Development
Department that the alteration of any watercourse or wetland, located either on-
site or on any required off-site improvement areas, complies with the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers Nationwide Permit Conditions, or obtain a permit under
Section 404 of the Clean Water Act should any grading or construction be
proposed within or along the banks of any natural watercourse or wetlands.
Copies of any agreement shall be submitted with the notification.
NOTE: Condition satisfied. Entire site rough graded under BGR050987
prior to City's incorporation. Permit No. 200300727 in file.
47. Section 401 Water Quality Certificate Required. SECTION 401 WATER
NOTE: Condition satisfied. Entire site rough grading under BGR050987
prior to the City's incorporation. 401 Certificate is in the file.
48. Burrowing Owl. Pursuant to Objective 6 and Objective 7 of the Species Account
for the Burrowing Owl included in the Western Riverside County Multiple Species
Habitat Conservation Plan, within 30 days prior to the issuance of a grading
permit, a pre-construction presence/absence survey for the burrowing owl shall
be conducted by a qualified biologist and the results of this presence/absence
survey shall be provided in writing to the Environmental Programs Department.
If it is determined that the project site is occupied by the Burrowing Owl, take of
"active" nests shall be avoided pursuant to the MSHCP and the Migratory Bird
Treaty Act. However, when the Burrowing Owl is present, relocation outside of
the nesting season (March 1 through August 31) by a qualified biologist shall be
required. The County Biologist shall be consulted to determine appropriate type
of relocation (active or passive) and translocation sites. Occupation of this
species on the project site may result in the need to revise grading plans so that
take of"active" nests is avoided or alternatively, a grading permit may be issued
once the species has been actively relocated.
If the grading permit is not obtained within 30 days of the survey a new survey
shall be required.
No ground disturbance, including disking, blading, grubbing or any similar activity
shall occur within the site until the burrowing owl study is reviewed and approved.
49. Paleontologist Required. The land divider/permit holder shall retain a qualified
paleontologist for consultation and comment on the proposed grading with
respect to potential paleontological impacts. The developer shall submit the
name, telephone number and address of the retained, qualified paleontologist to
the Planning Department and the Department of Building and Safety. The
paleontologist shall submit in writing to the Planning Department - Development
Review Division the results of the initial consultation, and the paleontologist shall
include details of the fossil recovery plan, if recovery was deemed necessary.
Should the paleontologist find the potential is high for impact to significant
resources, a pre-grade meeting between the paleontologist and the excavation
and grading contractor shall be arranged. When necessary, in the professional
opinion of the retained paleontologist (and/or as determined by the Planning
Director), the paleontologist or representative shall have the authority to monitor
actively all project related grading and construction and shall have the authority
to temporarily divert, redirect, or halt grading activity to allow recovery of
paleontological resources.
NOTE: Condition satisfied. Entire site rough grading under BGR050987 prior
to the City's incorporation. Contract for Paleontologist in file. No additional
monitoring required for precise grading.
Prior to Issuance of Building Permit
50. MSHCP Mitigation Compliance. Prior to building permit issuance the applicant
must provide documentation that the mitigation, described within the document
entitled "Determination of Biologically Equivalent or Superior Preservation
(DBESP) for Tract 28206 (80 Acres) Menifee Area, Riverside County, California"
prepared by Michael Brandman Associates on January 18, 2006, as well as the
mitigation measures identified in the FWS/CDG-4405.88 letter issued by the U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service and California Department of Fish and Game, dated
March 28, 2006 has been completed. The mitigation described will be conducted
on/off-site and must be completed prior to the clearance of this condition.
Payment of mitigation fees will not be sufficient to clear this condition. The
applicant must provide evidence that all mitigation activities been completed.The
Environmental Programs Department (EPD) may require documentation in the
form of biological reports and/or site visits to confirm completion. Please contact
EPD for further information.
Prepared on 4/6/06 by: David W. Carr, Ecological Resources Specialist with the
Environmental Programs Department (EPD). Should you have any questions
regarding this condition contact the EPD at:
County of Riverside - TLMA Environmental Programs Department 4080 Lemon
Street, 2nd Floor Riverside, CA 92501 Phone: 951-955-6892 Fax: 951-955-1811
NOTE: Condition satified. Noted "Met"and "Satisfied"in County System
for COAs.
51. Building Plans Required. The developer shall cause building plans to be
submitted to the Building and Safety Department for review and approval by the
Department of Building and Safety - Plan Check Division. Said plans shall be in
conformance with the approved DESIGN GUIDELINES.
52. Sewer Backflow Valve Required. PER THE REVIEW OF THE EASTERN
TR28206-3 LOTS 5, 6, 13, 20, 21, 26, 28, 36, 43, 44, 47, & 48.
TR28206-F LOTS 3, 4, 8, 9, 12, 14, 15, 20-25, 39-41, 52-56, & 61-63.
53. Roof Mounted Equipment. Roof-mounted mechanical equipment shall not be
permitted within the subdivision, however, solar equipment or any other energy-
saving devices shall be permitted with Community Development Department
54. Utilities Underground. All utility extensions within a lot shall be placed
55. No Cross Lot Drainage. Lots shall be graded to drain to the street with no cross
lot drainage permitted. Drainage shall be indicated on the final plan of
56. Building Separation. Building separation between all buildings shall not be less
than ten (10) feet. Fireplaces may way encroach one (1) foot into the side yard
setback. Additional encroachments are only allowed as permitted by County
Ordinance No. 348.
57. Parking. Parking spaces are required in accordance with Ordinance No. 348.
All parking areas and driveways shall be surfaced to current standards as
approved by the City of Menifee Engineering Department.
58. Conform to Final Site of Development Plan. The building plans shall be
consistent with the approved elevations of the final site of development plans.
The building plans shall be reviewed for consistency with the final site of
development plans prior to Building Permit issuance.
59. Landscaping Plans. The land divider/permit holder shall file three (3) sets of a
Landscaping and Irrigation Plan to the Community Development Department for
review and approval. Said plan shall be submitted to the Department in the form
of a plot plan application pursuant to Ordinance No. 348, Section 18.30.a.(1)
(Plot Plans not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act and not
subject to review by any governmental agency other than the Community
Development Department), along with the current fee. The plan shall be in
compliance with City Requirements, Menifee Municipal Code Chapter 15.04 and
Chapter 9.86, Ordinance 348 Section 18.12, Sections 19.300 through 19.304.,
and the TENTATIVE MAP conditions of approval.
The plan shall address all areas and conditions of the tract requiring landscaping
and irrigation to be installed including, but not limited to, (slope planting, common
area and/or park landscaping within Open Space Lots and individual front yard
landscaping). Emphasis shall be placed on using plant species that are drought
tolerant and low water using.
The plans shall provide for the following:
1) Permanent automatic irrigation systems shall be installed on all landscaped
areas requiring irrigation. Low water use systems are encouraged.
2) All utility service areas and enclosures shall be screened from view with
landscaping and decorative barriers or baffle treatments, as approved by
the Community Development Department. Utilities shall be placed
3) Any required landscape screening shall be designed to be opaque up to a
minimum height of six (6) feet at maturity.
4) Parkways and landscaped building setbacks shall be landscaped to
provide visual screening or a transition into the primary use area of the site.
Landscape elements shall include earth berming, ground cover, shrubs,
and specimen trees in conjunction with meandering sidewalks, benches,
and other pedestrian amenities where appropriate as approved by the
Community Development Department.
5) Landscaping plans shall incorporate the use of specimen accent trees at
key visual focal points within the project.
6) Landscaping plans shall incorporate native and drought tolerant plants
where appropriate.
7) Tun`shall be eliminated in areas unless provided for active uses.
8) All basins for drainage and/or water quality shall be screened from view
with landscaping.
9) Front yard typical landscaping plans shall provide a minimum of one (1)
xeriscape option for home buyers.
10)All specimen trees and significant rock outcroppings on the subject
property intended for retention shall be shown on the project's grading
plans. Replacement trees for those to be removed shall also be shown.
11)All trees shall be minimum double-staked. Weaker and/or slow-growing
trees shall be steel-staked.
12)Multi-programmable irrigation controllers which have enough programs to
break up all irrigation stations into hydro zones shall be used. If practical
and feasible, rain shutoff devices shall be employed to prevent irrigation
after significant precipitation. Irrigation systems shall be designed so areas
which have different water use requirements are not mixed on the same
station (hydro zones). Assistance in implementing a schedule based on
plant water needs is available from CIMIS or Mobile Lab. The use of drip
irrigation should be considered for all planter areas that have a shrub
density that will cause excessive spray interference of an overhead
irrigation system. Use flow reducers to mitigate broken heads next to
sidewalks, streets, and driveways.
13) Plants with similar water requirements shall be grouped together in order
to reduce excessive irrigation runoff and promote surface filtration, where
The landscaping and irrigation plans for open space lots shall be consistent with
NOTES: The Landscape plot plan may include the requirements of any other
minor plot plan required by the subdivision conditions of approval. However,
minor plot plan conditions of approval shall be cleared individually.
Landscaping plans for areas proposed to be maintained by the City Community
Facilities District shall be submitted to the Engineering and Public Works
Department. Conceptual plans are required in addition to working plans.
60. Entry Monument Plans. The land divider/permit holder shall file three (3) sets
of an Entry Monument plot plan to the Community Development Department for
review and approval. Said plan shall be submitted to the Department in the form
of a plot plan application pursuant to Ordinance No. 348, Section 18.30.a.(1)
(Plot Plans not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act and not
subject to review by any governmental agency other than the Community
Development Department), along with the current fee. The plan shall be in
compliance with Section 18.12, and the TENTATIVE MAP conditions of
The plot plan shall contain the following elements:
1) A color rendering of a frontal view of all/the entry monument(s) with
2) A plot plan of the entry monuments with landscaping drawn to an engineer's
scale. If lighting is planned, the location of lights, their intended direction,
and proposed power shall be indicated.
3) An irrigation plan for the entry monument(s).
NOTE: The requirements of this plot plan may be incorporated with any minor
plot plan required by the conditions of approval for this subdivision. However,
this ENTRY MONUMENT condition of approval shall be cleared individually.
The monument plan shall be approved prior to issuance of Building Permits. If
monuments do not accommodate design requirements of the County-wide
Design Guidelines or meet line of sight requirements, Lot Line Adjustment or a
Minor Change to the TENTATIVE MAP may be necessary.
NOTE: Condition satisfied for entire tract as part of construction of-1 and
-2 maps.
61. Model Home Complex. A plot plan application shall be submitted to the
Community Development Department pursuant to Section 18.30.a.(1) of
Ordinance No. 348 (Plot Plans not subject to the California Environmental
Quality Act and not subject to review by any governmental agency other than the
Community Development Department), along with the current fee.
The Model Home Complex plot plan shall contain the following elements:
1) An engineer's scaled plan showing the model home lots, lot numbers, tract
number, and north arrow.
2) Show front, side and rear yard setbacks.
3) Provide two dimensioned off street parking spaces per model and one
parking space for office use. The plan must have one accessible parking
4) Show detailed fencing plan including height and location.
5) Show typical model tour sign locations and elevation.
6) Three (3) sets of photographic or color laser prints (8"X 10") of the sample
board and colored elevations shall be submitted for permanent filing and
agency distribution after the Community Development Department has
reviewed and approved the sample board and colored elevations in
accordance with the approved Design Manual and other applicable
standards. All writing must be legible. Three (3) matrix sheets showing
structure colors and texture schemes shall be submitted.
7) Provide a Model Home Complex landscape and irrigation plan.
8) Model Home Complex landscaping plans shall provide a minimum of one
(1) xeriscape option for home buyers.
NOTES: The Model Home Complex plot plan shall not be approved without Final
Site Development Plan approval, or concurrent approval of both. See the
Community Development Department Model Home Complex application for
detailed requirements.
The requirements of this plot plan may be incorporated with any minor plot plan
required by the subdivision's conditions of approval. However, this MODEL
HOME COMPLEX condition of approval shall be cleared individually.
The applicant will be required to enter into a model home complex agreement
with the City of Menifee. The agreement stipulates terms for removal of the
The model home complex plan shall be approved prior to issuance of a Building
Permit; provided, however, that elements (3) through (8) in the model home
complex plan may be deferred to a later time if deemed appropriate by the
Director of Community Development.
62. Final Site Development Plan. A plot plan application shall be submitted to the
Community Development Department pursuant to Section 18.30.a.(1) of
Ordinance No. 348 (Plot Plans not subject to the California Environmental
Quality Act and not subject to review by any governmental agency other than the
Community Development Department), along with the current fee.
Subdivision development shall conform to the approved plot plan and shall
conform to the Countywide Design Guidelines.
The plot plan shall be approved by the Community Development Director prior
to issuance of Building Permits for lots included within that plot plan.
The plot plan shall contain the following elements:
1) A final site plan (40' scale precise grading plan) showing all lots, building
footprints, setbacks, mechanical equipment and model assignments on
individual lots.
2) Each model floor plan and elevations (all sides).
3) Three (3) sets of photographic or color laser prints (8" x 10") of the sample
board and colored elevations shall be submitted for permanent filing and
agency distribution after the Community Development Department has
reviewed and approved the sample board and colored elevations in
accordance with the approved Design Manual and other applicable
standards. All writing must be legible. Three (3) matrix sheets showing
structure colors and texture schemes shall be submitted.
4) At a minimum there should be three different floor plans for each Area, as
defined in the Design Guidelines. The number of floor plans for each Area
shall be in accordance with the Design Guidelines. For development
projects that are to be constructed in phases, a phasing plan shall be
submitted to assure that the requirements for the number of floor plans is
being met.
5) Homes and garages shall be placed at varying distances from the street
and have varying entry locations.
6) The colors and materials on adjacent residential structures should be
varied to establish a separate identity for the dwellings. A variety of colors
and textures of building materials is encouraged, while maintaining overall
design continuity in the neighborhood. Color sample boards shall be
submitted as a part of the application and review process.
7) All new residences with garages shall be provided with roll-up (i.e. on
tracks) garage doors (either sectional wood or steel). At least twenty-five
percent (25%) of the garage doors in any project should have windows.
NOTE: The requirements of this plot plan may be incorporated with any minor
plot plan required by this subdivision's conditions of approval. However, this
FINAL SITE DEVELOPENT plot plan condition of approval shall be cleared
63. Wall and Fence Plan. The land divider/permit holder shall file three (3) sets of
a Wall/Fencing Plan to the Community Development Department for review and
approval. Said plan shall be submitted to the Department in the form of a plot
plan application pursuant to Ordinance No. 348, Section 18.30.a.(1) (Plot Plans
not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act and not subject to review
by any governmental agency other than the Community Development
Department), along with the current fee. The plan shall be in compliance with the
Countywide Design Guidelines and the TENTATIVE MAP conditions of approval.
1. The plan shall show all project fencing including, but not limited to, perimeter
fencing, side and rear yard fencing, and open space or park fencing. A typical
frontal view of all fences shall be shown on the fencing plan.
2. All utility service areas and enclosures shall be screened from view with
landscaping or decorative barriers or baffle treatments, as approved by the
Community Development Department.
3. All wood fencing shall be treated with heavy oil stain to match the natural
shade to prevent bleaching from irrigation spray.
4. All wood fence posts shall be steel set in concrete.
NOTE: The requirements of this plot plan may be incorporated with any minor
plot plan required by the conditions of approval for this subdivision. However,
this WALL/FENCING PLAN condition of approval shall be cleared individually.
64. Front Yard Landscaping. All front yards shall be provided with landscaping
and automatic irrigation as defined by County Ordinance No. 348. Landscaping
and Irrigation shall comply with the Menifee Municipal Code Chapter 15.04 and
Chapter 9.86, Riverside County Guide to California Friendly Landscaping, and
Ordinance No. 859 (as adopted and any amendments thereto) provided that said
ordinance has been amended to address residential tracts. The front yard
landscaping must be installed prior to final occupancy release.
65. Performance Securities. Performance securities, in amounts to be determined
by the Community Development Director to guarantee the installation of
plantings, irrigation system, walls and/or fences, in accordance with the
approved plans for open space lots (does not include front yard landscaping),
shall be filed with the Community Development Department. Securities may
require review by the City Attorney and other staff. Permit holder is encouraged
to allow adequate time to ensure that securities are in place. The performance
security may be released one year after structural final, inspection report, and
the Six Month and One-Year Post Establishment report confirms that the planting
and irrigation components have been adequately installed and maintained. A
cash security shall be required when the estimated cost is $2,500.00 or less.
Security deposits are only required for common area landscaped areas.
66. Landscape Inspection Deposit. Prior to issuance of Building Permits, the
permit holder shall open a Landscape Deposit Based Fee case and deposit the
prevailing deposit amount to cover the pre-installation inspections, installation
inspections, Six Month Post Establishment and One Year Post Establishment
Landscape Inspections. The amount of hours for the Inspections will be
determined by the Community Development Department's Landscape personnel
prior to approval of the requisite Minor Plot Plan for Planting and Irrigation.
67. Fees. Prior to issuance of Building Permits, the Community Development
Department shall determine if the deposit based fees for project are in a negative
balance. If so, any outstanding fees shall be paid by the permittee.
68. Menifee Union School District. Impacts to the Menifee Union School District
shall be mitigated in accordance with California State law.
69. Perris Union High School District. Impacts to the Perris Union High School
District shall be mitigated in accordance with California State law.
Prior to Final Inspection
70. Mitigation Monitoring. The permittee shall prepare and submit a written report
to the Community Development Director demonstrating compliance with those
conditions of approval and mitigation measures of this tract map which must be
satisfied prior to the issuance of final occupancy. The Community Development
Director may require inspection or other monitoring to ensure such compliance.
71. Anti-Graffiti Coating. An anti-graffiti coating shall be provided on all block walls
constructed as part of any phase of the Project, and written verification from the
developer shall be provided to the Community Development Department.
72. Fencing and Wall Compliance. Fencing shall be provided throughout the
subdivision in accordance with the approved final site development plans and/or
walls and fencing plan.
73. Entry Monuments. Prior to the first occupancy within the tract, entry
monuments shall be installed in accordance with the approved entry monument
NOTE: Condition satisfied for entire tract as part of construction of-1 and
-2 maps.
74. Elevations. Elevations of all buildings and structures shall be in substantial
conformance with the elevations approved as part of the final site of development
75. Driveways. The land divider/permit holder shall cause all driveways to be
constructed of cement concrete.
76. Roll Up Garage Doors. All residences shall have automatic roll-up garage
77. Final Planning Inspection. The permittee shall obtain final occupancy sign-off
from the Planning Division for each Building Permit issued by scheduling a final
Planning inspection prior to the final sign-off from the Building Department.
Planning staff shall verify that all pertinent conditions of approval have been met,
including compliance with the approved elevations, site plan, walls and fencing
and landscaping.
78. Soil Management Plan
The permittee shall submit a Soil Management Plan (Report) to the Community
Development Department before the Landscape Installation Inspection. The
report can be sent in electronically. Information on the contents of the report can
be found in the County of Riverside Guide to California Friendly Landscaping
page 16, #7, "What is required in a Soil Management Plan?"
79. Landscape/Irrigation Install Inspection
The permittee landscape architect responsible for preparing the Landscaping
and Irrigation Plans shall arrange for a Pre-Landscape installation inspection and
a Landscape Completion Installation Inspection with the Community
Development Department. The pre-landscape inspection shall be arranged at
least fifteen (15)working days prior to installation of landscaping. The landscape
completion inspection shall be arranged at least fifteen (15) working days prior
to final inspection of the structure or issuance of occupancy permit, whichever
occurs first. Six Month and One Year Post-Establishment Inspection will also be
required. The Community Development Department will require a deposit in
order to conduct the landscape inspections.
80. Landscape Installation. All required landscape planting and irrigation, shall
have been installed in accordance with approved Landscaping, Irrigation, and
Shading Plans, Menifee Municipal Code Chapter 15.04 (as adopted and any
amendments thereto), Eastern Municipal Water District requirements and the
Riverside County Guide to California Landscaping. All landscape and irrigation
components shall be in a condition acceptable to the Community Development
Department. The plants shall be healthy and free of weeds, disease or pests.
The irrigation system shall be properly constructed and determined to be in good
working order.
81. Final Landscape Approval
The final landscape approval following installation shall be subject to the review
and approval of the City's Landscape Architectural Consultant and the
Community Development Director. The Community Development Director may
require additional trees, shrubs and/or groundcover as necessary, if site
inspections reveal landscape deficiencies that were not apparent during the plan
review process.
82. DIF Fees. Prior to the issuance of either a certificate of occupancy or prior to
Building Permit final inspection, the applicant shall comply with the provisions of
Ordinance No. 659, which requires the payment of the appropriate fee set forth
in the Ordinance. Ordinance No. 659 has been established to set forth policies,
regulations and fees related to the funding and construction of facilities
necessary to address the direct and cumulative environmental effects generated
by new development projects described and defined in this Ordinance, and it
establishes the authorized uses of the fees collected.
The fee shall be paid for each residential unit to be constructed within this land
division. In the event Ordinance No. 659 is rescinded, this condition will no longer
be applicable. However, should Riverside County Ordinance No. 659 be
rescinded and superseded by a subsequent mitigation fee ordinance, payment
of the appropriate fee set forth in that ordinance shall be required.
83. MSHCP Fees. Prior to the issuance of either a certificate of occupancy or prior
to Building Permit final inspection, the applicant shall comply with the provisions
of Ordinance No. 810, which requires payment of the appropriate fee set forth in
the Ordinance. Ordinance No. 810 has been established to set forth policies,
regulations and fees related to the funding and acquisition of open space and
habitat necessary to address the direct and cumulative environmental effects
generated by new development projects described and defined in this
The fee shall be paid for each residential unit to be constructed within this land
In the event Ordinance No. 810 is rescinded, this condition will no longer be
applicable. However, should Ordinance No. 810 be rescinded and superseded
by a subsequent mitigation fee ordinance, payment of the appropriate fee set
forth in that ordinance shall be required.
84. Fees. Prior to issuance of occupancy/final inspections, the Community
Development Department shall determine if the deposit based fees for project
are in a negative balance. If so, any outstanding fees shall be paid by the
Prior to Issuance of Certain Certificates of Occupancy
85. Open Space Lot 65 in TR28206-F.
Prior to occupancy of any of the residential lots 25-29 within TR28206-F, as
shown on the final map, unless installation required earlier for erosion control per
the Engineering and Public Works Department, all landscaping and irrigation
within the Open Space Lot adjacent to these lots shall be installed, inspections
completed and passed and performance securities posted.
86. Open Space Lot 64 in TR28206-F.
Prior to occupancy of any of the residential lots 7 or 20-26 within TR28206-F as
shown on the final map, unless installation required earlier per the Engineering
and Public Works Department, all landscaping and irrigation within Open Space
Lot 64 shall be installed, inspections completed and passed and performance
securities posted.
Section III : Public
Works/Engineering Conditions of
The following are the Public Works Engineering Department Conditions of Approval for
this project which shall be satisfied at no cost to the City or any other Government Agency.
All questions regarding the intent of the following conditions shall be referred to the Public
Works Engineering Department, Land Development Section. The developer/property
owner shall use the standards and design criteria stated in the following conditions, and
shall comply with all applicable City of Menifee standards and ordinances. Should a
conflict arise between City of Menifee standards and design criteria, and any other
standards and design criteria, those of the City of Menifee shall prevail.
Note: In the following, conditions that were originally imposed by the Riverside County
prior to city incorporation are noted with the original County Condition Reference number.
Those without County reference numbers are added conditions.
1. SUBDIVISION MAP ACT - The developer/property owner shall comply with the
State of California Subdivision Map Act.
2. MYLARS. All improvement plans and grading plans shall be drawn on twenty-four
(24) inch by thirty-six (36) inch Mylar and signed by a registered civil engineer
and/or other registered/licensed professional as required.
3. PLAN CHECK SUBMITTAL FORMS - Appropriate plan check submittal forms
shall be completed and required plan copies, necessary documents, references,
fees, deposits, etc. shall be submitted as outlined in City approved submittal forms.
All large format plans shall be bulk folded when feasible to 9"x12". Electronic
copies in CDs of all submitted items may be required with each plan check as
determined by the PW Engineering Department. A scanned image of all final
approved grading and improvement plans shall be provided to the City, and in
format acceptable to the City. ACAD files 2004 or later are required for all final
maps upon approval.
4. PLAN SUBMITTAL AND APPROVAL — Improvement plans and grading plans
shall be submitted with necessary supporting documentation and technical studies
(hydrology, hydraulics, traffic impact analysis, geotechnical studies, etc.)to the PW
Engineering Department for review and approval. The plans must receive PW
approval prior to final map recordation; or issuance of any construction permit,
grading permit, or building permits as applicable and as determined by the PW
Director. All submittals shall include a completed City Fee or Deposit Based
Worksheet and the appropriate plan check. For improvements proposed to be
owned and maintained by the Riverside County Flood Control District,
improvement plans must receive District approval prior to final map recordation or
as determined by the District.
5. AS-BUILT PLANS — As-Built plans are required for all improvement plans. The
developer/property owner shall cause the civil engineer of record to submit project
base line of work for all layers in Auto CAD DXF format on Compact Disc (CD) to
the Public Works Department. If the required files are unavailable, the
developer/property owner shall pay a scanning fee to cover the cost of scanning
the as-built plans. The timing for submitting the as-built plans shall be as
determined by the Public Works Director/City Engineer.
6. CONSTRUCTION TIMES OF OPERATION. The developer/property owner shall
monitor, supervise, and control all construction and construction related activities
to prevent them from causing a public nuisance including, but not limited to, strict
adherence to the following:
(a) Any construction within the city located within one-fourth mile from an occupied
residence shall be permitted Monday through Saturday, except on nationally
recognized holidays, 6:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. There shall be no construction
permitted on Sunday or nationally recognized holidays unless approval is
obtained from the City Building Official or City Engineer.
(b) Removal of spoils, debris, or other construction materials deposited on any
public street no later than the end of each working day.
(c) The construction site shall accommodate the parking of all motor vehicles used
by persons working at or providing deliveries to the site. Violation of any
condition or restriction or prohibition set forth in these conditions shall subject
the owner, applicant to remedies as set forth in the City Municipal Code. In
addition, the Public Works Director or the Building Official may suspend all
construction related activities for violation of any condition, restriction or
prohibition set forth in these conditions until such a time it has been determined
that all operations and activities are in conformance with these conditions.
(d) A Pre-Construction meeting is mandatory with the City's Public Works
Inspection prior to start of any construction activities.
developer/property owner shall enter into bond agreements and post security in
forms acceptable to the City, guaranteeing the construction of all required grading
and improvements in accordance with applicable City policies and ordinances, and
as determined by the Public Works Director/City Engineer. The grading and
improvements shall include, but not limited to: onsite/offsite grading, street
improvements, street lights, traffic signals, signing and striping, landscaping within
right of way or dedicated easements, water quality BMPs, and storm drainage
8. EXISTING AND PROPOSED EASEMENTS - The submitted tentative tract map
shall correctly show all existing and proposed easements, traveled ways, and
drainage courses with appropriate Qs. Any omission or misrepresentation of these
documents may require said tentative tract map to be resubmitted for further
9. 10.BS GRADE 002: OBEY ALL GRADING REGULATIONS. All grading shall
conform to the California Building Code, Ordinance 457, and all other relevant
laws, rules and regulations governing grading in Riverside County and prior to
commencing any grading which includes 50 or more cubic yards, the applicant
shall obtain a grading permit from the Building & Safety Department.
requires a grading permit prior to clearing, grubbing or any top soil disturbances
related to construction grading.
11. 10.13S GRADE 004: DUST CONTROL. All necessary measures to control dust
shall be implemented by the developer during grading.
12. 10.BS GRADE 005: 2:1 MAX SLOPE RATIO. Grade slopes shall be limited to a
maximum steepness ratio of 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) unless otherwise approved.
13. 10.13S GRADE 007: MINIMUM DRAINAGE GRADE. Minimum drainage grade
shall be 1% except on Portland cement concrete where 0.35% shall be the
14. 10.BS GRADE 009: SLOPE SETBACKS. Observe slope setbacks from buildings
and property lines per the California Building Code - as amended by Ordinance
15. 10.BS GRADE 010: NPDES SUPPLEMENT"A" As applicable, in orderto ensure
compliance with Supplement A- New Development Guidelines for the Santa Ana,
Santa Margarita and Whitewater Drainage Management Plan, all specific land use
cases (Plot Plans, Conditional Use Permits, & Public Use Permits) and
subdivisions (Tracts and Parcel maps) shall provide, as a part of their grading and
drainage plan, the control of impervious runoff. This shall include impervious areas
graded to drain to a BMP filtration system. Direct drainage from impervious areas
to the street or a storm drain facility shall be avoided.
Prior to Grading Permit Issuance
16. 60.BS GRADE 001: - NPDES/SWPPP. Prior to approval of grading plans, the
applicant shall obtain a General Construction Activity Storm Water Permit from the
State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) in compliance with the National
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requirements. Proof of filing a
Notice of Intent(NOI)to construct shall be provided by the developer, and the State
issued Waste Discharge ID number (WDID#) shall be shown on the title sheet of
the grading plans. The developer/property owner shall prepare and upload a Storm
Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) into the State's SMARTS database
system. The developer/property owner shall also be responsible for updating the
SWPPP to constantly reflect the actual construction status of the site. A copy of
the SWPPP shall be made available at the construction site at all times until
construction is completed and the Regional Board has issued a Notice of
Termination (NOT) for the development.
17. SWPPP FOR INACTIVE SITES. The developer/property owner shall be
responsible for ensuring that any graded area left inactive for a long period of time
has appropriate SWPPP BMPs in place and in good working conditions at all times
until construction is completed and the Regional Board has issued a Notice of
Termination (NOT) for the development.
18. 60.BS GRADE 002: GRADING BONDS. Grading in excess of 199 cubic yards will
require performance security to be posted with the PW Engineering Department.
19. 60.BS GRADE 003: IMPORT EXPORT. In instances where a grading plan involves
import or export, prior to obtaining a grading permit, the applicant shall have
obtained approval for the import/export location from the PW Engineering
Department. If either location was not previously approved by an Environmental
Assessment, prior to issuing a grading permit, a Grading Environmental
Assessment shall be submitted to the Planning Director for review and comment
and to the PW Engineering Department Director for approval. Additionally, if the
movement of import/export occurs using City roads, review and approval of the
haul routes by the PW Engineering Department will be required.
20. 60.13S GRADE 004: SLOPE EROSION CONTROL PLAN. Erosion control or
landscape plans, required for manufactured slopes greater than 3 feet in vertical
height, are to be signed by a registered landscape architect and bonded per the
requirements of Ordinance 457.
21. 603S GRADE 005: GEOTECHNICAL/SOILS REPORTS. Geotechnical soils
reports required in order to obtain a grading permit, shall be submitted to the PW
Engineering Department for review and approval prior to issuance of a grading
All grading shall be in conformance with the recommendations of the
geotechnical/soils reports as approved by PW Engineering Department.*
*The geotechnical/soils, compaction and inspection reports will be reviewed in
Technical reports previously submitted and approved by the Riverside County shall
be updated and submitted to the City of Menifee PW Engineering department for
review and approval prior to issuance of a grading permit. If no technical report
has been previously submitted, a new report shall be submitted for review and
approval by the PW Engineering Department.
22. 60.13S GRADE 006: DRAINAGE DESIGN Q100. All grading and drainage shall
be designed in accordance with Riverside County Flood Control & Water
Conservation District's conditions of approval regarding this application. If not
specifically addressed in their conditions, drainage shall be designed to
accommodate 100 year storm flows.
Additionally, the PW Engineering Department's conditional approval for this
application includes an expectation that the conceptual grading plan reviewed and
approved for the project complies or can comply with any WQMP (Water Quality
Management Plan) required by Riverside County Flood Control and Water
Conservation District.
23. 60.13S GRADE 009: OFFSITE GRADING. Prior to the issuance of a grading
permit, it shall be the sole responsibility of the owner/applicant to obtain any and
all proposed or required easements and/or permissions necessary to perform the
grading herein proposed.
24. 60.PLANNING 003: SLOPE STABILITY REPORT. County Stability Report (SSR)
No. 622 was prepared for this project by Earth Systems Southwest and is entitled
"Geotechnical Engineering Report, Preliminary Slope Stability Evaluation,
Tentative Tract 28206, (Garboni Property), Menifee, California", dated June 29,
SSR No. 622 concluded that:
Cut and fill slopes up to 20 feet high with a gradient of 2:1 (horizontal to vertical)
are proposed for Tentative Tract 28206.
1) Slope stability of assumed cut and fill slopes should be stable provided they
are designed and constructed in accordance with the recommendations
provided in the report (SSR No. 622) and the Riverside County Grading
2) The bedrock at the site consists of finely crystalline igneous rock. Based on the
observations of an existing cut slope approximately 50 feet high at the northern
edge of the site, significant difficulties when constructing proposed 20 ft. high
slopes are not anticipated.
3) Based on the orientation of the joints within the bedrock, adverse planes of
weakness on south-facing cuts 20 feet high are not anticipated.
SSR No. 622 recommends:
1) Fill slopes should be constructed at a maximum slope of 2:1.
2) Where fill slopes are to be constructed on natural slopes steeper than 5:1, the
fill should be keyed and benched into firm soil. Keys for all slope construction
greater than five feet in height should be cut into firm soil.
3) Specific grading and/or the installation of back drains or keyway drains may be
required depending upon the extent of grading performed. Before final grading
plans have been established, determination of the need for specific grading
and/or the installation of sub-drains should be performed.
4) A protective berm should be constructed and maintained at the top of all fill
slopes to divert any runoff from the slope face.
5) The geotechnical engineers, or their representatives, should be present during
the fill construction to observe compliance with the report's recommendations.
6) Cut slopes within bedrock areas should be constructed at a maximum slope
gradient of 2:1.
7) Lined drainage swales should be provided at the tops of all cut slopes to divert
runoff away from the cut face. Swales should be lined with gunite, concrete, or
other suitable no-erosive material.
8) Velocity reducers should be provided at the discharge points of the swales or
down drains as deemed necessary by the design engineer.
SSR No. 622 satisfies the requirement for a slope stability report. Final Planning
Department approval of this report is hereby given. Additional requirements may
be imposed by the Building and Safety Department as a part of the plan check and
review process for obtaining a grading permit.
25. 60.PLANNING 033: SLOPE GRADING TECHNIQUES. The land divider/permit
holder shall cause grading plans to be prepared which show all cut slopes located
adjacent to ungraded natural terrain and exceed ten (10) feet in vertical height to
be contour-graded incorporating the following grading techniques:
1) The angle of the graded slope shall be gradually adjusted to the angle of the
natural terrain.
2) Angular forms shall be discouraged. The graded form shall reflect the natural
rounded terrain.
3) The toes and tops of slopes shall be rounded with curves with radii designed
in proportion to the total height of the slopes where drainage and stability permit
such rounding.
4) Where cut and/or fill slopes exceed 300 feet in horizontal length, the horizontal
contours of the slope shall be curved in a continuous, undulating fashion.
Prior to Building Permit Issuance
26. 80.13S GRADE 001: GRADING PERMIT PRIOR TO BUILDING. Prior to issuance
of any building permit, the property owner shall obtain a grading permit and/or
approval to construct from the PW Engineering Department.
Prior to Issuance of Certificate of Occupancy
irrigate all manufactured slopes steeper than a 4:1 (horizontal to vertical) ratio and
3 feet or greater in vertical height with grass or ground cover; slopes 15 feet or
greater in vertical height shall be planted with additional shrubs or trees as
approved by the PW Engineering Department.
28. 90.BS GRADE 002: 1/2"/FT/3FT MINIMUM. Finish grade shall be sloped to
provide proper drainage away from all exterior foundation walls. The slope shall
be not less than one-half inch per foot for a distance of not less than 3 feet from
any point of exterior foundation. Drainage swales shall not be less than 1 1/2
inches deeper than the adjacent finish grade at the foundation.
General Conditions
Tract Map 28206 is a proposal to subdivide 79-acres into 258 residential lots, a
park, open space and 3 detention basins, in the Winchester/Antelope Valley area.
The project is located on the northwest corner of Palomar Road and Garbani Road.
A Preliminary Basin Sizing Calculation Study dated July 18, 2003 was submitted
to the Riverside County Flood Control District. The study, based on a basin volume
factor, indicates the general size, shape, and location of the proposed basin is
sufficient to mitigate the impacts of the development. However, the project may
need modifications at the plan check stage. Final design of the basins will not be
required until the improvement plan stage of this development.
The project is within the San Jacinto River watershed, which is tributary to impaired
waterbodies Lake Elsinore and Canyon Lake. The developer has provided a draft
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan that has mitigation for its potential water
quality impacts. The 3 increased runoff basins will also serve as permanent post
construction BMP's.
Offsite flows from the east will be collected in a storm drain proposed in Palomar
Road that ties directly to existing storm drain outlets from the adjacent Tract 29774
and Tract 29074 to the east. These flows will outlet to the existing watercourse just
west of the tracts' boundary. The Department of Water Resources has done a
preliminary floodplain study of Paloma Wash. The extreme southwest corner of
this property is in an ineffective flow area for the Paloma Wash floodplain. Placing
fill in this ineffective flow area will not adversely affect downstream property
owners. The base flood elevation (BFE) for this location is approximately 1461.3.
All lots on the southwest corner of this tract shall be elevated at least 1 foot above
this BFE as shown on the tentative map.
30. 10.FLOOD RI 002: 10 YR CURB - 100 YR ROW. The 10 year storm flow shall be
contained within the curb and the 100 year storm flow shall be contained within the
street right of way. When either of these criteria is exceeded, additional drainage
facilities shall be installed. All lots shall be graded to drain to the adjacent street or
an adequate outlet.
31. 10.FLOOD RI 003: 100 YR SUMP OUTLET. Drainage facilities out-letting sump
conditions shall be designed to convey the tributary 100 year storm flows.
Additional emergency escape shall also be provided.
EASEMENT. The property's street and lot grading shall be designed in a manner
that perpetuates the existing natural drainage patterns with respect to tributary
drainage area, outlet points and outlet conditions; otherwise and except as
provided in Condition 50, below, a drainage easement shall be obtained from the
affected property owners for the release of concentrated or diverted storm flows.
A copy of the recorded drainage easement shall be submitted to PW Engineering
for review.
NOTE: To the extent the developer demonstrates that Riverside County
Flood has determined this condition has been satisfied, the City shall deem
this condition satisfied.
33. 10.FLOOD RI 016: BMP - ENERGY DISSIPATOR. Energy dissipators, such as
rip-rap, shall be installed at the outlet of a storm drain system that discharges runoff
flows into a natural channel or an unmaintained facility. The dissipators shall be
designed to minimize the amount of erosion downstream of the storm drain outlet.
34. 1051-00D RI 017: ELEVATE ABOVE FLOODPLAIN. All lots on the southwest
corner of this tract shall be elevated at minimum, to an elevation of 1462.3
Prior to Final Map Recordation
35. 505LOOD RI 001: SUBMIT PLANS. A copy of the improvement plans, grading
plans, final map, environmental constraint sheet and any other necessary
documentation along with supporting hydrologic and hydraulic calculations shall
be submitted to the PW Engineering Department for review. The plans must
receive City approval prior to recordation. All submittals shall be date stamped by
the engineer and include a completed City Based Fee Worksheet and the
appropriate plan check fee deposit.
36. 5051-00D RI 010: ONSITE EASEMENT ON FINAL MAP. Onsite drainage
facilities located outside of road right of way shall be contained within drainage
easements shown on the final map. A note shall be added to the final map stating,
"Drainage easements shall be kept free of buildings and obstructions".
37. 50.FLOOD RI 011: OFFSITE EASEMENT OR REDESIGN. Offsite drainage
facilities shall be located within dedicated drainage easements obtained from the
affected property owner(s). Document(s) shall be recorded and a copy submitted
to the City prior to recordation of the final map. Except as provided in Condition 50,
below, if the developer cannot obtain such rights, the map should be redesigned
to eliminate the need for the easement.
NOTE: To the extent the developer demonstrates that Riverside County
Flood has determined this condition has been satisfied, the City shall deem
this condition satisfied.
38. 50.FLOOD RI 012: WRITTEN PERMISSION FOR GRADING. Written permission
shall be obtained from the affected property owners allowing the proposed grading
and/or facilities to be installed outside of the tract boundaries. A copy of the written
authorization shall be submitted to the PW ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT for
review and approval.
permit shall be obtained for any work within the Flood Control District's right of way
or any work involving District facilities. The encroachment permit application shall
be processed and approved concurrently with the improvement plans.
40. 50.FLOOD RI 014: INCREASED RUNOFF. The proposed development of this
site will adversely impact downstream property owners by increasing the rate and
volume of flood flows. To mitigate this impact, the developer has proposed a
detention basin. Although final design of the basin will not be required until the
improvement plan stage of this development, the applicant's engineer has
submitted a preliminary hydrology and hydraulics study that indicates that the
general size, shape and location of the proposed basin is sufficient to mitigate the
impacts of the development.
41. 50.FLOOD RI 015: INCREASED RUNOFF CRITERIA. The entire area of
proposed development will be routed through a detention facility(s) to mitigate
increased runoff.All basins must have positive drainage; dead storage basins shall
not be acceptable.
Storms to be studied will include the 1-hour, 3-hour, 6-hour and 24-hour duration
events for the 2-year, 5-year and 10-year return frequencies. Detention basin(s)
and outlet(s) sizing will ensure that none of these storm events has a higher peak
discharge in the "after" condition than in the "before" condition.
For the 2-year and 5-year events the loss rate will be determined using an AMC I
condition. For the 10-year event AMC I I will be used. Constant loss rates shall be
used for the 1-hour, 3-hour and 6-hour events. A variable loss rate shall be used
for the 24-hour events.
Low Loss rates will be determined using the following:
1. Undeveloped Condition --> LOW LOSS = 90%
2. Developed Condition --> LOW LOSS = .9 - (.8 X % IMPERVIOUS)
3. Basin Site --> LOW LOSS = 10%
Where possible and feasible the on-site flows should be mitigated before
combining with off-site flows to minimize the size of the detention facility required.
If it is necessary to combine off-site and on-site flows into a detention facility two
separate conditions should be evaluated for each duration/return period/before-
after development combination studied; the first for the total tributary area (off-site
plus on-site), and the second for the area to be developed alone (on-site). It must
be clearly demonstrated that there is no increase in peak flow rates under either
condition (total tributary area or on-site alone), for each of the return
period/duration combinations required to be evaluated. A single plot showing the
pre-developed, post-developed and routed hydrographs for each storm
considered, shall be included with the submittal of the hydrology study.
No outlet pipe(s)will be less than 18"in diameter. Where necessary an orifice plate
may be used to restrict outflow rates. Appropriate trash racks shall be provided for
all outlets less than 48" in diameter.
The basin(s) and outlet structure(s) must be capable of passing the 100-year storm
without damage to the facility.
Mitigation basins should be designed for joint use and be incorporated into open
space or park areas. Side slopes should be no steeper than 4:1 and depths should
be minimized where public access is uncontrolled.
A viable maintenance mechanism, acceptable to both the County and the District,
should be provided for detention facilities. Generally, this would mean a CSA,
landscape district, parks agency or commercial property owners association.
Residential homeowners associations would generally not be acceptable.
42. 50.FLOOD RI 022: BMP MAINTENANCE & INSPECTION. Unless an alternate
viable maintenance entity is established, the CC&R's for the development's
Homeowners Association (HOA) shall contain provisions for all structural BMPs to
be inspected, and if required, cleaned no later than October 15 each year. The
CC&R's shall identify the entity that will inspect and maintain all structural BMP's
within the project boundaries. A copy of the CC&R's shall be submitted to the
District for review and approval.
Inspection and maintenance of the storm drain system to be built with this tract
must be performed by either the PW Engineering Department or the Flood Control
District. The applicant/owner must request in writing that one of these agencies
accept the proposed storm drain system. The request shall note the tract number,
location, and briefly describe the system (sizes and lengths). Request to the
District shall be addressed to Flood Control District's Chief Engineer, to the
attention of the Chief of Planning Division. If the District is willing to accept the
system, an agreement between the owner and the District must be executed.
NOTE: Please refer to Cooperative Agreement 06-08-013 on file with the City
and the District.
Prior to Grading Permit Issuance
44. 60.FLOOD RI 003: MAP PHASING. If the tract is built in phases, each phase shall
be protected from the 1 in 100 year tributary storm flows.
erosion control measures shall be implemented immediately following rough
grading to prevent deposition of debris onto downstream properties or drainage
facilities. Plans showing erosion control measures may be included as part of the
grading plans, or submitted as a separate set of plans for City review and approval.
Graded but undeveloped land shall provide, in addition to erosion control planting,
any drainage facilities deemed necessary to correct or prevent erosion. Additional
erosion protection may be required during the rainy season.
46. 60.FLOOD RI 005: OFFSITE EASEMENT OR REDESIGN. Offsite drainage
facilities shall be located within dedicated drainage easements obtained from the
affected property owner(s). Document(s) shall be recorded and a copy submitted
to the City prior to recordation of the final map. Except as provided in Condition 50,
below, if the developer cannot obtain such rights, the map should be redesigned
to eliminate the need for the easement.
NOTE: To the extent the developer demonstrates that Riverside County
Flood has determined this condition has been satisfied, the City shall deem
this condition satisfied.
permit shall be obtained for any work within the District right of way or any work
involving District facilities. The encroachment permit application shall be
processed and approved concurrently with the improvement plans.
48. 60.FLOOD RI 009: BMP — FILTRATION. Impervious areas shall be graded or
constructed to drain to a filtration BMP or equally effective alternative. Filtration
BMPs can be found in the attachment to Supplement A, "Selection and Design of
Stormwater Quality Controls".
Prior to Issuance of Certificate of Occupancy
49. 905LOOD RI 002: WQMP/BMP EDUCATION. Prior to issuance of Certificate of
Occupancy, the developer/project owner shall provide the City proof of notification
to future occupants of all non-structural BMP's and educational and training
requirements for said BMP's as directed in the approved WQMP. Acceptable proof
of notification must be in the form of a notarized affidavit at the minimum. The
developer may obtain NPDES Public Educational Program materials from the
Riverside County Flood Control District's (District) NPDES Section by either the
District's website at www.floodcontrol.co.riverside.ca.us, or by calling the District's
office directly.
The developer must provide to the PW Engineering Department a notarized
affidavit stating that the distribution of educational materials to future homebuyers
has been completed prior to issuance of occupancy permits
If conditioned for a Water Quality Management Report (WQMP), a copy of the
notarized affidavit must be placed in the report. The PW Engineering Department
MUST also receive the original notarized affidavit with the plan check submittal in
order to clear the appropriate condition. Placing a copy of the affidavit without
submitting the original will not guarantee clearance of the condition.
50. Garbani Line A. Prior to issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy within TR
28206-F, the developer of TR-28206-F shall complete the construction of the
unfinished portion of Garbani Road and parkway fronting Line A termination, to the
satisfaction of the PW Engineering Department. The developer can have the option
to pay in-lieu of construction cost in case of the approved Line A termination
necessitates the completion of the remaining Garbani improvements when the
westerly continuation of Garbani Road ROW develops. The cost estimate shall be
prepared, signed and stamped by the project's Engineer of Record, and shall be
reviewed and approved by the PW Director.
NOTE: The in lieu payment obligation under this condition is appliable only
to the costs of the Garbani Road improvements if Line A termination causes
the completion of the remaining Garbani improvements to occur when the
westerly continuation of Garbani right of way develops. Costs and
obligations associated with Line A are imposed by and through Riverside
County Flood. To the extent the developer demonstrates that Riverside
County Flood has determined this condition has been satisfied with regard
to Line A, the City shall deem the portion of this condition that relates to the
physical Line A improvements (as compared to the realignment of Gabani
Road) satisfied.
General Conditions
51. 107RANS 001:13RAINAGE 1. The land divider shall protect downstream
properties from damages caused by alteration of the drainage patterns, i.e.,
concentration or diversion of flow. Protection shall be provided by constructing
adequate drainage facilities including enlarging existing facilities and/or by
securing a drainage easement. All drainage easements shall be shown on the final
map and noted as follows: "Drainage Easement - no building, obstructions, or
encroachments by landfills are allowed". The protection shall be as approved by
the PW Engineering Department.
52. 10.TRANS 002: DRAINAGE 2. The land divider shall accept and properly dispose
of all off-site drainage flowing onto or through the site. In the event the PW
Engineering Department permits the use of streets for drainage purposes, the
provisions of Article XI of Ordinance No. 460 will apply. Should the quantities
exceed the street capacity or the use of streets be prohibited for drainage
purposes, the sub-divider shall provide adequate drainage facilities and/or
appropriate easements as approved by the PW Engineering Department.
53. 10.TRANS 007: STANDARD INTRODUCTION (ORD 460/461). With respect to
the conditions of approval for the referenced tentative land division map, the land
divider shall provide all street improvements, street improvement plans and/or road
dedications set forth herein in accordance with City adopted Ordinances 460 and
461 and the City of Menifee Street Improvement Standards. It is understood that
the tentative map correctly shows acceptable centerline elevations, all existing
easements, traveled ways, and drainage courses with appropriate Q's, and that
their omission, misrepresentation, or unacceptability may require the tentative map
to be resubmitted for further consideration. All questions regarding the true
meaning of the conditions shall be referred to the PW Engineering Department.
54. 10.TRANS 009: TS/CONDITIONS 1. Prior to City incorporation, this development
was conditioned by the Riverside County Transportation Department to submit a
Traffic Impact Analysis. The County reviewed the study and provided the following
The Transportation Department has reviewed the traffic study submitted for the
referenced project. The study has been prepared in accordance with County-
approved guidelines. We generally concur with the findings relative to traffic
The Comprehensive General Plan circulation policies require a minimum of Level
of Service 'C, except that Level of Service 'D' may be allowed with Board of
Supervisors'approval in urban areas at intersections of any combination of major
highways, arterials, expressways or state highways within one mile of a freeway
The study indicates that it is possible to achieve a Level of Service 'C'(or Level of
Service 'D'within one mile of a freeway interchange) for the following intersections
based on the traffic study assumptions.
Newport Road//-215 SB Ramps Newport Road/1-215 NB Ramps Newport
Road/Antelope Road Newport Road/Menifee Road Antelope Road/La Piedra
Antelope Road/Holland Road Antelope Road/Craig Avenue Antelope Road/
Garbani Road La Piedra/Menifee Road Scott Road/I-215 SB Ramps Scott Road/I-
215 NB Ramps Scott/Antelope Road
As such, the proposed project is consistent with this General Plan policy.
The associated conditions of approval incorporate mitigation measures identified
in the traffic study, which are necessary to achieve or maintain the required level
of service.
Prior to Map Phasing
55. 407RANS 001: OFF-SITE PHASE. Should the applicant choose to phase any
portion of this project, said applicant shall provide off-site access roads to City
maintained roads as approved by the PW Engineering Department.
Prior to Final Map Recordation
shall be improved within the dedicated right-of-way in accordance with the plans
approved by the PW Engineering Department and on file with City: (i) the Offsite
Improvement Plans delta revision (modifying the required pavement improvement
on Garbani Road), City Drawing No. IP15-027, approved August 3, 2015 (County
Reference No. MS4061, File No. 945-N) and (ii) the Valley Wide and County-
approved Landscape Plans for offsite Garbani & Palomar dated February 11, 2016
(County Reference No. 953-LL 1).
Note: This Condition if fully superceded by Development Agreement Section
3.11.2, as set forth below:
3.11.2. Perimeter Improvements adjacent to Tract 2 (TR28206-2). Watt
shall be solely responsible, at Watt's sole cost and expense, for
processing all approvals for, installing, completing and obtaining
acceptance by the City to achieve release of bonds relating to, all
perimeter improvements to be located adjacent to the "Tract 2" (of the
Tentative Map) boundary along Garbani Road and Palomar Road. The
subject area is generally depicted on Exhibit "D" attached hereto.
Perimeter improvements shall consist of the perimeter wall, landscaping,
curb, gutter, trail and street improvements set forth on the Revised
Perimeter Improvement Plans. All such perimeter improvements, except
for parkway landscaping and trail, must be completed and approved by
the City Engineer within the earlier to occur of (i) one year of the Effective
Date of this Agreement or (ii) prior to issuance of a building permit within
the Watt Property; provided, however, that the City may waive or modify
this provision so as to allow for the issuance of building permits on the
Watt Property prior to the completion of the perimeter improvements upon
a showing to the satisaction of the City, in its sole and absolute discretion,
that (i) Watt has made best efforts to complete said improvements and (ii)
Watt has a definitive plan for completing such improvements within a
fixed timeline that is acceptable to City. The parkway landscaping and
trail must be completed and approved (passed inspection) by the City
Engineer by the later of (X) six (6) months after receipt of Valley-Wide's
approval of the trail plans, and (Y) two (2) months after the completion of
all other perimeter improvements required per the Revised Perimeter
Improvement Plans (i.e., except for parkway landscaping and trail). This
Section 3.11.2 is intended to fully satisfy and supersede Updated COA,
Section III (Public Works), Conditions 56 and 60, and Section VI
(Community Services Department) No. 12. To the extent of any
inconsistency with the Updated COAs, this Section 3.11.2 shall control.
57. 'A' Street shall be improved within the dedicated right-of-way in accordance with
County Standard No. 104, Section A. (50780')
`A'Street complete; condition satisfied
All remaining interior streets shall be improved within the dedicated right-of-way in
accordance with County Standard No. 104, Section A. (40760')
58. 503RANS 004: IMPROVEMENT PLANS. Improvement plans for the required
improvements must be prepared and shall be based upon a design profile
extending a minimum of 300 feet beyond the project boundaries at a grade and
alignment as approved by the PW Engineering Department. Completion of road
improvements does not imply acceptance for maintenance by City.
59. 50.TRANS 005: SOILS 2. The developer/owner shall submit a preliminary soils
and pavement investigation report addressing the construction requirements within
the road right-of-way
3 AND TR28206-F. The portions of Palomar Road and Craig Avenue directly
fronting TR28206-3 and TR28206-F shall be improved with 32 feet of asphalt
concrete pavement within a 45' part-width dedicated right-of-way in accordance
with County Standard No. 104, Section A. (20'/30'), and as approved by the PW
Engineering Department.
NOTE: This condition fully superseded by Development Agreement Section
3.11.1 with respect to TR28206-f and Section 3.11.4 with respect to TR28206-
3, as set forth below:
3.11.1. Perimeter Improvements adjacent to Watt Property(TR28206-F).
Watt shall be solely responsible, at Watt's sole cost and expense, for
processing all approvals for, installing, completing and obtaining
acceptance by the City to achieve release of bonds relating to, all
perimeter improvements to be located adjacent to the Watt Property
boundary along Craig Avenue. The subject area is generally depicted on
Exhibit "D" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference.
Perimeter improvements shall include the perimeter wall, landscaping,
curb, gutter and street improvements built to City specifications, and as
approved by the City Engineer. All such perimeter improvements must be
completed and approved (passed inspection) by the City Engineer before
issuance of the 38th building permit on the Watt Property under the
Development Approvals.
3.11.4. Perimeter Improvements adjacent to McKinley Property
(TR28206-3). McKinley shall be solely responsible, at McKinley's sole
cost and expense, for processing all approvals for, installing, completing
and obtaining acceptance by the City to achieve release of bonds relating
to, all perimeter improvements to be located adjacent to the McKinley
Property boundary along Craig Avenue and Palomar Road. The subject
area is generally depicted on Exhibit "D" attached hereto. Perimeter
improvements shall include the perimeter wall, landscaping, curb, gutter
and street improvements built to City specifications, and as approved by
the City Engineer. All such perimeter improvements must be completed
and approved (passed inspection) by the City Engineer before issuance
of the 38th building permit on the McKinley Property.
TR28206-2. Prior to the issuance of a building permit in TR28206-F, the following
offsite road improvements shall be completed or determined substantially
complete by the PW Director/City Engineer. The improvements shall include, at a
minimum, of pavement, C&G, sidewalk, street lights, landscaping on parkways and
dedicated landscape easements, street striping and bike lanes per the plans
referenced in Condition 56, above:
• Garbani Avenue street improvements fronting TR28206-1 and TR28206-2.
• Palomar Road street improvements fronting TR28206-2.
NOTE: This Condition is fully superseded by Section 3.11.2 of the
Development Agreement, which provides in full as follows:
3.11.2. Perimeter Improvements adjacent to Tract 2 (TR28206-2). Watt
shall be solely responsible, at Watt's sole cost and expense, for
processing all approvals for, installing, completing and obtaining
acceptance by the City to achieve release of bonds relating to, all
perimeter improvements to be located adjacent to the "Tract 2" (of the
Tentative Map) boundary along Garbani Road and Palomar Road. The
subject area is generally depicted on Exhibit "D" attached hereto.
Perimeter improvements shall consist of the perimeter wall, landscaping,
curb, gutter, trail and street improvements set forth on the Revised
Perimeter Improvement Plans. All such perimeter improvements, except
for parkway landscaping and trail, must be completed and approved by
the City Engineer within the earlier to occur of(i) one year of the Effective
Date of this Agreement or (ii) prior to issuance of a building permit within
the Watt Property; provided, however, that the City may waive or modify
this provision so as to allow for the issuance of building permits on the
Watt Property prior to the completion of the perimeter improvements upon
a showing to the satisfaction of the City, in its sole and absolute
discretion, that (i) Watt has made best efforts to complete said
improvements and (ii) Watt has a definitive plan for completing such
improvements within a fixed timeline that is acceptable to City. The
parkway landscaping and trail must be completed and approved (passed
inspection) by the City Engineer by the later of (X) six (6) months after
receipt of Valley-Wide's approval of the trail plans, and (Y) two (2) months
after the completion of all other perimeter improvements required per the
Revised Perimeter Improvement Plans (i.e., except for parkway
landscaping and trail). This Section 3.11.2 is intended to fully satisfy and
supersede Updated COA, Section III (Public Works), Conditions 60, and
Section VI (Community Services Department) No. 12. To the extent of
any inconsistency with the Updated COAs, this Section 3.11.2 shall
62. BIKE LANES. The following streets shall be provided with appropriate signing and
striping to include bike lanes per the City General Plan designations:
• Class II Bike lane on the north side of Garbani Avenue fronting the
• Class III Bike lane on the west side of Palomar Road fronting the
• Class III Bike lane on the south side of Craig Avenue fronting the
The lanes shall be striped with acceptable transitions beyond project boundary
limits as approved by the PW Traffic Engineer.
63. 507RANS 008: OFF-SITE ROW. The off-site rights-of-way required for said
access road(s) shall be accepted to vest title in the name of the public if not already
64. 507RANS 011: OFF-SITE ACCESS. The landowner/developer shall
provide/acquire sufficient public off-site rights-of-way to provide for two paved
access roads to a paved and maintained road. Said access roads shall be
constructed in accordance with City standards at a grade and alignment approved
by the PW Engineering Department. Should the applicant fail to provide/acquire
said off-site right-of-way, the map shall be returned for redesign. The applicant will
be required to provide the appropriate environmental clearances for said off-site
improvements prior to recordation or the signature of any street improvement
Said off-site access road shall be the westerly extension of Garbani Road to
Antelope Road.
Said off-site access road shall be the westerly extension of Craig Avenue to
Antelope Road.
NOTE: Condition satisfied with -1 and-2 final maps.
65. 507RANS 013: EASEMENTS ON FINAL MAP. Any easement not owned by a
public utility, public entity or subsidiary, not relocated or eliminated prior to final
map approval, shall be delineated on the final map in addition to having the name
of the easement holder, and the nature of their interests, shown on the map.
66. 507RANS 014: ACCESS RESTRICTION. Lot access shall be restricted on
Garbani Road and shall be noted on the final map.
NOTE: Condition satisfied with-1 and-2 final maps that front Garbani Road.
67. 507RANS 015: STRIPING PLAN. A signing and striping plan is required for this
project. The applicant shall be responsible for any additional paving and/or striping
removal caused by the striping plan. Traffic signing and striping shall be performed
by City forces with all incurred costs borne by the applicant, unless otherwise
approved by the City Traffic Engineer.
68. 507RANS 016: STREET NAME SIGN. The land divider shall install street name
sign(s) in accordance with City standards as directed by the PW Engineering
MAINTENANCE DISTRICT. The property owner shall comply with landscaping
requirements within public road/rights-of-way, in accordance with City adopted
Ordinance 461. Landscaping shall be submitted on standard City plan sheet format
(24" X 36"), and shall be submitted with the street improvement plans for review
and approval by the PW Engineering Department. For service maintenance to be
annexed to City administered maintenance district; the plans shall depict ONLY
such facilities for maintenance by the City-Administered special districts.
NOTE: Requirement for landscape plans satisfied with plans for Garbani
Road referenced in Condition No. 56 above. Requirement for annexation
satisfied with annexation to the Valley-Wide Menifee Park South LMD.
70. LANDSCAPING WITHIN PUBLIC ROW. Landscaping within public road rights-of-
way shall comply with the PW Department standards and require approval by the
PW Engineering Department.
NOTE: This condition is deemed satisfied through participation in Valley-
Wide Menifee Park South LMD.
70.A 507RANS 021. ASSESSMENT DISTRICT. Should this project lie within any
assessment/benefit district,the applicant shall, prior to final map recordation, make
application and pay for the reapportionment or segregation of the assessments or
pay the unit fees in the benefit district unless said fees are deferred to building
permit. The developer shall be responsible for the cost of processing the
assessment segregation.
71. 507RANS 022: INTERSECTION/50' TANGENT. All centerline intersections shall
be at 90 degrees, plus or minus 5 degrees, with a minimum 50' tangent, measured
from flowline/curb face or as approved by the PW Engineering Department.
*NOTE* Street 'A' is exempted from this requirement.
72. 50 TRANS 023: STREET LIGHT PLAN. A separate street light plan is required for
this project. Street lighting shall be designed in accordance with City of Menifee
Standard Plans and Specifications, or as approved by the PW Director/City
the landowner shall receive and provide to PW Engineering Department, a
Certificate of Completion for street lights from LAFCO, for those projects within a
County Service Area.
NOTE: Condition inapplicable. Street lights for-3 and—F to be included in
CFD 2015-2.
74. 507RANS 025: STREET LIGHTS-CSA and L&LMD. The property owner shall
verify whether the development is already within an existing CSA, or the County
Transportation Consolidated L&LMD 89-1C for the maintenance of public
streetlights. If not currently within an existing CSA or L&LMD 89-1C for
maintenance of public street lights, annexation into the Citywide CFD 2015-2 shall
be completed.
NOTE: Street lights for-3 and—F to be included in CFD 2015-2.
MAINTENANCE. All proposed new public street lights shall be designed in
accordance with City approved standards and specifications, as determined and
approved by the PW Director. Unless determined otherwise by the PW
Director/City Engineer, the City shall have ownership and maintenance of all
proposed public street lights and associated appurtenances, and therefore shall
be provided with adequate service points for power. The design shall be
incorporated in the project's street improvement plans or in a separate street light
plan or as determined and approved by the PW Director
coordinate with the PW Department and with Southern California Edison the
assignment of addresses to public street light service points. These service points
shall also be owned by the City and shall be located within the public right of way
or within duly dedicated public easements.
77. STREET SWEEPING AND MAINTENANCE. Prior to recordation of the remaining
two map phases, TR28206-3 and TR28206-F, annexation into the citywide
Community Facilities District CFD 2015-2 shall be completed. Annexation into the
CFD will provide for the availability of funding source for the street sweeping and
maintenance of public streets created by these developments. The cost of
annexation shall be the responsibility of the developers.
77. 507RANS 027: TS/DESIGN. The project proponent shall be responsible for the
design of traffic signals at the intersections of:
- Garbani Road/Antelope Road
- Scott Road/Antelope Road
- Scott Road/1-215 Northbound Ramps
- Scott Road/1-215 Southbound Ramps with fee credit eligibility, or as approved by
the PW Engineering Department.
Installation of the signals shall be per COA 86 (90.TRANS.6).
NOTE: All signals complete; condition fully satisfied.
78. 507RANS 028: R & B B D (Road and Bridge Benefit District). Prior to the
recordation of the final map, or any phase thereof, the project proponent shall pay
fees in accordance with Zone A of the Scott Road and Bridge Benefit District.
Should the project proponent choose to defer the time of payment, a written
request shall be submitted to the County, deferring said payment to the time of
issuance of a building permit. Fees which are deferred shall be based upon the fee
schedule in effect at the time of issuance of the permit.
79. 507RANS 029: TRAFFIC SIGNALS. The project proponent shall comply in
accordance with traffic signal requirements within public road rights-of-way, in
accordance with Ordinance 461. Traffic signals shall be installed at the
intersection(s) of Garbani Road/Antelope Road, Scott Road/Antelope Road, Scott
Road/1-215 Northbound Ramps, and Scott Road/1-215 Southbound Ramps.
Assurance of traffic signal maintenance is required by filing an application for
annexation to Landscaping and Lighting Maintenance District No. 89-1-
Consolidated, or a similar mechanism administered by the City of Menifee.
NOTE: Signals installed and annexed to LLMD 89-1; condition fully satisfied
80. 507RANS 030: UTILITY PLAN. Electrical power, telephone, communication,
street lighting, and cable television lines shall be designed to be placed
underground in accordance with Ordinances 460 and 461, or as approved by the
PW Engineering Department. The applicant is responsible for coordinating the
work with the serving utility company. This also applies to existing overhead lines
which are 33.6 kilovolts or below along the project frontage and between the
nearest poles offsite in each direction of the project site. A disposition note
describing the above shall be reflected on design improvement plans whenever
those plans are required. A written proof for initiating the design and/or application
of the relocation issued by the utility company shall be submitted to the PW
Engineering Department for verification purposes.
Prior to Building Permit Issuance
81. 807RANS 001: GARAGE DOORS. Garage door setbacks for all residential zones
shall be 20 feet for a roll-up door, measured from the back of the sidewalk to the
face of garage door or the face of the curb if no sidewalk is required, or 20 feet
from the street right-of-way, whichever setback is greater.
Prior to Issuance of Certificate of Occupancy
82. 907RANS 002: 80% COMPLETION. Occupancy releases will not be issued to
Building and Safety for any lot exceeding 80% of the total recorded residential lots
within any map or phase of map prior to completion of the following improvements:
a. Primary and Alternate (secondary) access roads shall be completed and
paved to finish grade according to the limits indicated in the improvement
plans and as noted elsewhere in these conditions.
b. Interior roads shall be completed and paved to finish grade according to
the limits indicated in the improvement plans and as noted elsewhere in
these conditions. All curbs, gutters, sidewalks and driveway approaches
shall be installed.
c. Storm drains and flood control facilities shall be completed according to the
improvement plans and as noted elsewhere in these conditions. Written
confirmation of acceptance for use by the Flood Control District, if
applicable, is required.
d. Water system, including fire hydrants, shall be installed and operational,
according to the improvement plans and as noted elsewhere in these
conditions. All water valves shall be raised to pavement finished grade.
Written confirmation of acceptance from water purveyor is required.
e. Sewer system shall be installed and operational, according to the
improvement plans and as noted elsewhere in these conditions. All sewer
manholes shall be raised to pavement finished grade. Written confirmation
of acceptance from sewer purveyor is required.
f. Landscaping and irrigation, water and electrical systems shall be installed
and operational in accordance with County Ordinance 461.
The 80% completion shall not apply to BMP facilities serving as water quality
BMP in the project's approved WQMP, if one has been required; or in the
project's overall low impact development design in lieu of a WQMP. These
BMP facilities must be complete and operational prior to issuance of any
Certificate of Occupancy.
83. 907RANS 003: WRCOG TUMF. Prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit, the
project proponent shall pay the Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) in
accordance with the fee schedule in effect at the time of issuance, pursuant to
Ordinance No. 824.
84. TUMF AGREEMENT. The developer may seek credit for its participation in the
Scott Road CFD and/or constructing TUMF eligible facilities provided the
developer enters into the applicable TUMF Credit and Reimbursement Agreement
with the applicable parties prior to the payment of TUMF fees as required under
the TUMF Program. The agreement shall comply with all ordinances, including the
WRCOG TUMF Ordinance and the City of Menifee TUMF Ordinance. All costs
associated with the review and approval of any agreement shall be the
responsibility of the developer.
NOTE: This condition is intended to be fully superseded by Development
Agreement Section 3.12.6, as follows, so long as the agreement
contemplated in Section 3.12.16 is entered into prior to issuance of a
certificate of occupancy:
3.12.6. City agrees that the Project is subject to the Scott Road CFD No.
05-8. To receive TUMF credit for its participation in the Scott Road CFD
No. 05-8, the parties acknowledge that the applicable Owner must enter
into a "Community Facilities District 05-08 (Scott Road CFD)
Improvement Credit Agreement Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee
Program" ("TUMF Credit Agreement') with the County and the City, which
must be approved by both the County Board of Supervisors and the City
Council. The City shall not unreasonably withold or delay its processing
and/or execution of the TUMF Credit Agreement and shall, at no cost to
the City and with the full cooperation of the applicable Owner, use
reasonable and diligent efforts to seek County approval of such TUMF
Credit Agreement. The Owners acknowledge that the City does not have
any authority to direct the County or the TUMF program.
85. 907RANS 004: STREET LIGHTS INSTALLATION. Install street lights along the
streets associated with development in accordance with City approved street
lighting plan and standards. Street light annexation into L&LMD or similar
mechanism as approved by the PW Engineering Department shall be completed.
86. 907RANS 006: TS/INSTALLATION. The project proponent shall be responsible
for the construction and installation of traffic signals at the following locations: (prior
to the first building final inspection)
- Garbani Road/Antelope Road
- Scott Road/Antelope Road
- Scott Road/1-215 Northbound Ramps
- Scott Road/1-215 Southbound Ramps with fee credit eligibility, or as approved by
the PW Engineering Department.
*Added by PC 02/02/04*
The project proponent shall contact the PW Engineering Department and enter
into an agreement for signal mitigation fee credit or reimbursement prior to start of
construction of the signals. All work shall be preapproved by and shall comply with
the requirements of the PW Engineering Department and the public contacts code
in order to be eligible for fee credit or reimbursement.
NOTE: Condition satisfied;signals installed and accepted.
87. 907RANS 008: TRAFFIC SIGNAL. Prior to issuance of an occupancy permit the
project proponent shall complete annexation to Landscaping and Lighting
Maintenance District NO. 89-1-Consolidated for maintenance of traffic signals
within public road rights-of-way.
NOTE: Condition satisfied. Signals installed and annexed to LLMD 89-1.
88. 907RANS 011: UTILITY INSTALL. Electrical power, telephone, communication,
street lighting, and cable television lines shall be placed underground in
accordance with Ordinances 460 and 461, or as approved by the PW Engineering
Department. This also applies to existing overhead lines which are 33.6 kilovolts
or below along the project frontage and between the nearest poles offsite in each
direction of the project site.
A certificate should be obtained from the pertinent utility company and submitted
to the PW Engineering Department as proof of completion.
Prior to Final Map Recordation
89. 50.E HEALTH 001: WATER PLAN. A water system shall have plans and
specifications approved by Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) and the PW
Engineering Department.
NOTE: To the extent the developer demonstrates that Eastern Municipal
Water District has determined this condition has been satisfied, the City
shall deem this condition satisfied
developer/property owner shall enter into bond agreements and post security in
forms acceptable to the City guaranteeing the construction of all required water
91. 50.E HEALTH 003: SEWER PLAN. All required sewer improvement system shall
be drawn on mylar plans, reviewed and approved by the EMWD and the PW
Engineering Department.
NOTE: To the extent the developer demonstrates that Eastern Municipal
Water District has determined this condition has been satisfied, the City
shall deem this condition satisfied
Prior to Building Permit Issuance
TR28206-3 LOTS 5, 6, 13, 20, 21, 26, 28, 36, 43, 44, 47, & 48.
TR28206-F LOTS 3, 4, 8, 9, 12, 14, 15, 20-25, 39-41, 52-56, & 61-63.
General Conditions
93. COMPLY WITH MMC 15.01. The development shall comply with the
requirements of the City of Menifee Municipal Code Chapter 15.01 for
Stormwater/Urban Runoff Management Program (NPDES Program). Tentative
Tract Map (TTM) 28206 has been originally approved by the Riverside County
Board of Supervisors on May 4, 2004, prior to the implementation of a project
specific Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) by the Santa Ana River Water
Quality Control Board (Regional Board). Absent a project specific WQMP in
compliance with guidelines in effect at the time of TTM approval, the development
is still required to implement Low Impact Development techniques and source
control BMPs as approved by the PW Engineering Department. The development
may still be required to comply with current NPDES requirement, including
provision of a project specific WQMP, should the project apply for a site revision
that requires discretionary approval by the Planning Commission or the City
Prior to Building Permit Issuance
94. SWRCB, Trash Amendments: The State Water Resources Control Board,
Resolution adopted an amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for ocean
waters of California to control trash, and Part 1 Trash Provisions of the Water
Quality Control Plan for inland surface waters, enclosed bays, and estuaries of
California. Applicable requirements per these amendments shall be adhered to
with implementation measures, prior to building permit issuance. Projects
determined as within Priority Land Uses as defined in the amendment, shall
provide full trash capture devices in all new catch basins and existing catch basins
to which this development will be tributary to. Devices shall meet the requirement
of the new Trash Amendment.
95. AB 341. AB 341 focuses on increased commercial waste recycling as a method
to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The regulation requires businesses
and organizations that generate four or more cubic yards of waste per week and
multifamily units of 5 or more, to recycle. A business shall take at least one of the
following actions in order to reuse, recycle, compost, or otherwise divert
commercial solid waste from disposal:
a. Source separate recyclable and/or compostable material from solid waste
and donate or self-haul the material to recycling facilities.
b. Subscribe to a recycling service with their waste hauler.
c. Provide recycling service to their tenants (if commercial or multi-family
d. Demonstrate compliance with the requirements of California Code of
Regulations Title 14.
For more information please visit:
www.rivcowm.org/opencros/recyclying/recycling and compost business.html#m
96. AB 1826. AB 1826 (effective April 1, 2016) requires businesses that generate
eight (8) cubic yards or more or organic waste per week to arrange for organic
waste recycling services. The threshold amount of organic waste generated
requiring compliance by businesses is reduced in subsequent years. Businesses
subject to AB 1826 shall take at least one of the follo9wing actions in order to divert
organic wast4e from disposal:
a. Source separate organic material from all other recyclables and donate or
self-haul to a permitted organic waste processing facility.
b. Enter into a contract or work agreement with gardening or landscaping
service provider or refuse hauler to ensure the waste generated from those
services meet the requirements of AB 1826.
c. Consider xeriscaping and using drought tolerant/low maintenance
vegetation in all landscaped areas of the project.
Prior to Building Permit Issuance
97. Recyclables Collection and Loading Area Plot Plan. Prior to the issuance of a
building permit for each building, the applicant shall submit three (3) copies of a
Recyclables Collection and Loading Area plot plan to the City of Menifee
Engineering/Public Works Department for review and approval. The plot plan shall
show the location of and access to the collection area for recyclable materials,
along with its dimensions and construction detail, including elevation/fagade,
construction materials and signage. The plot plan shall clearly indicate how the
trash and recycling enclosures shall be accessed by the hauler.
98. Waste Recycling Plan. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for each
building, a Waste Recycling Plan (WRP) shall be submitted to the City of Menifee
Engineering/Public Works Department approval. At a minimum, the WRP must
identify the materials (i.e., concrete, asphalt, wood, etc.) that will be generated by
construction and development, the projected amounts,the measures/methods that
will be taken to recycle, reuse, and/or reduce the amount of materials, the facilities
and/or haulers that will be utilized, and the targeted recycling or reduction
rate. During project construction, the project site shall have, at a minimum, two (2)
bins; one for waste disposal and the other for the recycling of Construction and
Demolition (C&D) materials. Additional bins are encouraged to be used for further
source separation of C&D recyclable materials. Accurate record keeping
(receipts) for recycling of C&D recyclable materials and solid waste disposal must
be kept. Arrangements can be made through the franchise hauler.
Prior to Final Map Recordation
99. Waste Management Clearance. Prior to issuance of an occupancy permit for
each building, evidence (i.e., receipts or other type of verification) shall be
submitted to demonstrate project compliance with the approved WRP to the
Engineering and Public Works Department in order to clear the project for
occupancy permits. Receipts must clearly identify the amount of waste disposed
and Construction and Demolition (C&D) materials recycled.
100. Annexation to the Citywide Community Facilities District(CFD) 2015-2 - Prior
to City incorporation, this development was conditioned to annex into the Riverside
County Transportation and Land Management Agency (TLMA) Consolidated
Landscape and Lighting Maintenance District (L&LMD) 89-1C, the Riverside
County Economic Development Agency's (EDA) County Service Area (CSA), and
the Valley-Wide L&LMD. These entities were to provide maintenance services of
certain public facilities that will benefit the proposed development. Upon city
incorporation, the City of Menifee has taken over the administration of the CSA
and the L&LMD 89-1 C for properties within City boundaries. Although the City now
has oversight, annexations into these Districts are no longer considered by the
TLMA and the EDA. For portions of the development that have not completed the
required district annexations, the annexation will be to the newly established
citywide Community Facilities District (CFD 2015-2). The annexation shall be
completed prior to final map recordation. The developer/property owner shall be
responsible for all cost associated with the annexation of the proposed
development in the citywide CFD.
The development is proposing construction of certain facilities that will eventually
become public or will require provision of public services. These include
maintenance and operation of water quality basins, street sweeping and
maintenance, landscape, streetlights, and graffiti abatement, and public parks.
100. FEES AND DEPOSITS. Prior to approval of final maps, grading plans,
improvement plans, issuance of building permits, or issuance of certificate of
occupancy, whichever is applicable, the developer/property owner shall pay all
required fees, deposits and impact fees. These shall include the regional
Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF), any applicable Traffic Signal
Mitigation Fees, Development Impact Fees (DIF), RBBD, and any applicable
regional fees. Said fees and deposits shall be collected at the rate in effect at the
time of collection as specified in current City resolutions and ordinances.
Section IV:
Riverside County Fire Department
Conditions of Approval
General Conditions
1. West Fire Protection Planning Office Responsibility. It is the responsibility
of the recipient of these Fire Department conditions to forward them to all
interested parties. The building case number is required on all correspondence.
Questions should be directed to the Riverside County Fire Department, Fire
Protection Planning Division at 2300 Market St. Suite 150, Riverside, CA 92501.
Phone: (951) 955-4777, Fax: (951) 955-4886.
2. City Case Statement. With respect to the conditions of approval for the
referenced project, the Fire Dept. recommends the following fire protection
measures be provided in accordance with Riverside County Ordinances and/ or
recognized fire protection standards.
3. Blue Dot Reflectors. Blue retro-reflective pavement markers shall be mounted
on private streets, public streets and driveways to indicate location of fire
hydrants, prior to installation, placement of markers must be approved by the
Riverside County Fire Dept.
4. Hydrant/Spacing. Schedule A fire protection approved standard fire hydrants,
(6"x4"x2 1/2") located one at each street intersection and spaced no more than
330 feet apart in any direction, with no portion of any lot frontage more than 165
feet from a hydrant. Minimum fire flow shall be 1000 GPM for 2 hour duration at
20 PSI. Shall include perimeter streets at each intersection and spaced 660 feet
Prior to Final Map
5. Water Plans. The applicant or developer shall furnish one copy of the water
system plans to the Fire Department for review. Plans shall be signed by a
registered civil engineer, containing a Fire Department approval signature block,
and shall conform to hydrant type, location, spacing and minimum fire flow. Once
plans are signed by the local water company, the originals shall be presented to
the Fire Department for signature.
6. ECS — Roofing Material. ECS map must be stamped by the Riverside County
Surveyor with the following note: All buildings shall be constructed with class "A"
material as per the California Building Code.
7. ECS - Water System Installed Prior to Bldg. ECS map must be stamped by
the Riverside County Surveyor with the following note:
The required water system including fire hydrants shall be installed and
accepted by the appropriate water agency prior to any combustible building
materials being placed on an individual lot.
Prior to Issuance of Building Permit
8. Tract Water Verification. The required water system, including all fire
hydrant(s), shall be installed and accepted by the appropriate water agency and
the Riverside County Fire Department prior to any combustible building material
placed on an individual lot. Contact the Riverside County Fire Department to
inspect the required fire flow, street signs, all weather surface and all access
primary and/or secondary. Approved water plans must be on the job site.
9. Sprinkler System Residential. Residential fire sprinklers are required in all one
and two family dwellings per the California Residential code, California Building
Code and the California Fire Code. Install Fire Sprinkler Systems per NFPA
13D, 2013 Edition. Plans must be submitted to the Fire Department for review
and approval prior to building permit issuance.
Prior to Final Inspection
10. Sprinkler System Residential. Residential fire sprinklers are required in all one
and two family dwellings per the California Residential code, California Building
Code and the California Fire Code. Install Fire Sprinkler Systems per NFPA
13D, 2013 Edition. Installation of the fire sprinklers will be verified prior to
issuance of occupancy.
Section V:
Riverside County Environmental
Health Conditions of Approval
General Conditions
1. Eastern Municipal Water District. Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD)
potable water service and sanitary sewer service is proposed. It is the
responsibility of the developer to ensure that all other requirements to obtain
potable water service and sanitary sewer service are met with EMWD, as well
as, all other applicable agencies.
2. Retention Basins. Any proposed retention basins shall be constructed and
maintained in a manner that prevents vector breeding and vector nuisance.
Prior to Final Map
3. Water System. A water system shall have plans and specifications approved
by Eastern Municipal Water District and the Department, the City Engineering
Department, of Environmental Health.
NOTE: To the extent the developer demonstrates that Eastern Municipal
Water District and the Riverside County Department of
Environmental Health has determined this condition has been satisfied,
the City shall deem this condition satisfied
4. Financial Arrangements. Financial arrangements (securities posted) must be
made for the water improvement plans and be approved by City Attorney.
5. Sewer System. A sewer system shall have my►ar plans and specifications as
approved by the Eastern Municipal Water District, the City Engineering
Department and the Department of Environmental Health.
NOTE: To the extent the developer demonstrates that Eastern Municipal
Water District and the Riverside County Department of
Environmental Health has determined this condition has been satisfied,
the City shall deem this condition satisfied
6. Annexation. Annexation proceedings must be finalized with the applicable
purveyor for sanitation service.
Section VII :
Community Services Department
Conditions of Approval
General Conditions
1. Trail Maintenance. The land divider, or any successor-in-interest to the land
divider, shall be responsible for maintenance and upkeep of any trail easement
required under these conditions until such time as the maintenance is taken over
by a Communities Facilities District or any other appropriate maintenance
NOTE: Condition satisfied. Based on the Quimby Agreement dated July 2007,
annexation into Valley-wide for maintenance has occurred.
2. Park Plans. Park plans must be consistent with the City of Menifee Municipal
Code Chapter 9.86 "Park Design, Landscaping and Tree Preservation", the Park
Development Guidelines, Menifee Municipal Code Chapter 15.04 "Landscape
Water Use Efficiency Requirements" and Eastern Municipal Water District
Prior to Map Recordation
3. Trail Dedication. The County's Regional Trail map locates a Regional Multi-
purpose Recreation Trail on Garbani Road. Prior to or in conjunction with the
recordation of the final map, the District requires that the applicant provided a 20'
wide dedicated trail easement, outside of road ROW to accommodate trail
NOTE: Condition satisfied. The trail easement was included on the final
maps for TR28206-1 and-2.
4. Offer of Trails.An offer of dedication to the County of Riverside for a twenty foot
20' wide regional trail along Garbani Rd shall be noted on both the FINAL MAP
and the Environmental Constraints Sheet.
NOTE: Condition satisfied. The trail easement was included on the final
maps for TR28206-1 and-2.
5. Trail Maintenance. The land divider shall form or annex to a trails maintenance
district or other maintenance district approved by the Community Service
Department, for the maintenance 20 foot wide community trail located along
Garbani Rd. The land divider, or the land divider's successors-in-interest or
assignees, shall be responsible for the maintenance of the community trail
easement until such time as the maintenance is taken over by the appropriate
maintenance district.
NOTE: Condition satisfied. Based on the Quimby Agreement dated July
2007, annexation into Valley-wide for maintenance has occurred.
6. Trail Plans. The applicant shall submit a trails plan (minor plot plan application)
to the City of Menifee Community Development Department for review and
approval prior to recordation of the final map or prior to grading permit issuance,
whichever occurs first. This trails plan shall show the trail with all topography,
grading, fencing, cross-sections, bike lanes, street crossings and under
crossings, signage (if appropriate), lighting and landscaping. Trail crossings
shall be located as indicated on the APPROVED TENTATIVE MAP.
NOTE: Condition fully satisfied by plans approved and on file with City: (i)
the Offsite Improvement Plans delta revision (modifying the required
pavement improvement on Garbani Road), City Drawing No. IP15-027,
approved August 3, 2015(County Reference No. MS4061, File No. 945-N)
and(ii) the Valley Wide and County-approved Landscape Plans for offsite
Garbani& Palomar dated February 11, 2016 (County Reference No. 953-LL
7. Quimby Fees. The land divider shall submit to the Planning Department -
Development Review Division a duly and completely executed agreement with
the County Service Area No. 152 which demonstrates to the satisfaction of the
County that the land divider has provided for the payment of parks and recreation
fees and/or dedication of land for the TENTATIVE MAP in accordance with
Section 10.35 of County Ordinance No. 460.
NOTE:A Quimby Agreement for the entire tract was prepared and is dated
July 23, 2007. Agreement is in the case file. Quimby fees required to be
paid prior to occupancy of each lot per the Quimby Agreement.
Prior to Final Inspection
8. Park Performance Securities. Prior to the issuance of the first certificate of
occupancy within the TR28206-3 or TR28206-F, the developer shall provide a
sufficient surety, as determined by the Community Services Director, to
guarantee the park improvements located within the development. The surety
shall be in an amount necessary to guarantee the installation of plantings,
irrigation system, walls and/or fences, recreation equipment and other
improvements in accordance with the approved parks plan. Securities may
require review by the City Attorney and other staff. Permit holder is encouraged
to allow adequate time to ensure that securities are in place. The performance
security may be released one year after structural final, inspection report, and
the Six Month and One-Year Post Establishment report confirms that the park,
including all planting and irrigation components have been adequately installed
and maintained.
NOTE: This condition is fully superseded by Development Agreement
Section 3.11.5, as follows:
3.11.5 Park Obligations. McKinley shall be solely responsible for
diligently (i) preparing and processing improvements plans (the "Park
Plans") for the Park, (ii) acquiring all necessary approvals for the Park
Plans (which will include, among other specifications, the grading plans
and quantities) from the City and Valley-Wide, and (iii) upon acquiring all
such necessary approvals from the City and Valley-Wide, installing,
constructing and completing the Park improvements in accordance with
the approved Park Plans. The City acknowledges that prior to or
concurrent with its approval of this Agreement, the City's Parks
Recreation &Trails Commission has approved a Conceptual Landscape
Master Plan for the Terra Bella Park ("2017 Conceptual Plan") that is
substantially consistent with (i) a Conceptual Landscape Master Plan
prepared by Achiterra Design Group dated November 2012 (File No. ADF
JOB #1107) ("2012 Conceptual Plan"), and (ii) modified in accordance
with comments on the 2012 Conceptual Plan furnished to McKinley in
October 2016. Upon approval of the 2017 Conceptual Plan, the 2017
Conceptual Plan shall become a portion of the Land Use Regulations.
McKinley shall commence Park improvements work upon the later to
occur of the following: (A) receipt of Valley-Wide's approval of
commencement of the Park improvements work and (B) sixty (60) days
following the Park reaching the final grade elevation therefor specified in
the approved Park Plans ("Final Grade Elevation"). McKinley shall
complete the Park improvements prior to the issuance of the 38th building
permit on the McKinley Property. As part of its Park obligations, McKinley
shall, to the best of its ability, (a) monitor the progress of the soil import
activities and grading in the Park basin so that McKinley can estimate for
the Parties when the Final Grade Elevation will be achieved, and (b)
timely submit the Park Plans to Valley-Wide, and work with Valley-Wide
to obtain Valley-Wide's approval for commencing the Park improvements
work within sixty (60) days of achieving the Final Grade Elevation.
(a) Excuse for Non-Performance. McKinley's obligations to
commence and complete constructions in accordance with the
requirements of Section 3.11.5 may be modified upon a demonstration by
McKinley to the City Manager or his/her designee that McKinley has
made reasonable and appropriate efforts to obtain approvals from Valley
Wide to proceed with the Park improvements, but Valley Wide has, due to
factors beyond McKinley's control, failed and refused to issue such
approvals. The determination by the City Manager or his/her designee to
grant relief to McKinley under this Section 3.11.5(a) shall be upheld
unless it is demonstrated that said determination was arbitrary and
(b) Performance Bond. Prior to the issuance of the next building
permit for a residential unit within the McKinley Property (TR28206-3),
McKinley shall provide a performance bond for the City in a form
acceptable to the City Attorney and in an amount sufficient to pay the
City's reasonable costs of completing the Park improvements. The City
may, in its sole discretion, call the bond and complete the Park
improvements if either (i) the Park improvements are not commenced
within 24 months of the effective date or (ii) the Park improvements are
not completed within 36 months of the effective date. If, and only if, the
Deattachment Application is approved such that ownership of the Park is
transferred in fee from Valley-Wide to the City, once the performance
bond has been provided to the City, in an amount approved by the City,
the City's remedies for enforcing McKinley's obligations to commence
and/or complete the Park under this Section 3.11.5 shall be limited to
either (i) specific performance or (2) calling the performance bond and
completing the Park improvements under this subsection (b).
9. Quimby Fees. Evidence of payment of Quimby fees shall be provided to the
city prior to the issuance of the first certificate of occupancy of any dwelling unit
in the subdivision. The amount of Quimby fees paid shall be consistent with the
amount determined by the existing Quimby Agreement.
Prior to Issuance of a Given Building Permit
10. Park Plans. PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF THE 70th building permit within
TR28206, detailed park plans shall be submitted to and approved by the
Planning Department and the County Service Area No. 152. The park plans need
not be working drawings, but shall include landscape and irrigation plans,
descriptions and placement of recreational facilities and documentation
evidencing a permanent maintenance mechanism for the park and its facilities.
NOTE: Previous approval of concept park plans (Plot Plan No. 2012-133)
hase expired. A new concept park plan (Plot Plan No. 2017-177) is in
process and this condition is outstanding.
11. Park Construction. PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF the 14011 building permit
within the TR28206, the park shall be constructed and open to the public.
NOTE: This Condition is fully superseded by Section 3.11.5 of the
Development Agreement, which provides as set forth under Condition 8,
12. Trail Construction. Prior to the final inspection of the 130 home, the applicant
shall construct the trail along Garbani Road. The trail shall be 10 feet wide and
shall be constructed as per City of Menifee standards. Applicant shall provide
striping for bike lanes on Garbani Road (class III), Palomar Road (class III), and
Craig Avenue (class II). In order for this condition to be cleared, the applicant
shall arrange for an in-field inspection of the constructed trail by the Community
Services Department. Please allow for 5 working days for the inspection to be
NOTE: This Condition is fully superseded by Section 3.11.2 of the
Development Agreement, which provides as follows:
3.11.2. Perimeter Improvements adjacent to Tract 2 (TR28206-2). Watt
shall be solely responsible, at Watt's sole cost and expense, for
processing all approvals for, installing, completing and obtaining
acceptance by the City to achieve release of bonds relating to, all
perimeter improvements to be located adjacent to the "Tract 2" (of the
Tentative Map) boundary along Garbani Road and Palomar Road. The
subject area is generally depicted on Exhibit "D" attached hereto.
Perimeter improvements shall consist of the perimeter wall, landscaping,
curb, gutter, trail and street improvements set forth on the Revised
Perimeter Improvement Plans. All such perimeter improvements, except
for parkway landscaping and trail, must be completed and approved by
the City Engineer within the earlier to occur of(i) one year of the Effective
Date of this Agreement or (ii) prior to issuance of a building permit within
the Watt Property; provided, however, that the City may waive or modify
this provision so as to allow for the issuance of building permits on the
Watt Property prior to the completion of the perimeter improvements upon
a showing to the satisaction of the City, in its sole and absolute discretion,
that (i) Watt has made best efforts to complete said improvements and (ii)
Watt has a definitive plan for completing such improvements within a
fixed timeline that is acceptable to City. The parkway landscaping and
trail must be completed and approved (passed inspection) by the City
Engineer by the later of(X) six (6) months after receipt of Valley-Wide's
approval of the trail plans, and (Y) two (2) months after the completion of
all other perimeter improvements required per the Revised Perimeter
Improvement Plans (i.e., except for parkway landscaping and trail). This
Section 3.11.2 is intended to fully satisfy and supersede Updated COA,
Section III (Public Works), Conditions 60, and Section VI (Community
Services Department) No. 12. To the extent of any inconsistency with the
Updated COAs, this Section 3.11.2 shall control.
The undersigned warrants that he/she is an authorized representative of the project
referenced above, that I am specifically authorized to consent to all of the foregoing
conditions, and that I so consent as of the date set out below.
Signed Date
Name (please print) Title (please print)
Signed Date
Name (please print) Title (please print)