PMT15-03062 City of Menifee Permit No.: PMT15-03062 29714 HAUN RD. 4W4 EL— MENIFEE, CA 92586 Type: Residential Demolition G°,ASA", MENIFEE Date Issued: 1 010 812 01 5 PERMIT Site Address: 25639 SOLELL CIR, MENIFEE, CA 92585 Parcel Number: 329-380-029 Construction Cost: $4,310.00 Existing Use: Proposed Use: Description of DEMO SLAB FOUNDATION Work: TR 29495-7 LOT 12 Owner Contractor STRATA CVE, LLC MENDOZA GRADING& PAVING INC 4370 LA JOLLA DRIVE, STE 960 11259 JUNIPER AVENUE SAN DIEGO, CA 92122 FONTANA, CA 92337 Applicant Phone: 9098220738 FH ll, LLC License Number: 1002375 MENIFEE, CA Fee Description G3yt Amount f8l Building Permit Issuance 1 27.00 j Demolition Permit 1 140.00 GREEN FEE 1 �1.00 $168.00 The issuance of this permit shall not prevent the building official from thereafter requiring the correction of errors in the plans and specifications or from preventing builiding operations being carried on thereunder when in violation of the Building Code or of any other ordinance of City of Menifee. Except as otherwise stated,a permit for construction under which no work is commenced within six months after issuance,or where the work commenced is suspended or abandoned for six months,shall expire,and fees paid shall be forfeited. AA_Bldg_Permit_Template.rpt Page 1 of 1 City Of Menifee 0 1 am exempt from lbansupe under the Contractors'Stabi License Law fbi'the I hereby affirm under penalty or perjury that I am licensed under provisions of following reason. Chapter 9(commencing With section 70D0)of Division 3 at the Business and By my signature below I acknowledge that,except for my personal resldonce In Pro-fe I license! full force grid 6floci which .1 must have resided for I at least one. year prior to completion of Is q 9�2c—>LF16 Improvements coveted by this permit,I cannot legally si�la structure that I have 1k,,Is IM31; SN I� 1-4 H PIT _U,. (J NO as an owner-bulk1bg If it has not been constructed In its entirely by licensed odritraclors. I Understand that a copy of the applicable law,Secdon 7044 of the 4, 64slnes;'5 and Professions Code,Is available upon request when this application is submitted or at the following Web site: '"[il hereby affirm under penalty. perjury pe one of the,following declarations: I have and will maintain tain a cart.ffloate.6,f.consent of.self-insurg'for workers' http;//Wv� compensation;issued by the Director of Industrial Rdfatiorfsagprovided for by Date Section 3700 of the Labor bode,for the performance of Work for which this permit Is Issued. Property OWner crAuthartzgd Agent By my Signature below,I qedify to:each all the following: I am the property I have Arid will maintain workers' compensation Insurance, as required by owner or authorized to act an the property owners behalf. I have read this .Compensation... application and the Informallon I have provided is xpriapt..1 a re to comply >18(tion 3700 of the Labor Code,for the performance of the Work for,Wlikli We 9 permit is Issued.M,y workers'*cornpersa Ilan Insurance ca.riler and policy number are., with all applicable city and county ordinances and stale laws relating to building r"Paislait-e-, digmtruckin.I authorize representatives of This city or county to enter the above- d Identified property for the Inspection purposes. 4 Date mANq)(i:)Y Z(O—IS Pf6oer.t.VowrierorAuthodzadAgent (This section need net be,completed If the permit Is for one-hundred dollars($100)or less) City Business License Sj I that In a performance of the Work for .hich HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DECLARATION Sjiaq - 'la. ' ' I at an persons one to any manner so As to become subject (he QJ"hil'compensation laws of Callfornl a.,and.agree that I I should become Will the applicant or future building occupant handle hazardous material or a mixture containing a hazardous material equal to or greater that the subject to the workers!compensation provi.ilons of -action 3700 of the Labor amounts specified on the Hazardous Materials Information Guide? Code,1061111 fodhwith Camly will h those provisions. DYES El NO T Glili Will the Intended use of the building by the applicant or future building occupant require a permit for the construction or modification from South WARNING: M SECURE WORKERS' Coast Air Quality Managernerl District(SCAqMD)?See permitting checklist COMPENSA ION OVERAGE IS IUIINILA% IFUL, AND SHALL for guidelines -SUBJECT i . d EMPLOYER, To d+RfMINAL P�NALTm AND DYES O.NO CIVIL FINES IN PTO E HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS (ti 6) IN ADDITION TO THE COST 0 F COMPENSATION I, Will the proposed building or modified facility be within 1000 feat-of the outer .DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706:OF:THE boundary of a.sctocil? LA 0 DE,INTEREST,,ANDATTPIRNEY,FEES DYES 0 NO CONSTRUCTIONLENDINGAGEmcy I have read the Hazardous Material InfoTmatfon Guide and the SCAQMD I hereby affirm that under the penalty of perjury there Is a construction lending permittilh9cliockilst.I understand my requirements uhdef the State of agency for I.he.performance of the iwork width this permit Is Issued(Section California Health&Safety Code,Section 25505 and 25534 concerning aW Civil code) Kazarclousmaterial rdporlIng. OWNER BUILDER DECLARATIONS DYES 0 NO I hereby aff rm Under Penalty of perjury that I arm exempt from the Contractor's Date Ucen,miaw for the reason(s)indicated below by the checkmark(s)I have 014bad PROPERTY OWNER OR AUTHORIZED AGENT next to the applicable Item(s)(Section 7031.5. Business and Professlons Code: Any city or county that nequlres a permit to ocinghci,aher,improve, demolish, 'EPA RENOVATION,REPAIRAND PAINTING(RRP at repair any structure;prior to its Issuance,also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she Is licensed pursuant to the The EPA Ranovallon,Repair and Painting(RRP)Rule requires contractors proVIslitiris o.f.the Contractor'sI 8 1 late License Law(Chapter 9(commencing with receiving compensation for most work that disturbs paint In a p`a­'g7 Section 7000)of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code)or that he or residence or childcare facility to be RRP-certined firms and comply with she Is exempt from ficensure and (he basis for the alleged exemption. Any required practices.This Includes rental properly owners and property violation of Section 7.031.5 by any Applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to managers who do the paint-disturbing work themselves or through their a Civil penalty of not more than($500).) employees.For more Informalloh about EPA's Renovation Program visit: 0 1, as owner of the property. or my employees with wages as their sole WWWi6pagovilead or contact the National Lead Information Center at 1-800-424-LEAD(6323). bompensafldn,will do all of or porting of the work,and the structure Is not Intended or offered for sale:(Section 7044,Business and Prcifessjon&Cade; The Contractors State License,Law does hot apply to an owner of a property D An EPA Lead-Safe Certified Renovator will be responsible for this project who, through employees' or personal effort, builds or Improves the property, provided that the Improvements are not Intended or offered for sale.If,however, Certified Firm Name: the building or Improvement Is sold within One year of completion,the Owner- Bdllder.wlll have the burden of proving that it Was not built or Improved for the Firm Certification No.: purpose of sale). 0 1, as owner of the property an exclusively contracting with licensed 13 No EPA Lead-Safe Certified Firm Is required for this project bemuse: contractors to construct the project(Section 7044,Busindss and Professions Code:The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of a property who bulldis or Improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects With a licensed contractors)pursuant to the Contractors State License Law). If your project does not comply with EPA RRP rule please fill out the RRP Acknowledgement. SAFETYBUILDING & • APPLICATION Menifee DATE 10/01/2015 PERMIT/PLAN CHECK NUMBER TYPE: [-]COMMERCIAL ❑✓ RESIDENTIAL ❑MULTI-FAMILY ❑MOBILEHOME POOL/SPA ❑SIGN SUBTYPE: ❑ADDITION ❑ALTERATION ❑✓ DEMOLITION []ELECTRICAL ❑MECHANICAL ❑NEW ❑PLUMBING ❑RE-ROOF-NUMBEE/ROFSQUARES DESCRIPTION OF WORK Demolish existing concrete slab for Lot Noll-of Tract No.29495-7 PROJECT ADDRESS 6lJI.SL ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER,!?)2 mil-SB(--)-QZG LOT TRACT •�^"` -( �I S / PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME STRATA CVE, LLC;Strata Equity Group, Inc. ADDRESS 4370 La Jolla Drive,Suite 960, San Diego, CA 92122 PHONE EMAIL APPLICANT NAME FH ll, LLC ADDRESS 8300 Utica Ave,Ste 300, Rancho Cucamonga,CA 91730 PHONE (909)354-8000 EMAIL CONTRACTOR'S NAME Mendoza Grading&Paving, Inc. OWNER BUILDER? ❑YES❑✓NO BUSINESS NAME Mendoza Grading&Paving,Inc. ADDRESS 11259 Juniper Avenue, Fontana,CA 92337 PHONE (909)822-0738 EMAIL CONTRACTOR'S STATE LIC NUMBER 1002375 LICENSE CLASSIFICATION C-12 VALUATION$ $4,310.00 SQ F 2155 L SO FT APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE h, DATE 10/01/2015 CITY STAFF USE ONLY DEPARTMENT DISTRIBUTION CITY OF MENITEE BUSINESS LICENSE NUMBER BUILDING PLANNING ENGINEERING FIRE G EEN SMIP x INVOICE I I ,. '' ^^Q AMOUNT I l.o PAID AMOUNT 1 W(J O CASH O CHECK p O CREDIT CARD VISA/MC PLAN CHECK FEES PAID AMOUNT O CASH 0 CHECKN O CREDITCARD VISA/MC OWNER BUILDER VERIFIED O YES O NO DL NUMBER NOTARIZED LETTER O YES O NO City of Menifee Building&Safety Deportment 29714 Houn Rd. Menifee, CA 92586 951-672-6777 Inspection Request Line 951-246-6213 m Ui a� I z A7 PAPILLOY_ _ COURT � �.� I 1 _—• ' " --gym av _� me � ♦� Y �N F L J.i;, In ici h - I i I I Y � as � �3� � • ' i l 6 1— ('�-I�III ' fJ G 6 L tl� a L�l •4pp� n` I tl c] T a� SOLELL CIRCLE p7 ip Wp f o I ,—._.0 — _�� _ _ A_ ramr ; � 8DRfi esa - 6 Y!u x a cla c .. 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